Actor who played troy bolton in high school musical

Actor who played troy bolton in high school musical


Actor who played troy bolton in high school musical

Who sings for troy bolton in high school musical.

Wikipedia List Item The main characters of the Music Series of High School Cinema. From left to right: Lucas Grabeel like Ryan Evans; Ashley Tisdale as Sharpay Evans; Vanessa Hudgens like Gabriella Montez; Zac Efron as Troy Bolton; Monique Coleman as Taylor McKessie; And Corbin Bleu as Chad Danforth. The following article is a list of characters that appear in the music high school cinematographic series. Currently, the characters that appear in the musical sector of high school, musical Liceo 2 and musical high school 3: the elderly year are listed. The first three films concentrate on the six main characters. The first chronic film The events that occur for several weeks in their Junior Liceo year, with the second film that takes place next summer. The third film is set in the final semester of the elderly year. There are also classmates and parents of these characters, as well as various other characters. Main Cast Troy Bolton Troy Boltonzac Efron in 2007 High School Musical Film Series CharacterPrayed? ? Byzac EfronFirst? ? FashionHish School Musical (2006) Last? ? Fasceshigh School Musical 3: Animal Year (2008) Created bypeter BarsocchiniProfileCupupazionStudNutdy / WaitassistantistStatructectorFamilyParentsJack Bolton (Mother) Troy Bolton Bolton It is the protagonist of the first three films. Painted as one of the most popular students of the above of the East, Troy is also the captain of the school's basketball team of the school, a position that he earned in his year Junior after joining the team as a second floor. [1] Most of the student body, especially the best friend of Troy, Chad Danforth, provides that Troy leads to east high to victory. Troy is the only son of Jack and Lucille Bolton; Jack is also the East basketball team coach and puts further pressure on Troy to excel. Troy is also involved with the school golf team. In the first film, Troy meets Gabriella Montez in a Karaoke Ski Lodge party at New Year. When shooting the school year, Troy finds that Gabriella is a new student at East High. For fear of what his father, friends and classmates of you would think, Troy asks Gabriella not to mention his singing performance to anyone else. However, the secret finally comes out when Troy and Gabriella audition involuntarily for the winter musical after singing in the auditorium. The news launches the social order of East High for balance. Troy finds himself having to choose between Gabriella and the musical callbacks or the team of her and the game of the championship. Although friends of him initially try to hinder the possibilities to find the possibility of launching the cast of the musical lead, help him make both the game and callbacks, who had been planned at the afternoon. Troy and Gabriella earn the guide roles, a bit irritating the ?

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