Course Syllabus

Course SyllabusDEP 2004- Developmental Psychology of the Lifespan -3 credit hoursInstructor: Dr. Carleah G. East-Perkins, LMHCContact Phone #: (727) 341-4662Email: east.carleah@spcollege.eduOffice Location: SA 323Office Hours: Instructor holds office hours Monday thru Thursday; Virtual hours Friday. Office hours are posted on the instructor’s office door. The instructor will be available for consultation by way of appointments during office hours. However, email instructor anytime for assistance, or to ask questions.Academic Department: Social & Behavioral Science DepartmentDean of Social Sciences: Dr. Joseph SmileyDepartment Chair: Dr. Roberto Loureiro / SA 205/ ph#: (727) 341-4713Meeting Information:Course Location: SA 315Learning Modality: Face-to-Face; Lecture; Classroom DiscussionMeeting Days & Class Times for DEP 2004: Class 172: Tue. & Thu. 11:00am-12:15pmCourse Description:This course is a study of human development from conception to death. Emphasis is on the ongoing changes which result from the interaction of inherited and environmental factors, and on the uniqueness of the individual. The course examines the ways in which age, gender, ethnicity, and race affect development. This course has a substantial writing requirement. 47 contact hours.Course Materials:Santrock, J. W. (2014). Life-Span Development (14th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Major Learning Outcomes:The student will acquire knowledge of the nature of human development throughout the lifespan.The student will acquire understanding of the principles of development.The student will acquire understanding of theories and models of human development.The student will acquire knowledge of the effects of genetic and environmental influences on human development throughout the lifespan.The student will acquire understanding of the periods and the aspects of life span development.The student will acquire knowledge of the methodology used in the study of life span development. Course Objectives: At the conclusion of this course, the student will demonstrate each of the stated course objectives in the following performance terms by:Understand the nature of human development and identify the methodology used in the study of life span development. Recognize how biology (genetics) and environment impact development in areas such as sensation, perception, state of consciousness, emotion, language, intelligence, motivation, memory and learning.Identify stages of development as delineated by relevant theoretical approaches, developmental findings in the domains of physical, cognitive and social functioning and recognizing the critical influences on development from conception through birth. Recognize individual and group differences in behavior and cognitive processing and identifying major issues emerging from research in areas such as intelligence, development, memory, states of consciousness, motivation, emotion, stress and health, personality and abnormal behavior.Prerequisites Applicable:PSY 1012- General PsychologyPlease, familiarize yourself with the emergency procedures and evacuation routes located in the buildings you use frequently. Located in each classroom is an Emergency Response Guide (flip-chart) that contains information for proper actions in response to emergencies. You should be prepared to assess situations quickly and use good judgment in determining a course of action. You should evacuate to assembly areas in an orderly manner when an alarm sounds or when directed to do so by college faculty or staff or emergency personnel. You may access additional emergency information by going to and: spcollege.edy/tsc/security.htm, for campus safety and security information.Attendance Policy: Attendance is an essential part of the learning experience and is expected in this class. It is expected that students will notify the instructor if the class is going to be missed as a matter of courtesy. Without regular attendance, it is unlikely a student will be able to pass this class. The instructor will record student attendance during each scheduled class. Because this class meets two (2) times per week, you may accrue up to four (4) unexcused absences before exceeding the maximum number of absences allowed. If you exceed the number of allowed absences, you need to speak with the instructor to determine an academic plan for successful completion of the course. Attendance is also a part of your grade=50pts. After the initial 2 weeks of class, any class missed will equal to 2pts being deducted for each day, unless there is documentation provided.If you do not consult with the instructor, you will need to withdraw from the course before the designated deadline in the term to receive a grade of “W.” If the withdrawal occurs after the deadline in the term, you will receive a grade of a “WF.” If you are in your third attempt at completing a course, you will be given a grade of “WF” at any point that you attempt to withdraw, or at any point that you violate the attendance policy.Excused absences that have been communicated with the instructor and documented accordingly will not count against you. Frequent communication with the instructor is highly recommended!Students are expected to be present for all exams. There are NO makeup exams.Late Work:Late work will be accepted 1 class period late with 50% credit; 0% credit after that.If illness or other emergencies prevent you from attending class, please notify the instructor immediately and make arrangements to get class notes. Students are responsible for all materials covered in class.Course Etiquette & Respect:Students are expected to respect diverse opinions during class discussions, some of which may center on sensitive topics. Though exploration of those sensitive and controversial issues is welcomed, students must demonstrate personal respect for all others in the classroom. Rude, crude, or disrespectful behavior/remarks will not be tolerated and may result in class withdrawal.If at any time the course material (discussion, movie…)hits a personal nerve, feel free to leave the class, but know you will be responsible for any material missedStudents are expected to complete exams and assignments independently. Cheating may result in failure of the course. Plagiarism is not tolerated. Academic honesty violations may result in failure of the course. Please consult the following link for more information:, recorders, or other electronic devices are not permitted in class. Please silence your cell phones and other electronic devices during class. If a student has a concern regarding silencing his or her cell phone, please consult the instructor.Assignments:This course requires that you write a minimum of 2,000 words. This requirement will be accomplished through the following three assignments:1. Developmental ProjectDevelopmental Autobiography: The paper is expected to be in APA format and include a Title page and Reference page. You are expected to utilize at least three (3) references: your class text book and two psychological journals. This paper should not exceed (7) pages and not be less than (4) pages of written text. This paper is worth 100 points and must be typed and double-spaced. DEVELOPMENTAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY Students must compose a 4-7page paper entitled: My Developmental Autobiography, which addresses developmental observations from the following time frames: 1. Childhood (up to puberty) 2. Adolescence (puberty to age 18)3. Young Adulthood (age 19 to 40)4. Mid Adulthood (age 40 to current age). Students should address issues they recall as significant in their psychosocial development from these periods (such as friendships, parental influences, insights from lessons learned, school experiences, peer influences, dating, socialization, work and the media). Specific examples are preferred over general influences. Overall this is a reflective paper about your upbringing and events in your life that influenced and impacted your development (cognitively, emotionally, physically, and socially).Your paper MUST be written in APA Format. View tutorial for APA format here: Presentation: You have been randomly assigned to a group of five (5) that will present on one (1) of the assigned development stages: Childhood-Adolescence-Early Adulthood and Late Adulthood. Each member of the group will be responsible for a section of the group presentation: Stage description (theory based)-Cognitive Changes-Social Changes-Physical Changes-Media Influence. The group will be allotted 15 minutes to present their stage. You are open to be as creative as you deem necessary and utilize many forms of technology.Source Page: You are expected to turn in an individual reference page with all the sources, (minimum of four (4)), utilized for your contribution and section of the groups diagnosis presentation. APA formatPeer Collaboration: You will be graded on a scale of 1(neg) to 4 (pos) by the peers in your group on your ability to work as a team and be assessable.2. Handouts: You will be given 9 handouts to complete in class based on homework, movies, and the course book text throughout the semester. 3. Exams: You will take four (4) exams. ***Note: Students will need to supply their own scantron for the 4 exams***Assignment Weights: Grades:Exam 1 100pts A= 774pts (90-100%)Exam 2 100pts B= 688pts (80-89%)Exam 3 100pts C= 602pts (70-79%)Exam 4 100pts D= 516pts (60-69%)Handouts (15pts) 135pts F= 507pts (59% & below)Attendance 50ptsProject: 275ptsReflection Paper 100ptsPresentation 125ptsPeer Collabo 25ptsSource Page 25ptsTotal for Course= 860pts Due Dates:Exam 1(Ch 2-6): 1/26Exam 2 (Ch 7-10): 2/16Reflection Paper: 3/2Exam 3 (Ch 11-14): 3/23Exam 4 (Ch 15-20): 4/20Project Presentations: 4/24 & 4/27Signature Page:I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the parameters set in this syllabus.I understand that the syllabus is subject to change at Dr. East’s discretion.I understand it is my responsibility to complete all assignments in a timely manner, and my grade will suffer should my assignments not be completed by the deadlines.I promise that all work performed and submitted in this class will be my own.I understand that if I work with a group, I am required to contribute fully to the group process.I understand that rudeness or abuse of any kind will not be tolerated in this course. I will behave and communicate with others in a respectful, appropriate and polite manner.I understand that attendance is mandatory and expected.I understand that failure to comply with the above stated, may result in withdrawal from or failure of course.Student Signature: Date: ................

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