I N D E X [jfk.hood.edu]


D PW 306

da Vinci, Leonardo F 227

Dabbs, Charlie O 522

Dahlin CO 27

Daily Beacon F 211

Daily Express [London] F 5, 9

Daily News [New York] PM 388, 391

Daily News [Washington] PW 124

Daily Telegraph [London] F 5-6, 9

O 379

Daisons Press, Ltd. PW 215

Dal-Tex Building CO 4

inside front cover PM x

PW 7, 48, 92-93, 105

W2 v, 159-60, 216-217

Dale, Allan O 386

Daley, Magy

see Daly, Maggie

Dallas O 12, 17, 22, 28, 35, 38-39, 47-48, 59, 61, 71, 117-118, 171, 177-178, 213,

235-236, 253, 275-276, 280-281, 290, 295, 297, 299, 316, 351, 357, 359-360, 378, 383, 387, 401

Dallas 8-mm. Movie Club PW 242

Dallas Bar Association W1 66, 68-69

see also American Bar Association

Dallas Cinema Associates, Inc. PW 65, 98-106, 120, 241, 243, 245, 249

Dallas Citizens Council W2 168

Dallas City Building PW 99, 121, 241

Dallas Civil Liberties Union

see American Civil Liberties Union, Dallas

Dallas County CO 4

PM 493

W4 26, 147

District Attorney PM 475-476, 478-479

Government Center O 529

Health Officer W1 186


N 130

see Parkland Memorial Hospital

Medical Officer [Rose, Dr. Earl F.], 28

Sheriff PM x, 57, 375

PW 30-33, 35, 37, 39, 43-45, 158, 163, 165, 167 174

W1 1-2, 5-6, 31-32, 36, 40, 43, 80-81, 88-91, 100, 105, 155, 158, 167, 186

W2 2, 13, 23, 30, 49, 53, 64, 74, 79, 81-83, 91, 129, 134

W4 42, 92

Deputy [Sweatt] PM 375

W4 26, 40-42, 90, 141

Office W4 142

O 77, 79, 528

see also Craig, Roger;

Sweatt, Allan

Walthers, Eddy Raymond

Surveyor W2 167, 199, 218

Dallas Cuban Relief Committee W2 65

Dallas District Attorney O 78, 193-194, 276-278, 358-360, 526, 528-529, 566

PM 475-479

W1 69, 78, 83, 93, 96-97, 186

see also Wade, Henry

Dallas FBI N 18, 26, 27, 29, 327, 359, 360, 362


Dallas Hospital

see Parkland Memorial Hospital

Dallas Justice W1 93

Dallas Morning News CO 140

N 29, 30, 328, 332-333, 370, 385, 397

PM 388

PW 273

W2 6, 8, 12, 37, 135, 152

W4 142

Dallas News Building PW 70, 202

Dallas newspapers W1 13-14

Dallas Police CO 32

N 18, 327, 335, 383, 429

PM 2, 5, 8, 52, 55, 57, 61, 68, 75-76, 80-81, 89, 92, 105, 122, 236, 287, 313,

316, 356, 394, 419, 421, 437-438, 470, 493, 506, 603

PW 13, 29, 32-34, 36-37, 39-40, 56, 71, 121-122, 164, 167-169, 192, 194,

207-208, 235, 264-265, 269-271, 274

planting evidence CO 109

Dallas Police and Courts Building W1 66, 70, 78, 86, 88

Dallas Police Department O 9, 12-13, 17, 31, 40-41, 76, 81, 117, 267, 277-278, 321, 358-360, 508,

522-526, 528-530, 569-570

W1 x-xiii, 1-2, 5-9, 12-13, 17, 19, 22, 24, 28-38, 41-46, 51-64, 66, 83,

85-108, 110-117, 120-121, 123, 133-134, 139-141, 143, 155, 158, 164, 167, 185-186, 188, 190-192

W2 1-2, 11, 13-16, 19, 23-33, 35-36, 38-39, 41-50, 52-54, 57, 64, 66, 68, 73, 77-83, 86-89, 91-92, 106, 119, 123-125, 129, 135-136, 140, 142-143, 151-152, 157, 160, 163, 170, 174-176, 187, 192, 206, 208-210, 212, 216, 225-226, 229, 234

broadcasts, radio W1 5, 39, 43, 56-59, 89, 99, 158

crime laboratory W2 28

dispatchers, radio W1 55-56, 58, 98-99

escort in motorcade W1 2

homicide office W1 66, 70, 71, 75, 80, 83, 91, 100

identification bureau W2 53

in the basement, Oswald's transfer W1 143

interrogation of Oswald W2 19, 64, 66, 82

interviews by W2 48, 50

investigations W2 52

lineups W1 39, 41, 53, 59, 62, 66, 67, 75-79, 105-106, 108, 113, 115, 117

W2 88-89

performance of W1 96-101, 188-189, 191

personnel W1 xii, 1, 5-9, 13, 19, 24, 29, 32-38, 42-43, 46, 51, 55-57, 59-63, 66-72,

74-76, 78, 80-82, 85-86, 88-101, 105, 111-112, 114, 116-117, 140, 143, 158, 167, 186, 188, 191

press and the W1 96-97

public relations W1 12, 13, 32, 85-86, 91-92, 95-96, 100, 137

radio broadcasts W2 25-28, 77, 86-87

radio logs W1 39, 52, 54-55, 58, 60, 98-99, 137

W2 24-26, 77-78, 136, 216

Records Bureau W2 53

report on Tippit killing W1 57

reports W2 45-47, 50

statements W2 32-33, 42-44, 73

suspects W1 12, 39, 137

see also Adamcik, J. P.

Baker, Marrion L.;

Boyd, E. L.;

Carroll, Bob K.;

Chancy, James A.;

Clardy, Bernard;

Curry, Jesse E.;

Dallas Police;

Day, J. C.;

Dean Patrick T.;

Dhority, C. N.;

Doughty, George;

Fisher, N. T.;

Foster, J. W.;

Frazier, W. B.;

Fritz, J. W;

Gannaway, W.P.,

Hahn, Judy,

Hargis, Bobby W.,

Harkness, D. V.;

Hellinghausen, F. A.,

Henslee, Gerald;

Hill, Gerald L.;

Henslee, Gerald Dalton;

Johnson, G. L;

Johnston, David L.;

Jones, O. A.;

King, Glen;

Leavelle, J. R.;

Lunday, R. H.,

Marvin, Lawrence;

McDonald, M. N.;

McMillon, Thomas Donald;

Moore, Henry M.;

Parks, P.M.;

Perdue William;

Pierce Rio S.;

Poe, J. M.;

Reville, Jack;

Rose, G. F.;

Sawyer, J Herbert;

Sims, Richard;

Stovall, Richard;

Stevenson, M.W.,

Stringer, H. H.;

Studebaker Robert Lee;

Summers, H.W.,

Talbert, Cecil E.;

Tippit, J. D.;

Vaughn, Roy E.;

Westbrook, W. R.

Dallas sheriff PW 298

Dallas Times Herald, The CO 29

Dallas Trade Mart O 248-249

Dallas, TX CO 18, 29, 157

F 8, 95, 121, 249, 261, 307, 344-345, 447, 459, 460, 462, 465

PM 8-10, 18, 28, 37, 42-43, 46, 49, 54, 56-57, 60, 64-68, 72, 74-75, 77,

80-81, 86, 88, 98, 104, 109, 117, 122, 126, 129-130, 147, 149-150, 164, 190, 199, 203, 215, 224-225, 233, 239, 241-243, 250, 257-259, 263, 265-266, 275, 285, 303-305, 308-309, 313, 316, 332, 334, 356, 358, 374-375, 394, 398, 449, 457, 465, 467-468, 481, 484, 491-492, 494, 497, 503, 505-506, 508-509, 532, 535, 539, 542-543, 548-549, 552, 565, 577-578, 580

W4 5, 13, 26, 28, 39, 47, 52, 75-76, 81, 85, 92-95, 97, 116-118, 130, 137,

140-145, 147-148, 151, 156, 158, 160-163

Courts Building PM x


see under Parkland Memorial Hospital


see Parkland Memorial Hospital

law enforcement authorities PM 625

broadcast PM 454


see Curry, Jesse

report PM 68, 75-76, 105

Records Building PM x, 225

Dallas T-1 O 527

W2 53

Dallas Times PW 83-84, 212, 225

Dallas Times-Herald, N 18, 196, 197, 324, 327, 371, 397

PM 510

PW 72

W2 117

Dallas Trade Mart PM 509

Dallas, University of O 507, 558, 567

W2 56

Daly, Mamie PW 201, 206

W2 157, 162

Dan Smoot Report C 129

Danaher, John A., judge W4 7, 175-177

Danaher, John A. PM 448

Dangerous Drug Law O 526, 528

Daniel, Jean N 426

Daniels N. J. W1 94, 143

Danielson, W. J., Jr. O 103, 460

Daniloff, Nicholas CO 105

Dannen, Frederick CO 2, 13

Dante PM 361, 463

CO 67

Darrow, Clarence F 94, 108, 267, 307

Das Kapital O 605-606, 633

Daughen, Joseph R. PM 63

W2 100

Davenport, R.A. W2 29

Davelle, Robert E. O 480

Davey, James F. PM 610

W4 190-191, 198, 200

David F 246

David McKay and Company N xliii

Davidson, James R. PW 273

Davies, Colin PW 89-90, 221

Davis, Aleen PW 158

Davis, Barbara Jeannette W1 57-59, 76-77

Davis, Charlie Virginia W1 57-59, 76

Davis, Henry O 487-488

Davis, John F. N 20

Davis, Joseph H. N 236, 472

Davis, Preston M. W1 151

O 119-121, 123-124, 134, 136-138, 423, 428, 431-434, 436-437

Davis, R. M., See Davis, Preston M.

Davis, Ricardo O 323

Davis, Richard, Jr. O 156-158

Davis, Richard R., Jr. O 155, 671-2, 696

Davis, Roy Lee F 152

Davis, Rudolph Richard, Jr. O 323-4, 339, 380-1, 392, 696-703

Davis, Rudolph Richard, Sr. O 702

Dawnay, Peter C 52-3, 56, 223, 227-30

F 7-11

Dawson, Richard, Tennessee Highway Patrol, Captain C 302

F 111

Day, Carl, Lieutenant CO 110-112, 115, 117

Day, J. C., Lieutenant, Dallas Police Department, Identification PW 122

W1 29, 32-35

W2 39

Day Kennedy Was Shot The [Bishop] PM 239-241

N 113, 115-116

Dayman, Frank J. O 545

Dayton Daily News O 399

DCA W2 150-151, 207

see Dallas Cinema Associates, Inc

de Leon, Miguel, Anti-Castro Cuban exile C 12

de la Vega, Benjamin O 662

de la Vega, Carlos, Cubans-Nixon C 140

de la Vega, Carlos, ant-Castro Cuban exile C 19

de la Barre, Frank O 701

de la Barre, Gus O 701

de Mohrenschildt George O 710

W1 29, 121

de Mohrenschildt, Jeanne O 710

de Pena, Irazda Delgado O 689

de Pugh, Robert B., Minutemen C 74-5, 88-9, 101

de Rodriguez, Maria Rodas O 692

de Shazo, John C 239, 242, 345

F 24, 29, 170-171

De Zutter, Henry, Chicago Daily News C 389

Dealey Plaza C 47, 137

CO 4, 7, 16, 61-62, 78, 98, 141, 167

N 3, 38, 340, 347, 381, 387, 389, 391, 392, 427

O 12, 249, 351

PM ix-x, 80-1, 108-9, 205, 219, 225, 268, 453

PW 13, 31, 44, 61, 81, 92, 121, 124-5, 130, 150, 157, 284-5

W1 2, 45

W2 v, 3-4, 53, 93, 106, 128, 134, 142-3, 148, 151, 158, 196, 218, 246

Surveyor's plat W2 195, 199, 218-9, 243

Dean, John W4 17-8, 183

Dean, Patrick T., Sergeant, Dallas Police Department PW 40, 56

W1 92-5, 143

Death certificate N 90, 98, 129, 206

Death of a President The [Manchester] C 209

N 16, 113-115, 146, 324

PM 239-40

Deaths W2 49-50, 68, 90

DeBrueys, Warren C., FBI agent, New Orleans, LA C 189

O 82, 127, 155, 157, 204, 307-8, 314-6, 320-6, 330, 380- 1, 390-1,

393, 396, 453, 456, 548, 637, 684, 688, 693-4, 700

W1 147, 149

W2 54

DeCanal, Manolo O 152, 679

Deck, Lloyd G., New Orleans Naval Institute O 491

Decker J. E. [Bill], Sheriff, Dallas, TX W1 1, 5, 80, 89-91, 99, 100, 186

PW 32, 45

deputies W1 2, 31-32, 36, 43, 80, 81 89-90, 100, 158, 167

See under Dallas Co. Sheriff's Office

Declaration of Independence N xxxv

Declaration of War N 451

DeDual, George, Sergeant, New Orleans Police Department O 508-9

Dee, Henry Hezekiah C 107

Deetjen, Jose M., DRE O 451-452

Defense, Department of PW 268

see also, Pentagon, The

Defense Attorneys C 54, 65, 143, 210-1, 218-20, 234-6, 238, 241, 245, 252-8, 264, 267-80,

285, 291-301, 313-4, 316, 320, 325, 329, 375, 378, 417-8, 434, 439, 441, 445-6, 449, 453, 461, 483-97, 509, 513

Alleged investigations C 294-5

Defense Intelligence Agency C 137

Defense, Secretary of PM 622

W4 63

under-Secretary of W4 68, 129

Degraes, Peter C 50

Delacorte Press F 464

Delaware C 176

F 471

Delgado, Nelson CO 47

O 92, 94-101, 107

Delgado, Sacario O 689

Delgado Trade School O 205, 457

Delgado, Yrada Sosa O 689

Dell Publishing Company C 210, 212-3, 221, 417-8, 489, 492

CO xii

F 267, 373, 378

DeLoach, Cartha N viii, xiii, 16, 17, 20, 22, 34, 80, 252-5, 341, 355, 414, 497

Delphey, Laura R. W4 209

Delprado O 94

Delta F 122

Delta Airlines C 354

F 185

O 308, 376, 486, 645, 683, 705-706

Delta Building O 496

Delta Mercury, Inc. O 577

DeMar, Bill O 594-6

Democratic National Committee headquarters W4 15, 17

burglary, Watergate W4 15

Democratic Party Convention C 11, 156-7, 393, 520, 526

F 461

Democrats N 437

PM 247

Dempsey, Jack O 399

Denison, TX C 72

Dennison, Lyle, Reporter, Washington Star PM 30

Denton C 61-2, 66-7, 71-2

Denton, TX C 164, 169-70

Police department C 61-2, 71-2, 169

Department of Justice CO 50

files CO 91

panel CO 97, 99

N 62, 111-2, 137, 158, 160, 161, 177, 235-6, 275, 441, 443

Depew, Robert B., See Robert B. DePugh

DePina, Sam O 399

Depository Building

See Texas School Book Depository

Deputy Attorney General F 400-9, 425

Des Moines, IA C 503, 515

F 412

Description, police broadcast CO 128

Deslatte, Oscar W. O 101-2, 460

Desselle, Jim O 546

Detroit, MI C 81, 113, 262, 393, 423

F 55, 275

W4 81, 114

Detroit Free Press C 392

F 237

Detroit News PW 288

Devlin, Robert, Immigration & Naturalization Service PW 288

DeWitt, Roscoe PW 247

Dhority, C. N., Dallas Police Department W1 29, 59

Dial, Shirley O 590

Diario Las Americas O 150-3, 657, 661-2, 666

Diaz Morejon, Jose C 104

Diaz, Raul O 696-8

Diaz-Silveira, Anna O 48, 710

Dick Cavett Show, the F 94-6, 98-9, 115, 362, 388

Diebold, Henry A. O 447

Dick, William, reporter C 36-8

Diem F 309

Diem, Dictator C 29, 157, 516

Dies, Martin O 329

Dillard, Tom, Photographer CO 140-1, 143, 157, 159, 161

N 328-33, 345, 370, 374

PM 454, 460-1

W1 34-5, 43, 158

W2 76, 87-8

Photographs, by W1 44-5

PW 53, 57-60, 82, 85, 95, 131-2

picture PM 608-609

Dillon, Charles PM 348, 356

photographs by W1 44-5

Dinkin, Eugene O 711-2

Diogenes PM 399

Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantel O 39, 46, 48, 443, 450-2, 493

See also Cuban Student Directorate

Dirksen, Everett M., U.S. Senator C 287

Dirty rumor [Oswald agent] W4 48, 127

Dishon, Robert L. PW 198

Dispassion and neutrality N 417-419

Dissecting the neck N 157, 158-159

District Attorney [Wade] W4 37, 43, 76, 118, 125, 148-149, 152-153, 159

Assistant [Alexander] W4 26, 37, 39, 76, 146, 149

Police W4 42, 75-76, 92, 118, 142, 147-148

chief W4 147, 177

department W4 142-143, 151, 161, 177

see under Dallas District Attorney

District of Columbia F 419, 427

PM 135, 246

W4 15, 169

Appeals Court

PM 292, 412-413, 428, 436

see under U.S. Court of Appeals for D.C.

Circuit court W4 168, 173

see under U.S. District Court for D.C.

Court of Appeals W4 168, 171, 173, 175-8, 180-1

PM 292, 412-3, 428, 436

District Court, U.S. W4 7, 16, 171, 173, 175, 178

Morgue PM 71

Coroner's office PM 106

Dixie Brewing Co., Inc. O 495

Dixie Hotel O 547

Dixie Laundry [Washateria] O 473, 513

Dixie Washateria O 513

Dixon, Jeane C 221

Doctors W1 5-6, 50, 113, 161-3, 165, 167-80, 183-7, 190, 198-9

N 1, 49, 68-69, 81, 143, 144, 160, 162, 198, 200, 280, 289

see under Autopsy;

Names of

Parkland Memorial Hospital;

Statements by W1 168, 170, 177

Documentary N 291, 293

Dodd, Thomas, Senator C 412-3

F 463

Dolan, Joe O 86

Dolan, Joe, Show PM 60-1

Dolan, Robert J., FBI agent, Chicago, IL W2 34, 39

Dolce, Joseph, Dr., Edgewood Arsenal N 231-232, 291-308

PM 55-6, 91, 503-4

Dombrowski, James O 483

Dominican Republic C 3. 195

N xx, xxxvi

O 308

PM 65

Dominguez Benitez, Jesus C 104

Donahue, Phil, CBS, WHIO O 25

Donnally, Eugenia O 500

Donnell, Albert, Lieutenant, Marine Corps PW 254

Donovan, John E. O 92-3

Donovon, William Wild Bill , General CO viii, ix,

Dooley, Arthur PW 307

Dorman, Elsie T., Pictures PW 42, 49-52, 83, 177

Dorticos, Oswaldo O 658

Doubleday & Co., Inc. C 210-3

Double Dot Press W2 v

Dougherty Jack C 94

CO 126

W1 19-20, 39

Doughty George M., Captain, Dallas Police Department O 278, 530

W1 35

Douglas, William O., Justice W4 7, 171

Douthitt, Melody, Jane W1 109

Doveri, Mary O 186, 590

Dowd, M. A., Scotland Yard C 230

F 10

Dowdle Sporting Goods, Memphis C 349

F 178

Downing, Dorothy O 643-4

Downing, Mrs. O 495

Downtown Lincoln Mercury, Inc., Atlanta, GA C 128

PW 179, 181

Doyle, J. Pat O 175, 505

W4 103

Doyle, Jim O 175, 316, 505

Dr. Faustus CO 40

Dragoo, Barney [Betty], mrs. PW 211

Drain, Vincent E., FBI agent, Dallas, TX PM 82, 450, 505, 603

W1 29, 74

W2 31-3, 39


See Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil,

[Cuban Student Directorate]

Drennan, Stanley L. National States Rights Party C 83-4, 88, 92-4, 112, 122, 130-1, 152, 172, 184-5, 187, 199, 447

Dresden, Michael & Co. C 233, 249

Drew, Joseph, Priest C 117-9

Dreyfus case C 162

W2 228

Driftwood Motor Hotel O 186, 590

Drums of War O 504

Duarte,Jose, Anti-Castro Cuban C 25-8, 140

DuBois, W.E. B., Club C 24

Duff, William W2 69

Dugger, Ronnie O 78-9

Duke University C 30

Dulles Airport O 470

Dulles, Allen W., Commissioner C 6, 12, 23, 44, 93-4, 165, 169-70

CO 45, 52, 121-122, 124

N 32-33, 195, 222, 239, 239, 244, 252, 255-256, 327

O 75, 77, 82, 406

PM x, 62, 357, 375, 406-7, 436, 446, 449, 467, 477, 479-83, 485-7, 551-3,

598, 621-2

PW 306-9, 312

W1 xi 3, 24, 27, 37, 119, 169, 176

W2 44, 96, 98-9, 164, 177-9, 192, 213, 234

W4 8, 16, 35-8, 41, 47, 52-3, 58-67, 69, 71-2, 74-7, 83-88, 90-1, 95-6, 111-5,

117-8, 120-1, 124, 127-8, 131, 135, 138-40, 152, 164

False swearing W4 16, 29, 52, 62

Dulles, John Foster, Mrs. CO x

Duncan, Edith E. PM 557

Dunn, Cyril PW 234

DuPont, Pierce C 204, 5

Dupuis, Ella O 251, 569

Dupuis. Larry J. O 251, 569

Duquesne University N 77

Duran, Senora Silvia Tirado de O 711

W1 152

Durand, Eleanor O 237

Dustlike fragments N 184, 274-276, 483-488

Duvalier, Francois, Haiti C 456

Dwyer, Paul, Lieutenant, New Orleans Police Department,

New Orleans, LA O 36, 61

Dwyer, Robert, FBI agent, Memphis C 28, 84

F 31-2, 68-9, 128, 130-5, 140-4, 161, 170, 218, 220-1, 263, 361, 445,


Dwyer, Robert K., Memphis C 210, 244-5, 272-3, 316-20, 233-6, 339, 344, 376, 378-9, 413, 435, 481

Dybbuk CO 21

Dyer, Oakie W4 193

Dymond, F. Irvin O 242-4, 376

Dymond, Irving, Shaw Attorney N 315, 316

PM 231-3, 300

Dynacolor Company PW 244


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