Grade.Lesson: 4.64562475-619125Print: The Book: Frida Kahlo Me, Frida Refer also to the ppt. of Kahlo works available on the Art Docent website: size: Artist: Frida Kahlo July 1907 – July 1954 Materials: Me, Frida by Amy Novesky9” x 12” white drawing paperOil PastelsScissors & glue sticks Black construction paper.Glue stickstoothpicksBiography:Frida Kahlo was one of the most important painters of the Mexican modernist movement, which thrived in the years between World War I and World War II. Her life was changed when at the age of eighteen her spine, foot, and pelvis were crushed in a bus accident. These insults to her body, which resulted in chronic pain for the rest of her life, were added to the suffering she had endured as a childhood victim of polio. During her convalescence, she turned to painting. In a series of probing self-portraits, often taking the form of still lifes as well as likenesses of herself, she explored issues of personal identity and human mortality. Unlike her husband, Diego Rivera, she was never drawn to the socio-political issues that informed the art of the Mexican muralists and printmakers. Her work was highly personal and played upon native traditions of Magic Realism and formats such as votive paintings and retablos. In 1938, André Breton—the poet-founder of Surrealism—visited Kahlo in Mexico City and declared her a Surrealist. He arranged for her work to be shown in New York and Paris to great success. Although marginalized during the period of modern art, which was dominated by male artists, Kahlo's achievements were recognized in the 1970s as a significant contribution to the history of modern art and an exemplar of a newly recognized category of feminist art that arose out of social reforms of the period.Discussion: Engage students by several questions:Who has seen either of these pictures? How are they connected? (Frida and Diego married. Famous Mexican artists)What do you think is happening in the Diego Rivera picture? Do you find it to be beautiful? Why?What do you notice about the self portrait copy of Frida Kahlo? Who has read this book before? Related Art Project: The students are going to do a self portrait in the style of Frida Kahlo. Give each student a piece of paper. To get the correct facial proportions fold the paper in half (this is crease A), then fold the top in ? to meet crease A, which will make crease B, and fold the bottom up to crease A to make crease C. Lastly fold the bottom up to Crease B to make Crease D. Then fold the paper in ? to achieve the center crease line You may want to have an example of this drawn on the board for them to look at.With a pencil make a dot in the middle of crease B and in the middle of crease C (this is the top and bottom of the head). Then lightly draw the rest of the head.Draw eyes on crease A (one finger space away from center crease is where the inner corner of the eye starts)Draw the bottom of the nose on crease D and then join the bridge of the nose to the eyes.Draw the mouth just below crease DDraw a line from your first dot on crease B about 3 inches down (this is the hair part).Draw ears between crease A and D.Now draw hair, neck and shoulders (which should be wider than the head and go to the bottom of the paper).Use a medium brown and a flesh tone to fill the color in the face and neck and ears (do lots of blending- light color on cheeks and middle of forehead and darker around the edges).Now fill in the hair, eyes, lips and shirt. You can add a hair piece if you would like. For the clothes, you can color a light color and then a dark color overtop and scrape designs in it with a toothpick. Take a black oil pastel and go over all lines again before cutting out the drawing. Fill a separate piece of black construction paper with sentences or large words written in oil pastels. These words should help the artist express their emotions, passions, or feelings about any topic they want. They may need some starter sentences written on the board such as “I feel sad about______________” , “I am excited to_________________” “I love________”Final step is to cut out the face and use a glue stick to glue it to the background (black construction paper). Additional resources: ................

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