
Never look for birds of this year in the nest of the last. (Miguel de Cervantes)

I am not worried about the deficit. It is big enough to take care of itself. (Ronald Reagan)

Winter is not a season; it's an occupation. (Sinclair Lewis)

Imagination is as good as many voyages - and much cheaper. (George Curtis)

Forty is the old age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age. (Victor Hugo)

One who spends valuable time arguing with a fool, is only proving that there are two of them. (Unknown source)

A man can't be too careful in the choice of his enemies. (Oscar Wilde)

We probably wouldn't worry about what people think of us if we could know how seldom they do. (Olin Miller)

The evenings of a well-spent life brings its lamps with it. (Joseph Joubert)

How can a product be "new and improved"? If it's new, there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, there must have been something before it. (Geoff Tibballs)

A great architect can improve the looks of an old house merely be discussing the cost of a new one. (Clyde Burns)

It's an absolute certainty that you'll miss 100% of the shots you don't take. (Wayne Gretzky)

God gives every bird its food, but He does not throw it into the nest. (J. G. Holland)

Charity brings to life again those who are spiritually dead. (Ken Dooley)

Friends are flowers than never wilt. (Unknown source)

If you don't like the way I drive, get off the sidewalk. (Unknown source)

In the end it will not matter to us whether we fought with flails or reeds. It will matter to us greatly on what side we fought. (C. K. Chesterton)

Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievements of one's values. (Ayn Rand)

Opportunities are often things you haven't noticed the first time around. (Catherine Deneuve)

Change is created by those whose imaginations are bigger than their circumstances. (Unknown source)

It is better by a noble boldness to run the risk of being subject to half of the evils we anticipate than to remain in cowardly listlessness for fear of what might happen. (Herodotus)

Our body is a well-set clock which keeps good time, but if it be too much or indiscreetly tampered with, the alarm runs out before the hour. (Joseph Hall)

Cherish all your happy moments; they make a fine cushion for old age. (Booth Tarkington)

It is a source of consolation to look back upon those great misfortunes which never happened. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

An optimist is a person who starts a new diet on Thanksgiving Day. (Irv Kupcinet)

Every animal leaves traces of what he was; man alone leaves traces of what he has created. (Jacob Bronowski)

Make your mark in the world as if there were no erasers. (Jean Jones)

Love is what is left in a relationship after all the selfishness has been removed. (Ferdinand Braudel)

If you don't control your mind, someone else will. (John Allston)

Middle age occurs when you are too young to take up golf and too old to rush the net. (Franklin Adams)

Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in. (Bill Eardley)

Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you. (Leroy "Satchel" Paige)

Conscience is a small, still voice that makes minority reports. (Franklin Adams)

People who want milk should not seat themselves on a stool in the middle of a field and hope that the cow will back up to them. (Elbert Hubbard)

What a different world this would be if people would listen to those who know more and not merely try to get something from those who have more. (William Boetcke)

Advertising may be described as the silence of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it. (Stephen Leacock)

Courtesy, kindness, sincerity, truthfulness, thoughtfulness and good manners translated into behavior reflects one's true character. (Harry Banks)

Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine. (Bumper sticker)

You know you're growing old when almost everything hurts, and what doesn't hurt doesn't work. (Hy Gardner)

A life spend making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful, than a life spend doing nothing. (George Bernard Shaw)

You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. (Buddah)

If something goes wrong, it is more important to talk about who is going to fix it, than who is to blame. (Francis Gable)

Keeping your clothes will pressed will keep you from looking hard pressed. (Coleman Cox)

An exaggeration is a truth that has lost its temper. (Kahlil Gabran)

We can’t give our children the future, strive though we may to make it secure.  But we can give them the present. (Kathleen Norris)

The people who make a difference are not the ones with the credentials, but the ones with the concern.

(Max Lucado)


The person who knows how is ever destined to work for the person who knows why.

(Richard Moorehead)



If the wind is not blowing, take to the oars.

Don't worry about failure, worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try.

An oak is not felled by one blow.

If you always do what you've always done you'll always get what you always got.

It's a good idea never to look back unless you are planning to go that way.

There is no formula for success, but there is a formula for failure: Try to please everybody.

Do not forget small kindnesses and do not remember small faults.

Be not afraid of growing slowly. Be afraid only of standing still.

Never look down on someone unless you're helping them up

You have succeeded if you know even one life has breathed easier because you are here.

Think left and think right.

And think low and think high.

Oh the thinks you can think

If you're willing to try.

Sunshine without rain is the recipe for a desert.

There are four things that will not come back: The spoken work, the sped arrow, the time past, and the neglected opportunity.

Realize that if you are doing all the talking you are boring someone.

A sign of maturity is the realization that the volume knob also turns to the left.

A friend is someone who realizes that when you've made a fool of yourself you haven't done a permanent job.

If the window of opportunity appears, don't pull down the shade.

If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it.

He who walks in another's tracks leaves no footprints.

Good parents don't tell their children how to live. They simply live and let their children watch them do it.




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