“Welcome to Lincoln Financial Field”




Our Mission Statement

"We will provide our guests with the highest quality sports and entertainment experience in a safe, clean, and friendly environment."

Welcome! Every member of the Philadelphia Eagles should consider themselves a spokesperson and representative at all times. A significant number of independent news organizations cover the Philadelphia Eagles. As a result, everyone associated with the club must be aware that anything and everything he or she does or says in public creates an impression of the Eagles and everything we stand for. Your actions will help us remain a positive force and contributor to the quality of life in the community. This manual is provided in order to introduce employees to the policies and procedures of the Philadelphia Eagles Merchandise Game Day Staff Team, as well as the expectations and conditions of employment with the League. It does not, and is not intended to cover every situation that may arise in the course of employment. If, after reviewing the manual, there are any questions about its content, please address them with any member of the management team. Although it is the intention of the Club to notify employees of changes, additions, deletions or alterations to the information contained within, the Club reserves the right to change, revise, and/or delete the policies, procedures, benefits and plans described in this manual at any time, at its discretion, with or without prior notification. This manual and the policies and procedures contained herein supersede and revoke any and all prior and past practices or policies, oral and written representations, or statements regarding the terms and conditions of employment with the Club.

This manual is for informational purposes only. It is a summary of guidelines ONLY and should not be considered in any way as creating any right, contract or guarantee of employment, benefits or of working conditions between any employee and the Philadelphia Eagles.


Philadelphia Eagles Reception

Philadelphia Eagles Pro Shop

Courtney Ray cray@eagles.

Steve Yankanich syankanich@eagles.

Sarah Casey scasey@eagles.

Vanessa Greaney vgreaney@eagles.

Caitlin Hyde chyde@eagles.

Alexandra Fishoff afishoff@eagles.

Timothy Crouch tcrouch@eagles.

Emily Conway econway@eagles.

Dennis Soden dsoden@eagles.

Kevin Rafferty krafferty@eagles.

Annie Bobbe abobbe@eagles.



NovaCare Complex


Lincoln Financial Field Assistant Director of Merchandise

267-570-4500 267-570-4020

Assistant Director of Merchandise


E-Commerce Manager


Merchandise Coordinator


Merchandise Coordinator


E-Commerce Coordinator


Eagles Pro Shop at Lincoln Financial Field Manager 267-570-4016

Eagles Pro Shop at Lincoln Financial Field Coordinator 267-570-4247

Area Manager- Eagles Pro Shops


Eagles Pro Shop at Cherry Hill Manager


Eagles Pro Shop at Cherry Hill Assistant Manager




*The following are important excerpts taken from the Game Day Staff Handbook that we feel MUST be highlighted since they apply directly to the Merchandise Staff.


As a Philadelphia Eagles Game Day Staff member, we expect you to be available for all large scale events at Lincoln Financial Field with an attendance of 35,000 or more. All employees are expected to work all events for which they are scheduled and to contact their department regarding changes in availability. Scheduling procedures vary from department to department.

Flex scheduling allows the NFL to alter the day and time of kick-off for any NFL game. Time changes will be communicated to you by your department. Please be prepared for possible schedule changes throughout the season.

Confidentiality Agreement

The Philadelphia Eagles success depends on the hard work, dedication and integrity of everyone who works here. In the course of your responsibilities, you will have access to, learn, develop, and conceive information which is confidential and proprietary in nature and which, if disclosed, could be extremely detrimental to the organization and provide a competitive advantage to other teams, agents or other organizations. To avoid these harmful consequences, it is the policy of the Philadelphia Eagles that confidential and proprietary information must be kept in strict confidence.

Employees should treat the information they learn in the course of their jobs as confidential and should not share it under any circumstances with people outside the organization at any time (including after termination of employment) except as required to carry out your job responsibilities or unless specifically authorized by the President of the organization.

In addition, there are many instances when you have access to or learn of information which should not be disclosed to others within the organization. It is your obligation to make sure you take appropriate steps to maintain the necessary level of confidentiality and to respect the confidences involved. The Eagles policy prohibits disclosure to unauthorized personnel.

Employees who disclose confidential or proprietary information to any person, firm, corporation or other entity without authorization, or beyond the limits of their authorization, will face disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Upon leaving the organization, all Eagles property and materials must be returned immediately and no copies (including in electronic or digital format) may be made or kept and all confidential and proprietary information shall remain undisclosed.

Standards of Conduct

Everyone associated with the Organization must be aware that anything and everything that he or she does, says or writes in public creates an impression of the Eagles and everything we stand for. Your actions will help us remain a positive force and contributor to the quality of life in the community.

Each employee has an obligation to observe and follow Eagles policies and to maintain proper standards of conduct at all times. If a Game Day Staff Member's behavior interferes with the orderly and efficient operation of a department, corrective disciplinary measures will be taken.

Disciplinary action may include a verbal warning, written warning, suspension and/or termination of employment. The appropriate disciplinary action imposed will be determined by your Management team. The Eagles do not guarantee that one form of action will necessarily precede another.

The following will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment: Falsification, misrepresentation or material omission on company records including employment applications Violation of the Eagles policies and procedures Insubordination Theft and unauthorized removal of stadium property Excessive absenteeism and poor attendance Poor performance


Disparagement of the stadium, the Team, the Eagles organization and/or their respective officers, directors, managers or employees

Harassment of other employees, guests, or visitors in violation of stadium policy Possession, use and/or sale of alcohol or illegal drugs on stadium property Disrespect toward fellow employees, visitors, and/or guests Fighting, intimidation, coercion or physical harassment Unauthorized possession, use or sale of weapons, firearms or explosives on stadium property Safety violations or disregard for the personal safety of others

These examples are not all inclusive. Termination of employment decisions will be based on an assessment of all relevant factors. Your employment with the Eagles is of an "at will" nature. This means that the employee may resign at any time and the Eagles may discharge the employee at any time with or without notice and with or without cause.

Media and Public Relations Inquiries

The Philadelphia Eagles Football Media Services Department will handle all issues regarding the media. If you are approached about any issue by a member of the media, do not comment. Please direct all comments to the Event Command Post. For additional assistance, contact your immediate Supervisor.


It is our policy to strive to provide our employees with a workplace free from harassment of any nature. Harassment undermines our workplace morale and our commitment to treat each other with dignity and respect. Harassment in any form to or by employees, applicants for employment, vendors, maintenance workers or guests is unacceptable conduct and will not be tolerated. This policy applies to harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, gender or sex, national origin, union affiliation, veteran status, age, disability, sexual orientation, familial status or any other characteristic protected from discrimination under law. Harassing behavior consists of discriminatory intimidation, ridicule or insult that has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment, as viewed from the perspective of a reasonable person.

Sexual Harassment

We emphasize that sexual harassment in the workplace, like any other form of harassment, will not be tolerated. Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome advances, requests for sexual favors, and/or other verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature where:

Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly as a term or condition of an individual's employment; Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for employment decisions; or Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or of creating

an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.

These reports may be filed verbally or in writing. If you would like to file a complaint you may do so by contacting your immediate Supervisor, Management team or Human Resources at (215) 463-2500.

All allegations of harassment will be investigated promptly and in a confidential manner as is consistent with the effective investigation. Investigation of a particular incident may include interviewing the alleged harassed employee, the alleged harassing employee, and any third party witnesses, as well as the consideration of any other potentially relevant information. We will take appropriate corrective action when warranted.

Alcohol and Drug Use Policy

It is the Eagles desire to provide a drug-free, healthy and safe workplace. To promote this goal, employees are required to report to work in an appropriate mental and physical condition to perform their jobs in a satisfactory manner.

While on the stadium's premises and while conducting business activities off the stadium's premises, no employee may use, possess, distribute, sell or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. The legal use of prescribed drugs is permitted on the job, only if it does not impair an employee's ability to effectively perform the essential functions of the job in a safe manner and that does not endanger other individuals in the workplace.



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