Determining Birth Numbers

Numerology Vibrations & Your Life Path Number.Class notes from Alpha Angel.At birth our parents gave us a name - the universe gave us a number.The science of numerology is based on the analysis of numbers - in the belief that there is more to numbers than meets the eye and the mind. THIS numerology is inspired by Dan Millman's Life Path System & his book "The Life You Were Born to Live - A guide to finding your Life Purpose". There is much numerology information on the internet but it is Dan's system that I've find most accurate over the past 20 yrs.Determining Birth NumbersThe Life-Path system uses a person's date of birth to determine a birth number vibration & then translates that birth number into meaningful information about that person's life path .. Dan's system includes Universal Spiritual Laws relating to that life-path number to help bring those vibrations into focus so we can change our lives.The calculation procedure is simple - you add the sequence of your birth date, any order works but for consistency write your "day or birth" "month of birth" & the complete "century date", here we will use the birth date of February 20th, 2009. Write down the digits of the birth date to reach a sum (sub-total) of the numbers, which becomes ... 2+0+2+2+0+0+9 = 15then put a plus between the two remaining digits & add them together to reach a final sum ... 1+5 = 6To reiterate: write the complete birth number as the original sum with plus signs between the numbers to give you a subtotal sum, add the subtotal sum together and separate the final sum from the subtotal sum with a 'slash' ie this birth date has a LifePath that is a 15/6.If your original sum ends with a zero such as 20, 30 or 40, add the two subtotal digits as you would any others to get a final sum but remember "0" lends its own vibration, like a colour enhancer to access "the gifts or potential to manifest these qualities in greater abundance - eg a 20, 30 or 40 means the vibration lays closer to the surface and tends to intensify the energy of the primary number ie a 30/3 intensifies the energy of 3 vibration of expression & sensitivity.Depending on your date of birth, you will end up with a birth number made up of 3 or 4 digits .. commonly 3 digits but examples of 4 digit numbers are 28/10; 29/11; 38/11; 48/12. good to realise that birth numbers do change with the centuries esp this 21st century, there is also an example here - the first 48/12's did not appear until 29-9-1999In the Life Path System, Dan's reference is to the individuals "working" that particular energy as their final right hand number.Although all of the numbers & the energies they represent are significant - the number to the right of the slash mark carry the stronger influence in terms of life purpose.So what the numbers mean? 1. Creativity and Confidence2. Cooperation and Balance3. Expression and Sensitivity4. Stability and Process5. Freedom and Discipline6. Vision and Acceptance7. Trust and Openess8. Abundance and Power9. Integrity and Wisdom0. Inner GiftsThose with right-hand birth numbers of 10 (19/10s, 28/10s, 37/10s, 46/10s) And 11 (29/11s, 38/11s, 47/11s) And 12 (39/12s, 48/12s) (karmic numbers) have a primary life purpose combining both of these final numbers. That is 10 combines Creativity & Confidence (1) amplified by Inner Gifts (0); An 11 is identical to double 1, intensifying all the issues & capacities associated with the 1 vibration; and 12 combines Creativity & Confidence (1) with Cooperation & Balance (2) to form "Creative Cooperation" blending the challenges & strengths of 1 and 2 energies into a whole greater than the sum of the parts.1. Creativity and ConfidenceEnergy when unobstructed, flows naturally into creative endeavors. An abundance of such energy gives 1s the ability to generate creative work in any activity, that same energy surges demanding movement and expression but can manifest as destructive addictions if not properly channeled.2. Cooperation and Balance The energy of the 2s makes these individuals a source of strength, support and cooperative service. But first they have to define their limits, boundaries and levels of responsibility or they tend to over help and then withdraw. They need to avoid the extreme of servitude which turns to resentment and resistance.3. Expression and Sensitivity The life purpose of 3s entails bringing constructive emotional expression into the world, as they share their feelings and ideas in the most direct, positive and most honest manner possible. They need to find ways to apply their sensitivity and expressive abilities to uplift rather than tear down.4. Stability and Process As in building a house or anything else, 4s need to realise that a sound and stable foundation comes first, followed by a patient, step-by-step process toward completion of their goals. Balancing strength with flexibility and analysis with intuition, 4s can achieve any goal they set their mind to do.5. Freedom and Discipline The renaissance individuals working 5 seek freedom through a wide range of direct or vicarious experiences. This sometimes leads them to take on too much. They are here to achieve depth of experience through discipline & focus. Tending to swing from extremes of dependence to independence until they find inner freedom.6. Vision and Acceptance The vision of beauty, purity and high ideals of those working 6 can become tainted by judgments about self, others and the world. Their purpose lies in recognising the higher or transcendent perfection in everyone and everything; aiming for high ideals while accepting themselves and others in the present moment.7. Trust and Openess Those working 7 have incisive minds that can read between the lines. They tend to enjoy the outdoor world of earth, sea, flowers, sky .. they are here to trust the wisdom and love inside themselves - to trust Spirit working in them enough to come 'out of hiding' and share themselves openly.8. Abundance and Power Most 8s either strive for or avoid money, power, control, authority or recognition. In this arena lie their greatest challenges and greatest satisfaction. They are here to master abundance and power using them in service of a higher purpose, not as an end in themselves.9. Integrity and Wisdom The life purpose of 9s calls for the highest integrity - in fact demands that 9s align with higher principles so that they inspire others by their example. With natural depth and charisma, they are often placed in leadership positions, serving as examples of integrity, balance and wisdom .. OR of the lack of these qualities0. Inner Gifts We all have access to inner resources, including qualities such as sensitivity, strength, expressiveness and intuition. But people with zeros in their birth number - 19/10s, 28/10s, 30/3s etc .... have the gifts or potential to manifest these qualities in greater abundance.The Positive & Negative Aspects of Primary NumbersWorth mentioning again, although no particular number has a monopoly on problems or potential, we can summarise typical or more common tendencies & qualities associated with each of the primary numbers. The tendencies can manifest for those with these digits anywhere in their date of birth but they manifest most powerfully for those individuals "working" their life purpose number.#Life PurposeIn the PositiveIn the Negative1Creativity and ConfidenceChannels high energy & inspiration into creativity & service; feels secure with self.Feels blocked, stuck, frustrated; feels inferior, ill, lethargic, insecure; can suffer from possible addiction.2Cooperation and BalanceHas clear sense of personal limits & boundaries; supports self & others in equal measure. Feels overwhelmed; resistant & reactive starts out overly helpful, then suddenly withdraws.3Expression and SensitivityEngages in heartfelt uplifting expression; communicates with inspiration sensitivity & joy.Feels depressed & disappointed; overly sensitive; complains & criticises; filled with self-doubt4Stability and ProcessPrepares well & progresses step-by-step; patiently follows through; balances logic & emotion.Wants it all now; skips steps; ambitious impatient, confused; lacks stability or follow-through.5Freedom and DisciplineUses multifaceted talents in a focused way; applies discipline to achieve independence.Swings from extreme dependence to independence; scattered; tries to do too much; bluffs & pretends.6Vision and AcceptanceSees the bigger picture; forgiving & patient; does excellent work without falling into perfectionism; accepts self and others.Hypercritical; judges self and others against perfectionistic standards; gets lost in petty details.7Trust and OpenessTrusts innermost feelings; trusts others enough to open heart, take emotional risks & share feelingsFeels bitter, betrayed, paranoid; uses mind as shield; doesn't trust self or others.8Abundance and PowerEnjoys abundance & influence without concern or abuse; shares blessings generously & wisely.Afraid or, yet preoccupied with issues of money, power, control & recognition; sabotages self.9Integrity and WisdomLives in alignment with higher principles; leads by example; manifests depth, charisma & wisdomHas lost sight of higher purpose; feels lonely & cutoff; locked in the mind; out of touch with heart & intuitive guidance.0Inner GiftsUses gifts of sensitivity, strength, expressiveness & intuition in service of others, always for a higher purposeHypersensitive & nervous; stubborn; sarcastic, caustic expression; confused by internal feelings or intuitions.In the PositiveIn the Negative1s - make the best creative artists1s - make the best addicts2s - make the best diplomats2s - make the best codependants3s - make the best orators, speakers3s - make the best manic depressives4s - make the best analysts 4s - make the best vacillators - hesitatorss - make the best explorers5s - make the best dependants6s - make the best judges6s - make the best perfectionists7s - make the best scholars7s - make the best paranoids8s - make the best philantropists8s - make the best passive-aggressives9s - make the best leaders & "change masters"9s - make the best fanaticsNUMBERS AND THEIR OVERALL CHARACTERISTICS????1 thru 9????11 & 22?Talents/StrengthsAreas of? ConcernGeneral LeaningsPractical Expression?????????1Natural leader,??self-sufficient,??ambitious.Avoid extremes of??bossiness, shyness.??Too impulsive.Standing out from??the crowd. Trying??new ideas.Political leadership,??celebrity, or small??business owner.?????????2Loving, peace-??maker, analytical,??ideal partner.Hanging back, not??speaking up. Stuck??on details, lonely.Finding the right??relationship. Needs??harmony, order.Diplomatic corps,??counselor, partner??in small business.?????????3Outgoing, joy of??life, imaginative,??enthusiastic.Fears routine. May??lack self-discipline,??accomplish little.Energy and ideas??in action. Having??a good time.Press secretary,??party planner, small??business promoter.?????????4Works hard,??practical, gets??things done.Fears downsizing,??not having familiar??routine. Rigid.Need for security.??Develops order??out of chaos.Administrator, team??player, back office??of small business.?????????5Bold, daring, and??persuasive. Enjoys??the finer things.Restlessness to the??point of boredom.??Easily side-tracked.To search for new??opportunities. Take??chances. Try it all.Public figure, media,??develop new idea??for small business.?????????6Warm, nurturing,??and happily dom-??estic. Reliable.May end up feeling??like a doormat. Can??be too opinionated.Taking care of??loved ones. Finding??safety, comfort.Personal assistant,??educator, or caterer??to small business.?????????7A deep thinker,??spiritually inclined.??Unique, eccentric.Too aloof and fears??not living up to high??standards. A loner.To seek answers??to life's questions.??Observe. Discover.Analytical field. Or??self-employment in??small business.?????????8Decisive, forceful,??good with money.??Accomplished.Often lacks feeling??for those who stand??in the way of goals.To strive higher,??take control, seek??power, status.Professional field,??or operator of small??business franchises.?????????9Inspired, intuitive,??creative. Seeks to??improve the world.Needs to avoid bad??habits, and attend??to life's details.To see the "big??picture." To dream??the munity leader,??organize small bus-??iness owners.????????11A visionary, an??artist. Expands??consciousness.Avoid extremes,??being too high-??strung. Impractical.To be enlightened??and to enlighten??others.Metaphysical small??business with far-??reaching appeal.????????22Goal-oriented and??practical but on a??global scale.May feel born a??century "too early."??Too overextended.To have a mission??and see it carried??out globally.Provide web sites to??small businesses for??total global change. ................

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