

PRE ANNUAL EXAM (2019 -20)


TIME: 3 Hours Class: IX M.M.: 80

General Instructions:

• The question paper is divided into three sections.

Section A: Reading comprehension 20 marks

Section B: Writing and Grammar 30 marks

Section C: Literature 30 marks

• All questions are compulsory.

• You may attempt any section at a time.

• All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the correct order


Section A (Reading)

Q1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: (8marks)


1. Every night, before I sleep, I spend at least 10 to 15 minutes reading great poetry. It may be Wordsworth or Keats, Robert Frost or Rabindranath Tagore, and I always find that this little indulgence helps me enjoy a good night’s sleep.I used to turn to televised debates for some relief. Would they provide me with some intellectual stimulation before I turned the lights off? Alas, no. Unlike a civilized school debate, these televised debates on national issues are often hostile confrontations, and in a short time the participants are shouting and there is nothing more detrimental to sleep than watching television late at night. There was a time when I felt I had to keep up with the latest news, national or global, before going to bed; but this has now become increasingly depressing, and I now find it difficult to sleep if I am haunted by images of starving children in Syria, or mobs on the rampage at our railway stations, or universities in turmoil.

2. A television screen late at night can bring ignorant armies right into your bedroom, and prevent you from sleeping screaming at each other and bandying insults, and they are paid to do it too!

3. I turn to the sports channels. I should have stopped at badminton or golf, both civilized sports. But egged on by a 12-year-old nephew, I find myself watching an extraordinary wrestling tournament in which a couple of over-developed hulks are stamping on each other, doing their best to break each other’s necks or arms,.

“It’s all acting,” my knowledgeable nephew informs me. “They rehearse in advance.”

4. I take his word for it, and move to the next channel, which is anything but a well-rehearsed wrestling match. This is kick-boxing with a vengeance, although the fists, only lightly gloved, do most of the damage. By the end of the bout, the loser’s face is a bloody mess. You don’t want to go to bed with a vision of a face beaten to a pulp. You will see it all night and dream of a large fist smashing in your face.

5. I grew up on movies too,so I use my remote to turn to the movie channels on our TV set. “Only action movies today,” says my nephew in anticipation.

6. And it’s more than action, it’s pure torture in every sense of the word. Here is some madman’s victim being skinned alive. Move on. Now someone is having his eyes gouged out. Move on quickly. Another victim is having his legs sawn off.

7. Finally I switch off the TV and drink a cup of cocoa to calm my nerves. I go to my window and look out into the night. The moon is coming up, and a deodar on the summit stands out in silhouette. Far down in the valley, the lights of Doon twinkle up at me. A line from my favourite poet, Walter de la Mare, comes back to me:

‘Look thy last on things lovely,

Every hour.

8. Yes, this is the hour for poetry, a time to remind oneself there is still beauty in the world, and that sleep comes best to those who look for the beautiful in thought and words before turning in for the night.

If you could dream of dragonflies instead of dragons, then turn off the mind-disturbing TV set, turn on the bed light and give yourself up to a few words of enchantment.

And with this, I say goodnight to you, dear reader. Even if this is the morning edition of your newspaper.

Read the above passage and choose the correct option from the ones given below:

a). Everyday before sleeping the author :

(i) reads a book.

(ii) listens to music.

(iii) says his prayers.

(iv) reads great poetry.

b).The author finds watching news depressing because:

(i) he is not able to sleep.

(ii) the images of what he sees on the television haunt him.

(iii) it is detrimental to his sleep.

(iv) all the above

c). The televised debates are different from the school debates:

(i) because they are hostile.

(ii) because they are friendly.

(iii) because they are boring and dull.

(iv) none of the above

d). The genre of the movies the nephew enjoys are:

(i) music and dance

(ii) action

(iii) horror

(iv) tragedy

e). The author moves near the window to see:

(i) The moon.

(ii) The deodar.

(iii) the lights of the Doon.

(iv) All the above.

f). The author advises us :

(i) not to watch TV before sleeping.

(ii) to have a bath before sleeping.

(iii) to be with our mobiles before sleeping.

(iv) to chat with friends before sleeping.

g). What does the author’s nephew like to watch on television?

(i) golf (ii) badminton (iii) cricket (iv) wrestling

h) The synonym of detrimental(Para 1) is :

(i) helpful (ii) beneficial (iii) injurious (iv) effective

Q2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: (12marks)

1. Paryushan Parva is an annual festival of repentance and forgiveness for self-purification to remove accumulated karma of the previous year and develop control over accumulating new karma, by following Jain austerities and other rituals. Jains practise penances, vows, fasts, scriptural studies and Pratikarman, to focus more on inner qualities and virtues of the soul and cleanse the body. The main aim of Paryushan is to purify the soul and achieve self-uplift.

2. Fasting is an important part of Paryushan as it helps in purifying mind and body and helps one to reflect and introspect. Jains believe that Ratnatray, the three jewels of Jainism: right knowledge, right faith and right conduct. To achieve these, they are encouraged to be non-violent, truthful and renounce all attachments. It helps one develop discipline, self-control and patience.

3. Forgiveness and repentance are important aspects of Paryushan. Each day of the Paryushan festival focuses on eliminating various impurities like anger, pride, deceit, greed and in building good virtues. All Jains perform Atthai Tap – fasting for eight days at a time. During these days, spiritual preceptors read out and explain the Kalpasutra, the most sacred scripture of the Jains.

4. The eight-day festival inspires to remember the roots and philosophies of Jainism. The first-day followers focus on clearing their minds of daily worldly thoughts. The second inspires people to donate to places of worship or to causes. The third day focuses on connecting mind to soul by practising meditation for enlightenment. On the fourth day, Jains believe they receive well wishes and protection from Goddess Lakshmi. The fifth day is also known as “The Day of the Kalpasutra” when people celebrate the Tirthankara Mahavir’s birth.

5. The sixth and seventh days are days of tolerance and endurance.

6. The eighth and final day is titled, Samvatsari which translates to the “Gateway of Salvation”. It is holiest day of the entire Jain calendar and also International Forgiveness Day. On this day Jains utter the words “Micchami Dukkadam”. The concept by saying to someone, “Micchami Dukkadam” is that if I have done any harm to you then those bad deeds may please be forgiven.

7. In short, one can avoid influx of bad karma and stay in peace while living in worldly life by developing a friendship towards all living beings. By celebrating Paryushan, one can eventually get rid of negative qualities and cultivate positive qualities.

I. On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions in 30-40 words: (4X2=8 marks)

a. What is Paryushan Parva? Why is it celebrated?

b. According to the passage what is the significance of fasting?

c. Explain the concept behind saying , Micchami Dukkadam .

d. How are the first seven days Paryushan Parva celebrated?

II. Fill in the blanks on the basis of your reading of the above passage. (1X2=2 marks)

a. The main aim of Paryushan is to purify the ______.

b. _________and repentance are important aspects of Paryushan

III. Choose the correct synonyms of the words given below from the given options: (1X2=2)

a. atonement (para1)

i. repentance ii. Annual iii. Mend iv. self-uplift

b. forsake (para2)

i. truthful ii. Renounce iii. give in iv. conduct

Section B (Writing and Grammar)

Q3. As quoted by Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” On the basis of the given statement write an article on the value of education in 100-150 words. You are Sakshi/ Saksham. (8 marks )


“Sport teaches you character, it teaches you to play by the rules, it teaches you to know what it feels like to win and lose-it teaches you about life”. In the spirit of the given statement your school had organized Annual Sports Day. Write the factual description of the same in 120-150 words. (8marks)

Q4. On the basis of the given clues develop a story in 150-200 words. Also provide a suitable title. (10)

Long ago a benevolent king ruled the country-- but he had a treacherous minister who was plotting to overthrow him---king befriended a young boy---manages to outwit minister- minister thrown out of the kingdom


One September evening when Lokesh returned from the city after a hard day’s work and was walking to his car……….

Q5. Fill up the blanks with the most suitable of the given options : (4X1=4)

Not only is gold beautiful, (a)______ it is virtually indestructible. It will not rust or corrode; gold coins and products fabricated from the metal (b)____ survived undamaged for centuries. Gold is extremely easy to work (c)------. One ounce, which is about the size of a cube of sugar, can be beaten into a sheet nearly 100 square feet in size, and becomes so thin that light passes (d)------- it.

a) Also , Much , But , Rather

b) Can , Has , Have , Could

c) In , With, for, from

d) Into, thorough, in, through

Q6 The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided against the correct blank number: (1X4=4)

Error Correction

The formation of pearl is a interesting phenomenon . E.g. a an

Oysters and other mollusks live on water. They have (a)_____ ________

two shells, joins together with a hinge. These shells (b) _____ ________

keeps opening and closing, allowing water to pass in (c) _____ ________

and out of them so that the oyster inside will eat and breathe. (d)_____ ________

Q7. Read the given conversation and complete the given blanks: (4)

Prerna : We went for picnic yesterday.

Priya : Even my school is taking students for a trip.

Prerna : I am sure you must be going.

Priya : I can’t go as my mother is unwell.

Prerna told Priya (a)_________.

Priya replied that (b)_____________.

Prerna then said (c)_____________.

Priya informed that (d)______________.

Section C (Literature)

Q8 Read the following extracts and answer the given questions: (1X4= 4)

It is the human earth that we defile.

Our hells of fire and dust outrage the innocence

Of air that is everywhere our own,

Remember, no men are foreign, and no countries strange.

i. What are we doing to the human earth?

ii. Explain ‘hells of fire’?

iii. By human earth the poet means :

a) Earth that is humane

b) Earth inhabited by humans

c) Earth made by human

d) Earth and human

iv. Identify the poem and the poet.

(a) No Men Are Foreign- Thomas Hardy

(b) No Men Are Foreign- James Kirkup

(c) No Men Are Foreign- Toni Morrison

(d) No Men Are Foreign-Gieve Patel


Good gracious! How your hop!

Over the fields and the water too,

As if you never would stop!

My life is a bore in this nasty pond,

And I long to go out in the world beyond!

I wish I could hop like you!

Said the Duck to the Kangaroo.

i) What did the duck praise the kangaroo for ?

ii) Why does the duck refer the pond as nasty ?

iii) The kangaroo’s ability to -------impresses the duck.

iv) The duck is fed up of her --------- life.

Q9 Answer the following questions as per the instructions given :

I. Answer any three of the following questions from (Beehive) in 30-40 words: (2x3=6)

a. The author says, “I never saw two men do more with one-and-two pence worth of butter in

my whole life ” Describe what did George and Harris do with the butter.

b. Explain the belief about the end of Kaliyug at Pashupatinath.

c. What was the most spiritual and proud moment for Santosh Yadav?

d. Bruno was a loving and playful pet. Elucidate.

II. Answer any two of the following from ( Moments) in 30-40 words : (2x2=4)

e. How did Bryson end up in ‘ crash position’ in the aircraft?

f. The super cyclone wreaked havoc in the life of the people of Orissa . How ?

g. Even after taking admission in a new school, why did the narrator keep visiting his teachers

at the old school (A House Is Not A Home)

Q10. Answer Any one of the questions in 100-150 words : (8marks )

“Until one has loved an animal , a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” On the basis of the above statement bring out the special bond between Bruno and the narrator’s wife. (8


Packing should not be treated as a frivolous activity but as a serious task that involves concentration and deftness. Substantiate

Q11. Answer Any one of the questions in 100-150 words : (8marks )

Pablo Picasso said, “The purpose of art is washing dust of daily life off our shoes.” Elucidate how Behram’s masterpiece helped Johnsy dust off her lack of purpose and triggers her interest in life.


“True happiness is bringing smile on others face .”

Substantiate how Happy Prince and Swallow validated this statement .


PRE ANNUAL EXAM (2019 -20)


TIME: 3 Hours Class: IX M.M.: 80

General Instructions:

• The question paper is divided into three sections.

Section A: Reading comprehension 20 marks

Section B: Writing and Grammar 30 marks

Section C: Literature 30 marks

• All questions are compulsory.

• You may attempt any section at a time.

• All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the correct order



Q1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: (8 marks)

In these days of cash rationing, I miss the days when I used to subsist largely on postal money orders. That was back in the days of my youth, when I freelanced from Dehradun, bombarding the country’s newspapers and magazines with my articles and short stories. Magazine payments seldom exceeded Rs 25 for a short story, and the publishers often found it more convenient to send these amounts by money order rather than by cheque.

I preferred it too. The postman became a welcome visitor, sometimes a friend. I would sign on a printed receipt, and become the recipient of several crisp new notes, all real money, waiting to be spent. No doubt my friends would be waiting around the corner, eager to celebrate at the nearest chaat shop; but there is nothing like a little money in the pocket to boost the self-confidence of a fledgling writer.The magazines that sent me this largesse included Sainik Samachar, the Armed Forces Weekly; Chandamama; Shankar’s Weekly and Baburao Patel’s Mother India. Only one or two of these survive.

The Times of India and The Statesman were in a slightly higher bracket as far as payments went. These amounts might seem insignificant today, but in 1956 Rs 25/- could buy lunches and dinners for a week.

Prem, who runs a little ration shop down the road, still uses postal money order to send remittances to his aged and ailing mother in their village in a remote area of the Garhwal hills. There is no bank in the area, but the village postman makes his way to her door with a few hundred rupee notes.

I have always been loyal to the post office, and still use Speed Post for all my correspondence. Stamps have to be paid for in cash, so I must cut down a little on my letters. If the cash problems go on forever, I suppose postage stamps will vanish too. I gave up collecting long ago, but the postage stamp is part of our heritage, portraying the country’s past and present.

In my effort to keep up with the times I travel occasionally by plane, and the other day I thought I’d do some shopping at one of our major airports. To my dismay, the proffered credit card could not be used, as the systems “connectivity” was down. I’m not sure what “connectivity” means (except in the human sense) but apparently it implies some sort of electronic failure. And I hope it isn’t a foretaste of things to come. If there is neither cash nor “connectivity”, what do we do for a bar of chocolate or just a magazine with which to pass the time? You just sit patiently in the airport twiddling your thumbs and gazing at your fellow travellers.

Or being gazed at.

I was sitting there meditating, or rather contemplating, when an attractive young woman came up to me and said, “Excuse me, but are you Bejan Daruwala?”

Now I’ve been mistaken for various people in my life, but Bejan Daruwala was a new one.

Naturally I was flattered.

“Regretfully, no,” I answered. “But I can tell your fortune if you like.”

“No, no,” she said hastily. “It’s all right. I just thought you looked like him.”

“I won’t charge anything,” I added, as an afterthought; she was probably short of cash. But she had hurried away.

An hour passed, and someone else approached me. A large lady with a small boy.

“It’s so nice to see you here,” she says. “My little boy studies one of your books in class. Will you give him your autograph?”

“Certainly ma’am.” I beam at the bright little boy. “And what’s the name of the book you are studying?”

“Tom Sawyer,” he says.

Dutifully, I sign Mark Twain on a slip of paper. Mother and son go away quite happy.

One of these days someone is going to mistake me for Ruskin Bond.

Read the above passage and choose the correct option from the ones given below:

Q1. What was missed by the author?

a) days when he survived on Paytm

b) time when he went for Net banking

c) time when he survived on Postal Money Orders

d) the years when he used Credit Cards

Q2. The author celebrated with his friends by:

a) going for a movie

b) going for a chat

c) listening to music

d) going for playing

Q3. The confidence of the writer was boosted by:

a) writing a story

b) listening to music

c) a little money

d) a fun filled activity

Q4. The author sometimes loves to travel by plane because:

a) he loves it

b) he wants to show it

c) to keep up with the times

d) he has a lot of money.

Q5. The author was not able to use the credit card because :

a) he did not have one

b) he wanted to use the cash he had

c) systems connectivity was down

d) none of the above

Q6. The postage stamps are important because :

a) they are a part of our heritage

b) letters cannot be posted without stamps

c) they portray country’s past and present

d) all the above

Q7. The postman is a welcome visitor because:

a) he brought letters from his parents

b) he used to sit and chat with him

c) he brought money

d) both (a) and (b)

Q8. The synonym of Largesse (para 2) is:

a) spiteful

b) miserliness

c) meanness

d) gifted generously

Q2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: (12marks)

8. Paryushan Parva is an annual festival of repentance and forgiveness for self-purification to remove accumulated karma of the previous year and develop control over accumulating new karma, by following Jain austerities and other rituals. Jains practise penances, vows, fasts, scriptural studies and Pratikarman, to focus more on inner qualities and virtues of the soul and cleanse the body. The main aim of Paryushan is to purify the soul and achieve self-uplift.

9. Fasting is an important part of Paryushan as it helps in purifying mind and body and helps one to reflect and introspect. Jains believe that Ratnatray, the three jewels of Jainism: right knowledge, right faith and right conduct. To achieve these, they are encouraged to be non-violent, truthful and renounce all attachments. It helps one develop discipline, self-control and patience.

10. Forgiveness and repentance are important aspects of Paryushan. Each day of the Paryushan festival focuses on eliminating various impurities like anger, pride, deceit, greed and in building good virtues. All Jains perform Atthai Tap – fasting for eight days at a time. During these days, spiritual preceptors read out and explain the Kalpasutra, the most sacred scripture of the Jains.

11. The eight-day festival inspires to remember the roots and philosophies of Jainism. The first-day followers focus on clearing their minds of daily worldly thoughts. The second inspires people to donate to places of worship or to causes. The third day focuses on connecting mind to soul by practising meditation for enlightenment. On the fourth day, Jains believe they receive well wishes and protection from Goddess Lakshmi. The fifth day is also known as “The Day of the Kalpasutra” when people celebrate the Tirthankara Mahavir’s birth.

12. The sixth and seventh days are days of tolerance and endurance.The eighth and final day is titled, Samvatsari which translates to the “Gateway of Salvation”. It is holiest day of the entire Jain calendar and also International Forgiveness Day. On this day Jains utter the words “Micchami Dukkadam”. The concept by saying to someone, “Micchami Dukkadam” is that if I have done any harm to you then those bad deeds may please be forgiven. In short, one can avoid influx of bad karma and stay in peace while living in worldly life by developing a friendship towards all living beings. By celebrating Paryushan, one can eventually get rid of negative qualities and cultivate positive qualities.

I. On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions in 30-40 words: (4X2=8 marks)

a. What is Paryushan Parva? Why is it celebrated?

b. According to the passage what is the significance of fasting?

c. Explain the concept behind saying , Micchami Dukkadam .

d. How are the first seven days Paryushan Parva celebrated?

II. Fill in the blanks on the basis of your reading of the above passage. (1X2=2 marks)

a. The main aim of Paryushan is to purify the ______.

b. _________and repentance are important aspects of Paryushan

III. Choose the correct synonyms of the words given below from the given options: (1X2=2)

a. atonement (para1)

i. Repentance ii. Annual iii. Mend iv. Self-uplift

b. forsake (para2)

i. Truthful ii. Renounce iii. Give up iv. Conduct


Q3. In the words of Douglas Engelbart “ Digital revolution is far more significant than the invention of printing”. On the basis of the given statement write an article on The Impact of Technology in Today’s Era in 100-150 words. You are Punit /Punya. (8marks)


You happen to meet your star idol on the festive occasion of Diwali and are feeling on top of the world. You cannot contain your elation and decide to pen down this experience in your diary . In 120-150 words write the diary entry . (8 marks)

Q4. Read the following clues and write a story in 150-200 words with a suitable heading:(10)

An illiterate boy ....caught for pick pocketing ....sent to prison....becomes rebellious....

watches French comic serials on TV during recreation hours ....fascinated with the language...requested coaching classes...a French tourist guide now.


The moment Hari stepped down from the train, he was greeted at the platform by the people of his small town. They had gathered there with garlands and a band…..

Q5 Fill up the blanks with the most suitable of the given options : (4X1=4)

About half of India’s children aged (a)……….. six and fourteen do not go to school. About 5.5 crore children (b)…………… in factories, cottage industries(c)…………… in the agricultural sector. One of the most important reasons for our nation’s (d)…………. is illiteracy.

a) among, between, with, about

b) worked, working, has been working, work

c) and, around, about, some

d) backwardness, back, backness, backward

Q6. Read the following paragraph carefully. A word has been omitted in each line. Write the omitted word against the correct blank number. (4 marks)

Before Missing After


Blood is fluid connective tissue. The human body E.g. is a fluid

has four to six litres of blood. It is up of two components, (a) ___ ____ ____

plasma and blood cells. Blood transports nutrients each cell of (b)___ ____ ____

the body. It sends oxygen to all the cells brings back (c) ___ ____ ____

carbon dioxide the lungs. (d) ___ ____ ____

Q7. Read the conversation given below and complete the given blanks: (4)

Era : My father bought me a box of chocolates yesterday.

Neha : Even my brother has gifted me a set of colours.

Era : I am sure you must be using them.

Neha : I have’nt as I want to use them during Art exam.

Era told Neha (a)___________________.

Neha replied that (b)___________________.

Era then said (c)____________________.

Neha shared (d)________________________.


Q8. Read the extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow: (1*4=4marks)

The snake trying

 to escape the pursuing stick,

with sudden carvings of thin

long body. How beautiful

 and graceful are his shapes!

 He glides through the water away

from the stroke.

(a) What is the snake trying to escape from?

(b) Explain “graceful are his shapes”.

(c) The stroke in this context refers to :

(i) provoking (ii) patting (iii) hitting (iv) All the above

(d) Identify the poem and the poet.

i) The Snake Trying by W.K Ros

ii) Snake Trying by W.W.W Ross

iii) The Snake Trying by W.W.E Ross

iv) The Snake Trying by W.W.E Ros


It has grown

Slowly consuming the earth,

Rising out of it, feeding

Upon its crust, absorbing

Years of sunlight, air, water,

And out of its leprous hide

Sprouting leaves.

a) How does a tree grow ?

b) Mention the three essential things required by the tree?

c) The meaning of “leprous hide”is :

i) deformed bark of tree

ii) discoloured bark of tree

iii) diseased tree

iv) hidden shoots

d) The strength of the tree lies in the :

i. roots ii. stems iii. barks iv. leaves

Q9 Answer the following questions as per the instructions given :

I. Answer any three of the following questions from (Beehive) in 30-40 words: (2x3=6)

(a)What two important and earth shaking decisions did the doctor take while looking into the

mirror ?

(b) Why did Lakshmana Shastry summon the new teacher?

(c) Describing the streets around the Baudhnath Stupa , why does the narrator call it a haven

of quietness in the busy streets around ?

(d) Bruno was a loving and playful pet. Elucidate.

II. Answer any two of the following from ( Moments) in 30-40 words : (2x2=4)

(e) What prompted Jerome to volunteer for packing?

(f) The super cyclone wreaked havoc in the life of the people of Orissa . How ?

(g) The author’s heart ached for his cat but there was no time to grieve. Why?

Q10. Answer any one of the following questions in 100 to 150 words: (8marks)

Success comes at a price. On the basis of this statement bring out the sacrifices made by Maria Sharapova and Santosh Yadav to reach the pinnacle of success.


Packing should not be treated as a frivolous activity but as a serious task that involves concentration and deftness. Substantiate

Q11. Answer any one of the following questions in 100 to 150 words: (8marks)

Only if happiness, warmth and comfort are present in a house we can call it home. Based on this statement justify the title of the story, A house is not a home


“True happiness is bringing smile on others face .”

Substantiate how Happy Prince and Swallow validated this statement .


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