Maintenance Physiology Info Cooperative.docx

Homeostasis and Physiology Mini-PostersIntroduction:In this activity, you will work with your group to create an “informational” poster that presents one of the four “maintenance” physiological processes to your peers. As part of this process, you will need to research one of the “maintenance” processes. Maintenance Processes:Gas ExchangeNutritionExcretionCirculationCollaborative ResearchYou will be responsible for researching your assigned physiological process. You can use any resource available to you to carry out your research. Use the research sheet for your process to guide your efforts. As a group, you will develop a one page (two-side, max) informational poster. The poster should include information, images, and a few links to other useful references. You can continue to use all references, as well as each other to make sure that you have completed your research sheet. Make sure to include a list of all references. You will work together but be GRADED INDIVIDUALLY.Research Sheet for Gas Exchange:General:Describe the life process of gas exchange. What has to happen, and why?Explain how gas exchange depends on other life processes to function. Provide three specific examples.Explain how organisms (unicellular organisms, plants and animals) accomplish the process of gas exchange. Provide a specific example organism for each category. Unicellular organismsPlantsAnimals (don’t use a vertebrate).Describe three gas exchange adaptations in different lineages of multicellular animals (not mammals). For each adaptation, describe how gas exchange is accomplished, explain one benefit of the adaptation, and one “tradeoff” that has resulted from the adaptation. Specifically mammals:Diagram an alveolus and label the diagram to show how it functions in gas exchange. Create an original image.Explain why oxygen moves into the blood, and why carbon dioxide moves out of the blood at the alveolus.Explain how oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported in the blood.Explain how the respiratory system depends upon other body systems to accomplish the process of gas exchange. Provide three specific examples.Describe an example of a regulatory feedback loop that involves the respiratory system (it can involve other systems as well). Explain how changes in the system affect this feedback loop. Identify the system as exemplifying positive or negative feedback, and justify your identification.Describe two examples of disruptions to the respiratory system (a “disease”). Address the cause, symptoms, and treatment of the conditions.Research Sheet for NutritionGeneral:Describe the life process of nutrition. What has to happen, and why?Explain how nutrition depends on other life processes to function. Provide three specific examples.Explain how organisms (unicellular organisms, plants and animals) accomplish the process of nutrition. Provide a specific example organism for each category. Unicellular organismsPlantsAnimals (don’t use a vertebrate).Describe three nutritional adaptations in different lineages of multicellular animals (not mammals). For each adaptation, describe how nutrition is accomplished, explain one benefit of the adaptation, and one “tradeoff” that has resulted from the adaptation. Specifically mammals:Diagram a microvillus, and label the diagram to show how it functions in nutrition. Create an original image.Explain why nutrients move into the blood at the microvillus, and provide an example of a substance that is absorbed in the digestive system at another location (make sure to state where this substance is absorbed).Explain how different nutrients are transported in the circulatory system.Explain how the digestive system depends upon other body systems to accomplish the process of nutrition. Provide three specific examples.Describe an example of a regulatory feedback loop that involves the digestive system (it can involve other systems as well). Explain how changes in the system affect this feedback loop. Identify the system as exemplifying positive or negative feedback, and justify your identification.Describe two examples of disruptions to the digestive system (a “disease”). Address the cause, symptoms, and treatment of the conditions.Research Sheet for ExcretionGeneral:Describe the life process of excretion. What has to happen, and why?Explain how excretion depends on other life processes to function. Provide three specific examples.Explain how organisms (unicellular organisms, plants and animals) accomplish the process of excretion. Provide a specific example organism for each category. Unicellular organismsPlantsAnimals (don’t use a vertebrate).Describe three excretion adaptations in different lineages of multicellular animals (not mammals). For each adaptation, describe how excretion is accomplished, explain one benefit of the adaptation, and one “tradeoff” that has resulted from the adaptation. Specifically mammals:Diagram a nephron and label the diagram to show how it functions in excretion.Explain how waste products are transported in the blood.Explain why waste products and water move out of the circulatory system at the nephron and how the excretory system can control this movement.Explain how the excretory system depends upon other body systems to accomplish the process of excretion. Provide three specific examples.Describe an example of a regulatory feedback loop that involves the excretory system (it can involve other systems as well). Explain how changes in the system affect this feedback loop. Identify the system as exemplifying positive or negative feedback, and justify your identification.Describe two examples of disruptions to the excretory system (a “disease”). Address the cause, symptoms, and treatment of the conditions.Research Sheet for CirculationGeneral:Describe the life process of circulation. What has to happen, and why.Explain how circulation depends on other life processes to function. Provide three specific examples.Explain how organisms (unicellular organisms, plants and animals) accomplish the process of circulation. Provide a specific example organism for each category. Unicellular organismsPlantsAnimals (don’t use a vertebrate).Describe three circulatory adaptations in different lineages of multicellular animals (not mammals). For each adaptation, describe how circulation is accomplished, explain one benefit of the adaptation, and one “tradeoff” that has resulted from the adaptation. Specifically mammals:Diagram a four-chamber heart and label the diagram to show how it functions in circulation.Describe the components of blood, and their roles in mammalian physiology.Explain how different materials move into and out of the circulatory system at the following locations:LungsBody TissuesExplain how the circulatory system depends upon other body systems to accomplish the process of circulation. Provide three specific examples.Describe an example of a regulatory feedback loop that involves the circulatory system (it can involve other systems as well). Explain how changes in the system affect this feedback loop. Identify the system as exemplifying positive or negative feedback, and justify your identification.Describe two examples of disruptions to the circulatory system (a “disease”). Address the cause, symptoms, and treatment of the conditions. ................

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