Death and Eternity -

Death and EternityWhat is the difference between Spiritual and Physical Death? -260353384553569970873125Physical life for humans starts with physical birth and ends with physical death. Being born again is the beginning of spiritual life, which is when God's Spirit enters the human spirit. Spiritual death is remaining apart from God. One can be physically alive but spiritually dead! All are in this state until being born-again which brings spiritual life into the presence of God. The Bible speaks of a second death; Hell, as described in Revelation 20: 6. One thing that all people can count on is physical death. Some will live on earth longer than others will but none will live here eternally. Once a person is physically born on earth, their life clock starts running. For the purpose of this study, assume that you will live ninety years before physically dying. Today's national average is 76 for males and 81 for females. 6985532130Some will live to be 100 but this is very rare. In any case, our time to live in our bodies is temporary and the Bible tells us it will pass like a vapor. Our souls/spirits, on the other hand, are eternal.Our soul's eternal destination is determined by choices made while we have those few years in the body. The Bible clearly teaches that there are only two eternal destinations. If we believe our God's offer for forgiveness of sins we have committed against Him, we will spend eternity with Him. This is eternal life. Conversely, if we reject the way of forgiveness, we will spend eternity away from Him. This is eternal death.All of us have made mistakes and disobeyed God. This is called sin. God is sinless and cannot be in the presence of sin. Thus, we cannot go where He is with sin else, we would contaminate the place. 375221512700019050126365Our opportunities to make amends with God are limited to the time we live in our bodies.3618230756920As an exercise, mark on the body timeline of this chart the age that you became a Christian (if you are a Christian). Mark on the body timeline your present age. The Bible teaches that each Christian is called to live a productive life of helping others during the brief time he lives on Earth. Many miss this assignment and think that life is to be lived just for their own selfish enjoyment and pleasure. Notice that the body timeline stops at 90 years but the soul timeline goes off the page.All people live physical lives that are limited to about seventy to ninety years. Either they have spiritual life with God as Christians that lasts eternally or they fail to be re-born spiritually and live apart from God eternally.17780184785The grave is the resting place for our earthy bodies only. Our soul/spirit transitions to another place where our conscience existence continues.The following charts illustrate the only two destinies that await everyone.-295275015544801045845718185The Bible says that life here on Earth is like traveling down one of two roads. One of the roads is very easy to travel for it is very wide and many there are that travel it. Satan actually uses the things of this world to allure huge crowds down this road. Along life’s road is a narrow gate that opens to a narrow road and few there are that find it. The crowds traveling the wide and alluring road carry much baggage.33928051459230Those that enter the narrow gate leave this baggage filled with greed, pride, envy, anger, lust, etc. at the gate. They travel lightly. In John 10: 9a Jesus said, “I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.” The wide and well-traveled road has many short-term attractions but leads to Destruction. The narrow road, which is far more lightly traveled, leads to eternal life.Jesus often spoke of this “Present Age” and the “Age to Come”. This Present age is the current time between Jesus first arrival on Earth and his second coming sometime in the future. This age is ruled by Satan according to I Corinthians 4:43150235114935Our ninety years on Earth is currently running down in this Present Age. Christians in their late seventies have lived most of their ninety years. Soon they will die physically and can expect to immediately go to be with Lord Jesus83185700405Like the thief on the cross, they will immediately go to a place called Paradise. Paradise is not Heaven. It is where Jesus is gathering the saints until Jesus’ second return to Earth. It is a very pleasant place. Paradise is a Persian word for garden. Paradise will likely be like the Garden of Eden as described in early Genesis. The Bible tells us in Hebrews 9:27, “It is appointed unto man once to die and after that, the judgment”. Judgment does not immediately follow physical death. Christians will await judgment in Paradise and non-Christians will await judgment in a place called Hades or Sheol. Hades is not a pleasant place at all but it is not Hell.Physical death is certain and no one should ignore it. It absolutely will not go away. 384492557848520955287655Jesus is coming back for His Bride, the Church. We call it the Rapture. Christians will be removed from earth in time to avoid seven years of intense tribulation. Then Jesus will return to judge and rule.The notion of spiritual death was introduced earlier during the chapter about "How We Function". Spiritual death is what happened to Adam and Eve following their willful disobedience to God.They died spiritually which means separation from God. They were cast out of the garden away from God and forbidden to return. That’s the way it will be once we experience physical death if we have not accepted God’s covenant provision for taking care of our sin. We will REMAIN separated from God first in Hades and later in Hell! We cannot bring sin into the presence of Holy God!! -635535940Satan has successfully deceived people into thinking that their most serious problem is physical, financial, relational or emotional. Satan never suggests that our most serious problem is spiritual. Rather, he suggests that sin is an acceptable way of life because the crowds are doing it; the ones rushing down the wide road to Hell.2178685262890-14109701799590Some believe that they will be afforded opportunities to return (be reincarnated) and live life again to improve over their mistakes during previous lives. The Bible declares that we will die ONCE! We will then be judged on the choices we made during the time we were given on earth.-45085579120-92710326707539370002864485Most people fear death yet the Christian should rejoice at the opportunity to leave Earth and join Jesus in Paradise where we are promised a much better life. Life in Paradise will be better since we will not be encumbered with the limitations of the body that our spirits live in while here on Earth. There will be neither sickness nor sorrow there. Christians will be consciously alive as spiritual beings in Paradise awaiting the second coming of Jesus to Earth. The Bible is clear on how we are to live while remaining in the body on Earth. Once our sin problem has been taken care of, we are to start a journey of growing more and more into the likeness of Jesus when He lived here. We are to live very active lives performing good deeds for other people. The best deed will be to share what Christ has done for you. ................

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