City of Lincoln

LINCOLN CITY COUNCILMeeting MinutesJune 4, 2020The regular meeting of the Lincoln City Council was called to order by Mayor Wise at 7:00 pm, at the Lincoln Community Center, 74 Santee Road, Lincoln, ND. Members Present: Akre, Volk via phone, City Auditor Surface and Attorney Hagel.Attendance - Roll CallAkre-HereVolk-HereSchock-AbsentSchantz-AbsentAgenda ApprovalMotion by Volk to approve the agenda. Seconded by AkreMotion Carried Approval of MinutesMotion by Volk to approve the 5/28/20 Council Minutes.Seconded by AkreMotion CarriedOld Business#239 Industrial Ordinance – 2nd ReadingMotion by Volk to waive the 2nd reading and have Hagel give a summary. Seconded by AkreMotion CarriedPer Hagel, this is to amend and enact road design requirements for industrial zoning (I-1 and I-2) within the city. The standard for roads will be for paving; however, this updated ordinance will allow industrial zones to apply to P&Z, City Council, and City Engineer for the use of these designs standards and gravel surfacing upon application of all adjacent property owners to a roadway. All approaches will still have to be paved in accordance with the standards of the appropriate jurisdiction.Motion by Akre to approve the 2nd reading of Ordinance #239 for discussion. Seconded by Volk Motion CarriedNEW BUSINESSCOVID-19 Emergency Declaration Extension through 12/31/2020Motion by Akre to waive the reading of the declaration. Seconded by Volk. Motion CarriedMotion by Volk to extend the emergency declaration to 12/31/2020.Seconded by AkreMotion CarriedSEH UpdatesResponse to State Health Department on Wastewater PER-SEH submitted the plan to the Health Department. The Health Department had a few concerns about a continuous discharge mechanical facility. Concerns included the initial costs, the operating costs, the costs of maintaining a Class III operator on staff, and what happens if Apple Creek freezes solid. Akre reviewed the 20-year repayment schedule for a continuous discharge facility and is concerned about the cost to the residents. SEH indicated Bismarck is considering installing a lift station at 52nd Street and Apple Creek Road. This would make it easier for Lincoln to connect to Bismarck’s sewer system (Regionalization) and could lower the cost projections. Connecting to Bismarck’s sewer system also gives Lincoln a greater chance of receiving grant funding. Akre recommends looking into a possible long-term agreement with Bismarck. SEH will start discussions with Bismarck. Status Update on Waterline-The contractor has been working on punch list items. Most of the ditch reclamation work is complete. There is a dent on the heating unit at the 66th Street pump house. The dent is cosmetic and there is no loss of function. Rather than replace the unit, the contractor can offer the city a discount. Akre and Volk can agree to the discount. Akre asked about the heave on 66th Street. SEH has been in contact with Burleigh County about how to fix it. They are looking at feathering it in and having Northern Improvement to do the work. The road will not have to be shut down during the repair. The pipeline contractor will be seeking final payment when complete within the next few weeks. At that time, any concerns the City has about additional costs incurred by Lincoln can be addressed. Lincoln incurred additional costs with staff time and engineering fees. Echoes Edge Addition Appeal of Planning and Zoning-Developer would like this tabled. Motion by Volk to table until a later meeting. Seconded by AkreMotion CarriedEnd of Engineering Contract FY2020 Summary-June 30th is the end of the annual contract. SEH gives the city an hourly annual contract with an estimate for $150K in fees. SEH is not guaranteed to get the full amount and there is no guarantee we will not go over the amount. Through April, our general contracting fees are at $153K. Our total engineering fees for this year are $327K. This includes administration fees for the watermain construction, groundwater wells, and the new public works facility construction. These projects are done with a couple little things to pick up, but everything is working well. Akre inquired about why the cost of groundwater wells went form $60K to $100K. Nysether stated he thought the $60K would be enough for a good start, but it didn’t get us far enough and I should have better communicated with council. We were a bit at the mercy of the contractors that we could get to show up and do the project. Nysether stated he did not keep track of the numbers as well enough as he should have to realize how much they were going over. Mayor indicated we still need one more well along Santee. Nysether is looking at the corner of Carlin and Santee. Appeal of Planning and Zoning DecisionThe city engineer and developer are getting together early next week to discuss this issue. Developer would like it tabled to a later date. Volk motions to table to a later meeting. Seconded by AkreMotion Carried. Server Training ClassOur ordinance states servers must have server training classes every three years. Our retailers are at 2 years right now, but new servers need the training. Volk would like to promote the online course which costs $20 through the ND Safety Council. It is up to the retailer to have the training done. Volk proposes putting on a virtual class for the evening of 6/17/20 at 6:00 pm or people can take the online course. The city will mail retailers this information.Fireworks PermitsTorches FireworksMotion by Akre to approve the Fireworks permit for Torches Fireworks. Seconded by VolkMotion Carried Memory FireworksMotion by Akre to approve the Fireworks permit for Memory Fireworks.Seconded by VolkMotion Carried Resolution 2020-8 Auditor BondHagel explained this resolution will set the bonding for the City Auditor at $250K. Motion by Volk to approve Resolution 2020-8. Seconded by AkreRoll CallAkre-YesVolk-YesMotion Carried PortfoliosRural Fire-Since the 5/7/20 meeting, there have been 13 calls in Lincoln. With 5 needing lights and sirens. Average response time was 8 min 10 sec. There was one fire in Lincoln involving a dryer. The damage was contained to the laundry room. Residents are reminded to watch the weather especially on windy days before lighting outdoor fires.Public Safety-Chief Krile gave the stats for May. There were 19 criminal arrests, 22 medical/fire calls, and 38 juvenile issues. Krile attended Officer’s Holte’s funeral this week in Grand Forks. Krile told council she was able to obtain a cop hiring grant for $250K to fund an additional 2 officers for the next 2 years. Schantz-AbsentVolk-We received a bill from Lincoln Park Board today for payroll, landfill fees, and a lawnmower. This was to be part of their Tree Board plan. However, Park Board declined twice to accept the money or the role of Tree Board. This was communicated to Volk and Schock. There was no approval for them to purchase a lawn mower. Council approved our Tree Board Plan at the 5/28/20 meeting and it was not the plan submitted by Park Board. Volk has left messages for the Park Board President. Akre-I have a recommendation letter for Chief Krile to receive a 5% pay increase. Akre motions to award Chief Krile a 5% pay increase. Seconded by VolkMotion CarriedAkre would like to encourage residents to complete the census. The ND League of Cities is monitoring the response rate of the 15 largest cities in ND and Bismarck and Lincoln currently have the 2 highest response rates. Schock-AbsentMayor Wise-I hereby appoint the following people to the Tree Board Tom Volk, Hayley Akre, Rob Dickson and myself Gerarld Wise. We will meet twice a month. For the next agenda, Volk would like the Tree Board to update a resolution for some of the changes according to the approved plan. Auditor ReportBudget Update-The main bank account has $4.2 million, at the same time a year ago we had $4.98 million. For 2020, we have received 94.32% of our assessed property taxes and $55.9K in sales taxes. Gaming Site Authorizations-Lincoln approved 2 gaming site applications this week for the Lincoln Community Club and the NODAK Sportsman Club. FinancesMotion by Akre to approve the May bills. Seconded by VolkMotion CarriedAdjournmentMotion by Volk to adjourn at 8:29 pm.Seconded by AkreMotion CarriedMinutes submitted by City Auditor, Shawn Surface, subject to request and revision of the City Council. ................

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