Ya: (1) A name used in the conjuration of Lucifer in the ...
Ya: (1) A name used in the conjuration of Lucifer in the Grimoire of Honorius. (2) A name used in the conjuration of Monday, Tuesday and Thursday in The Magus. (3) One of the 34 consonants of the Sanskrit alphabet.
Ya Bo Fer: Vodou. One of the Lwas.
Ya Njila: Santeria. A term meaning "an apology".
Yaasriel: Judaic. An angel in charge of the pencils of Jehovah.
Yabbashael: In the Dictionaire Infernal: One of 7 angels with dominion over the earth.
Yabomayah (Hebrew- trans. "Producing by His Word"): One of the 72 names of Jehovah or of the Angels of the Shem Ha-Mephoresch (q.v.), found in the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Yachadiel: In Papus's Traite Elementaire de Science Occulte: One of the angels of the moon.
Yachin: See Jachin.
Yadael: See Yadiel.
Yadiel (Var. Yadael) (1) In Hechaloth lore: An angelic guard of the gates of the north wind. (2) In The Sword of Moses: An angel who assists the invocant in ceremonial magick.
Yael (Var. Yale, Yehel. Hebrew- trans. "mountain goat"): In Trachtenberg's Jewish Magic and Superstition: An angel invoked in rituals at the close of the Sabbath.
Yaguó: Santeria. A name for the initiate in the Asiento (q.v.) ceremony.
Yah (Var. of IH (q.v.)): (1) In the Greater Key of Solomon: (a) A name inscribed in the west quarter in the casting of the circle. (b) A name used in conjuration. (2) A name used in the conjuration of Surgat in the Grimoire of Honorius. (3) In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: (a) A name associated with the Palace of Crystal Whiteness, one of the Seven Palaces of Holiness found in the Briatic world, in the Ritual of the Portal of the Vault of the Adepti. (b) One of the Divine names attributed to the Sephira Chokmah (q.v.).
Yahadriel: In The Zohar: One of the "mouths" created on the eve of the first Sabbath.
Yahala: In Hechaloth lore: One of the angelic guards of the gates of the west wind.
Yahanaq Rabba: In Hechaloth lore: One of the angelic guards of the gates of the east wind.
Yahel: (1) An angel whose name is inscribed on the fourth pentacle of the Moon in the Greater Key of Solomon. (2) In The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses: One of 15 Throne angels listed.
Yahoel (Var. of Jehoel (q.v.)): In The Apocalypse of Abraham: An angel that taught Abraham the Torah.
Yahohel (Hebrew- trans. "The Supreme ends, or essence"): One of the 72 names of Jehovah or of the Angels of the Shem Ha-Mephoresch (q.v.), found in the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Yahrameel: (1) A great angel listed in Vocabulaire de L'Angelologie. (2) An angel listed in Fludd's Cosmology of the Microcosm.
Yahriel (Var. Yehra, Yarhiel. Deriv. Hebrew "yehra" ("moon")): (1) In Papus's Traite Elementaire de Science Occulte: One of the angels of the moon. (2) In Trachtenberg's Jewish Magic and Superstition: An angel ruling the moon. (3) In Levi's The History of Magic: An angel of the moon.
Yahsiyah: In 3 Enoch: One of the names of Metatron (q.v.).
Yahya Yuhana: In Mandaean mythology: One of 10 Uthri (q.v.) that accompany the sun on its daily course.
Yaii: A name used in conjuration in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Yain (Var. Yayn): The name of the first hour of the day in The Magus.
Yakriel: In Hechaloth lore: An angel guarding the entrance to the 7th heaven.
Yalaponu: See Ialpon.
Yalda Bahut: See Iadalbaoth.
Yale: See Yael.
Yalodde (Var. Iyalode. Trans. “mother of nations”): A title of the Orisha Oshun (q.v.).
Yalpamb: (1) A governor under the aethyr or aire Zen listed in Liber Scientiae, Auxilii et Victoriae Terrestris, who has 9276 servants. (2) A governor under the aethyr or aire Zen listed in Liber Vel Chanokh. (3) In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: A governor under the aethyr or aire Zen.
Yama (Hindu- trans. "restraint"): (1) One of the elements of the Eightfold Path of the Yoga Sutra: The practice of restraint and use of external moral precepts. (2) A practice referred to in Liber LXXI.
Yama Kings: The ten rulers and judges of the ten courts of the Chinese Hell. They decided whether a person was to become immortal, be reincarnated, or to be punished.
Yamatu: One of the Genii of the Qlippoth (q.v.) in Liber CCXXXI.
Yamenton: An name used in the process consecrating the lustral bath (q.v.) with salt in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Yana (Hindu- trans. "vehicle" or "means of salvation"): (1) A term referring to the methods used to achieve salvation within Hinduism. (2) A term used in Liber LXXI.
Yang: Five thousand years ago the I Ching (q.v.) first proposed the concept of Yin and Yang, forms of energy that combine to form everything in the universe. The I Ching said that out of Wuji (nothing) came Taiji, which was composed of Yin and Yang. This, in turn, broke down into eight basic situations or trigrams that represented the elements. Yang is the male, positive, light, active principle of the universe. The concepts associated to it are hot, fire, hard, light, metal, father and far. Its complement is Yin (q.v.).
Yankee Rose: The closing words of Anton LaVey's Satanic Bible.
Yanor: Name for the second hour of the day, found in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Yansa: See Oya.
Yanvalou (Var. Yenvalo. Dahomean- trans. "supplication"): Vodou. A style of ritual dance.
Yaodafe: See Iaod.
Yaotzin: (1) An Aztec deity. (2) One of the Infernal names listed in Anton LaVey's Satanic Bible.
Yaqroun: An obscure Mandaean angel.
Yarashiel: In Hechaloth lore: An angelic guard of the gates of the east wind.
Yareryo: See Yarry.
Yarhiel: See Yahriel.
Yaron: An name used in the process consecrating the lustral bath with salt in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Yarry (Var. Yareryo): Enochian- trans. "providence".
Yashiel: An angel whose name is inscribed on the first pentacle of the Moon in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Yavan: See Javan.
Yaw: A name used in an exorcism of the spirits of the air in The Magus.
Yaya: Palo Mayombe. An endearing term meaning "mother", used to call the Nkisi (q.v.).
Yayai: A name inscribed on the ritual sword in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Yayn (Var. Yain): Name for the first hour of the day, found in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Yayon: Name for the tenth hour of the day, found in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Yazidi (Var. Yezidee, Yezidi, Azidi, Zedi, Izdi): A small religious sect of Kurdish speaking peoples found in the districts of Mosul, Iraq; Diyarbakir, Turkey; Aleppo, Syria; Soviet Armenia and the Caucasus; and parts of Iran. Their religion is a syncretism of Zoroastrian, Manichaean, Jewish, Nestorian Christian and Islamic elements. They are thought to have descended from the followers of the Umayyad caliph Yazid I (645-683 B.C.E.).
The Yazidi believe that they were created separately from the rest of mankind and tend to keep themselves segregated. Their chief deity is Melek Taus ("Peacock Angel"), whose symbols is, of course, the peacock. Melek Taus and six other angels are believed to rule the universe under Jehovah. They are represented by seven bronze or iron peacock figures called Sanjaq, the largest of which weighs nearly 700 pounds.
Their two chief texts are the Kitab al-Jilwah ("Book of Revelation") and the Mashaf Rash ("Black Scripture" or "Black Writing"). Their religious center is in the town of ash-Shaykh 'Adi, north of Mosul.
The Yazidi are anti-dualists, rejecting the existence of the Judeo-Christian concepts of evil, sin, the Devil and Hell. They believe in metempsychosis (the transmigration of souls), which they believe progressively purifies the spirit. They believe that Satan repented and was eventually pardoned by Jehovah, becoming once again the chief of all Jehovah's angels. This has often been interpreted by outsiders as an indication that they are Satanists. For example, Anton LaVey, who refers to them as the Yezidi, identifies them as Satanists in his book The Satanic Rituals.
Yazroun: An obscure Mandaean angel.
Ydalir: Ull’s hall in Asgard (q.v.).
Ye Dan-Gbe: Vodou. A Lwa of both the Rada and the Rada-Dahomey traditions.
Yeba Shiloh: See IBA ShILH.
Yebemel: In Rune's The Wisdom of the Kabalah: One of the 72 angels of the zodiac.
Yechavah (Hebrew- trans. "Knower of all things"): One of the 72 names of Jehovah or of the Angels of the Shem Ha-Mephoresch (q.v.), found in the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Yechidah: (1) The highest of the three parts of Neschamah, the highest of the three Qabalistic parts of the soul, associated with the Sephira Kether. The other two parts are Chiah (q.v.) and Neschamah (q.v.). Yechidah represents the higher and divine genius. (2) A term for a state above Chiah and Neshamah used in Liber LXXI.
Yechoel: In Rune's The Wisdom of the Kabalah: One of the 72 angels of the zodiac.
Yedideron: In Qabalistic lore: An angel associated to the 6th Sephira (q.v.).
Yefa: See Eyerosun.
Yefefiah (Var. Yefehfiah, Jefefiyah. Hebrew- trans. "divine beauty"): (1) In The Torah: An angelic prince who taught the mystery of the Qabalah to Moses. (2) In Aramaic mythology: One of the archangels.
Yefehfiah: See Yefefiah.
Yegua: See Yewa.
Yeh: A name used in the use of a "magic carpet" for interrogating spirits in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Yehadriel: See Akatriel.
Yehel: See Yael.
Yehemiel: Judaic. An angelic name inscribed on kameas to ward off evil.
Yeheshuah (Var. of Yesheshuah (q.v.), an alternative name for Jesus): (1) A name inscribed on the second pentacle of Mars in the Greater Key of Solomon. (2) In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: (a) An aspect of Osiris. (b) A name having presidency over the Pentagram. (c) A name used in the consecration of ritual tools. (d) A name used in the ritual of the Rose Cross. (e) A name mentioned in the initiation of the Philosophus grade. (f) A name used in the Ritual of the Portal of the Vault of the Adepti. (g) A name used in the Rite of the Pentagram and the Five Paths. (h) A name used in the initiation of the Adeptus Minor. (i) A name used in the initiation of the Adeptus Minor as written by Waite for his Fellowship of Isis. (j) A term used in the Consecration Ceremony of the Vault of the Adepti. (k) An angel invoked in the Evocation of the Angel Chassan to Visible Appearance.
Yeheshuah Yehovashah: In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: A name used in Resquiescat in Pace.
Yeheshuah Mihi Omnia (Latin- trans. "Yeheshuah (Jesus) is all things to me" (See Yeheshuah)): It is an inscription supposedly to be found on the tomb of Christian Rosenkreutz (See Rosicrucian). In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: (a) A phrase used in the initiation of the Adeptus Minor Grade. (b) A phrase used in the initiation of the Adeptus Minor as written by Waite for his Fellowship of Isis.
Yeheshuah Nazarenus (Latin- trans. "Jesus of Nazareth"): In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: A Latin name used in the initiation of the Adeptus Minor as written by Waite for his Fellowship of Isis.
Yehevid: See Yehvad.
Yehoel: In 3 Enoch: One of the names of Metatron (q.v.).
Yehovah Vehayah: In 3 Enoch: One of the names of Metatron (q.v.).
Yehovashah (Var. ofYesheshuah (q.v.)): In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: (a) A name used in the ritual of the Rose Cross. (b) A name of Jehovah used in the Consecration Ceremony of the Vault of the Adepti.
Yehra: See Yahriel.
Yehudiah (Var. Yehudiam): In The Zohar: A psychopomp who is one of the chief angelic envoys.
Yehudiam: See Yehudiah.
Yehusozod: See Iehusoz.
Yehvad (Var. Yehevid): In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: A name associated with the Palace of the Merit, one of the Seven Palaces of Holiness found in the Briatic world, in the Ritual of the Portal of the Vault of the Adepti.
Yekahel: A spirit whose name is inscribed on the first pentacle of Mercury in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Ye-Ke Mar-Ch-Allah! Ku M Bha-Lah Dya!: Vodou. A phrase used to dismiss the Lwas at the conclusion of a magick ritual. It translates as: "The ensemble of the Lwas, peace be with you! Withdraw into the light!"
Yelahiah (Hebrew- trans. "Abiding for ever"): One of the 72 names of Jehovah or of the Angels of the Shem Ha-Mephoresch (q.v.), found in the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Yelayel (Hebrew- trans. "Strength"): One of the 72 names of Jehovah or of the Angels of the Shem Ha-Mephoresch (q.v.), found in the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Yeliel: In Hechaloth lore: One of the angelic guards of the gates of the south wind.
Yemanja: The name for Yemaya (q.v.) in Brazil.
Yemaya (Var. Dona Janaina, Yemanja, Yemoja): Santeria. The equivalent of the Yoruban Orisha Yeyeomo Eja (q.v.). Yemaya is the daughter of Obatala and Oddudua. Yemaya died giving birth to the fourteen principal deities of the Yoruba pantheon. Yemaya is the moon Goddess who controls the waters and the sea. Her Otanes (q.v.) are seashells and stones found by the sea side. The Eleke (q.v.) sacred to Yemaya is made up of seven crystal or white beads alternating with seven blue beads, then one white followed by one blue seven times, then the pattern is repeated. Omo-Yemaya ("children of Yemaya") wear seven silver bracelets (See Omo-Orisha). Yemaya has seven aspects or Avatares, including Okutti (Oggutte), Awoyo, Malewo, Olokun (Yemaya Ataramagwa Sarabbi Olokun), Attaramawa, Achabba and Asesu. She is represented by an image of Our Lady of Regla.
Yemaya Achabba: See Achabba.
Yemaya Ataramagwa Sarabbi Olokun: See Olokun.
Yemaya Attaramawa: See Attaramawa.
Yemaya Oggutte: See Okutti.
Yemeton (Var. Imeton): A name engraved on the lamen of the guard of the sword of the magician's third disciple in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Yemmu: Santeria. A female aspect of the Orisha Obatala (q.v.).
Yemoja: See Yeyeomo Eja
Yen-Lo-Wang (Var. of Yen-Wang (q.v.)): One of the Infernal names listed in Anton LaVey's Satanic Bible.
Yenvalo: See Yanvalou.
Yen-Wang (Var. Yen-Lo-Wang): The Chinese God of the Dead, chief of the Yama Kings (q.v.).
Yephiel: Judaic. An angelic name inscribed on kameas to ward off evil.
Yeqon: See Jeqon.
Yerachmiel: In Qabalistic lore: One of 7 angels that rule the earth.
Yerathel: See Ierathel.
Yerba: Santeria. A term for "herbs".
Yerbera: See Yerbero.
Yerbero (Var. Yerbera): Santeria. A Santero (q.v.) who has a special knowledge of herbs (cf. Osainista). The female equivalent is a Yerbera.
Yerbabuena (Trans. "Good herbs"): Santeria. A plant, Mentha Sativa, sacred to the Orisha Yemaya (q.v.), used in Despojos (q.v.) and to cure skin troubles.
Yeruel: In Sepher Raziel: One of 70 guardian angels of children.
Yeruiel: An alternative name for the 3rd Sephira (q.v.).
Yeshamiel: In Rune's The Wisdom of the Kabalah: An angel ruling the sign of Libra.
Yeshayah: In 3 Enoch: One of the names of Metatron (q.v.).
Yesheshuah (Var. Yeheshuah, Yehovashah, YHShVH, IHShVH. Deriv. by taking the Tetragrammaton (q.v.) IHVH or YHVH and putting "Sh", representing spirit, in the middle.): (1) An alternate name for Jesus. (2) In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Pentagrammaton: The Hebrew letter Shin representing the fire of the Holy Spirit descending into and illuminating Tetragrammaton.
Yeshimon: A name of Jehovah used in a conjuration in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Yesod (Var. YSOD, ISVD, Jesod. Hebrew “YSOD” ("Foundation" or "Basis")): (1) The ninth Sephira on the Qabalistic "Tree of Life" (See Sephiroth). It represents the sphere of the Moon and the Astral plane. (2) The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn assigns the following to this Sephira: (a) Divine Names AL ChI (El Chai- "the Mighty Living One"), ShDE (Shaddai) and Shaddai El Chai. (b) The angelic choir of the Kerubim. (c) The archangel Gabriel. (3) In the Greater Key of Solomon: (a) A name of Jehovah used in a conjuration. (b) A name used in a spell for favour and love. (4) The spirits of this Sephiroth are invoked in a "Kabalistic Invocation of Solomon" to evoke "spirits belonging to religions issued from Judaism" in Levi's Transcendental Magic. (5) A sephira mentioned in "Comment on Liber VII in class E" in Liber VII: Liber Liberi vel Lapidis Lazuli, Advmbratio Kabbalae Aegyptiorum Svb Figvra VII.
Ye-Sou (Deriv. "ye" ("soul", "psyche" or "magic mirror") and "sou" ("male" or "creator")): Vodou. A name for Jesus.
Yetsirah: See Yetzirah.
Yetzer Hara (Var. Yetzer Ra): Judaic. A personification of the evil tendencies of humans, sometimes used as a synonym for Satan.
Yetzer Ra: See Yetzer Hara.
Yetzirah (Var. Yetsirah. Hebrew- trans. "foundation"): (1) Qabala. (a) Pertaining to the Sepher Yetzirah (q.v.), a Qabalistic text. (b) The second degree of spiritual attainment, described as initiatory ordeals. (c) The third highest of the four Qabalistic worlds, the angelic world of formation. The others were Assiah, Atziluth and Briah. It has the secret name of MH ("Mah") and is associated to Ruach. (2) One of the four worlds invoked in Liber CLXV, the world of formation.
Yetziratic World: In Qabalah: The third world, the world of formation and of angels, called Olahm ha-Yetzirah or "OVLM HITzIRH" (See Yetzirah).
Yevie: (1) A name that is used in a spell of invisibility in the Greater Key of Solomon. (2) A name used in a spell of invisibility in the English edition of the Book of True Black Magic.
Yewa (Var. Yegua): Santeria. An Orisha (q.v.) that symbolizes death. She is considered to be a virgin. Her colour is pink. She is syncretized with Saint Claire.
Yeyayiel (Hebrew- trans. "Thy right hand"): One of the 72 names of Jehovah or of the Angels of the Shem Ha-Mephoresch (q.v.), found in the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Yeye Cari: Santeria. An aspect of the Orisha Oshun (q.v.).
Yeye Mara: See Yeye Moru.
Yeye Miwa: An aspect of the Orisha Oshun (q.v.).
Yeye Moru: An aspect of the Orisha Oshun (q.v.).
Yeyeelel (Hebrew- trans. "Hearer of Cries"): One of the 72 names of Jehovah or of the Angels of the Shem Ha-Mephoresch (q.v.), found in the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Yeyeomo Eja (Var. Yemoja): A Yoruban Orisha whose name means "Mother whose children are the fish". Yeyeomo Eja died giving birth to the fourteen principal deities of the Yoruba pantheon. She is the moon Goddess who controls the waters and the sea. She appears in Santeria as Yemaya (q.v.).
Yeyeziel (Var. ofYezahel (q.v.)): One of the 72 names of Jehovah or of the Angels of the Shem Ha-Mephoresch (q.v.), found in the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Yeza: Tribal tatoos of the Yoruba tribe. The cheeks of the initiate in Santeria are painted with stripes symbolizing these marks.
Yezahel (Var. Yeyeziel. Hebrew- trans. "Making Joyful" or "Rejoicing over all things"): One of the 72 names of Jehovah or of the Angels of the Shem Ha-Mephoresch (q.v.), found in the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Yeze (Var. Sechezze): A name of Jehovah used in conjuration in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Yezidee: See Yazidi.
Yezidi: See Yazidi.
Yezriel: In Sepher Raziel: One of the 70 guardian angels of children.
Ygal: In Sepher Raziel: One of the 70 guardian angels of children.
Yggdrasil (Var. Hodmimir’s Wood): Norse. The world tree, a key concept in Norse mythology. The nine worlds that make up Yggdrasil are: Asgard, Hel, Jotunheim, Ljossalfheim, Midgard, Muspellsheim, Niflheim, Svartalheim and Vanaheim.
Yggdrasil Day: Asatru. April 23rd (Asatru Alliance) or April 25th (other Asatruar). A celebration of Yggdrasil, the World Tree.
Y'gs Othoth: See Yog Sothoth.
YHHV (Permutation of Tetragrammaton (YHVH, q.v.)): In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: (a) A name used in the consecration of the Lotus wand. (b) A name associated with Taurus.
YHShVH (Hebrew rendering of Yesheshuah (q.v.)): In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: A name used in The Ring and The Disc with The Working of the Tripod.
YHVH (Var. of Tetragrammaton (q.v.)): In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: (a) An aspect of Jupiter. (b) A name used in the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram. (c) A name used when invoking the pentagram of air. (d) A name used in the Supreme invoking ritual of the pentagram. (e) A name used in the consecration of the ritual dagger, the Lotus Wand and the Rose Cross. (f) A name associated with Aries. (g) A name used in the formulae of the magic of light (the Z-2 formulae). (h) A name used in the initiation of the Adeptus Minor as written by Waite for his Fellowship of Isis. (i) A name used in the Evocation of the Angel Chassan to Visible Appearance.
YHVH ELwah ve Daath: In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: (a) A divine name assigned to the Sephira Tiphareth. (b) A name associated with the fire centre in the meditation for activating the Tree of Life in one's aura. (c) A name associated with the Sun. (d) A name used when invoking or banishing the hexagram of the Sun.
YHVH Elohim (Var. of Jehovah Elohim (q.v.)): In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: (a) A divine name associated with the Sephira Binah. (b) A name associated with the air centre in the meditation for activating the Tree of Life in one's aura. (c) A name associated with the planet Saturn. (d) A name used when invoking or banishing the hexagram of Saturn.
YHVH Tzabaoth (Var. of Jehovah Tzabaoth (q.v.)): In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: (a) A Divine name of the Sephira Netzach. (b) A Divine name for the element of fire. (c) A name associated with the planet Venus. (d) A name used when invoking or banishing the hexagram of Venus.
YHVHADNI: A name associated to the octangle (q.v.), which is the symbol of Mercury.
Figure 1 Yî
Yî: The forty second of the 64 hexagrams or patterns of the Chinese divination system called I Ching (see fig. 1). It represents success through movement.
Yi Jing: See I Ching.
Yi King: See Shih Yi.
Yiai (Var. IIAI): (1) A name of Jehovah used in a conjuration in the Greater Key of Solomon. (2) Inscribed on the first pentacle of Saturn and the seventh pentacle of Mars in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Yikon: See Jeqon.
Figure 2 Yin/Yang Symbol
Yin: Five thousand years ago the I Ching (q.v.) first proposed the concept of Yin and Yang, forms of energy that combine to form everything in the universe. The I Ching said that out of Wuji (nothing) came Taiji, which was composed of Yin and Yang. This, in turn, broke down into eight basic situations or trigrams that represented the elements. Yin is the female, negative, dark, passive principle in the universe. The concepts associated to it are: cold, water, soft, dark, wood, mother and near. Its complement is Yang (q.v.). The symbol of Yin and Yang is depicted in fig. 2.
Yin He: Words used in the preparation of ritual pens in The Book of True Black Magic.
Yirthiel (Hebrew- trans. "Deliverer"): One of the 72 names of Jehovah or of the Angels of the Shem Ha-Mephoresch (q.v.), found in the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Yisrael (Var. Yizriel X. Hebrew- trans. "princehood and strength"): In The Zohar: An alternate name for Israel.
Yizriel X: In The Sword of Moses: (a) One of the ineffable names of Jehovah. (b) One of 14 angels invoked in rituals.
Ylrng: In Sepher Raziel: One of the nomina barbara.
Yls: See Ils.
Ylsi: See Ils.
Ymir: Norse/Asatru. The Jotun (q.v.) who was the first being in the universe.
Yo Puedo Y Tu No (Spanish- trans. "I can and you cannot"): Santeria. An oil or essence used to overcome a person.
Yod (Var. Jod): (1) Yod is the tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet (י), equivalent to "I", "J" or "Y" in the English alphabet. It means "hand". It is assigned the numerical value of "10" in the Qabalah. (2) In the Greater Key of Solomon: (a) A name used in conjuration. (b) An alternate name of Jehovah, used in a conjuration. (c) A name inscribed on the first pentacle of Saturn and the sixth pentacle of the Sun. (d) A name used in a prayer while approaching a ritual site. (e) A name inscribed on the ritual sword. (7) A name used in the Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram in Liber O. (8) In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: (a) A letter invoked in the consecration of the Lotus Wand. (b) A letter associated with Virgo.
Yod He Vau He: The Tetragrammaton (q.v.). (1) In the Greater Key of Solomon: (a) A name inscribed on the first pentacle of Saturn. (b) A name used in a prayer while approaching a ritual site. (c) A name inscribed on the ritual sword. (d) A name inscribed on the first pentacle of Saturn. (e) A name inscribed on the third pentacle of Mars. (f) A name used in a prayer made while approaching a ritual site. (g) A name used in the consecration of salt and water. (h) A name used in the exorcism of fire while lighting ritual candles. (i) A name used the obtaining of blood from a bat.
Yod Nun Resh Yod: A variation of the term INRI (q.v.).
Yoda: An aspect of the Orisha Chango (q.v.).
Yofiel (Var. ofIofiel (q.v.)): (1) In The Zohar: An angelic chieftain who supervises the reading of the Torah on the Sabbath. (2) In Bamberger's Fallen Angels: An angel who can defeat Kafkefoni (q.v).
Yofiel Mittron X: An angel listed in The Sword of Moses.
Yofim: An obscure Mandaean angel.
Yofafin: An obscure Mandaean angel.
Yog Sothot (Var. Y'gs Othoth): (1) Azathoth's partner in chaos in the Necronomicon. (2) One of the characters borrowed from the works of H. P. Lovecraft in the Ceremony of the Nine Angles in Anton LaVey's The Satanic Rituals.
Yolacame: See Yolcam.
Yolaci: See Yolcam.
Yolakame: See Yolcam.
Yolaki: See Yolcam.
Yolasa: See Ils.
Yolcam (Var. Yolci, Iolcam, Yolacame, Yolakame, Yolaci, Yolaki): Enochian- trans. "bring forth".
Yolci: See Yolcam.
Yomael (Var. Yomiel): In 3 Enoch: An anglic prince of the 7th heaven.
Yomiel: See Yomael.
Yomyael: See Jomjael.
Yonel: In Hechaloth lore: One of the angelic guards of the gates of the north wind.
[pic]Figure 3 Yoni
Yoni: (1) Hindu. A symbol of the female genitalia, often triangular in shape, and sometimes resembling the Vesica Piscis. The Yoni is the symbol of the Goddess Shakti (q.v.) and of the female power of creation (q.v.). It is depicted in figure 3. (2) A term for female genitalia used in "Comment on Liber VII in class E" in Liber VII: Liber Liberi vel Lapidis Lazuli, Advmbratio Kabbalae Aegyptiorum Svb Figvra VII.
Yophiel: In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: (a) An angel associated with the Sephira Binah. (b) The intelligence of the planet Jupiter.
Yor (Var. Yorb, Yore): An Enochian word. In Regardie's The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic it is translated as "roll". In Laycock's The Complete Enochian Dictionary, it is translated as "roar".
Yorb: See Yor.
Yore: See Yor.
Yorepoila: See Yrpoil.
Yorkami: See Yurkemi.
Yoruba: An African peoples in southern Nigeria, composed of tribes such as the Egba, Ketu, Ijebu and the Ife. Yoruba mythology forms the basis of the modern religion of Santeria (q.v.) and its variants. The Yoruba believe in deities called Orishas (q.v.).
|Esu (Eleggua) |black fowl, palm oil (epo), cowrie shells |
|Sango (Chango) |rams, bitter kola (oropogo) |
|Ogun (Oggun) |dogs, snails, turtles, palm wine, roated yams, sometimes rams |
|Obatala |snails fried in shea buter, white maize, white kola nut, bitter kola |
| |(oropogo) |
|Osun (Oshun) |goats, fowls |
|Sonponno (Babalu-Aye) |roosters, palm wine, palm oil, corn meal |
Yourba: See Yurba.
Yova: A name used in conjuration in the Greater Key of Solomon.
Ypsilon: The twentieth letter of the Greek alphabet (υ).
Yrouel: In Vocabulaire de L'Angelologie: The angel of fear.
Yrpoil (Var. Yorepoila): Enochian- trans. "division" (Cf. Poilp).
YSOD: See Yesod.
Figure 4 Yü
Yü: The sixteenth of the 64 hexagrams or patterns of the Chinese divination system called I Ching (see fig. 4). It represents promotion and setting forces in motion.
Yubbona: Santeria. The sponsor of the Yaguo (q.v.).
Yuggoth: A place name borrowed from the works of H. P. Lovecraft in the "Call to Cthulhu" in Anton LaVey's The Satanic Rituals (See Yuggothic).
Yuggothic: A language created by Michael Aquino for two rituals in Anton LaVey's The Satanic Rituals: "Call to Cthulhu" and "Ceremony of the Nine Angles". It was inspired by the works of fantasy writer H. P. Lovecraft.
Yule (Var.Alban Arthuan. "Yule" 1475 C.E., deriv. Middle English “Yoole” circa 1450 CE, appeared in The Ormulum as “Yole” circa 1200 C.E., deriv. Old English “Geol” or “Geola” bef. 899 C.E. Bede recorded it circa 726 CE in his history (written in Anglian Old English) as "Giuli". It may have originated in Scandinavian countries, since their word for this season is similar: "jul". In old Icelandic it is "jol"[1]): As a matter of interest, the term "Christmas" cannot be traced back as far as the term "Yule". It first appeared as "Cristmessa", or "Christ's festival" around 1100 CE. Another Old English variation was "Cristes Maesse". The expression "Christmas Eve" did not appear before 1300 CE (from "Cristenmesse Even"), Christmastide appeared in 1626 and although decorated trees appeared in England in the mid 1700s, the term "Christmas Tree" did not appear until 1835.[2]
(1) Asatru: (a) The name for the month of December. (b) A midwinter celebration commencing the eve of the Winter Solstice (Mother Night) and running for twelve days, representing the year in miniature. This is also known as Mother Night, the time when the New Year is born. It is a night to honor Frigg. The return of the sun indicates that there will be no Fimbulwinter preceding Ragnarok. It is the time of year when the ancestors of the Asatru are felt to be closest. The dead (draugar) are felt to be very active at this time of year. Odin in his aspect Jólnir, the God of Death and Transition, is said to lead the Wild Hunt over the world seeking out evil and corruption to usher out the old year. Frey is also honored in his aspect as the newborn year, representing growth and promise. The Asatruar decorate Yule Trees, representing Yggdrasil and burn Yule logs in honor of Thor. As in Wiccan Yule Log traditions, a piece of last year’s log is used to light this year’s. A fragment of the Yule log is preserved throughout the year to guard the house against lightning and fire. The twelve days of Yule culminate with Twelfth Night. In ancient times a boar was consecrated to Frey and led out so that everyone present could lay their hands on it to swear solemn oaths. Oaths sworn on the Oath Boar were taken very seriously. Pork is traditionally served at the feast. This was to honor Frey for prosperity. (2) Odinists celebrate the Winter solstice by sharing the Cup of Remembrance on this day with rites similar to that of the Asatruar. (3) Yule is the Winter Solstice (December 21), a Lesser Sabbat of the Wiccan calendar (See Winter Solstice). Some Wiccan covens hold a festival of light to commemorate the Goddess as Mother giving birth (once again) to the Sun God. Often this takes the form of getting up before the sun rises and lighting a bon fire. The celebrants stand around the fire, "singing the sun up" in celebration of the returning light. Others appoint coveners to represent the Young Lord (or the waxing year) and the Old Lord (the waning year) and play out a ritual drama of the Young Lord's victory over the Old to mark the point from which the days will lengthen.
An old Yule custom that is now a Twelfth Night custom in some parts of Britain is the Twelfth Night cake. This cake contains a bean and a pea. If a man found the bean in his portion, he became the king of the feast. If a woman found the bean, she had the right to name the King. The woman who found the pea was the Queen of the feast. If a man found the pea, he chose a woman to be Queen.
Another custom, now usually done as a part of Twelfth Night celebrations, is the custom of lighting twelve fires on a hill top. They may be in a line but are most often in a circle, and one was usually bigger than the rest. People would stand around it and toast each other and the coming harvests with cider. Afterwards they would retire to the house to feast.
It was customary to light a large, decorated, red, green or blue candle called the Yule Candle. It was left burning all day, and if anything caused it to go out this was taken as a very bad omen. It was never blown out, this supposedly bringing bad luck. It would be snuffed out with tongs at the end of the day. The remainder of the candle was kept until next Yule for good luck. In Denmark it was considered a charm against the house being struck by lightning. In other parts of Scandinavia farmers smeared their plough with its tallow to hallow the soil and make the seed fertile.
A variation of this is the lighting of the Yule Log. This would be brought in at dusk and lit from a fragment of last year's log. It was considered very unlucky to buy it. One had to fetch one's own, although it was perfectly acceptable to receive one as a gift. It was often decorated before being brought in and consecrated by having offerings of wine and grain poured over it. It was left alight all day, in some areas it was kept burning for the entire twelve days of the Christmas season. But it was never allowed to burn entirely away. Like the Yule Candle, it must never go out until it was deliberately quenched at the end of the traditional period. What remained was saved until next year, to light the next Yule Log and to bring good luck throughout the year.
In some parts of the Scottish Highlands the head of the household would go off to find a withered tree stump, which he then carved into a crude figure of an old woman. This was called the Cailleach Nollaich, or Christmas Old Wife, which represented the old year and the trials of winter. At dusk it would be placed on the fire and burned completely. As soon as it was entirely consumed the household would celebrate with games and merriment.
After the feast the people would go "Wassailing". This word comes from the Anglo Saxon words "wes" ("be thou") and "hal" ("whole"). Participants would pass around a wassail bowl with some sort of hot drink in it. One of the most common drinks was "Lamb's Wool", a mixture of hot ale, spices, sugar and roasted apples, to which eggs and thick cream was sometimes added. The bowl was passed around for all to partake or, if it was too large for this, individual cups would be filled from it. A variation on this was for wassailers to go from door to door bearing their wassail bowl and singing traditional songs. One of these songs from the North country of England is still sung as a Christmas carol:
Here we come a-wassailing
Among the leaves so green,
Here we come a-wassailing
So fair to be seen.
Love and joy come to you,
And to your Wassail too,
And God bless you, and send you
A Happy new year.
Farm workers would go about their property, toasting the trees, especially fruit trees, with strong ale or cider (which, being made of apples, was sacred to the Goddess). Some of the drink would be poured out on the roots or in the fork of the branches and branches would be pulled down and dipped in the drink. Offerings of bread or cakes were left in the tree for its spirit. In some areas the men showed the tree what was expected of it by miming the actions of picking up heavy bushels of apples. Songs were often sung to the tree:
"Here's to thee, old apple tree,
Whence thou may'st bud and whence thou may'st blow;
And whence thou may'st bear apples enow.
Hats full, caps full, bushel, bushel sacks full,
And my pockets full too! Hurrah!"[3].
Here's another variation from Sussex:
"Stand fast root, bear well top,
Pray God send us a good howling crop,
Every twig, apples big,
Every bough, apples enow.
Hats full, caps full, full quarter sacks full,
Holla, boys, holla! Huzza!"[4].
Often these ceremonies would be ended by the participants blowing horns, yelling and otherwise making noise, to scare off evil influences and awaken the trees. In some areas shotguns were discharged into the air. Some times small fires were lit under the trees and torches carried about as they were in the fields.
Livestock would be wassailed too. Here is a wassailing song for a ox:
"Here's to thee (name of ox), and to thy white horn,
God send thy master a good crop of corn,
Of wheat, rye and barley, and all sorts of grain,
You eat your oats, I'll drink my beer
May the Lord send us a happy new year"[5].
An old British custom is the "First Foot". This is variously practised at Yule or on the modern New Years (January 1st). The first visitor to enter a house on Yule/New Year's morning is known as the "First Foot". In Yorkshire he is sometimes known as the "Lucky Bird" and on the Isle of Man, the Quaaltagh. In most areas of Great Britain today where this custom is still observed, the First Foot is a healthy male, although on the Isle of Man and in some areas of Scotland either gender will do. The First Foot should be a person from outside the home if possible. The First Foot brought in the luck of the New Year with him and arrived bearing small gifts, usually including a piece of bread, a piece of coal and a coin, symbolizing food, warmth and wealth in the coming year. Where this custom was practised at Yule the First Foot was usually a small boy, symbolizing the newborn God, and he bore a sprig of evergreen through every room in the house. The boy was given small gifts by the householders, usually including some bread, salt and a coin[6].
Yule was another time of year that the custom of "Hodening" or "Hoodening" was practised. As in the Samhain (q.v.) Hodening, a man would drape a stable blanket or sheet over himself and carry about a horse's skull (sometimes a wooden horse's head) on a pole about four feet long. He would go about from household to household at night with a small group of attendants, and was considered to be a bringer of fertility and good fortune. One of his attendants would lead him by the reins or a rope, another would carry a whip, sometimes a lighter person would ride on his back. Another of the attendants was a man dressed as a woman called "Mollie" or "Old Woman", who carried a besom. Originally this was probably a woman, perhaps a priestess. This group would greet the householders at the front door, the Hodening horse snapping his jaws and The Old Woman sweeping the entrance way to sweep out any bad luck. The Hodening party would enter the house and the occupants would tie a red ribbon on the horse's head for good luck.
Yura: In Mandaean lore: A spirit of light and rain.
Yurba (Var. Yourba): In Mandaean lore: The chief of the evil genii or the chief of the powers of darkness.
Yurkemi (Var. Yorkami): In The Talmud and the Sepher Yetzirah: The angel of hail.
Yushamin (Var. Yusamin): In Mandaean mythology: One of 10 Uthri (q.v.) that accompany the sun on its daily course.
Yusamin: See Yushamin.
YVHH (Permutation of Tetragrammaton (YHVH, q.v.)): In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: (a) A name used in the consecration of the Lotus wand. (b) A name associated with Gemini.
YVHY (Permutation of Tetragrammaton (YHVH, q.v.)): In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: (a) A name used in the consecration of the Lotus wand. (b) A name associated with Cancer.
Yya Agbe: Santeria. Another name for the Orisha Oddudua (q.v.).
[1] Barnhart, pg 1255.
[2] Barnhart, pg 170.
[3] HOLE, Christina: British Folk Customs, pg 209.
[4] ibid, pg 210.
[5] ibid, pg 198.
[6] ibid, pg 72-74.
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