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Relationship between performance in school subjects and interests and abilities

Many learners find that they are better at certain school subjects than others. Some find it easier to study languages while others find practical subjects easier, and so forth. An important part of succeeding in your school studies is to identify your interests and abilities and apply them to your school work. You will find that you do well in school subjects that match your interests and abilities.

If you have a natural ability to do well in some subjects, chances are you do not have to work so hard to get good marks. Also, if you have an interest in a specific subject, you are likely to enjoy the work and you will be motivated to work hard and achieve good marks. However, if you do not have an interest or ability for a particular subject, then you will probably find the work difficult or dull and this is exactly where you need to make an extra effort to improve your marks.

There are certain subjects (a Home Language, a second language, Mathematics/ Mathematical Literacy and Life Orientation) you will have all the way to matric. If you find it difficult to perform well in these subjects (as it does not align with your interests and abilities), you will have to motivate yourself to do better as low marks could affect your overall year mark. The best way to motivate yourself is to identify small goals that you can achieve and slowly build up your confidence.

Types of learning activities related to different subjects

Each subject has specific types of activities you need to master to learn the topics in the subject:

Practical learning activities: Refer to work that learners do by observing and manipulating objects and materials e.g. Natural Science activities ? doing a study in a laboratory or observing something outdoors.

Theoretical learning activities: Part of learning something new is the theoretical learning you need before you can apply your knowledge in practical ways. In some subjects e.g. Physical Sciences, you need to learn the facts about new topics before you can apply them in the laboratory.

Individual learning activities: Allows you to work at your own pace and apply your own learning style to your work. You will be able to see how well you understand a new topic.

Group activities: Groupwork is interactive and two of the benefits of groupwork are learning how to work with others and learning from one another e.g. projects/experiments, discussion

Decision-making process

We make decisions everyday ? some tougher than others. Some decisions require more careful thought e.g. choosing a career category relating to your individual strengths, abilities, interests and passions.

The decision-making process refers to the steps we need to take when we are faced with different options about something and need to make a choice.


Step 1: Identify what you need to decide

Step 2: Gather information about your options

Step 3: Evaluate all your options and decide which one suits you.

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Complete the following questions in your workbook:

1. Write down a list of which school subjects you enjoy and which subjects you do not enjoy, then give your different subjects a rating out of 5 to show how well you do in each one, e.g. School subjects I enjoy: English ? 5; Life Orientation - 5 (1= worst subject, 5= best subject):

School subjects I enjoy: ____________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

School subjects I do not enjoy: ______________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

2. Provide reasons why you prefer some subjects over others and why you do poorly in the subjects identified above: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Complete the following:

Choose a career category related to my strengths, abilities, interests and



? ? ?


? ? ?

Career categories suited to my strengths, abilities, interests and passions


? ? ?


? ? ?

My chosen career category:


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