Human Development Over the Life Span - A professional …

GPSY 608

Human Development Over the Life Span

Gannon University Counseling Program

Instructor: Kenneth G. McCurdy, Ph.D., LPC, NCC, ACS Summer Semester 2004

Office: PC 2226 Email: Tue./Thur. (5:00 – 9:00)

Phone: 871-7791 Office Hours: By Appt. PC 2224

I. Course Description:

This course provides an understanding of human growth and development over the life span including theoretical approaches and issues relevant to human services. It emphasizes physiological, cognitive, social, emotional, personality, spiritual, and moral development from conception to death. Legal and ethical issues related to human development, as well as diversity issues, will be reviewed in relation to human services.

II. Course Objectives:


Students will:

A. Demonstrate an understanding of the various theories of individual and family development and transitions across the life span;

B. Demonstrate an understanding of the various theories of learning and personality development;

C. Recognize the various characteristics of human behavior, including an understanding of developmental crises, disability, exceptional behavior, addictive behavior, psychopathology, and situational and environmental factors that affect both normal and abnormal behavior;

D. Compare and contrast theories of identify development contributing to enhancing multicultural counseling competencies used in professional counseling.


Students will:

A. Demonstrate effective application of various counseling strategies/interventions for facilitating optimum development over the life span;

B. Critically evaluate and explain various controversial and emerging factors related to professional counseling that influence human development;

C. Critically evaluate ethical and legal issues, identifying professionally acceptable practice, given various characteristics of human behavior, the nature and needs of individuals at all developmental levels, in professional counseling;

D. Demonstrate the use of technology in explaining developmental research studies and identify methods and design utilized in such studies.

Attitudes & Values

Students will:

A. Appreciate the value of understanding the nature and needs of individuals at all developmental levels, in professional counseling;

B. Recognize the importance of understanding the nature and needs of diverse individuals at all developmental levels in the ethical provision of counseling services;

C. Be receptive to unique characteristics of individuals, couples, families, ethnic groups, and communities, as well as personal biases;

D. Perceive multicultural and pluralistic trends of individuals at all developmental levels, including characteristics and concerns between and within diverse groups nationally and internationally.

III. Readings

Required Texts

Kail, R. V., & Cavanaugh, J. C. (2004). Human development: A lifespan view(3rd ed.). Belmont, CA:


*Other reserve material as assigned.

IV. Procedures

1. This course is conducted primarily through lecture and discussion. Case study, evaluation, and application approaches will be utilized for understanding the various theoretical approaches to human development.

1. Attendance is very important. Absences may affect your grade. Absence in two or more classes in a course may result in a failing grade except in cases of emergency or extreme hardship. These extra ordinary circumstances may be considered, but students are responsible for contacting the professor prior to the absence or in as close proximity to the absence as possible.

1. Participation is expected in each class session and in practical experiences.

1. All assignments are due by the end of class on the dates listed on the class schedule. Late assignments will generally not be accepted. In cases of documented or extreme circumstances, assignments may be accepted with a 5 point per day reduction of grade. Generally, no “I” grades will be given.

1. All writing assignments will be graded according to the correct use of APA style, grammar, and punctuation (See APA Style Manual 5th ed.) unless otherwise indicated by professor.

1. Students with special needs are encouraged to notify the professor on the first day of class. Additionally, students with special needs are also encouraged to notify the appropriate university personnel who can discuss your needs and disability documentation to make appropriate accommodations.

V. Assignments

Developmental Milestones / Stories of Development Self-Reflection Paper

Reflect on three developmental milestones in your experience, from three different developmental ages. Describe each experience, explaining it from the perspective of “story” in your life. One of the experiences should include involvement with a diverse population or relate to interacting with an individual, group or setting that is of a different ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status than you. Describe the social and cultural context in which your experience occurred. Analyze the ways in which the subsequent milestones relate to or were influenced by the first. Speculate on how these milestones might influence your future development in a particular area. Draw on and incorporate into your paper specific developmental theories for your analysis. The paper should be 6-10 pages and is primarily a self-reflection, not a research-based paper (25 pts.).

Developmental Issues Paper and Presentation / Panel Discussion (Small group project)


In small groups, choose a topic that interests your group related to a developmental issue (e.g. mental retardation, autism, fetal alcohol syndrome, blended families, midlife crises, or Alzheimer’s disease). The purpose of the project is for you to gain more knowledge or skill in an area that you can use in your current or future work in counseling. The small group is responsible for writing an 8-10 page, APA style, research-based paper and include the following sections:

1. description of the problem / topic of investigation (review of the literature)

2. why this problem / topic is important

3. relevance of this problem / topic to minority populations

4. how is this problem / topic addresses by community counselors and school counselors (brief review of most relevant treatment, interventions, counseling strategies supported in the literature)

5. a conclusion summarizing the project including your personal perspectives and thoughts about the future of this topic

6. references (at least eight references, two of which must be accessed through the internet).

Students will have to e-mail this document to the professor by noon on the day before the class this assignment is due (see course schedule) (55 pts.).

Presentation / Panel Discussion

The small groups are also responsible for conducting a presentation about your problem / topic. The presentation should summarize your project, identify pertinent issues, relevance of problem / topic to minority populations, and the relevance to both community counseling and school counseling. An alternative to doing a lecture style presentation is to engage the class in a panel discussion with the group members as experts, discussing your problem / topic and the relevance to both community counseling and school counseling. A summary of the project and references should be given to the professor and distributed to the rest of the class. Both the presentation format and panel discussion format should be approximately one half hour in length (20 pts.).


* Midterm Examination

The midterm exam will include multiple choice, true and false, matching, and short answer essay questions. Extra credit items may be given (100 pts.).

* Final Examination

The final exam will have two parts. The first part is a take home case study essay, which will be distributed during the second to last class session. Each case study will be specified for either community counseling students or school counseling students. It will need to be completed and returned at the last class session when the rest of the final examination is given. The second part is an objective test that includes multiple choice, true and false, matching, and short answer essay questions. Extra credit items may be given (100 pts. total for both parts).

VI. Evaluation Points:

Developmental Milestones Paper: 25

Developmental Issues Paper: 55

Developmental Issues Presentation / Panel Discussion: 20

Midterm Examination: 100

Final Examination 100

Total Points: 300

Academic integrity, professional and ethical behavior will be assessed with each assignment. Students will be expected to abide by the university academic integrity policy, sound professional and ethical behavior in accordance with accepted standards of ethical practice in the counseling profession. While there is no direct amount of points assigned for academic integrity and professional judgment, assignment grades may be greatly influenced by breaches of academic integrity and poor professional judgment.

Grading Criteria by Points

A = 94 & above B+ = 89-87 B- = 83-80 C =70-76

A- = 93-90 B = 86-84 C+ = 79-77 F = 69 & below

Tentative Class Schedule

Class Date / Topic Reading Assignment

* Indicates graded assignment(s)

September 2 Introductions & Course Overview Chs. 1

The Study of Human Development

September 9 Biological Foundations Chs. 2 & 3

Exploring the World

September 16 Thought & Language Chs. 4 & 5

Entering the Social World

September 23 Off to School Ch. 6

September 30 Expanding Social Horizons Ch. 7

October 7 Rites of Passage Chs. 8 & 9

Adult Social World

October 14 Racial Identity Development Handouts

* Developmental Milestones Paper

October 21 Becoming an Adult Ch. 10

* Midterm Examination

October 28 Being with Others Ch. 11 & 12

Work & Leisure

November 4 Midlife Ch. 13

* Developmental Issues Presentation / Panel Discussion

November 11 Personal Aspect of Later Life Ch. 14

* Developmental Issues Presentation / Panel Discussion

November 18 Social aspects of later Life Ch. 15

* Developmental Issues Presentation / Panel Discussion

* Developmental Issues Paper

December 2 Death & Bereavement Ch. 16

* Developmental Issues Presentation / Panel Discussion

December 9 Last Class / Wrap-Up / *Final Examination

Developmental Milestones Paper

Grading Format

Content Area Points

I. Description and explanation of 3 developmental experiences 5/ _______

II. Incorporation of developmental theories. 5/ _______

III. Inclusion and relation of a diverse population. 5/ _______

IV. Description of social and contextual contexts of experiences. 5/ _______

V. Influence of milestones on ones personal development. 5/ _______

Total Points for Assignment 25/ _____

Developmental Issues Presentation / paper

Grading Format

Developmental Issues Presentation / Panel Discussion

Content Area _____ Points

I. Pertinent issues relating to problem / topic. 5/ _______

II. Relevance to minority populations 5/ _______

III. Relevance to community counselors 5/ _______

IV. Relevance to school counselors 5/ _______

* Handout Total Points for Assignment 20/ ______

Developmental Issues Paper

Content Area Points

I. Description of the problem / topic 10/ ______

II. Why the problem / topic is important 10/ _______

III. Relevance of this problem / topic to minority populations 10/ _______

IV. Relevance of this problem / topic to community counselors 10/ _______

V. Relevance of this problem / topic to school counselors 10/ _______

VI. Acceptable literature review (references) 2/ ________

VII. APA Style 3/ ________

Total Points for Assignment 55/ _______


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