5 point likert scale questionnaire sample


5 point likert scale questionnaire sample

Benefits Q&A on PPC advertising Get expert advice Great PPC discussions Stay updated with PPC news Quick support on tools Discounts and special offers Surveys are incomplete without an insightful Likert scale question. In this blog, we will be looking at some of the best Likert scale examples used in surveys and questionnaires. Likert scale definition: Likert Scale questions offer a range of answer options from either end of the spectrum for the respondents to choose from. Over the years, they've evolved to become a favorite amongst survey makers as they obtain definite opinions, impressions, and approaches from the respondents. Named after its founder, psychologist Rensis Likert, the Likert scale question is used to understand the level of agreement that the respondents have with a particular statement. The range provided in this scale is used to gain insights about respondent feelings and opinions. Agreement, frequency, likelihood, quality, or importance can be measured using a Likert scale with corresponding anchors. Scales can be either a unipolar Likert scale or a bipolar Likert scale. Likert scale examples: This scale has gained tremendous popularity in online surveys and is used in every study, such as customer satisfaction, employee engagement, or employee satisfaction. One can bifurcate the Likert scale into two types: Odd Likert Scale and the Even Likert Scale. Decide wisely, which type of Likert scale would provide the best results. Analysis of the target audience, evaluating the purpose of survey research is critical in determining the type of Likert scale question. Depending on whether you'd want to prompt the respondents to give responses that you wish to or wish to provide a neutral option, the respondents can select if they do not have any bias towards the other answers. The odd Likert scale question offers a central point for the respondents to choose if they're neutral. The even Likert Scale questions have options without a midpoint due to which the respondents will be forced to choose from the provided answer options. The midpoint in the Odd Likert Scale will be interpreted differently by different respondents, but it will never be completely biased. Odd Likert scale examples: Odd Likert scales are used when the survey creator intends to provide freedom to the respondents for the type of feedback that they provide. Learn more: Odd Likert Scale Survey Template 3-point Likert scale example for agreement: A Likert scale that offers agree and disagree as to the farthest points along with a neutral option. 5-point Likert scale example for agreement: This scale would consist of 5 answer options, which will contain poles and a neutral option connected with intermediate answer options. 7-Point Likert Scale Example for Agreement: This scale offers seven different answer options related to an agreement that would be distinct enough for the respondents to answer without getting confused. 5-point Likert scale example for satisfaction: This scale of measuring satisfaction will offer five answer options: satisfied and dissatisfied as the poles and a neutral option at the midpoint. These options are interlinked with other options that would provide respondents the variations they look for. 7-point Likert scale example for satisfaction: This scale of measuring satisfaction will offer seven answer options, such as satisfied and dissatisfied as the poles and a neutral option at the midpoint. The other options must be distinct and should add value to the scale so that respondents can provide precise feedback without any hindrances. Researchers can similarly use these scales for measuring likelihood, importance, frequency, and many other factors. Even Likert scale examples: This Likert scale is used in situations regarding awareness or insights or similar situations where a neutral option isn't necessary. Even Likert scale questions are used where biased feedback is expected out of the respondents. 2-Point Likert scale example for agreement: This question is the simplest Likert scale question example where there'll be just two options, such as agree and disagree as two poles of the scale. 4-point Likert scale example for agreement: This question will have two poles linked with intermediate agreement answer options. These questions are used to measuring customer satisfaction as well as employee satisfaction. 4-point Likert scale example for satisfaction: Poles regarding satisfaction such as satisfied and dissatisfied will be interlinked with other answer options without a neutral answer option. 4-point Likert scale example for frequency: To measure frequency, marketers do not necessarily need a midpoint, and so, they can use an even Likert scale question. 4-point Likert scale example for likelihood: Understanding the likelihood of brand shareability doesn't require a center point. An even Likert scale question can suffice the requirement of understanding brand shareability. By Dr. Saul McLeod, published 2008, updated 2019What is a Likert Scale?Various kinds of rating scales have been developed to measure attitudes directly (i.e. the person knows their attitude is being studied). The most widely used is the Likert scale (1932).In its final form, the Likert scale is a five (or seven) point scale which is used to allow the individual to express how much they agree or disagree with a particular statement.Likert scale (typically) provides five possible answers to a statement or question that allows respondents to indicate their positive-to-negative strength of agreement or strength of feeling regarding the question or statement.I believe that ecological questions are the most important issues facing human beings today.A Likert scale assumes that the strength/intensity of an attitude is linear, i.e. on a continuum from strongly agree to strongly disagree, and makes the assumption that attitudes can be measured. For example, each of the five (or seven) responses would have a numerical value which would be used to measure the attitude under investigation.Likert Scale Examples for SurveysIn addition to measuring statements of agreement, Likert scales can measure other variations such as frequency, quality, importance, and likelihood, etc.Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecidedDisagreeStrongly DisagreeAlwaysOftenSometimesRarelyNeverVery ImportantImportantModerately ImportantSlightly ImportantUnimportantExcellentGoodFairPoorVery PoorAlmost Always TrueUsually TrueOccasionally TrueUsually Not TrueAlmost Never TrueDefinitelyProbablyPossiblyProbably NotDefinitely NotFor a complete table of Likert scale examples click here.How can you analyze data from a Likert scale?The response categories in Likert scales have a rank order, but the intervals between values cannot be presumed equal.Therefore, the mean (and standard deviation) are inappropriate for ordinal data (Jamieson, 2004)Statistics you can use are:? Summarize using a median or a mode (not a mean as it is ordinal scale data ); the mode is probably the most suitable for easy interpretation.? Display the distribution of observations in a bar chart (it can't be a histogram, because the data is not continuous).Critical EvaluationStrengthsLikert Scales have the advantage that they do not expect a simple yes / no answer from the respondent, but rather allow for degrees of opinion, and even no opinion at all.Therefore quantitative data is obtained, which means that the data can be analyzed with relative ease.Offering anonymity on self-administered questionnaires should further reduce social pressure, and thus may likewise reduce social desirability bias.Paulhus (1984) found that more desirable personality characteristics were reported when people were asked to write their names, addresses and telephone numbers on their questionnaire than when they told not to put identifying information on the questionnaire.LimitationsHowever, like all surveys, the validity of the Likert scale attitude measurement can be compromised due to social desirability.This means that individuals may lie to put themselves in a positive light. For example, if a Likert scale was measuring discrimination, who would admit to being racist? Download this article as a PDFHow to reference this article:McLeod, S. A. (2019, August 03). Likert scale. Simply Psychology. likert-scale.htmlReferencesBowling, A. (1997). Research Methods in Health. Buckingham: Open University Press.Burns, N., & Grove, S. K. (1997). The Practice of Nursing Research Conduct, Critique, & Utilization. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders and Co.Jamieson, S. (2004). Likert scales: how to (ab) use them. Medical Education, 38(12), 1217-1218.Likert, R. (1932). A Technique for the Measurement of Attitudes. Archives of Psychology, 140, 1?55.Paulhus, D. L. (1984). Two-component models of socially desirable responding. Journal of personality and social psychology, 46(3), 598.How to reference this article:McLeod, S. A. (2019, August 03). Likert scale. Simply Psychology. likert-scale.html Download this article as a PDFHome | About Us | Privacy Policy | Advertise | Contact UsSimply Psychology's content is for informational and educational purposes only. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.? Simply Scholar Ltd All rights reserved

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