Life Span Development Project

Life Span Development Project

Grading Rubric

Within this unit we will be taking a look at Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development and Erikson’s Theory of Social Development. For this project, you will apply these theories to your own development by finding pictures of yourself at different ages and describing the stages that you were in. This project will be worth 100 points and will be graded as follows:

Pictures- 10 pts - ______

Find 4 pictures to reflect each stage of Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory (Sensorimotor- 0-2 years, Pre-operational- 2-7 years, Concrete Operational- 7 to 11 years, Formal Operational- 11 to 15 years). These pictures should be glued onto your poster. You may want to make duplicates of each picture or photocopy them if you don’t want to lose the originals.

Description of Stages- 30 pts - _______

For each stage, you should discuss what cognitive developments take place according to Piaget’s Theory. Be sure to describe an overall summary of the stage, as well as specific tasks that were conquered at each stage. Next, determine which of Erikson’s stages of social development align with Piaget’s stages of cognitive development. Provide descriptions for the social developments that occur during each age. You will have four stages of cognitive development into which you will fit one or more stages of social development (i.e. the preoperational stage of cognitive development aligns with autonomy vs. shame and doubt and initiative vs. guilt)

Appeal of Poster- 10 pts - _______

Your posters should be neat and eye-catching. The more effort that is reflected in your final product, the higher your grade will be. You will be given time in class to work on your projects but you must come prepared by bringing in supplies, research and pictures to work on the projects. You will lose credit if you are not prepared to work on your project in class.

Presentation- 5 pts - _______

When the projects are completed, you will be asked to present your poster to the rest of the class. Your presentation may be brief, but should give the class a glimpse of your life at each stage and should include at least one major cognitive development. Personal stories about what you were able to do (sort cards, etc.) would add a nice touch!

Have fun and good luck!!!



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