Education - University of California, Irvine

Scott A. BollensWarmington Professor of Peace and International CooperationDepartment of Urban Planning and Public PolicyUniversity of California, IrvineIrvine, CA 92697-7075Email: bollens@uci.eduEducationPhD, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1987.City and Regional PlanningMRP, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1984.Major: Regional PlanningBA, University of California, Los Angeles, 1979.Major: PsychologyProfessional PositionsProfessor, Urban Planning & Public Policy, UC Irvine (2000-current).Associate Professor, Planning, Policy and Design, UC Irvine (1993-2000).Assistant Professor, Planning, Policy and Design, UC Irvine (1991-1993).Assistant Professor of Urban and Regional Planning, Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning. University of Massachusetts. (September 1988 - August 1991).Project Manager, North Carolina Commission on Jobs and Economic Growth. Office of the Lieutenant Governor. (August 1987 - August 1988).Research InterestsInter-group conflict and urbanism, politically divided cities.RESEARCHPublicationsBooks AuthoredBollens, S. A. (2018). Trajectories of Conflict and Peace: Jerusalem and Belfast since 1994. London and New York: Routledge. (reviews: Journal of Urban Affairs 41, 4: 573-75. 2019.)Bollens, S. A. (2012). City and Soul in Divided Societies. Oxford and New York: Routledge. (reviews -- Journal of the American Planning Association (78, 3); Journal of Architectural and Planning Research (30, 3), Domus web (Italian) 20 July 2012, Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review (24, 2), International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (37, 6), International Journal of Islamic Architecture (2, 1), Planning Theory (14, 1).).Bollens, S. A. (2007). Cities, Nationalism, and Democratization. Oxford and New York: Routledge. (reviews-- Urban Studies 46, 1: 241-43; CITY: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, and Action 12, 3: 398-401; Journal of Planning Education and Research 29, 2: 247-248; International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 35, 2: 680-681).Bollens, S. A. (2000). On Narrow Ground: Urban Policy and Conflict in Jerusalem and Belfast. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. (Reviews: Journal of Palestine Studies 30, 3: 115-6; Political Science Quarterly 115, 4: 651-2; Choice 37, 10 (June), entry 37-5810; Journal of Planning Education and Research 20, 2: 263-65; Middle East Insight 17, 2: 101-106; Urban Affairs Review 36, 5: 736-737; Urban Studies 38, 10: 1866-69; International Planning Studies 7, 1; Global Review of Ethnopolitics 3, 1: 108-110).Bollens, S. A. (1999). Urban Peace-Building in Divided Societies: Belfast and Johannesburg. Boulder, CO and Oxford, UK: Westview Press. (Reviews: Journal of the American Planning Association 66, 1: 86-88; Journal of Planning Education and Research 19, 2: 217-219; Choice 36, 11/12 (July/August), entry 36-6419; Fortnight (Northern Ireland) Number 382, pp. 30-31; International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 27, 1: 197-202).Burby, R. J., Bollens, S. A., Holway, J. M., Kaiser, E. J. (1988). Cities Under Water: An Evaluation of Ten Cities' Efforts to Manage Floodplain Land Use. (pp. 250). Boulder: Institute of Behavioral Science, Univ. of Colorado. (Reviews: Planning 54, 11; J. of the American Planning Association 56, 1; Land Use Policy 6, 4).Godschalk, D. R., Bollens, S. A., Hekman, J. S., Miles, M. E. (1986). Land Supply Monitoring: A Guide for Improving Public and Private Urban Development Decisions. (pp. 224). Boston: Oelgeschlager, Gunn, and Hain. (Reviews: Journal of Planning Education and Research 6, 2; J. of American Planning Association 53, 2).Journal Articles, Peer-ReviewedBollens, S. A. (2018). “National Policy Agendas Encounter the City: Complexities of Political-Spatial Implementation.” Urban Affairs Review (), November 17. Bollens, S. A. (2013). Bounding Cities as a Means of Managing Conflict: Sarajevo, Beirut, and Jerusalem. Peacebuilding, 1(2), 186-206. Bollens, S. A. (2010). Trincee in Citta: Muri, Confini, Costituzioni (Entrenching Urban Territory: Wall, Border, Constitution). Storia Urbana (Urban History), 128, 1-27. (Italian).Bollens, S. A. (2009). Comparative Research on Urban Political Conflict: Policy Amidst Polarization. The Open Urban Studies Journal, 2, 1-17. Bollens, S. A. (2009). Intervening in Politically Turbulent Cities: Spaces, Buildings, and Boundaries. Journal of Urban Technology, 16(2/3), 79-107. Bollens, S. A. (2008). Human Security Through an Urban Lens. Journal of Human Security, 4(3), 36-53. Bollens, S. A. (2008). The City, Substate Nationalism, and European Governance. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 14(2), 189-222. Bollens, S. A. (2008). Urbanism, Political Uncertainty, and Democratization. Urban Studies, 45(5/6), 1255-1289. Bollens, S. A. (2007). Urban Governance at the Nationalistic Divide: Coping with Group-Based Claims. Journal of Urban Affairs, 29(3), 229-253. Goldstein, H. A., Bollens, S. A., Silver, C., Feser, E. (2006). An Experiment in the Internationalization of Planning Education: The NEURUS Program. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 25(4), 349-363. Bollens, S. A. (2006). Urban Planning and Peace Building. Progress in Planning, 66(2), 67-139. Bollens, S. A. (2003). In Through the Back Door: Social Equity and Regional Governance. Housing Policy Debate, 13(4), 631-657. (This is a featured forum article with companion commentary articles by Myron Orfield and Mark Alan Hughes).Guzzetta, J. D., Bollens, S. A. (2003). Urban Planners’ Skills and Competencies: Are We Different from Other Professions? Does Context Matter? Do We Evolve? Journal of Planning Education and Research, 23(1), 96-106. Bollens, S. A. (2002). Urban Planning and Inter-Group Conflict: Confronting a Fractured Public Interest. Journal of the American Planning Association, 68(1), 22-42. Bollens, S. A. (2001). City and Soul: Sarajevo, Johannesburg, Jerusalem, Nicosia. CITY: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action, 5(2), 169-87. Bollens, S. A. (2000). Community Development in Democratic South Africa. Community Development Journal, 35(2), 167-180. Bollens, S. A. (1998). Ethnic Stability and Urban Reconstruction: Policy Dilemmas in Polarized Cities. Comparative Political Studies, 31(6), 683-713. Bollens, S. A. (1998). Le Gouvernement des Cites a Hauts Risques Politiques (Governing Cities with High Political Risks.). Les Annales De La Recherche Urbaine (The Annals of Urban Research), 80/81, 9-18. Bollens, S. A. (1998). Uncovering the Urban Dimension in Nationalistic Conflict: Jerusalem and Belfast Compared. Terrorism and Political Violence, 10(1), 1-38. Bollens, S. A. (1998). Urban Planning Amidst Ethnic Conflict: Jerusalem and Johannesburg. Urban Studies, 35(4), 729-50. Bollens, S. A. (1998). Urban Policy in Ethnically Polarized Societies. International Political Science Review, 19(2), 187-215. Bollens, S. A. (1997). Concentrated Poverty and Metropolitan Equity Strategies. Stanford Law and Policy Review, 8(2), 11-23. (Reprinted in Perspectives on Regionalism: Opportunities for Community-Based Organizations to Advance Equity. Oakland: PolicyLink. January 2000).Bollens, S. A. (1997). Fragments of Regionalism: The Limits of Southern California Governance. Journal of Urban Affairs, 19(1), 105-122. Bollens, S. A. (1996). On Narrow Ground: Planning in Ethnically Polarized Cities. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 13(2), 120-139. (article chosen for inclusion in "select CD-ROM" series. Public Affairs Information Service).Bollens, S. A., Caves, R. W. (1994). Counties and Land-Use Regionalism: Models of Growth Governance. International Journal of Public Administration, 17(5), 851-880. Bollens, S. A. (1993). Restructuring Land Use Governance. Journal of Planning Literature, 7(3), 211-226. Bollens, S. A. (1992). State Growth Management: Intergovernmental Frameworks and Policy Objectives. Journal of the American Planning Association, 58(4), 454-466. Bollens, S. A. (1991). Regional Planning and Land Use Localism: Can They Co-Exist? New England Journal of Public Policy, 7(1), 55-74. Bollens, S. A. (1990). Constituencies for Limitation and Regionalism: Approaches to Growth Management. Urban Affairs Quarterly, 26(1), 46-67. Bollens, S. A. (1990). Public Policy and Land Conversion: Lessening Urban Growth Pressure in River Corridors. Growth and Change, 21(1), 40-58. Bollens, S. A., Kaiser, E. J., Burby, R. J. (1989). Private Profit and Public Safety as Outcomes of Local Land Use Regulation. Environment and Planning B, 16(1), 7-22. Bollens, S. A., Kaiser, E. J., Burby, R. J. (1988). Evaluating The Effects of Local Floodplain Management Policies on Property Owner Behavior. Environmental Management, 12(3), 311-325. Bollens, S. A. (1988). Municipal Decline and Inequality in American Suburban Rings: 1960-1980. Regional Studies 22, 4, 277-285. Kaiser, E. J., Burby, R. J., Bollens, S. A., Holway, J. M. (1987). Private Sector Land Market Decision Agents as Targets of Floodplain Policy. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters 5, 3, 311-335. Bollens, S. A., Godschalk, D. R. (1987). Tracking Land Supply for Growth Management. Journal of the American Planning Association, 53(3), 315-327. Bollens, S. A. (1986). A Political Ecological Analysis of Income Inequality in the Metropolitan Area. Urban Affairs Quarterly 22, 2, 221-241. Bollens, S. A. (1986). Examining the Link Between State Policy and the Creation of Local Special Districts. State and Local Government Review, 18(3), 117-124. Book Chapters, Peer-ReviewedBollens, S. A. 2020 (forthcoming). “National Policymaking, Contested Citizenship, and the City.” Pp. 35-52 in Mackert, Jürgen, et al. Urban Change and Citizenship in Times of Crisis. London: Routledge.Bollens, S. A. (2019). “An Island in Sectarian Seas?: Heritage, Memory, and Identity in Post-WarRedevelopment of Beirut’s Central District.” Pp. 175-191 in Ritic, Mirjana and Sybille Frank (eds.) Urban Heritage in Divided Cities: Contested Pasts. London and New York: Routledge.Bollens, S. A. (2014). Managing Multicultural Cities in Divided Countries (Ch. Chapter 9). In Good, K., Turgeon, L., Triadafilopoulos, T. (Eds.) Segmented Cities?: How Urban Contexts Shape Ethnic and Nationalist Politics (pp. 226-249). Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: University of British Columbia. Bollens, S. A. (2013). Governing Polarized Cities. In McEvoy, J., O'Leary, B. (Eds.) Power-Sharing in Deeply Divided Places (pp. 327-361). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania. Bollens, S. A. (2013). Urban Planning and Policy. In MacGinty, R. (Ed.) Routledge Handbook of Peacebuilding (pp. 375-386). Oxford and New York: Routledge. Bollens, S. A. (2013). Transformative and Counter-Hegemonic Planning Regimes: South Africa and Lebanon. In Chiodelli, F., De Carli, B., Falletti, M., Scavuzzo, L. (Eds.) Cities to be Tamed? Spatial Investigations across the Urban South. Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Bollens, S. A. (2007). The Built Environment, Urban Peacebuilding and Conflict Resilience. Human Security for an Urban Century: Local Challenges, Global Perspectives (pp. 78-79). Ottawa, Canada: (Published in English and French languages).Bollens, S. A. (2002). Managing Urban Ethnic Conflict. In Hambleton, R., Savitch, H., Stewart, M. (Eds.) Globalism and Local Democracy: Challenge and Change in Europe and North America (pp. 108-124). New York: Palgrave MacMillan. Bollens, S. A. (2001). Role of Public Policy: Belfast, Jerusalem, and Johannesburg. In Sisk, T., Koryakov, I. (Eds.) Democracy At The Local Level: The International IDEA Handbook on Participation, Representation, Conflict Management, and Governance (pp. 82-89). Stockholm: Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance. Books ReviewedBollens, S. A. (2018). Review of Sellers, Jefferey M., Marta Arretche, Daniel Kubler, and Eran Razin, eds., Inequality and Governance in the Metropolis: Place Equality Regimes and Fiscal Choices in Eleven Countries London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2017. Public Administration Review 78,6: 931-33. Bollens, S. A. (2016). [Review of the book The Radicals' City: Urban Environment, Polarisation, Cohesion, by Brand, R., Fregonese, S.]. Planning Theory, 24(3), 332-335. Bollens, S. A. (2016). [Review of the book The Struggle for Jerusalem's Holy Places, by Pullan, W., Sternberg, M., Kyriascou, L., Larkin, C., Dumper, M.]. Journal of Borderlands Studies, Online. Bollens, S. A. (2012). [Review of the book Searching for the Just City: Debates in Urban Theory and Practice, by Marcuse, P. et al.]. Journal of the American Planning Association, 78(4). Bollens, S. A. (2003). [Review of the book European Cities: Social Conflicts and Governance, by Le Gales, P.]. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 69(3), 328. Bollens, S. A. (2001). [Review of the book Governance and Opportunity in Metropolitan America, by Altshuler, M. et al. (Eds.)]. Journal of the American Planning Association, 67(1), 121-2. Bollens, S. A. (2001). [Review of the book The Political Economy of Special-Purpose Government, by Foster, K.]. Journal of the American Planning Association, 67(1), 121-2. Bollens, S. A. (2000). [Review of the book Cities and Complexity: Making Intergovernmental Decisions, by Christensen, K. S.]. Urban Studies, 37(7), 1217-19. Bollens, S. A. (1999). [Review of the book Good Neighborhoods: A Study of In-Town and Suburban Residential Environments, by Brower, S.]. Environment and Behavior, 31(5), 713-715. Bollens, S. A. (1993). Journal of Planning Education and Research. [Review of the book Mandate for Change, by Marshall, W., Schram, M. (Eds.)]. 13(1), 70-72. Bollens, S. A. (1993). Journal of Planning Education and Research. [Review of the book Reviving the American Dream: The Economy, the States and the Federal Government, by Rivlin, A. M.]. 13(1), 70-72. Bollens, S. A. (1989). Journal of the American Planning Association. [Review of the book The New Economic Role of American States: Strategies in a Competitive World Economy, by Fosler, S. R. (Ed.)]. 55(2). Conference/Workshop/Symposium Proceedings, OtherBollens, S. A. (2011). Urban Governance in Divided Countries: Six Case Studies [Conference]. In, Conference Proceedings, International Conference on Urban Conflicts: Ethno-National Divisions, States and Cities. Belfast, Northern Ireland: Conflict in Cities and the Contested State research project (). Bollens, S. A. (2010). Building Peace in Divided Cities [Conference]. In, Voices for a Culture of Peace Volume 1 (pp. 16-33). Compendium of the Soka Gakkai International—USA Culture of Peace Distinguished Speakers Series. Santa Monica: SGI-USA. Bollens, S. A. (2002). On Narrow Ground [summary] [Conference]. In Smith, A.-M. (Ed.), Contributions to the Study of Peacemaking (Vol. 7: A Summary of Projects Completed by Grantees and Fellows 1996-2001). Washington D.C: United States Institute of Peace. Conference/Workshop/Symposium Proceedings, Peer-ReviewedBollens, S. A. (2015). Beirut Reconstruction after the 2006 War: A Comparative Perspective [Workshop]. In, WAAD--The Uniqueness of the Experience (pp. 116-119 (118-123)). Workshop on the Reconstruction of the Southern Suburb of Beirut after the Israeli Aggression in 2006. Beirut, Lebanon: WAAD (Promise). Bollens, S. A. (2007). Comparative Research on Contested Cities: Lenses and Scaffoldings [Conference]. (Crisis States Research Programme. London School of Economics and Political Science, Commissioned Paper-- Working Paper No. 17 (Cities and Fragile States)).Bollens, S. A. (2002). Town Planning and Peace Building in Polarized Cities (Planificacion y construccion de la paz en las ciudades polarizadas) [Conference]. In del Caz, R., Rodriquez, M., Saravia, M. (Eds.), Report of Valladolid: Human Rights and the Town 2002 (Informe de Valladolid: Los Derechos Humanos y la Cuidad) (pp. 35-37). Valladolid, Spain: University of Valladolid, School of Architecture. Bollens, S. A. (2002). Regional and Local Autonomy in Transitioning Societies [Conference]. In, Continuing Dialogues towards Constitutional Reform in Indonesia (pp. 201-213). Stockholm, Sweden: International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance. (Report of a conference held in Jakarta, Indonesia).Bollens, S. A. (1999). Urban Governance and Policy in Multi-Cultural Cities [Conference]. In Poteet-Joannidou, S. (Ed.), International Conference on the Revitalization of Historic Cities. Nicosia, Cyprus: United Nations Development Programme, Bi-Communal Development Programme. Bollens, S. A. (1997). Urban Management of Ethnic Conflict [Conference]. In, Governing Cities: International Perspectives. European Urban Research Association. Brussels, Belgium: Bollens, S. A. (1996). Cities and Nationalistic Conflict. In, Proceedings of the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Bollens, S. A. (1991). Intergovernmental Growth Strategies: Integrating Environmental and Economic Imperatives. In, Proceedings of the American Political Science Association 87th Annual Meeting. Bollens, S. A., Godschalk, D. R. (1986). Computerized Land Supply Monitoring Systems: A Report on the State of the Art [Conference]. 1986 Annual Conference of the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association. General ReviewsBollens, S. A. (2008). Cities, Nationalism, and Democratization: Urban Ethnic Conflict. The Social Issues Collection: A Routledge/ University Readers Custom Library for Teaching. (Invited 6000 word adaptation of Cities, Nationalism, and Democratization).Bollens, S. A. (2008). Emotive Ethnic and Political Issues in Teaching and Research: An Exploration in Four Parts. Expressions/Impressions, 5, 22-33. (UCI Office of the Vice Chancellor Student Affairs).Bollens, S. A. (2002). Monitoring Land Markets. Section 7.204.2 (commentary and model statute). Growing SmartSM Legislative Guidebook. (pp. 92-100. Meck, Stuart (General Editor), Chicago: American Planning Association).Bollens, S. A. (2000). Contested Cities and the Fallacy of Unilateralism. Sh'ma: A Journal of Jewish Responsibility, 30(572), 11-12. Bollens, S. A. (2000). Monitoring Land Supply with Geographic Information Systems: Theory, Practice, and Parcel-Based Approaches. [Review of. Commentary: Methodological Lessons from Puget Sound Land Monitoring.]. John Wiley & Sons. New York City: Bollens, S. A. (2000). Monitoring Land Supply with Geographic Information Systems: Theory, Practice, and Parcel-Based Approaches. [Review of. Commentary: Homogeneous Geographic Areas and Parcel-Based GIS.]. John Wiley & Sons. New York City: Bollens, S. A. (1992). Technology Review. [Review of Popper, F. J. Thinking Globally, Acting Regionally.]. Journal Articles, OtherBollens, S. A. (2007). Peace Terrain: Building Multinational Tolerance in the City. Building Material(16), 6-9. (Invited submission. Journal of the Architectural Association of Ireland).Abstracts PublishedBollens, S. A. (2012). Transformative and Competitive Planning Regimes: South Africa and Lebanon [Abstract]. Abstracts of the International Conference: "Cities to be Tamed? Standards and Alternatives in the Spatial Transformation of the Urban South". Bollens, S. A. (1991). Planning Amidst Polarization: A Cross National Perspective on Divided Cities [Abstract]. Joint International Planning Congress. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning/ Association of European Schools of Planning. Bollens, S. A. (1989). Ballot Box Management of the Growth Machine [Abstract]. American Political Science Association 85th Annual Meeting. (Reviewed abstract).Bollens, S. A. (1987). Economic Context, Local Land Use Regulation, and Inter-Municipal Income Stratification [Abstract]. American Political Science Association 83rd Annual Meeting. (Reviewed abstract).Book Chapters, OtherBollens, S. A. (1998). Jerusalem: Urban Policy in an Ethnically Polarized City. In Abdul-Hadi, M. (Ed.) Dialogue on Jerusalem (pp. 60-63). Jerusalem: Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs. Bollens, S. A. (1998). Land Supply Monitoring Systems. Modernizing State Planning Statutes: The Growing SmartSM Working Papers (Vol. 2, pp. 133-141). Chicago: American Planning Association. Planning Advisory Service Report Nos. 480-481. Bollens, S. A. (1994). State Growth Policies and Suburbia: Regional Responsibilities Amid Political Fragmentation. In Baldassare, M. (Ed.) Suburban Communities: Change and Policy Responses (Vol. 4 in Research in Community Sociology, pp. 173-194). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. Bollens, S. A. (1992). Integrating Environmental and Economic Policies at the State Level. In Stein, J. M. (Ed.) Growth Management: The Planning Challenge of the 1990s (pp. 143-161). Newbury Park, CA: Sage. Magazine ArticlesBollens, S. A. (2017). "War is Easy, Peace Takes Time: Implementing the 'Long Peace' in Northern Ireland. Palestine-Israel Journal, 22(1). Monograph ArticlesBollens, S. A. (1990). The Year Round Economy on Cape Cod and the Islands: Business Prospects and Concerns. Cooperative Extension. University of Massachusetts. (Prepared for Cape Cod Economic Roundtable).Bollens, S. A. (1989). Analyzing Your Town's Potential for Industrial Development. Cooperative Extension. University of Massachusetts. (Prepared for Town Planning Institute workshop series).Bollens, S. A., Drummond, W. J. (1986). Land Data Systems: Defining a Research and Dissemination Program. (86-8. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy).Newsletter ArticlesBollens, S. A. (2016). "Jerusalem 1994-2016: Urban Spatial Changes during Political Uncertainty". Ya Quds: Academic Cultural Newsletter(2), Pp. 5-9. East Jerusalem, Palestine: Al-Quds University, Centre for Jerusalem Studies. ReprintsBollens, S. A. (2007). Ethnic Stability and Urban Reconstruction: Policy Dilemmas in Polarized Cities. In Strom, E. A., Mollenkopf, J. C. (Eds.), The Urban Politics Reader. (pp. 254-264). London and New York: Routledge. (Comparative Political Studies 31, 6: 683-713. 1998).Bollens, S. A. (2004). Urban Planning and Inter-Group Conflict: Confronting a Fractured Public Interest. In Stiftel, B., Watson, V. (Eds.), Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning. (pp. 209-246). New York: Routledge. (Article reprinted from Journal of the American Planning Association 68, 1: 22-42).Research ReportsBollens, S. A. (1993). Metropolitan Transportation Governance in Orange County (Research Report). Orange County Transportation Authority. (Prepared under contract).Bollens, S. A. (1987). Divided Cities (Research Report). Report on Seminar Session #257. Salzburg Seminar. (Salzburg, Austria).Beatley, T., Bollens, S. A., Leyden, K. (1984). Review of State Programs to Mitigate Coastal Storm Hazards (Research Report). Hazard Mitigation Research Program, Center for Urban and Regional Studies. (Report 84-20. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina).Presentations Given“Urban Trajectories of Conflict and Peace.” Conference: Successful Cities: Crises of Citizenship. Centre for Citizenship, Social Pluralism and Religious Diversity. Potsdam University. Potsdam, Germany. (September 6-8, 2018)."Cities in Focus: A Space for Freedom and Peace?" Bollens, S.. Dresden (Germany) Forum for International Politics, Challenges Facing Peace Policy Today (Panel), Germany Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Dresden, Germany (February 9, 2018).""Fifty Years of Israeli Hegemonic Territoriality: The Endless Project and its Limits"", Bollens, S.. International Conference on Jerusalem After Fifty Years of Israeli Occupation, Al Quds Jerusalem University, East Jerusalem. (May 21, 2017).""Urbanism, Territoriality, and Political Conflict: Israel/Palestine and Northern Ireland Since 1974"", Bollens, S.. Department of Planning, Policy, and Design. UC Irvine. (May 3, 2017).""Cities Polarized by Ethno-National Conflict: Urban and Political Perspectives"", Bollens, S.. International Conference on Divided Global Cities: The Greater Mediterranean and the Horn of Africa, Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences., Chapman University. (Invited keynote conference presentation). (April 29, 2017).""Planning and Service Delivery in Gray Zones"", Bollens, S.. Palestinian Communities Behind the Wall: The Gray Zone, Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator on the Middle East Peace Process, East Jerusalem. (Invited presentation at United Nations Workshop). (April 25, 2017)."Comparative Assessment of Politically Contested Cities", Bollens, S.. Israel-Palestine Conference, Ir Amim, Palestine-Israel Journal, and Asamblea de Cooperación por la Paz-Andalucia, Sevilla, Spain (via Skype). (November 4, 2016)."Urban Interventions in a Transitioning Society: The Case of 'Post-Peace' Belfast, Northern Ireland", Bollens, S.. Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies, UC Irvine. (October 27, 2016)."Jerusalem: Urban Spatial Changes During Political Uncertainty", Bollens, S.. Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies, UC Irvine. (October 13, 2016)."Orange County Development and Planning Issues", Bollens, S.. Visiting Delegation from Incheon National University, Korea, UCI Office of Global Engagement and City of Irvine, UC Irvine. (July 14, 2016)."Civic Place-Making in a Divided Society", Bollens, S.. Making Space for Each Other Focus Group, Queen's University of Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland. (June 2016)."The Belfast Research in an International Context", Bollens, S.. Communities as Constructs of People and Architecture Group, Ulster University, Belfast, Northern Ireland. (May 2016)."Urban Interventions in Politically Contested and Transitioning Societies", Bollens, S.. Community Planning Unit, Belfast City Council, Belfast, Northern Ireland. (May 2016)."Planning in Contested Space", Bollens, S.. Queen's University of Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland. (April 2016)."What Can be Learned from Politically Contested Cities?", Bollens, S.. Ir Amim, Museum for Islamic Art, Jerusalem. (February 2016)."Jerusalem: Spatial Change and Political Stasis", Bollens, S.. Public Seminar: The Influence of the Political Situation on Planning and Construction in East Jerusalem, Al-Quds University, Center for Jerusalem Studies, Jerusalem. (February 2016)."City and Soul in Divided Societies: Jerusalem 1994-2016", Bollens, S.. Department of Geography Faculty Seminar, Hebrew University, Jerusalem. (January 2016)."Revisiting Jerusalem: Urban Spatial Changes during Political Uncertainty 1994-2016", Bollens, S.. Public Seminar: The Influence of the Political Situation on Planning and Construction in East Jerusalem, Opening Lecture (Panel), Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem. (January 2016)."The Ungovernable City? Urban Transformations in Jerusalem Over Two Decades", Bollens, S.. Jerusalem in Comparative Perspective Special Conference, Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel. (December 2015)."Palestinian Options Under Current Conditions 2015", Bollens, S.. Palestianian Academic Society for the Study of Interntional Affairs (PASSIA), Jerusalem. (November 2015)."Information Technologies in Politically Contested Areas: Connectivity amidst Division". ConflictIT Conference: Technologies and Collaborative Practices in Conflict Areas, IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. (June 2015)."Environmental and Land-Use Policies in the United States: Climate Change and Urban Spatial Containment", Bollens, S.. JDS International Seminar for Mid-Career Officials, Environmental Policy (Panel), University of Tsukuba, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Japanese Grant Aid for Human Resource Development Scholarship (JDS) Program, Tokyo, Japan. Peer Reviewed. (Presentation before officials from Bengladesh, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, China, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Japan). (December 2014)."Human Security and Urban Planning: An Urban Perspective on Human Rights", Bollens, S.. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, Planning and Human Rights Panel (Panel), Philadelphia, PA. Peer Reviewed. (October 30, 2014)."Urban Resilience and Peace-Building in Cities of Conflict". U.S.-Iran Symposium on Resilient Cities, Sponsored by National Academy of Sciences, U.S. Dept of State, Sharif University of Technology, Beckman Center, Irvine. (June 16, 2014).Bollens, S.. The Deliberative Practitioner: Encouraging Participatory Planning Processes (Panel with John Forester and Carrie Menkel-Meadow) (Panel), UC Irvine School of Law, Center for Land, Environment, and Natural Resources. (March 2014).""Transformative and Counter-Hegemonic Planning Regimes: South Africa and Lebanon", Bollens, S.. Joint AESOP/ACSP Congress, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Dublin, Ireland. Peer Reviewed. (July 17, 2013)."Belfast: A 'Peace' Not Envisioned", Bollens, S.. Peace, Conflict, and Justice Conference, Munk School of Global Affairs, Trudeau Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. (February 2, 2013)."Transformative and Competitive Planning Regimes: South Africa and Lebanon", Bollens, S.. Cities to be Tamed? Standards and Alternatives in the Transformation of the Urban South, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. (November 16, 2012).""Beirut Reconstruction after the 2006 War: A Comparative Perspective"", Bollens, S.. Reconstruction of War-Torn Cities, Organization of Arab Architects, Lebanon, Beirut (Jnah), Lebanon. (July 2012).""Polarized Cities: Planning Interventions and Political Instability"", Bollens, S.. University of North Carolina, Divided Cities and Regions Colloquium, Chapel Hill, NC. (November 2011)."Invited guest presentation -- "Urbanism and Sectarianism"", Bollens, S.. American University of Beirut (Lebanon). (October 20, 2011).""Urban Governance in Divided Countries: Six Case Studies"", Bollens, S.. International Conference on Urban Conflicts (Ethno-National Divisions, States, and Cities) [Belfast, Northern Ireland]. (May 20, 2011)."“Entrenching Territoriality: Walls, Borders, and Constitutions.", Bollens, S.. World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES)., Barcelona, Spain. Peer Reviewed. (July 2010).""Managing Multicultural Cities in Divided Countries”.", Bollens, S.. Globalization, Urbanization and Ethnicity Conference., Queen’s University (Ethnicity and Democratic Governance Research Initiative)., Ottawa, Canada. (December 2009).""Bipolar City: Epic Cultures and Urban Faultlines.”", Bollens, S.. Walls in our Heads: Political Divisions and Cultural Imaginaries., University of California, Irvine. (October 2009)."“Governing Polarized Cities.”", Bollens, S.. Andrew W. Mellon Sawyer Lecture Series., Penn Program in Ethnic Conflict. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. (October 2008)."The Precarious City: Planning Interventions During Political Instability", Bollens, S.. Lecture series: Cities in War, Struggle and Peace—Rebuilding Cities after War and Disaster, Savage Endowment for International Relations and Peace, University of Oregon, Department of Architecture. Eugene, OR. (January 2008)."Comparative Research on Contested Cities: Lenses and Scaffoldings", Bollens, S.. Annual Workshop, Crisis States Research Programme, London School of Economics and Political Science. Cape Town, South Africa. (August 2007)."Cities, Nationalism, and Democratisation", Bollens, S.. London School of Economics and Political Science, Crisis States Research Centre. London, England. (March 2007)."City Ecologies of Nationalistic Conflict", Bollens, S.. Conference of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST), Lausanne, Switzerland. (Session: The built environment and social practices in contested spaces). (August 2006)."Managing Urban Ethnic Conflict Amidst Democratization", Bollens, S. (Presenter). Human Security in Urban Spaces Conference/Workshop, Canada Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade and the Canadian Consortium on Human Security, Vancouver, British Columbia. (June 2006)."Urbanism, Conflict, and Transitions", Bollens, S.. Urban Affairs Association 36th Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec. (April 2006)."Managing Group Identity Conflicts during Societal Transitions", Bollens, S. (Presenter). Workshop on Divided Cities, Co-sponsored by the Comparative Urban Politics group, American Political Science Association; and the Comparative Urban Studies Project, Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington D.C. (September 2005)."Urban Space, Conflict, and Cooperation", Bollens, S.. Seminar on Cooperation Across Ideological Divides in the Middle East, Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio, Italy. (Thematic Discussion Paper. By-invitation-only 20 participant seminar). (August 2005)."Urbanism, Transitional Democracy, and Group Identity Conflicts", Bollens, S.. American Planning Association’s 2005 National Planning Conference, San Francisco. (March 2005)."Urban Planning and Inter-Group Conflict: Confronting a Fractured Public Interest", Bollens, S.. 45th Annual Conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Portland, Oregon. (Prize Papers from the World’s Planning Schools). (October 23, 2004)."The Role of Urban Planning in Developing Substate Societies", Bollens, S.. 45th Annual Conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Portland, Oregon. (October 22, 2004)."Urban Management of Group Identity Conflicts/ Gestión Urbana de Conflictos Entre Comunidades Culturales Diferenciadas", Bollens, S. (Presenter, Moderator, and Conference Coordinator). Aula Barcelona (Fundacio CIDOB) and Fundacio Carles Pi i Sunyer D’Estudis Automomics i Locals, Barcelona. (This seminar brought together for one day 14 experts from Barcelona and Basque Country (Spain) and Sarajevo and Mostar (Bosnia-Herzegovina), all individuals who I had interviewed during the preceding 10 months of field research). (July 2004)."Urban Development, Nationalistic Conflict and Peace-Building", Bollens, S.. Urban Land Institute, Barcelona District Council Colloquium, Barcelona. (July 2004)."When Conflict Comes to the City", Bollens, S.. Congress/Dialogue, Los Conflictos en la Vida Cotidiana (Conflicts in Everyday Life), Universal Forum of Cultures, Barcelona. (June 2004)."Espacio y conflicto: Habitar la emergencia", Bollens, S.. Conflicte: 6 apostes seminar, Institut Catala De Cooperacio Iberoamericana. Barcelona. (May 2004)."Urban Planning and Reconstruction", Bollens, S.. Sarajevo Canton Institute for Development Planning, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. (November 2003)."Urban Policy and Peace-Building in Cities of Conflict", Bollens, S.. U.S. Embassy, Vienna, Public Affairs Section, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (Department of City and Regional Development), Technical University of Vienna (Institute of Urban and Regional Planning), Salzburg Geographic Society (University of Salzburg, Institute of Geography and Geoinformatics), and University of Innsbruck (Institute of Geography). Vienna, Salzburg, and Innsbruck, Austria. (Presentations). (May 2003)."Subnational Dimensions of Peace-Building", Bollens, S.. Gaspar de Portola/University of California Visiting Scholars Exchange Program, Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain), Universitat de Barcelona (Department de Dret Constitucional i Ciencia Politica), Institut of Ciencies Politicas i Socials, and Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Department de Ciencia Politica i de Dret Public). Barcelona, Spain. (April 2003)."Practical Strategies of Urban Peace-Building", Bollens, S.. Seminar on Practical Cooperation in Divided Cities, Swedish Institute and the Olof Palme International Center, Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina. (Presentation (solicited). Audience of experts on urban cooperation in politically and ethnically contested areas). (April 2002)."Conceptual Issues in the Study of Urban Planning Amidst Ethnonationalist Conflict", Bollens, S.. Van Leer Institute. Jerusalem. (Delivered before a group of Israeli scholars in urban planning, cultural studies, and geography). (December 2001)."Planning and Peace-Building in Politically Contested Cities", Bollens, S. (Keynote Speaker). Conference on Planning and Human Rights, Bimkom (Alternative) —Planners for Planning Rights; and Israeli Committee Against Housing Demolitions, Jerusalem Institute of Israel Studies. Jerusalem. (Audience of 150 progressive Israeli and Palestinian planners and architects). (December 2001)."Regional and Local Autonomy in Transitioning Societies", Bollens, S.. Conference on Indonesia Constitutional Review, Jakarta, Indonesia. (Declined invitation due to world political tension). (October 2001)."Urban Planning and Inter-Group Conflict: Strategies of Intervention when Confronted with a Fractured Public Interest", Bollens, S. (Presenter). World Planning Schools Congress, Shanghai, China. (July 2001)."Democracy at the Local Level: Managing Diversity in Deeply Divided Urban Arenas", Bollens, S.. World Unity Congress--35th Meeting of International Union of Local Authorities (IULA)/ 16th Meeting of the World Federation of United Cities, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Congress included 1100 delegates representing city governments from 58 countries). (May 2001)."Planning a Divided City: The Case of Jerusalem", Bollens, S.. Delft Institute of Technology (Netherlands), Palestinian International Peace and Cooperation Center (Jerusalem), and the Jerusalem Institute of Israel Studies, Delft Institute of Technology, Netherlands. (I was one of two “international experts” invited to participate, along with four Israeli and four Palestinian urban planning and economic development professionals, in a workshop to formulate alternative approaches for addressing the Jerusalem problem). (March 2001)."Jerusalem: Beyond 2000", Bollens, S. (Presenter and participant). Conference on planning in the city of Jerusalem, Arab Thought Forum (Al-Multaqa), a Palestinian nongovernmental organization, East Jerusalem. (Cancelled due to political uncertainties). (2000)."Retooling Regionalism in Southern California", Bollens, S. (Moderator and convenor). American Planning Association Region VI Conference, Long Beach, CA. (September 2000)."City and Soul: Jerusalem, Belfast and Nicosia", Bollens, S.. Conference: The Role of Citizen Peacebuilding in Conflict Transformation, University of California, Irvine. (Hosted by UCI Global Peace and Conflict Studies, funded by U.S. Institute of Peace). (June 2000)."Urban Dimensions of Divided Societies", Bollens, S.. Urban Affairs Association 30th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles. (May 2000)."Regionalism, Community Development, and Integration", Bollens, S. (Participant). Regionalism: Promise and Problems, University at Buffalo, State University of New York. (1999)."Land Supply and Capacity Monitoring", Bollens, S.. Annual Conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP), Chicago, Illinois. (Roundtable Presentation). (October 1999)."Sustaining and Expanding NEURUS: International Collaborations and Student Exchanges in Planning", Bollens, S.. Annual Conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP), Chicago, Illinois. (Roundtable Presentation). (October 1999)."On Narrow Ground: Urban Policy in Polarized Cities", Bollens, S. (Presenter). Breaking Walls—Conference on Divided Cities, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. (Audience of political leaders from cities of Belfast, Jerusalem, Nicosia, Beirut, Mostar and Sarajevo). (October 1999)."Urban Governance and Policy in Multicultural Cities", Bollens, S. (Plenary Presentation). International Conference on the Revitalization of Historic Cities, United Nations Development Programme, Bi-Communal Development Programme, Nicosia, Cyprus. (May 20, 1999 - May 22, 1999)."Urban Peace-Building on Narrow Ground: Belfast, Jerusalem, and Johannesburg", Bollens, S.. Global Peace and Conflict Studies (GPACS). (Public Forum). (February 1999)."Concentrated Poverty and Regional Planning", Bollens, S.. Annual Meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Pasadena, CA. (November 1998)."Politics and Management of Regional Growth", Bollens, S. (Discussant). Annual Meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Pasadena, CA. (November 1998)."Cal APA Goes Back to School: Recent Trends in Planning Education in California", Bollens, S. (Participant). California Chapter American Planning Association Annual Conference, Costa Mesa. (September 1998).Bollens, S. (Respondent). Parcel-based Geographic Information Systems for Land Supply and Capacity Monitoring, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, University of Washington, Seattle. (May 1998)."Higher Ground or Narrow Ground: Religion in Multicultural Cities", Bollens, S.. Religion in Los Angeles Conference: Innovations and Multicultural Interaction, UCLA, Center for the Study of Religion, Westwood, California. (May 1998)."Urban Management of Ethnic Conflict", Bollens, S.. Governing Cities: International Perspectives. Inaugural meeting of the European Urban Research Association, European Commission and the UK Economic and Social Research Council, Brussels, Belgium. (September 1997).Bollens, S. (Moderator). American Planning Association National Conference, Integrating State Programs (Panel), San Diego. (April 1997).Bollens, S. (Moderator). Internal Wars and Peacekeeping/Peacemaking, Negotiating Peace? (Panel), Global Peace and Conflict Studies Program, Laguna Beach. (Research Seminar). (February 1997)."Cities and Nationalistic Conflict", Bollens, S.. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (September 1996).Bollens, S. (Moderator). ACSP-AESOP Joint International Congress, Land Markets Analysis (Panel), Toronto, Canada. (July 1996)."Urban Planning and Nationalistic Conflict: Middle East, Northern Ireland, South Africa", Bollens, S.. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP)--Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) Joint International Congress, Toronto, Canada. (July 1996)."Integration and Urban and Regional Planning", Bollens, S. (Speaker). Conference: Linking Regional and Local Strategies to Create Healthy Communities, Institute of Race and Poverty, University of Minnesota. Minneapolis. (April 1996)."Deeply Conflicted Cites: The Case of Johannesburg", Bollens, S.. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. South Africa. Department of Geography and Environmental Studies. (Special Seminar Presentation). (September 1995)."Urban Arenas of Nationalistic Ethnic Conflict: Urban Policy in Jerusalem and Belfast", Bollens, S.. Global Peace and Conflict Studies Program, University of California, Irvine. (Research Seminar). (May 1995)."On Narrow Ground: Urban Policy in Polarized Belfast", Bollens, S.. School of Geosciences-Queen's University of Belfast. Northern Ireland. (Special Seminar Presentation. Audience of urban policy professionals and academics). (March 1995)."Urban Planning and Policy in Contested Jerusalem", Bollens, S.. Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs, East Jerusalem. Israel/West Bank. (Special Seminar Presentation). (January 1995)."On Narrow Ground: Urban Policy in Ethnically Polarized Cities", Bollens, S.. Leonard Davis Institute of International Relations. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel/West Bank. (Special Seminar Presentation). (December 1994)."Urban Policy in Ethnically Polarized Cities", Bollens, S.. Shaping the Urban Future: International Perspectives and Exchanges, Bristol, England. (July 1994)."Creative Interlocal Arrangements", Bollens, S. (Discussant). American Planning Association National Conference, San Francisco, CA. (April 1994)."Governing the Intermodal Metropolis", Bollens, S. (Moderator and panel convener). American Planning Association National Conference, San Francisco, CA. (April 1994)."Shadow Regionalism and the Fragmented Metropolis: Organizational Responses to Urban Instability", Bollens, S.. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. (October 1993)."State Growth Policy and Suburbia: Regionalism Amidst Political Fragmentation", Bollens, S.. Annual Meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Columbus, OH. (October 1992)."Intergovernmental Growth Strategies: Integrating Environmental and Economic Imperatives", Bollens, S.. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. (September 1991)."Planning Amidst Polarization: A Cross-National Perspective on Divided Cities", Bollens, S.. Joint International Planning Congress (Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning/ Association of European Schools of Planning), Oxford, England. (July 1991)."Urban Growth Controls and State Interests: Addressing the Local Regulation/Regional Impact Mismatch", Bollens, S.. Urban Affairs Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, B. C. (April 1991)."Issues in Land Use Federalism: Double Vetoes, Preemption, and Planning", Bollens, S.. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, Austin, TX. (November 1990)."Seasonal to Year Round Transitional Economies: The Case of Cape Cod", Bollens, S.. Regional Science Association International-North American Meeting, Boston, MA. (November 1990)."Managing Growth at the Regional Level", Bollens, S.. American Planning Association National Conference, Denver, CO. (April 1990)."Growth Management: Constituencies for Regionalism and Limitation Approaches", Bollens, S.. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. (October 1989)."Ballot Box Management of the Growth Machine", Bollens, S.. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. (September 1989)."Providing Infrastructure for the Year 2000: Planning and Policy Issues", Bollens, S.. American Planning Association Conference-North Carolina Chapter, Institute of Government, Chapel Hill. (April 1988)."Private Sector Land Market Decision Agents as Targets of Floodplain Policy", Bollens, S.. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA. With Kaiser, E., Burby, R., Holway, J. (November 1987)."Economic Context, Local Land Use Regulation, and Inter-Municipal Income Stratification", Bollens, S.. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago. (September 1987)."Fractures in the Suburban Ring: An Empirical Study of Inter-Suburb Differentiation", Bollens, S.. Suburbia Re-Examined Conference, Hempstead, N.Y. (June 1987)."Surveying Current Practices in Land Information Systems", Bollens, S.. American Planning Association National Conference, New York. With Godschalk, D. (April 1987)."Municipal Decline and Inequality in the Suburban Ring: 1960-1980", Bollens, S.. Regional Science Association North American Meeting, Columbus, OH. (November 1986)."Computerized Land Supply Monitoring Systems: A Report on the State of the Art", Bollens, S.. Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA) Conference, Denver, CO. With Godschalk, D. (August 1986)."Automated Land Supply Information Systems: Issues of Design, Organizational Structure, and Implementation", Bollens, S.. American Planning Association Conference-North Carolina Chapter, Institute of Government, UNC CH. (April 1986)."Experience With Land Data System Implementation", Bollens, S.. Land Data Systems Seminar, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Washington D.C. (February 1986).Professional Articles About YouMinorities and Indigeneous Peoples in Cities-Conflict and Cooperation, Appeared In: State of the World's Minorities and Indigenous Peoples 2015. Chris Chapman. My work was the foundation of this article in annual report published by Minority Rights Group International. (January 1, 2015).Contracts, Grants and Sponsored ResearchCooperative AgreementBollens, Scott A, "EU-US Atlantis Programme Excellence Mobility Project.," U.S. Department of Education/ European Union. (2010 - 2013).Bollens, Scott A, "Gaspar de Portola/University of California Visiting Scholars Exchange Program," Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain). (April 2003).Bollens, Scott A, "Education Abroad Program," University of California, $4,600.00. (1994 - 1995).Bollens, Scott A (Co-Principal Investigator), Godschalk, David R (Principal Investigator), "Research on a Residential Land Supply Monitoring System for Local Governments," HUD, $32,000.00. (September 1984 - November 1985).Fixed Price ContractBollens, Scott A (Principal Investigator), "Urbanized Area Designation and Transportation Planning in Orange County," Orange County Transportation Authority, $5,220.00. (July 1993 - September 1993).Bollens, Scott A (Principal Investigator), "Cape Cod Year Round Labor Needs Study," University of Massachusetts Cooperative Extension and Cape Cod Community College, $4,500.00. (August 1989 - May 1990).Bollens, Scott A, "Analyzing Your Town's Potential for Industrial Development," U.S. Department of Agriculture and University of Massachusetts Cooperative Extension, $3,600.00. (October 1988 - June 1989).Bollens, Scott A (Principal Investigator), "Analyzing the Constituencies for Growth Control and Regional Land Use Management," Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, $4,000.00. (September 1988 - March 1989).GrantBollens, Scott A (Principal Investigator), "Subnational Constructions of Peace," UCI Academic Senate Council on Research, Computing, and Library Resources, $2,600.00. (2003).Bollens, Scott A, "Planning Grant," University of California Office of the President, $25,000.00. (1999 - 2000).Bollens, Scott A (Principal Investigator), "On Narrow Ground: Urban Arenas of Nationalistic Ethnic Conflict," United States Institute of Peace, $26,408.00. (October 1994 - March 1996).Bollens, Scott A, "On Narrow Ground," Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation. University of California, $13,873.00. (1994 - 1995).Bollens, Scott A (Co-Principal Investigator), Burby, Raymond J, "Evaluating Local Flood Hazard Management Programs: An Analysis of Target Group Decisions and Community Impacts," NSF - National Science Foundation, $120,000.00. (April 1987 - August 1987).Bollens, Scott A (Principal Investigator), Godschalk, David (Co-Principal Investigator), Brower, David (Co-Principal Investigator), "Hurricane Hazard Reduction Through Development Management," NSF - National Science Foundation. (October 1983 - June 1984).OtherBollens, Scott A, "Irvine Faculty Research Fellowship," University of California, Irvine, $8,000.00. (1994 - 1995).Bollens, Scott A (Principal Investigator), "Mid-Career Skills Enrichment Fellowship," Social Science Research Council, $12,390.00. (1994 - 1995).Bollens, Scott A, "On Narrow Ground," Global Peace and Conflict Studies. Irvine Research Unit. University of California, Irvine, $7,000.00. (1994 - 1995).Bollens, Scott A, "Social Ecology Faculty Research Fellowship," School of Social Ecology. Univ. of California, Irvine. (1993 - 1994).Professional ServiceRoutledge Press, Editorial Review Board Member, Planning, History and Environment Series. (2011 - Present).Fulbright Scholar Program, Council for International Exchange of Scholars, Reviewer, Discipline Peer Review Committee, Architecture and Urban Planning. (2010 - Present).American Institute of Certified Planners, Member. (2005 - Present).Nicosia (Cyprus) Municipalities, Advisor, Member, Consultative Panel, "New Vision for Core of Nicosia" project, Funded by United Nations Office for Project Services and United States Agency for International Development. (2005 - Present).American Planning Association, Urban Affairs Association, Member. (1995 - Present).Journal of the American Planning Association, Urban Affairs Review, Urban Studies, Landscape and Urban Planning, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Town Planning Review, Cities, Journal of Planning Education and Research, Planning Theory, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, Environment and Planning A, Urban Design International, International Journal of Heritage Studies, Urban Design and Planning, Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, Journal of Planning Literature, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations, Empowering Sustainability International Journal, Publius--The Journal of Federalism, City Culture and Society, Political Research Quarterly, Progress in Planning, Political Geography, Law and Social Inquiry, Economic Development Quarterly, Polity, Journal of Planning History, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Political Power and Social Theory, Geography, Irish Political Studies, Journal of Peace Research, Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, State and Local Government Review, Journal of Environmental Management, Reviewer. (1995 - Present).Tenure and Promotion cases of numerous candidates from institutions throughout the world, Ad Hoc Reviewer. (1995 - Present)."Urban Planning and Countering Violent Extremism". Interview with Samantha Kleinfield, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Office for Community Partnerships, Combatting Violent Extremism Task Force., Interview. (July 2017).Swiss National Science Foundation; National Science Foundation (Anthropology); California Policy Research Center; Public Policy Institute of California; Economic and Social Research Council (U.K.); European Science Foundation; Israel Science Foundation; German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development; Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order; A.G. Leventis Foundation (Cyprus); Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (Insight Grants-- Geography, Urban Planning, and Related Fields), Reviewer. (1999 - 2015).Foreign Policy Magazine, Interview. (June 27, 2014).Urban Affairs Review, Editorial Review Board Member. (2010 - December 2013).Journal of Planning Education and Research, Editorial Review Board Member. (July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2011).German Association for International Cooperation (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammernarbeit (GIZ), Advisor, Consultation (electronic), Country Risk Management Office, Kabul, Afghanistan. (April 26, 2011).Journal of Urban Affairs, Associate Editor. (July 2005 - 2010).Canada Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Reviewer, Expert consultant, Human Security Research and Outreach Program Fellowship Program. (2007 - 2008).RAND Corporation, Advisor, Research project on ethnic enclaves in Baghdad (Iraq), commissioned by the U.S. Department of State. (September 8, 2008).Regional Governance Research Consultation. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Participant, Berkeley. (July 24, 2003 - July 25, 2003).Reality Check on Growth, Facilitator. (October 2002).Housing and Economic Stress—Plugging into a Network of Opportunity and Advantage, Participant and presenter, Irvine City Hall. (June 2002).Urban Scholars Postdoctoral Fellowship competition. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the National Research Council, Panelist, Washington, D.C. (June 2002).Urban Planning in Our Multicultural Cities, Presentation, City of Orange. (April 2002).The Need for Changes in Residential Land Use Practices, Presentation, Irvine. (March 2002).Participation in Discussion Group (solicited), Jerusalem. (December 2001).Building and development issues, Consultant (solicited), Costa Mesa. (2001).Housing: A Key California Issue, Presenter, Sacramento. (2001).Renters’ Advisory Task Force, Member, Irvine. (2001).Orange County Council of Governments, Board of Directors. (1999 - 2001).Housing Element Resource Team, Member. (October 1, 2000 - March 31, 2001).Low-income housing in Orange County, Consultant. (February 2001).Housing issues and policy, Consultant (solicited). (November 2000).Land Use Policy and Governance. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Conference Track Chair. (1996 - 1999).Rethinking Land Use Regulation: How Well Does Planning Address Questions of Land Use, Livability, and Sprawl?, Panel Moderator, Chicago, Illinois. (October 1999).Vice Chair of State Planning. Intergovernmental Affairs Division. (May 1992 - 1998).Urban Planning in Contested Cities, Invited Speaker, Los Angeles. (November 1997).Orange County Planner: The Newsletter of the Orange Section American Planning Association, Article contributor. (October 1997).Discussion group on "regional shared governance in Orange County", Co-convenor, University Club, UCI. (March 1997).Orange County Planner: The Newsletter of the Orange Section American Planning Association, Article contributor. (March 1997).Concentrated Poverty and Metropolitan Equity Strategies, Invited Colloquium Presentation, Portland State University. School of Urban and Public Affairs. (November 1996).Intergovernmental Affairs Division (IGA) Newsletter, Article contributor. (November 1996).State Planning: An Overview of Local, Regional, and State Alternatives, Invited Speaker, Colorado Springs, Colorado. (September 1996).Academic Liaison, Board of Directors. (June 1992 - 1994).Orange County Planner: The Newsletter of the Orange Section American Planning Association, Article contributor. (March 1994 - April 1994).Toward a Sustainable Seattle: Seattle's Plan for Managing Growth, Faculty Jury Reviewer, Philadelphia, PA. (October 1993).Faculty supervisor of graduate "studio" projects. (1988 - 1991).Regional Planning Program. Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning, Graduate Program Director, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. (May 1989 - September 1990).Technical Advisory Committee, Member. (August 1989 - July 1990).Director for The Center of Rural Massachusetts and Associate/Assistant Professor of Regional Planning, Chair of Search Committee. (April 1, 1990 - June 30, 1990).Balancing Economic Development With Preservation of Town Character, Workshop Leader, Public Official and Citizen Workshops. (October 1988 - June 1989).The Cape Cod Commission Referendum: A Survey of Citizen Voting Behavior and Perceptions, Testimony before Joint Local Affairs Committee. (March 31, 1989).ConsultingNew Vision for Core of Nicosia, Cyprus. (2005 - Present).Human Security Research and Outreach Program Fellow, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada. (2007 - 2008).Orange County Business Council. Housing Report Card. (2007).Staff Analyst and Associate Planner, Santa Cruz, California. (May 1983 - August 1983).Staff Analyst and Associate Planner, Santa Cruz, California. (November 1981 - June 1982).Licensures and CertificationsMember, American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP). (2005 - Present).Professional MembershipsAmerican Institute of Certified Planners. (2008 - Present).Urban Affairs Association. (1998 - Present).American Planning Association. (1995 - Present).Awards and HonorsBest Faculty Member of 2011-2012, Urban Planning Student Association. (2011 - 2012).Who's Who in America. (2009 - 2012).NEURUS / ICURD Program Director, University of California, Irvine. (1999 - 2012).Network for European and United States Regional and Urban Studies (NEURUS) and International Certificate in Urban and Regional Development (ICURD). 1999- current. International student exchange program between three U.S. institutions and three European institutions (in Vienna, Berlin, and Groningen [Netherlands]). Since 1999, I have facilitated the engagement by more than 25 UCI students in research projects based at European universities and approximately 30 European students' research involvement at UCI. Best Article, Journal of Urban Affairs. (April 2008).“Urban Governance at the Nationalistic Divide: Coping with Group-Based Claims.”Drew, Chace, and Erin Warmington Chair in the Social Ecology of Peace and International Cooperation. (July 1, 2007).Appointed July 1, 2007 with five-year renewable terms.Soka Gakkai International--USA Liberty Award. (June 2007).In recognition of longstanding, meritorious contributions to the building of peace and the happiness of humanity.Best Paper Award, 36th Annual Meeting of the Urban Affairs Association. (2006).Paper-- “Urbanism, Conflict, and Transitions.” (327 paper presentations were delivered at the meeting).Best Paper Prize Nomination. 2006. “Urban Planning and Peace Building”, Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP). (2006).Best Article in the Journal of the American Planning Association for 2002. (March 2003).Awarded for “Urban Planning and Inter-Group Conflict: Confronting a Fractured Public Interest.” Volume 68, 1: 22-42. Awarded by American Planning Association, Denver, CO.Presidential Service Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning. (November 2000).Faculty Interdisciplinary Research Award, School of Social Ecology and the Social Ecology Associates. (May 1996).Certificate of Appreciation. Order of Omega, Panhellenic, and Interfraternity Council. (May 1994).In recognition of commitment and dedication to students and University.Certificate of Appreciation. Orange County Section, American Planning Association, California Chapter. (June 1993).In recognition of significant contributions to section's successful operation.Outstanding Teacher Award, Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning. (1990 - 1991).Professional Merit Award, Boston Society of Landscape Architects. (1990).Class project: "Quabbin to Wachusett Wildlife Corridor Study." Contributor and co-instructor.Invited Guest Lecturer. City Planning Program, School of Public Administration and Urban Studies. (March 1990).Dissertation Fellowship Award, Graduate School, Office of the Dean. (January 1987 - June 1987).Rapporteur, Salzburg Seminar. (February 8, 1987 - February 21, 1987)."The Divided Cities."Donald and Alice Stone Graduate Student Award for the Best Graduate Student Paper on Intergovernmental Relations, American Society for Public Administration Section on Intergovernmental Administration and Management. (1985)."An Intergovernmental Perspective on Special District Governments".TEACHINGTeaching Innovations and Curriculum DevelopmentNew Course, "International Divided Cities", PP&D, 100.Teaching InterestsLand Use PolicyHistory of Urban PlanningUrban Public Policy Urban and Regional PlanningIntergovernmental Planning Quantitative Methods in PlanningRace, Ethnicity and Cities.Special Pedagogical ActivitiesGuest Lecture, Lebanese American University and American University of Beirut, (2010).Three guest lectures at Lebanese American University, Byblos ("Post-War Beirut and the Practices of Urban Planning"), Lebanese American University, Beirut ("Contested Cities and Power Sharing", and at American University of Beirut ("Comparative Field Methods in Conflict Cities.")Doctoral Committee2016, Juliana Zanotto, Chair2016, Santina Contreras, Member2015, Anaid Yerena, Member2014, Mojgan Sami, Chair2013, Chitvan Trivedi, Member2013, Lyndsey Christofferson, Member2012, Alexis Hickman, Member2012, Katie Pine, Member2011, Sang Tae Kim, Chair2011, Crystal Murphy Morgan, Member2010, Jesse Baker, Member2010, Kathryn Quick, Member2010, Michael Latner, Member2010, Mike Powe, Member2010, Ralph McLaughlin, Member2009, Omar Yousef, Chair2009, Miryha Gould, Member2009, Ralph McLaughlin, Member2008, Candice Carr-Kelman, Member2008, Erualdo Gonzalez, Member2007, Mariela Alfonso, Member2005, Marie Williamson2005, Blake Roberts, Chair2004, Mai Nguyen2003, Doug Feremenga2003, Roger Morton, Chair1999, Jen Gress1999, Michael GreenwaldDoctoral Candidacy CommitteeSeptember 2017, Ashley Hooper, MemberSeptember 2017, Jongho Won, MemberFebruary 2017, Tera Dornfield, Member2016, Christopher Teng, Chair2016, Jovan Milojevich, Member2016, Laureen Hom, Member2015, Hiroshi Ishikawa, Chair2014, Cecilia Joung Kim, Member2014, Nora Davis, Member2013, Suman Kumar Mitra, Member2013, Yonsu Kim, MemberDecember 2012, Thi Bich Thuy Luong, Member2012, Dongwoo Yang, Member2012, Oscar Tsai, Member2010, Adonia Lugo, Member2010, C. Scott Smith, Member2010, Carolina Sarmiento, Member2010, Lyndsey Christofferson, Member2010, Michael Kelman, Member2010, Natalie Baker, Member2009, Yoon Seo, Member2005, Anne Taufen Wessells, MemberDirected Individual/Independent Study2012 - 2015, Chandler Marks, Priyoti Ahmed, Roger Rath, Hang Nguyen, Elaine Yang, Nora Davis, Holly Gruber, Sally Geislar, Mehgie Tabar, SupervisorUCI Master’s and Doctoral students supervised—part of NEURUS exchange program.1999 - 2011, Suzy Kim, Kenneth Joh, Eva Chang, Jabari Holloway, Kenneth Spillberg, Jennifer Lee, John Billemek, Sandra Hamlat, Eloiza Murillo-Garcia, Andrew Hopewell, Valerie Watson, Desyl Wood, Tracy McMillan, Lucilla Olmos, Linda Nguyen, Laurel Reimer, Teresa Santilena, Hang Nguyen, Elaine Yang, Nora Davis, Joshua Carrillo, SupervisorUCI Master’s and Doctoral students supervised—part of NEURUS exchange program.Master's Thesis Committee2013, Daniyel Grancich, Chair2013, Lauren Gruber, Chair2011 - 2012, Ali Pezeshkpour, Member2010 - 2011, David Weinrich2010 - 2011, Erin Maor, Member1999 - 2011, Riddhi Mehta, Seth Connolly, David Mason, Krishna Bhatt, Kenzie Riesselman, Amanda Berk, Eddie Naff, Alexis Hickman, Shannon Vitale, Jessica Sisco, Blair Schaeffer, Joyce Monaco, Jared Wright, Melissa Garrety, Kristin Beers, Jason Wasmond, Roger Arroyo, Tina Vacharkulkse, Lori Peat, John Ramirez, Colin Drukker, Elizabeth Kim, Morey Kogul, Sonal Thakur, Michelle Baniqued, AdvisorProfessional Report (PR)Undergraduate Honors Thesis2014, Daria SlepenkinaUndergraduate Research Supervision2009, Lynly Lumibao, ChairUROP, Dean’s Scholar Award2007, Kristen BuhagiarHonor’s Seminar, Social EcologySERVICEDepartment ServiceNetwork for European and United States Regional and Urban Studies (NEURUS)/ International Certificate in International Development (ICURD) Program Director. (1999 - Present).MURP Accreditation Self-Study Committee Chair. (2013 - 2014).Search Committee-- Assistant/Associate Professor Member. (2013 - 2014).MURP Planning and Vision Committee Member. (2011 - 2012).Search Committee Chair. (2011 - 2012).Masters of Urban and Regional Planning review committee Chair. (2004 - September 2005).Department of Urban and Regional Planning Chair. (January 1998 - January 2003).Accreditation Work Team. Department of Urban and Regional Planning Head. (1995 - 1997).Department of Urban and Regional Planning Graduate Advisor. (October 1, 1992 - September 30, 1997).Curriculum Planning Committee. Graduate Program in Urban and Regional Planning Chair. (September 1991 - June 1994).School/College ServiceSearch Committee, Dean of Social Ecology Member. (2015 - Present).Enhancing Field Study Committee (Dubchansky funding) Member. (2014 - Present).School Space and Facilities Committee Member. (2014 - Present).Search Committee-- Assistant Dean for Planning and Administration, School of Social Ecology Member. (2013 - 2014).Social Ecology Budget and Planning Committee Member, Appointed. (2009 - 2010).Strategic Planning Committee Chair. (2004 - September 2005).Johnson Endowed Chair in Civic Governance and Public Management Member. (2001 - 2002).Dean's Search Committee Member. (1998 - 1999).Social Ecology GIS Planning Committee Chair. (1998 - 1999).UCIthink. community Town Hall Steering Committee; Programming Committee Member. (1998).School-wide Admissions Committee Member. (1996).University ServiceChancellor's Advisory Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics Member. (2013 - Present).UC Education Abroad Program Advisor. (2012 - Present).Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies Reviewer. (2009 - Present).Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies Executive Board Member and Faculty Affiliate. (2007 - Present).UCI-Great Park History Liaison Group Member. (2007 - Present).Search Committee, Academic Senate Executive Director Member. (2014)."Diversityville" Panel discussant (invited). (April 29, 2013).UC Irvine Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity Guest Speaker. (February 2012).Chancellorial Stewardship Review, UCI Academic Senate Reviewer. (2011).Campuswide Task Force on Efficiencies in Academic Personnel Reviews Member, Appointed. (2009 - 2010).The UCI Difficult Dialogues Project Faculty Core Partner. (2006 - 2010).Council on Academic Personel Chair. (2008 - 2009).Council on Academic Personnel Member, Elected. (September 1, 2006 - August 31, 2009).UCI Human Resources Leadership Academy Guest Speaker. (March 20, 2009).Universitywide Committee on Academic Personnel (UCAP) Member. (2007 - 2008).Office of the Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs (UCI) Advisor. (September 2008).Committee on Teaching Quality. Academic Senate Member. (October 1996 - December 1997).Representative Assembly. Academic Senate Member. (September 1993 - June 1996).Public ServiceGuest Speaker, Soka Gakuen (Japan) Senior High School, UCI. (August 2017).Board Member, Irvine Community Land Trust, Irvine. (2015 - 2016).Guest Speaker, Shabbat community discussion group, Santa Barbara. (November 19, 2016).Guest Speaker, Irvine United Congregational Church (IUCC). (September 14, 2016).Guest Speaker, Olive Tree Initiative. (February 2014).On-Camera Interviewee, "Model City" Documentary. (December 2012).Guest Speaker, Amnesty International Student Group, University High School, Irvine. (December 2012).Guest Speaker, Empowering Sustainability Seminar II. (July 2012).Organizer, Book Launch and Presentation. (November 1, 2011).Guest Speaker, Empowering Sustainability Seminar, UC Irvine. (July 2011).Guest Speaker, Southern California Leadership Network. (January 2010).Guest Speaker, Golden West College Peace Conference. (April 2009).Guest Speaker, KOCE Public Television. (March 25, 2009).Guest Speaker, KOCE Public Television. (March 11, 2009).Guest Speaker, Southern California Leadership Network. (January 23, 2009).Presentation, Focus the Nation Conference on Sustainability and Climate Change Solutions. Regional Solutions Panel, University of California, Irvine. (2008).Member, Honorary Committee/ Executive Committee. UCLA Bollens-Ries-Hoffenberg Lecture Series. (1985 - 2008).Public Testimony, Platinum Triangle Expansion Proposal, Anaheim City Council Re-Hearing. (April 8, 2008).Radio Interview, KPCC-FM public radio. (February 2008).Interview, Russia Business Consulting Daily. (February 2008).Radio Interview, KALW-FM public radio. (December 27, 2007).Presenter, Academy for Lifelong Learning, Irvine, California. (November 30, 2007).Presentation, Southern California Leadership Network, a partnership of the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce, Irvine. (November 16, 2007).Presentation, Planning, Policy, and Design Seminar Series. (October 2007).Guest Speaker, Cable News Network (CNN), Anderson Cooper 360. (October 29, 2007).Television Interview with CNN (Cable News Network). (October 29, 2007).Presentation, Soka Gakkai International—USA Resource Center. (June 2007).Presentation, Southern California Leadership Network, a partnership of the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce, Santa Ana. (January 26, 2007).Radio Interview, The Life and Legacy of Jane Jacobs, San Francisco. (May 2, 2006).Presentation, The Urban Conduit: Managing Group Identity Conflicts in Societal Transitions. (May 18, 2005).Interview, The Master-Planned Community of Irvine in Context. (May 5, 2005).Presenter, Peace Hurts: Spoilers and Obstacles in Reforming Divided Societies. (August 2003).Guest lecturer, Jerusalem Since 1967. (2002).Presenter, Conflicted Cities: The Link Between Planning and Peace. (October 2002).Presenter, Northern Ireland: A Peace Not Envisioned, Anaheim. (March 2002).Presenter, The Divided City: Five Portraits. (January 2002).Presenter, City & Soul: Sarajevo, Johannesburg, Belfast, Jerusalem, Nicosia. (October 2001).Presenter, Growing Smarter through 2025, Santa Ana. (August 2001).Presenter, How Cities are Built. (May 2001).Presenter and event coordinator, Smart Growth Alternatives for Orange County. (May 2001).Presenter, Living Together Apart: Cities Divided in Bosnia, Northern Ireland, Israel/Palestine, South Africa, and Cyprus, Irvine, California. (April 2001).Participant, Smart Growth Leadership Issues Forum. Urban Land Institute, Irvine. (April 2001).Panel participant, Hard Choices: Housing and the Orange County Community. (November 2000).Presenter and discussant, City and Soul, Santa Barbara. (September 2000).Radio Interview, California Land Rush: Planned Cities and Growth, San Francisco. (April 2000).Invited Testimony, Irvine Planning Commission. Scoping Session forthe Housing Element Update. (December 1999).Invited Testimony, Irvine City Council. Housing Element Study Session. (November 1999).Presentation, Orange County Collaborative. (November 1999).Presentation, The Killing of a Multiethnic City: Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina 1992-1995. (November 1999).Presentation, How the Housing Crisis Affects You, Irvine. (October 1999).Presentation, Oslo and Jerusalem, Irvine. (September 1999).Keynote presentation, City as Ecosystem. (July 1999).Presentation, Urban Peace-Building and Social Vulnerability. (May 1999).Organizer and Moderator, Housing and its Role in Creating Community. (April 1999).Presentation, Living Together Separately, Anaheim. (April 1999).Presentation, The Housing Crisis in Southern California. (April 1999).Presentation/Discussant, Smart Growth and its Constituencies. (February 1999).Presentation, Administration of Justice in Divided Cities, Irvine. (1998).Guest lecturer, Jerusalem Since 1967. (1998).Presentation, Northern Ireland: Past, Present and Future. (June 1998).Presentation, Small Lot Single Family Residential Development. (April 1998).Presentation/Discussion, The Social Ecology of Urban Ethnic Conflict. (January 1998).Presentation, Governance in Southern California: Limits and Liabilities, Irvine. (June 1997).Presentation, A Common Sorrow: Jerusalem, Belfast, and Johannesburg, Santa Ana. (November 1996).Presentation, Cities and Ethnic Conflict: The Role of Religion. (November 1996).Presentation, Divided Cities and Urban Policy. (November 1996).Presentation, The Israeli/Palestinian Conflict Over Jerusalem, Irvine. (September 1996).Presentation, A Common Sorrow: Jerusalem, Belfast, and Johannesburg. (August 1996).Presentation, A Common Sorrow: Jerusalem, Belfast, and Johannesburg. (July 1996).Presentation, Dividing the Indivisible: The Cultural Ecology of Urban Conflict. (May 1996).Presentation, Cities Divided: Urban Policy on Narrow Ground. (April 1996).Presentation, Social Ecology and the Study of Urban Ethnic Conflict. (April 1996).Presentation, Cities and Ethnic Conflict. (February 1996).Presentation, Cities and Ethnic Conflict: Urban Policy on Narrow Ground. (February 1996).Presentation, Metropolitan Transportation Governance in Orange County, Irvine. (July 1994).Organizer, Slices of Orange County: UCI Graduate Student Presentations. (May 19, 1994).Participant/presenter, Orange County's Growing Pains: A Regional Prescription, Alisal Ranch, CA. (May 12, 1994 - May 15, 1994).Presentation, Cooperative Partnerships between UCI and the Planning Community. (February 1993).Presentation, Planning and Development in Southern California, Irvine. (February 1993).Presentation, Orange County: Planning Issues and Controversies, Irvine. (January 1993).Presentation, Introduction to UCI's Graduate Program in Urban and Regional Planning, Santa Ana. (November 1992).Featured Speaker, Breakfast with the Director. (April 3, 1992).Featured Speaker, The State of the Cape: The Year Round Economy, Barnstable, MA. (June 1990). ................

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