ZAGREB, September 2004

Prepared and edited by Professor Željko Štih

University of Zagreb,

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing,

Unska 3, 10000 Zagreb


announces that


for admission of students to postgraduate studies at PhD level (3 years) in the area of technical science and the following scientific fields:



and for admission to a course of study at MSc level (2 years) in the area of technical science and the following scientific fields:

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING with the following branches:

Electric Power Engineering

Electric Machines


Automatic Control

Telecommunications and Information Technology


Electrical Measurements and Measurement Techniques

COMPUTING with the following branches:

Core Computing

Applied Computing

Number of available places: 120 in total.

Students are expected to pay tuition fees.

Applications can be submitted to the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Unska 3, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia every working day until October 07, 2004.

For further details, please contact Ms. Smiljka Turkalj or Ms. Mirjana Grubiša on +385 1 6129 920 or by e-mail to or, or view the site .



1.1. Course of study at MSc level 1

1.2. Studies towards a PhD academic degree directly, without completing the MSc thesis 2

1.3. Study towards a PhD academic degree for candidates holding the MSc degree 2

1.4. Lectures and scientific research 2



3.1. Electrical Engineering 6

3.2. Computing 8


4.1. Autumn semester 8

4.2. Spring semester 8

4.3. Teaching hours and workload 8


5.1. Fundamental courses (F) 10

5.2. Specialisation courses (S) 11

5.3. Core specialisation courses in Computing 16

6. Contents of the courses 18

7. Financial aspects and administrative procedures 64

7.1. Tuition 64

7.2. Workplace costs 64

7.3. Board & Lodging 64

7.4. Insurance 64

7.5. Visa regulations 64

7.6. Miscellanies 65

7.7. Presentation of the administrative procedures 66

8. Forms & Instructions 67


Postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb are organised as full-time courses of study leading to MSc and PhD academic degrees. The MSc degree programme is organised in the following scientific fields and related areas of expertise:

Electrical Engineering with the following branches:

1. Electric Power Engineering,

2. Electric Machines,

3. Electronics,

4. Automatic Control,

5. Telecommunications and Information Technology,

6. Radiocommunications,

7. Electrical Measurements and Measurement Techniques,

Computing with the following branches:

Core Computing,

Applied Computing.

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing also accepts candidates for a PhD academic degree.

1 Course of study at MSc level

Postgraduate study leading to the MSc academic degree is open to applicants who have completed undergraduate study at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing with excellent (5) and very good (4) marks. The field and branch of undergraduate study do not limit these applicants in choosing the field and branch of postgraduate study. Applicants will be expected to acquire additional knowledge on their own, if necessary.

Applicants who have graduated at another relevant faculty with excellent (5) or very good (4) marks will be required to pass differential exams.

Other university undergraduate studies relevant for admission to the study of Electrical Engineering are undergraduate studies of electrical engineering or computing at one of the technical faculties, or undergraduate studies of physics at one of the faculties of science. Other university undergraduate studies relevant for admission to the study of Computing are undergraduate studies of electrical engineering or computing at one of the technical faculties, or undergraduate studies of mathematics or physics at one of the faculties of science.

All the above prerequisites are applicable to candidates who graduated at one of the Croatian universities.

For an applicant who graduated abroad, the equivalence of his or her graduation certificate is required. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing issues this equivalence after the applicant’s request. If the equivalence is required only for application for the Postgraduate study at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, it is issued free of charge and is valid only for this purpose. The applicant should therefore submit:

1. Authorised copy of the graduation certificate

2. Curriculum description from the university which issued the certificate

2 Studies towards a PhD academic degree directly, without completing the MSc thesis

Students enrolled in the MSc course of study wishing to earn a PhD without completing their MSc thesis should inform of their intention their Mentor and the Postgraduate Scientific Study Board before the end of the 3rd semester.

3 Study towards a PhD academic degree for candidates holding the MSc degree

Candidates holding an MSc degree can be admitted to postgraduate studies leading to the PhD academic degree in the field of Electrical Engineering if their MSc degree is in the field of Electrical Engineering or Computing.

Candidates holding an MSc degree can be admitted to postgraduate studies leading to the PhD academic degree in the field of Computing if their MSc degree is in the field of Computing or Electrical Engineering.

Exceptionally, enrolment in these studies can be approved for candidates holding an MSc degree in other scientific fields. In this case, candidates will be required to pass differential examinations.

4 Lectures and scientific research

After completing the admission procedure, the Postgraduate Scientific Study Board will appoint a mentor to every applicant. The applicant and the Mentor will decide together on the choice of postgraduate courses before enrolment in the 1st and the 4th semester. Candidates already holding an MSc degree should choose their courses before enrolment in the 5th semester. Every applicant designs his/her programme of study by choosing the number of courses as determined by the postgraduate study plan. The Mentor should endorse the student’s selection of courses. The final choice of courses and the appointment of Mentor shall be approved by the Faculty Council.

Compulsory and elective courses determine postgraduate scientific study according to a system of credits. The number of credits awarded for a particular course, the semester in which particular courses will be held and the contents of the courses are listed in this publication. In addition to the credits awarded for passing exams, the student has to obtain credits by taking part in scientific research.

MSc degree students are required to collect a minimum of 120 ECTS credits:

• A minimum of 12 ECTS credits should be achieved by publishing research results within the area of the master thesis:

– 12 ECTS credits per paper with not more than two co-authors published on a scientific or professional meeting,

– 24 ECTS credits per paper with not more than two co-authors published on an international refereed conference,

– 48 ECTS credits per paper with not more than two co-authors published in a journal of recognised quality.

• A minimum of 48 ECTS credits by enrolling in courses and passing examination:

– a minimum of 16, and a maximum of 24 ECTS credits by enrolment and examinations in fundamental courses,

– a minimum of 24 ECTS credits for students of computing by enrolment in core computing elective courses and passing of respective examinations,

– a maximum of 12 ECTS credits the student can bring from the undergraduate study. 4 ECTS credits can be achieved by enrolling and passing examination in a course which is common for postgraduate and undergraduate study, 4 ECTS credits for a seminar completed within the topics of such a course and 12 ECTS credits for a scientifically oriented graduation theses

– the remaining credits the student achieves by enrolment in elective courses and passing of respective examinations.

• 32 ECTS credits are achieved for completion of the MSc thesis.

MSc degree students are expected to complete the relevant 1st, 2nd and 3rd semester courses. The 4th semester is dedicated to the completion of the MSc thesis.

Students, wishing to obtain the PhD degree without completing their MSc thesis, should file a request together with the mentor's agreement to the Board before the end of the 3rd semester. Until then, they are obliged to collect a minimum of 60 ECTS credits. To obtain the PhD, the student must collect altogether a minimum of 240 ECTS credits:

• a minimum of 88 ECTS credits as defined for students studying towards a MSc academic degree;

• at least additional 42 ECTS credits by enrolment in courses and passing examinations. Students studying towards the PhD academic degree in the field of Computing have to obtain a minimum of 24 ECTS credits by enrolment in courses and passing examinations from the core elective courses in Computing,

• a minimum of 24 ECTS credits by taking part in scientific research and by publishing the results of their research in the area of their PhD thesis

– 24 ECTS credits per paper with not more than two co-authors published on an international refereed conference,

– 48 ECTS credits per paper with not more than two co-authors published in a journal of recognised quality.

• 72 ECTS for completion of the PhD thesis.

Students who want to obtain a PhD degree without completing their MSc thesis have to pass the examinations in their 4th and the 5th semester courses and the 6th semester is devoted to scientific research.

To candidates holding an MSc degree and working towards a PhD degree, 120 ECTS credits are acknowledged. Additional 120 ECTS credits have to be achieved during the doctoral study:

• a minimum of 16 ECTS credits by enrolment in courses in the 5th semester and passing the respective examinations. Students studying towards the PhD academic degree in the field of Computing have to obtain a minimum of 8 ECTS credits by enrolment in courses and passing examinations from the core elective courses in Computing,

• a minimum of 24 ECTS credits by taking part in scientific research and by publishing the results of their research within the area of PhD thesis

– 24 ECTS credits per paper with not more than two co-authors published on an international refereed conference,

– 48 ECTS credits per paper with not more than two co-authors published in a journal of recognised quality.

• 72 ECTS for completion of the PhD thesis.

An MSc holder enrols in courses in the 5th semester, while the 6th semester is dedicated to scientific research.




Postgraduate study at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb University comprises the following scientific fields:

Electrical Engineering with 7 branches: Electric Power Engineering, Electric Machines, Electronics, Automatic Control, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Radiocommunications, Electric Measurement Techniques;

Computing with 2 branches: Core Computing and Applied Computing.

Electrical Engineering and Computing are two important and fast developing scientific fields, playing a crucial role in technological development.

Electrical Engineering has its roots in mathematics and natural sciences, especially physics. Electrical Engineering is actually a bridge between mathematics and natural sciences on one hand and their practical realisation on the other.

Computing includes theory, analysis and synthesis methods, design and realisation, and finally, the application and operation of computer systems.

The Postgraduate study programme introduces students to scientific research so that they can develop into scientists and researchers.

1 Electrical Engineering

Electric Power Engineering

Postgraduate study in this area of expertise widens and deepens knowledge related to production, transmission, distribution, usage and management of electrical energy including detailed knowledge about physical processes and the relevant theoretical background. Future holders of MSc and PhD degrees will be expected to work in the construction and improvement of electric power engineering systems, lead scientific research projects, be prepared to accept and develop new technologies and educate new professionals and scientists.

Electric Machines

This area of expertise includes specific fields of electromechanical energy transformation and electrical machines, transformation of electrical energy, power electronic and automatic control of related plants and processes (in industry, transport...). Automatic control of electric drives, mechatronics and electrical switching devices are also considered in detail.

Automatic Control

Automatic control is a scientific area dealing with automatic control problems of technical systems. Automatic control as a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary scientific area using the achievements of electrical engineering, electronics, computing, machinery, material technology, information technology as well as of mathematics and physics. It solves not only the control problems of chemical, energy and transport plants and processes, but it also considers autonomous mobile systems, robotics and flexible production systems, intelligent control systems etc. Future holders of MSc and PhD degrees will be qualified in research and in the application of methods and approaches based on modern IT control systems to a wide area of human activities.


Postgraduate study in this branch of electrical engineering is concerned with scientific research and deepening the knowledge in electronics. The study is also concerned with electronic technology, integrated analogue and digital circuits, signal processing, electronic instrumentation and biomedical electronics.

Telecommunications and Information Technology

Postgraduate study in this branch includes the following basic disciplines: information theory and information networks, logical algebra, automata theory, network models and operations with information flows, control algorithms, programming and processing in telecommunications. The problems of telecommunication networks, systems, services and technology are considered. Complex models, methods and concepts of telecommunication networks relevant to intelligent and broadband digital networks of integrated services are studied. Complex procedures for the optimisation and planning of telecommunication networks, the analysis and synthesis of controllable diagnostics and reliable systems are discussed in detail as well as the investigation of phenomena related to commutation and the transmission of information. Commutation of services, ultra-fast transmission, processing in the function of the processor control and high valued function of the network as well as network control are considered.


Student of postgraduate study in this branch deepens his knowledge in basic and applied research and completes a thesis in the following areas: antennas and electromagnetic wave propagation, microwave passive and active circuits, microwave measurements, modulation techniques and circuits, signal detection and noise in radiocommunications, digital television systems, optoelectronic systems and optical communications, mobile communications, multimedia communications, navigation systems, satellite communications, radar, electronic warfare and counter measures, biological effects of the electromagnetic radiation, electroacoustics, electroacoustical signals and systems, speech and music acoustics, room acoustics, noise and vibration, ultrasound and hydroacosutics, analog and digital sound broadasting systems, audio technique, digital audio, speech and music processing, sound in multimedia.



Electrical Measurement Techniques

This branch of postgraduate study provides more detailed and wider knowledge, necessary for research, development, production and testing of electrical materials, devices, systems and equipment for different purposes. This includes knowledge of the area of fault theory and quality supervision as well as of measuring methods and the equipment and procedures of testing. Special emphasis is given to the study of physical phenomena and ways of their application in modern scientific research and economic development. Future holders of MSc and PhD degrees will be able to lead, organise and solve complex research tasks in this area.

2 Computing

Computing covers theory, analysis and synthesis methods and procedures required for the design and realisation of computer systems in order to provide a good foundation for various applications in all areas of human activity. Future holders of MSc and PhD degrees will take part not only in research activities closely related to the field of Computing but also in interdisciplinary research activities connected with the application of information technology. Some of the most significant scientific achievements in this area are the application of distributed computer and information systems in all branches of human activity, development and procedures for the realisation of expert and similar systems based on the principles of artificial intelligence, as well as flexible production systems.


1 Autumn semester

1st week of teaching: - November 22 – 26, 2004

2nd week of teaching: - December 13 - 17, 2004

3rd week of teaching: - January 17 – 21, 2005

2 Spring semester

1st week of teaching: - March 14 – 18, 2005

2nd week of teaching: - April 18 – 22, 2005

3rd week of teaching: - May 16 – 20, 2005

3 Teaching hours and workload

Teaching hours are from 8 AM to 2:00 PM, and from 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM.

For courses with a larger number of students, a detailed timetable will be published at the beginning of the every semester before lectures start. The timetables of lectures and consultations for all other courses will be negotiated for each semester between lecturers and students on the 1st day, of the 1st week of teaching.

Overall workload of a course as a rule corresponds to 8 ECTS credits. The expected student's workload expressed in school hours (45 minutes) consists of:

22.5 hours attending the lectures or consultations

7.5 hours for individual advising

30 hours for homework

45 hours for seminar

Altogether this represents 105 hours of workload per course per semester.

The elective courses common to undergraduate and postgraduate study are organised during the autumn semester according to the weekly timetable of undergraduate study. This means that postgraduate students are expected to attend lectures in these particular courses together with undergraduates.

Currently, the lectures on the Undergraduate study are generally performed in Croatian, except for visiting professors who teach in English. On the Postgraduate study, teaching / advising in English will be provided for all the students who require it. Seminars, homework, MSc and PhD theses can be written and defended in English.

There is no compulsory language test foreseen in enrolment procedure. However, a serious risk of failure in the study exists for the students who are not fluent enough neither in Croatian nor in English.


1 Fundamental courses (F)

|Autumn semester      |ECTS |

|ZPM14C1 |Mario-Osvin Pavčević |Combinatorial Algorithms |8 |

|ZPM12C1 |Vladimir Ćepulić |Finite Mathematics |8 |

|ZMS03C1 |Vladimir Naglić |Graphs and Networks |8 |

|ZRS01C1 |Vladimir Muljević, Damir Ilić |History of Electrical Engineering |4 |

|ZFI04C1 |Lahorija Bistričić, Goran Pichler, |Laser Physics and Electrooptics |8 |

| |Hans-Joachim Kunze | | |

|ZPM06C1 |Darko Žubrinić |Linear Algebra |8 |

|ZPM01C1 |Mervan Pašić |Linear Differential Equations |8 |

|ZPM07C1 |Mervan Pašić, Vesna Županović |Linear Integral and Discrete Tansforms |8 |

|ZPM08C1 |Davor Butković |Mathematical Methods in Systems Analyses |8 |

|ZFI03C1 |Dubravko Horvat |Quantum mechanics - selected topics |8 |

|GFS09C1 |Ilko Brnetić |Queueing Theory |8 |

|ZFI01C1 |Dubravko Pevec, Mile Baće |Selected Topics in Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Engineering|8 |

|ZMS02C1 |Hrvoje Babić, Damir Seršić |Signal Theory |8 |

|Spring semester      |ECTS |

|ZPM13C2 |Marijan Đurek |Applied Numerical Methods |8 |

|ZOM01C2 |Zijad Haznadar, Sead Berberović |Computer Aided Analysis in Electromagnetic Theory |8 |

|ZPM25C2 |Mario-Osvin Pavčević, Andrea |Discrete Mathematical Models |8 |

| |Aglić-Aljinović | | |

|ZPM24C2 |Vesna Županović |Dynamical Systems |8 |

|ZOM02C2 |Josip Butorac |International Measuring Traceability |8 |

|ZMS01C2 |Neven Mijat, Mladen Vučić |Nonlinear Systems |8 |

|ZPM11C2 |Ivan Ivanšić |Numerical Methods |8 |

|ZPM04C2 |Davor Butković |Probability and Statistics |8 |

|IRB05C2 |Vesna Borjanović, Branko Pivac |Selected Topics in Semiconductor Physics |8 |

|PMF01C2 |Amir Hamzić |Superconductivity - physics and Applications |8 |

2 Specialisation courses (S)

|Autumn semester      |ECTS |

|ZVF03D1 |Ervin Zentner, Juraj Bartolić |Active Antennas |8 |

|ZPM27D1 |Strahil Ristov, Vedran Mornar |Algorithms in bioinformatics |8 |

|ZTE20D1 |Bruno Blašković |Analysis and Synthesis of Real Time Systems |8 |

|FFK13D1 |Vladimir Medved, Velimir Išgum |Biomechanical and Neurophysiological Mechanisms |8 |

|ZVF07D1 |Branka Zovko-Cihlar, Sonja Grgić |Broadband Networks for Television Signal Distribution |8 |

|ZOM12D1 |Željko Štih, Zijad Haznadar |Computational Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) |8 |

|ZER11D1 |Slobodan Ribarić, Nikola Pavešić |Computer and Robot Vision |8 |

|ZER12D1 |Nikola Guid, Željka Mihajlović |Computer Graphics |8 |

|ZTE12D1 |Ignac Lovrek, Željka Car, Gordan Ježić |Concurrent Systems |8 |

|ZRS17D1 |Ivan Petrović |Control of Autonomous Systems |8 |

|ZRS09D1 |Zdenko Kovačić |Control of Robotized Plants |8 |

|ZEN06D1 |Sejid Tešnjak, Igor Kuzle |Control Techniques in Electrical Engineering |8 |

|ZTE22D1 |Zoran Skočir, Boris Vrdoljak |Data Warehouse Design |8 |

|ZPM21D1 |Mirta Baranović |Databases |8 |

|ZOM15D1 |Damir Ilić, Roman Malarić |Digital Measuring Instruments and Measuring Systems |8 |

|ZES17D1 |Krešimir Ćosić, Miroslav Slamić, Ivan |Digital Real Time Simulations |8 |

| |Ilić | | |

|ZRS05D1 |Nedjeljko Perić, Zdenko Kovačić |Digital Servo Systems |8 |

|ZER23D1 |Siniša Srbljić, Dalibor Vrsalović |Distributed Computing Systems |8 |

|ZTE08D1 |Petar Knežević |Distributed Information Systems |8 |

|ZEN27D1 |Ivo Uglešić |Electric Railway |8 |

|ZEA07D1 |Siniša Fajt |Electroacoustical measurements |8 |

|ZVF24D1 |Davor Bonefačić |Electronic tracking systems |8 |

|ZEN01D1 |Danilo Feretić, Željko Tomšić |Environmental Impact of Electric Power System |8 |

|ZER17D1 |Adrijan Barić, Branimir Pejčinović |High Speed Integrated Circuits |8 |

|ZEN03D1 |Ivica Pavić |High-voltage Networks Analysis |8 |

|IET14D1 |Borivoje Rajković, Ivan Ilić |Industrial Plants |8 |

|ZTE01D1 |Vjekoslav Sinković, Igor Sunday Pandžić |Information and Communications |8 |

|ZES19D1 |Fetah Kolonić, Zoran Šimunić |Integration of Intelligent Components in Highly Automated |8 |

| | |Mechatronic Syste | |

|ZRS16D1 |Franjo Jović, Stjepan Bogdan |Intelligent Processes |8 |

|ZES03D1 |Gorislav Erceg, Alojz Slutej |Intelligent Systems in Industrial Plants |8 |

|ZER17D1 |Nikola Bogunović, Bojana Dalbelo Bašić |Knowledge Discovery in Data Sets |8 |

|ZER14D1 |Nikola Bogunović |Knowledge Representation in Information Systems |8 |

|ZRS15D1 |Muharem Mehmedović |Mathematical Modeling of Electric Power Systems |8 |

|VTS07D1 |Branko Bajić |Measurement and Analysis of Random Processes |8 |

|EBS12D1 |Stanko Milun, Armin Pavić |Measurements in the Electric-power Networks |8 |

|ZTE03D1 |Mladen Tkalić, Ivana Podnar |Methods and Models in Automata Theory |8 |

|ZVF02D1 |Juraj Bartolić |Microwave Semiconductor Electronics |8 |

|ZRS18D1 |Gabro Smiljanić, Danko Basch |Modeling and Simulation Using Computers |8 |

|ZEN23D1 |Slavko Krajcar |Modeling of Electricity Market |8 |

|ZVF09D1 |Borivoj Modlic |Modulation Methods |8 |

|ZMS15D1 |Mario Cifrek, Vedran Bilas |Multisensor Biomonitoring Systems |8 |

|ZTE23D1 |Branko Mikac, Robert Inkret |Network availability |8 |

|ZER06D1 |Vlado Glavinić |Network Computer Systems |8 |

|ZFI08D1 |Vladimir Knapp, Mile Baće |New Energy Sources |8 |

|ZEA06D1 |Mladen Maletić |Noise and Vibration Measurements |8 |

|ZRS03D1 |Ljubomir Kuljača |Nonlinear Control Systems |8 |

|ZTE19D1 |Antun Carić, Darko Huljenić |Open Network Architectures |8 |

|ZVF12D1 |Zvonimir Šipuš, Denis Đonlagić |Optical Sensors and Components |8 |

|ZTE05D1 |Mladen Kos, Luka Neralić |Optimisation Methods for Telecommunications |8 |

|ZEN08D1 |Ante Marušić, Srđan Skok |Power System Protection |8 |

|ZRS02D1 |Nedjeljko Perić |Process Automation - Selected Topics |8 |

|ZER05D1 |Leo Budin |Processes in Computer Systems |8 |

|ZOM17D1 |Mladen Boršić, Nikica Hlupić |Quality Management and Metrology |8 |

|ZEN21D1 |Nenad Debrecin, Dejan Škanata |Risk Analysis |8 |

|ZEN20D1 |Nikola Čavlina, Davor Grgić |Safety Analyses of Nuclear Power Plants |8 |

|ZVF13D1 |Krešimir Malarić |Satellite Communications |8 |

|ZMS04D1 |Sven Lončarić, Davor Petrinović |Selected Topics on Digital Image Processing |8 |

|ZEA08D1 |Hrvoje Domitrović |Sound in Multimedia Systems |8 |

|ZVF11D1 |Robert Nađ |Spread Spectrum Systems |8 |

|ZER21D1 |Uroš Peruško, Vlado Sruk |Storage Systems |8 |

|ZER29D1 |Joško Radej, Žarko Nožica |System-on-a-Chip Design |8 |

|ZMS11D1 |Ante Šantić, Zoran Stare |Systems for Measurement Nonelectrical Values |8 |

|ZTE07D1 |Marijan Kunštić, Mirko Randić |Telecommunication Network Management |8 |

|ZPM17D1 |Ljubo Marangunić |The Fundamentals of Game Theory |8 |

|IET06D1 |Ante Miliša, Nikola Švigir |Theory of Power Circuit Breakers |8 |

|ZVF20D1 |Dina Šimunić |Theory of Wireless Communication Systems |8 |

|IET01D1 |Tomislav Kelemen, Zvonimir Valković |Transformers |8 |

|ZEA05D1 |Branko Somek, Bojan Ivančević |Ultrasonic Transducers and Systems |8 |

|Spring semester      |ECTS |

|ZEA04D2 |Ivan Jelenčić, Mladen Maletić |Acoustical Designing |8 |

|ZRS06D2 |Ljubomir Kuljača, Zoran Vukić |Adaptive and Robust Control - Selected Topics |8 |

|ZVF12D2 |Zvonimir Šipuš, Silvio Hrabar |Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering |8 |

|ZER10D2 |Leo Budin |Algorithms in Control Systems |8 |

|ZRS14D2 |Manfred Morari, Željko Ban |Analysis and Control of Hybrid |8 |

|ZTE06D2 |Vjekoslav Sinković |Analysis of Information Processes |8 |

|ZRS20D2 |Davor Antonić |Application of Computers in Humanitarian Demining |8 |

|ZES02D2 |Ivan Gašparac |Automated Testing of Electrical Machines |8 |

|ZEN17D2 |Vladimir Mikuličić, Zdenko Šimić |Availability Evaluation of Electric Power System |8 |

| | |Subsystems | |

|ZVF10D2 |Dina Šimunić, Quirino Balzano |Biomedical Effects of Electromagnetic Fields |8 |

|ZTE13D2 |Mladen Kos, Alen Bažant |Broadband Networks |8 |

|ZEN21D2 |Zdravko Hebel |Calculations in Power Networks |8 |

|ZTE15D2 |Maja Matijašević, Igor Sunday Pandžić, |Communication in Virtual Environments |8 |

| |Denis Gračanin | | |

|ZTE18D2 |Miljenko Mikuc, Gordan Gledec |Communication Protocols - Selected Topics |8 |

|ZOM13D2 |Sead Berberović, Željko Štih |Computer Aided Design |8 |

|ZMS12D2 |Stanko Tonković, Milan Majetić |Computer Applications in Medicine |8 |

|ZER13D2 |Nikola Hadjina |Computer Systems Evaluation |8 |

|ZES10D2 |Gorislav Erceg |Control Systems of Electrical Drives |8 |

|ZTE16D2 |Zoran Skočir |Data Processing |8 |

|ZPM18D2 |Vedran Mornar |Data Structures and Algorithms |8 |

|ZRS04D2 |Zoran Vukić |Design of Multivariable Control Systems |8 |

|ZMS14D2 |Sven Lončarić |Digital Image Analysis |8 |

|ZMS05D2 |Hrvoje Babić, Branko Jeren, Davor |Digital Signal Processing and Applications |8 |

| |Petrinović | | |

|ZMS03D2 |Branko Jeren |Digital Signal Processor Architectures |8 |

|ZRS21D2 |Stjepan Bogdan |Discrete Event Control Systems |8 |

|ZES04D2 |Zlatko Maljković, Ante Marušić |Disturbances and Protection of Synchronous Machines |8 |

|ZES08D2 |Zlatko Maljković |Dynamics of Alternating Current Machines |8 |

|ZEN29D2 |Sejid Tešnjak, Tomislav Tomiša, Igor |Dynamics of Power Plants Operation |8 |

| |Kuzle | | |

|ZMS06D2 |Neven Mijat |Electrical Filters - Selected Chapters |8 |

|ZES09D2 |Drago Ban |Electrical Machines Design Methods |8 |

|ZOM04D2 |Josip Butorac, Roman Malarić |Electrical Measurement of Nonelectric Quantities |8 |

|ZEA01D2 |Branko Somek, Siniša Fajt |Electroacoustical Transducers |8 |

|ZPM22D2 |Vedran Batoš |Electronic Business |8 |

|ZOM14D2 |Armin Pavić |Elektromagnetic Pollution |8 |

|ZER14D2 |Todor Kostić |Flight Objects Guidance and Control |8 |

|ZTE02D2 |Marijan Kunštić, Miljenko Mikuc |Formalisms in Telecommunications |8 |

|ZEN24D2 |Davor Škrlec |Geoinformation Systems |8 |

|ZEA02D2 |Bojan Ivančević |Hearing Acoustics |8 |

|ZPM23D2 |Krešimir Fertalj |Information Systems Management |8 |

|ZEN18D2 |Danilo Feretić, Nikola Čavlina |Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems for Sustainable |8 |

| | |Development | |

|ZMS21D2 |Ante Šantić, Vedran Bilas |Instrumentation for Biomedical Imaging |8 |

|ZMS09D2 |Ratko Magjarević, Stanko Tonković |Instrumentation in Environmental Control |8 |

|ZTE04D2 |Mladen Tkalić, Šandor Dembitz |Inteligent Control and Automata Games |8 |

|ZRS12D2 |Dali Đonlagić, Ivan Petrović |Intelligent Measuring Systems in Process Automation |8 |

|ZEN25D2 |Željko Tomšić |Long-Term Electricity Planning under Uncertainty |8 |

|ZMS15D2 |Zoran Stare |Measuring Amplifiers |8 |

|ZER09D2 |Vlado Glavinić, Slavomir Stankov |Methods for Object-Oriented System Design |8 |

|ZOM16D2 |Damir Ilić |Metrology and Precise Measurements |8 |

|ZRS10D2 |Mario Žagar |Microcomputers |8 |

|ZER20D2 |Željko Butković |Microelectronics Circuit Design |8 |

|ZER01D2 |Petar Biljanović, Tomislav Suligoj |Microelectronics of Computing, Communicating and |8 |

| | |Electronic | |

|ZVF13D2 |Silvio Hrabar |Microwave Instrumentation and Measuring Methods |8 |

|ZRS20D2 |Željko Ban |Model reference adaptive control |8 |

|ZRS11D2 |Mario Kovač |Multimedia Computer Systems |8 |

|ZER07D2 |Slobodan Ribarić |Multiprocessors and Parallel Computer Systems |8 |

|ZVF25D2 |Tomislav Kos |Navigation Systems |8 |

|ZVF06D2 |Branka Zovko-Cihlar, Tomislav Kos, Mislav|Noise in Radiocommunication |8 |

| |Grgić | | |

|ZFI08D2 |Dubravko Pevec |Nuclear Reactor Theory |8 |

|ZPM14D2 |Damir Kalpić |Operational Research |8 |

|ZVF04D2 |Boris Kviz |Optical Communications |8 |

|ZTE11D2 |Branko Mikac, Michael J. O Mahony |Optical Transmission Network |8 |

|ZEN28D2 |Davor Škrlec |Optimization of Electrical Power Networks |8 |

|ZEN09D2 |Zdravko Hebel, Ivica Pavić |Overhead and Cable Lines |8 |

|ZEN04D2 |Ivo Uglešić |Overvoltages in Power System |8 |

|ZTE17D2 |Dragan Jevtić, Kimon P. Valavanis |Petri Nets and Distributed Systems |8 |

|ZVF11D2 |Sonja Grgić |Picture Quality in Digital Video Communications |8 |

|ZEN24D2 |Slavko Krajcar |Power Distribution System |8 |

|ZES14D2 |Zvonko Benčić, Željko Jakopović |Power Electronic Systems |8 |

|ZEN15D2 |Tomislav Tomiša |Power Systems Operation |8 |

|ZEN22D2 |Vladimir Mikuličić, Zdenko Šimić |Probabilistic Assessment of Technological Risk |8 |

|ZER15D2 |Željko Butković, Karolj Skala |Programmable Logic Systems |8 |

|ZER22D2 |Siniša Srbljić, Dalibor Vrsalović |Programming Language Translation in Distributed Computing |8 |

| | |Systems | |

|ZPM21D2 |Zoran Bohaček, Damir Kalpić |Quantitative Methods in Risk Management |8 |

|ZFI09D2 |Tomislav Petković |Radiation Detectors and Electronic Instrumentation for |8 |

| | |Particle and Nucle | |

|ZVF05D2 |Ervin Zentner, Robert Nađ |Radiocommunication Systems |8 |

|ZEA03D2 |Ivan Jelenčić, Hrvoje Domitrović |Receiving Tehnique in Digital Transmission |8 |

|ZER08D2 |Uroš Peruško, Vlado Sruk |Reliability and Fault-tolerance of Computer Systems |8 |

|ZTE24D2 |Željka Car |Software Life Cycle Processes |8 |

|ZES05D2 |Drago Ban, Ivan Gašparac |Special Electrical Drives |8 |

|ZER28D2 |Bojana Dalbelo Bašić |Statistical Learning |8 |

|ZPM19D2 |Marijan Đurek, Krešimir Fertalj |Structured Programming Techniques |8 |

3 Core specialisation courses in Computing

|Autumn semester      |ECTS |

|ZER11D1 |Slobodan Ribarić, Nikola Pavešić |COMPUTER AND ROBOT VISION |8 |

|ZER12D1 |Nikola Guid, Željka Mihajlović |COMPUTER GRAPHICS |8 |

|ZPM21D1 |Mirta Baranović |DATABASES |8 |

|ZER17D1 |Nikola Bogunović, Bojana Dalbelo Bašić |KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY IN DATA SETS |8 |


|ZER03D1 |Uroš Peruško, Vlado Sruk |STORAGE SYSTEMS |8 |






|Spring semester      |ECTS |





|ZMS14D2 |Sven Lončarić |DIGITAL IMAGE ANALYSIS |8 |

|PM22D2 |Vedran Batoš, Damir Kalpić |ELECTRONIC BUSINESS |8 |



|ZER09D2 |Vlado Glavinić, Slavomir Stankov |METHODS FOR OBJECT-ORIENTED SYSTEM DESIGN |8 |

|ZRS10D2 |Mario Žagar |MICROCOMPUTERS |8 |






|ZPM19D2 |Marijan Đurek, Krešimir Fertalj |STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES |8 |

Contents of the courses

|ZEA04D2 |Acoustical Designing | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Ivan Jelenčić, Mladen Maletić |

Rooms and resonances, room constants, low frequency problems in rooms. Acoustical modeling. Design of listening rooms. Analysis of acoustical parameters and room measurements. Acoustical treatment of rooms for special purposes. Acoustical design of TV, radio-studio and production rooms. Digital control of acoustical quality of rooms. Acoustical measurements with impulse signals.


|1. |T. JELAKOVIĆ: Zvuk, sluh i arhitektonska akustika, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1978. |

|2. |F. A. EVEREST: Handbook of acoustics, McGraw-Hill, N.Y., 1994. |

|3. |M. BARRON: Auditorium Acoustics and Architectural Design,Chapman & Hall, N.Y., 1993. |

|ZVF03D1 |Active Antennas | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Ervin Zentner, Juraj Bartolić |

Antennas with time variable radiation patterns. Main lobe scanning with continuos and discrete phase shifters. Digital beam forming technique. Receiving antenna arrays with automatic tracking of radio sources. Retrodirective antenna arrays with automatic main lobe orientation to the received pilot signal. Signal processing related to antenna systems. Adaptive arrays for interference suppression. Side lobe blanking and cancellation. Spatial filtering. One element active antenna. The effect of active antenna on the noise temperature of the whole receiving system. Bandwidth optimization considering the noise temperature. Active antenna parameter changes due to active electronic elements implementation.


|1. |Zentner, E., Antene i radiosustavi, Graphis, Zagreb, 2001. |

|2. |Brookner, E., Practical Phased-Array Antenna System, Artech House, Boston-London, 1991. |

|3. |Mailloux, R.J., Phased-Array Antenna Handbook, Artech House, Boston-London, 1994. |

|ZRS06D2 |Adaptive and Robust Control - Selected Topics | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Ljubomir Kuljača, Zoran Vukić |

Basic methods for adaptive control. Mathematical description. On-line identification. Deterministic and stochastic LQ and predictive regulators. Design of selftuning regulators. Stochastic control. ability and robustness. Robust control systems. Design of Hinf regulator. Simultaneous stability egulator. Fault detection and isolation and fault tolerant control systems. Intelligent fault tolerant control systems.


|1. |K.J. Astrom; B. Wittenmark (1995): Adaptive Control. Addison-Wesley, New York. |

|2. |P.E.Wellstead; M.P. Zarrop (1992): Self-tuning Systems - Control and Signal Processing. John Wiley & Sons. |

| |Chichester. |

|3. |M.J. Grimble (1994): Robust Industrial Control. Prentice Hall, New York. |

|ZVF12D2 |Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Zvonimir Šipuš, Silvio Hrabar |

Equivalence theorem. Construction of the solutions of electromagnetic problems. Integral equations in electromagnetics. Green's functions for various structures. Radiation and scattering calculations by using moment method (MoM), finite difference method (FD, FDTD), and finite element method (FEM). Periodical structures and metamaterials, approximate and rigorous analysis methods. Propagation of electromagnetic waves. Propagation models for urban and sub-urban environment. Smart antennas. Algorithms for determining the direction of arrival (DOA) of receiving signals.


|1. |C. A. Balanis: Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics, John Wiley & Sons, N.Y., 1989. |

|2. |J. C. Liberti, T. S. Rappaport: Smart Antennas for Wireless Communications, Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, |

| |1999. |

|3. |S. Tretyakov: Analytical Modeling in Applied Electromagnetics, Artech House, Boston, 2003. |

|ZPM27D1 |Algorithms in bioinformatics | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Strahil Ristov, Vedran Mornar |

Basic facts about biological sequences. Exact sequential string search. KMP algorithm. Boyer-More algorithm. Indexed string search. Suffix tree. Suffix array. Approximate string search. String distances. Dynamic programming. Global and local alignment. Gaps, weights, substitution matrices. Multiple alignment, profiles, families. Algorithms applied in programs for searching in biological databases FASTA, BLAST, GBLAST, BLAT. Problems in genome sequencing. Fragment assembly. Motif discovery. Tandem repeats. Methods for reconstructing phylogenetic trees.


|1. |Dan Gusfield: Algorithms on Strings, Trees, and Sequences, Cambridge University Press, 1997. |

|2. |Joao Setubal and Joao Meidanis: Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology, PWS Publishing Company, 1997. |

|3. |Arthur M. Lesk: Introduction to Bioinformatics, Oxford University Press, 2002. |

|ZER10D2 |Algorithms in Control Systems | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Leo Budin |

Computing processes in embedded systems. Comparison of sequential and reactive programs. Characteristics of reactive programming tasks: periodic and sporadic execution of tasks. Typical algorithms for supervisory, control and data acquisition tasks. Algorithms based on fuzzy, neural, and evolutionary computing. Chaotic behavior of dynamic systems. Time series analysis.


|1. |A. Zilouchian, M. Jamshidi, Intelligent Control Systems using Softcomputing Methodology, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl., |

| |2001 |

|2. |C. S. R. Murthy, G. Manimaran, Resource Management in Real-Time Systems and Networks, MIT Press, Cambridge, Ma., 2001|

|3. |S. Turk, L. Budin: Analiza i projektiranje računalom, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1989. |

|ZRS14D2 |Analysis and Control of Hybrid | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Manfred Morari, Željko Ban |

Definition of hybrid systems as systems comprised of continuous and discrete/logic components. Examples of hybrid systems. Mathematical models of hybrid systems. Mixed Logical Dynamical (MLD) systems. PieceWise Affine (PWA) systems. Equivalence of MLD and PWA systems. Basic concept of mathematical programming and its connections with optimal control. Linear programs. Quadratic programs. Solution to the finite time optimal control problems with constraints via mathematical programs that depend on the initial state as a parameter, so called multi-parametric programs. Optimal control of hybrid systems - mixed integer programming. Examples of practical applications.


|1. |F. Borrelli: Constrained Optimal Control of Linear and Hybrid Systems, Vol. 290 of Lecture Notes in Control and |

| |Information Sciences, Springer, in press 2003. |

|2. |M. Morari: Model Predictive Control. Lecture Notes, ETHZ Zürrrich, Switzerland, 2003. |

|ZTE20D1 |Analysis and Synthesis of Real Time Systems | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Bruno Blašković |

Real-time system described with elementary communicating processes. Selected formal methods for net, logic and algebraic models with application on specification and verification oriented languages. Real-time UML and SDL. System analysis using language pairs, reachability algorithms, automatic theorem proving. Synthesis as a composition of the coordinating processes. Real-time process scheduling and allocation. Adaptive and dynamic concurrent real time systems. Automated synthesis and verification, examples: protocols, programs and algorithms, reactive systems.


|1. |G. A. PAPADOPOULOS: Coordination Models and Languages, in The Engineering of Large Systems, Academic Press, 1998. |

|2. |Formal Methods Specification and Verification, NASA-GB-002/95,1995. |

|3. |C. Heitmayer, D. Mandrioli (ur.): Formal Methods for Real-time Computing, Wiley, 1996. |

|ZTE06D2 |Analysis of Information Processes | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Vjekoslav Sinković |

Modelling of information flows, user and control information at the information source. Stochastic modelling of calls, services, requests and elementary tasks at control analysis. Application of genetic algorithm. Model of massively parallel processing. Load balancing in the network. Stochastic modelling of user information flow for ATM network analysis. Interrupted Poisson and Bernoulli process. Information flow modelling in the network. Quality of service and flow control in ATM network.


|1. |V. SINKOVIĆ: Informacijske mreže, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1994. |

|2. |R. O. ONVURAL: Asynchronous Transfer Mode Networks, Artech House, Boston, 1994. |

|3. |L. KLEINROCK: Queueing Systems, Vol. 2: Computer Applications, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1976. |

|ZRS20D2 |Application of Computers in Humanitarian Demining | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Davor Antonić |

Mines and mined areas. Overview of humanitarian demining methods. Mine features appropriate for detection. Landmine detection methods: detection of metal content, electrical, thermal and acoustic properties, vapor and bulk explosive detection. Digital signal processing, requirements of various detection methods. Feature extraction algorithms. Classification and recognition. Statistical methods, fuzzy classification, neural networks. Classifier evaluation using ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics). Multisensor data fusion. Learning and self-adjustment of feature extraction and classification system. Remote controlled and autonomous robotic platforms. Navigational sensors. Control algorithms. Tracking of examined mined area. Inclusion of data from detectors and mobile platform into the humanitarian demining information system.


|1. |M. Friedman, A.Kandel: Introduction to Pattern Recognition: statistical, structural neural and fuzzy logic |

| |approaches, Imperial College Press, London, 1999. |

|2. |Borenstein, J., Everett, H.R., Feng, L., Sensors and methods for mobile robot positioning, University of Michigan, |

| |1996. |

|3. |D. Antonić: Sustav za otkrivanje ukopanih mina, doktorska disertacija, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet elektrotehnike|

| |i računarstva, 2001. |

|ZPM13C2 |Applied Numerical Methods | |Spring - F |

|Teaching staff: | Marijan Đurek |

Matrix calculus. Matrix inverse. Solution to systems of linear equations. Methods by Gauss-Jordan, Gauss-Seidel, Jacobi. Solution to algebraic and transcendental equations. Methods: Interval-halving, Regula falsi, Newton-Raphson, iterative methods. Analysis of respective numerical errors and speed of convergence. Solution to differential equations. Methods: Euler, Predictor-Corrector, Runge-Kutta and Kutta-Merson. Interpolation. Lagrange method, cubic spline. Series telescoping by Chebyshev polynomials. Programming in Mathematica.


|1. |Gerald, C.F., Wheatley, P.O.: Applied Numerical Analysis, Pearson Addison Wesley; 1998. |

|2. |Carnahan, B., Luther, J.O., Wilkes, J.O.: Applied Numerical Methods, New York: Willey, 1980. |

|3. |Yakowitz, S., Szidarovszky, F.: An Introduction to Numerical Computations, Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1986. |

|ZES02D2 |Automated Testing of Electrical Machines | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Ivan Gašparac |

Automated testing systems for electrical machines. Measured data acquisition. Measuring converters of electric and non-electric quantities. Automated testing of induction and synchronous machines. Static and dynamic testing. Loading methods in automated testing. Automated diagnostic monitoring systems for electrical machines under operating conditions.


|1. |W. Nuerenberg: Die Pruefung elektrischer Maschinen, Springer Verlag, Berlin 1987. |

|2. |A. E. Fitzgerald-Ch. Kingsley: Electric Machinery, McGraw-Hill New York, Toronto, London, 1952. |

|3. |I. Kerszenbaum: Inspection of large Synchronous Machines, IEEE Press, New York, 1996. |

|ZEN17D2 |Availability Evaluation of Electric Power System Subsystems | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Vladimir Mikuličić, Zdenko Šimić |

Risk, safety and reliability – the differences. Reliability, safety and risk analyses (probabilistic risk assessment methods). Analytical and simulation methods of calculations; review of mathematical background necessary for electric power subsystems reliability evaluation (including Markov models and Monte Carlo methods) and for solving engineering problems under conditions of uncertainty. Reliability and availability evaluation of irreparable and repairable systems. Availability evaluations of electric power generation, transmission and distribution facilities. Availability indices.


|1. |R. BILLINTON, R. N. ALLAN: Reliability Evaluation of Engineering Systems-Concepts and Techniques, Plenum Publishing |

| |Company, Manchester, 1992. |

|2. |H.Kumamoto, E.J.Henly: Probabilistic Risk Assessment and Management for Engineers and Scientists, 2nd Edition, 1996, |

| |IEEE Press Marketing, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 |

|3. |R. BILLINTON, R. N. ALLAN: Reliability Evaluation of Power Systems, Plenum Publishing Company, Manchester, 1996. |

|FFK13D1 |Biomechanical and Neurophysiological Mechanisms | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Vladimir Medved, Velimir Išgum |

Functional organisation of central, sensory and motor nervous system. Neurophysiological, electrophysiological and biomechanical mechanisms. Characteristics and special features of bioelectric signal processing. Diagnostic methods in electrophysiology. Modelling of bioelectric activity, close and far field. The direct and the inverse problem, brain cartography. Movement control, reflexes and motor movements. Proprioceptive memory. Biomechanics of movement. Measurement systems of bioelectric, kinematic and dynamic quantities. Locomotion pathology. Rehabilitation mechanisms.


|1. |K. Mauer: Topographic Brain Mapping of EEG and Evoked Potentials, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1989. |

|2. |G.F.Harris: Human Motion Analysis, TAB - IEEE Press, NY., 1996. |

|3. |R.M.Berne, M.N.Levy: Fiziologija, Medicinska naklada, Zagreb, 1993. |

|ZVF10D2 |Biomedical Effects of Electromagnetic Fields | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Dina Šimunić, Quirino Balzano |

Damaging mechanism of electromagnetic fields on biological structures. Measuring and definition of physical characteristics of biological structures. Complex study of effects caused by electromagnetic fields, polarization, multiple reflection, effect of electromagnetic fields induction components, correlation between sources and surrounding objects, modulation complexity. Thermal effects of electromagnetic fields. Protection, standards in bioelectromagnetics.


|1. |WHO, Electromagnetic fields (300Hz to 300GHz), 1993. |

|2. |O. P. GANDHI: Biological Effects and Medical Applications of Electromagnetic Energy, Prentice Hall, 1990. |

|3. |C. Polk, E. Postow: CRC Handbook of Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields, CRC Press, 1995 |

|ZTE13D2 |Broadband Networks | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Mladen Kos, Alen Bažant |

Broadband network architecture. Broadband integrated services digital network. Optical transport network. Data link layer technologies. Multiprotocol label switching. Model of integrated and differentiated services. Routing and addressing in broadband networks. Virtual private networks. Traffic control methods in broadband networks. Quality of service in broadband networks. Broadband access networks. Broadband wireless access technologies. Broadband networks management. Bandwidth allocation management. Broadband internetworking and interworking.


|1. |W. ZHENG. Internet QoS. Morgan Kaufman, San Francisco, 2001. |

|2. |M. HASSAN, R. JAIN. High Performance TCP/IP Networking. Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper-Saddle River, 2004. |

|3. |ALEN BAŽANT I DR. Osnovne arhitekture mreža. Element, Zagreb, 2003. |

|ZVF07D1 |Broadband Networks for Television Signal Distribution | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Branka Zovko-Cihlar, Sonja Grgić |

Digital video broadcasting (DVB): cable, satellite and terrestrial systems. Frequency bands and channels. Cable television network architecture. Headend TV processing. Hybrid fiber coaxial networks. Noise and intermodulation distortion. Two-way communication systems and additional services. Single-frequency and multi-frequency networks. Carrier-to-noise ratio and protection ratios. System parameters for mobile reception. Protocols for DVB interactive services, scrambling and conditional access. Bridging DVB networks and broadband wireless access networks.


|1. |J. VAN TASSEL: Digital TV over Broadband, Focal Press, Oxford, 2001. |

|2. |J. WATKINSON: Convergence in Broadcast and Communications Media, Focal Press, Oxford, 2001. |

|3. |U. REIMERS: Digital Video Broadcasting, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2001. |

|ZEN21D2 |Calculations in Power Networks | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Zdravko Hebel |

Voltage and transformation ratio regulated load flow. State estimation for power system control. Reactive power optimisation. Stochastic load flow model. The Monte Carlo Method. DC load flow model form operational planning.


|1. |G. W. STAGG, A. H. EL-ABIAD: Computer methods in power system analysis, McGraw-Hill Book co. New York, 1968 |

|2. |J. ARRILLAGA, C. P. ARNOLD: Computer analysis of power systems, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1995. |

|3. |M. I K. OŽEGOVIĆ: Električne energetske mreže I-VI, FESB Split, 1996-2004. |

|ZPM14C1 |Combinatorial Algorithms | |Autumn - F |

|Teaching staff: | Mario-Osvin Pavčević |

Combinatorial structures. Combinatorial algorithm design techniques. Analysis of combinatorial algorithms. Generating elementary combinatorial objects (subsets, Gray codes, permutations, set partitions). Backtracking algorithms. The knapsack problem. The traveling salesman problem. The maximum clique problem. Heuristic search (Hill-climbing strategy, Simulated annealing, Tabu search, Genetic algorithms). Groups and Symmetry. Permutation groups. Generating objects having automorphism. Computing isomorphisms.


|1. |D. L. KREHER, D. R. STINSON: Combinatorial algorithms: Generation, Enumeration and Search, CRC Press, 1999. |

|2. |D. JUNGNICKEL: Graphs, Networks and Algorithms, Springer, 1999. |

|3. |D. VELJAN: Kombinatorna i diskretna matematika, Algoritam, 2001. |

|ZTE15D2 |Communication in Virtual Environments | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Maja Matijašević, Igor Sunday Pandžić, Denis Gračanin |

Introduction to Virtual Environments (VE): definition and terminology. Networked and collaborative VEs: design issues, systems, networking solutions, communication protocols. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. User interface and human interaction in VR: techniques, human factors, performance, quality of service. Simulated humans: representation, animation, deformation, behavior, applications. VE on the World Wide Web. VEs on mobile platforms. Overview of standards. Applications: collaborative work, education, entertainment, commerce, medicine.


|1. |J. VINCE: Virtual Reality Systems, Addison Wesley, Reading , ISBN: 0201876876, 1995. |

|2. |S. SINGHAL, M. ZYDA: Networked Virtual Environments: Design and Implementation, Addison-Wesley, Reading, ISBN: |

| |0201325578, 1999. |

|3. |T. CAPIN, I. S. PANDZIC, N. MAGNENAT-THALMANN, D. THALMANN: Avatars in Networked Virtual Environments, John Wiley & |

| |Sons, 1999, ISBN-0471988634. |

|ZTE18D2 |Communication Protocols - Selected Topics | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Miljenko Mikuc, Gordan Gledec |

Models of data communication, procedures and rules involved in communication process, network architectures and protocols. Network and transport layer design issues, flow and congestion control, internetworking concepts, routing and multicasting algorithms. TCP/IP, new generation of Internet protocols. Switched IP. IP multicasting: design issues and protocols. Problem oriented protocols. Web protocols - design and architecture.


|1. |D. E. COMMER, R. E. DORMS: Computer Networks and Internets, 2th Edition, Prentice Hall, 1999. |

|2. |D. E. COMMER, D. L. STEVENS: Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol. I, II, III, Prentice Hall, 1999-2000. |

|3. |B. KRISHNAMURTHY, J. REXFORD: Web Protocols and Practice: HTTP/1.1, networking protocols, caching and traffic |

| |measurement, Addison Wesley, 2001. |

|ZOM12D1 |Computational Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Željko Štih, Zijad Haznadar |

Classification of EMC problems. System decomposition for EMC modeling. Low-frequency models and lumped-parameter circuit models. High-frequency models, radiation, diffraction and scattering. Sources of electromagnetic interference. Conductive, electric, magnetic and electromagnetic interference. Numerical procedures and methods for computation of EMC: finite difference method, finite element method, method of moments. EMC protection.


|1. |Z. HAZNADAR, Ž. ŠTIH: Elektromagnetizam I i II, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1997. |

|2. |F. M. TESCHE, M. V. IANOZ, T. KARLSSON: EMC analysis methods and computational models, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997.|

|3. |B. ARCHAMBEAULT, O. M. RAMAHI, C. BRENCH: EMI/EMC computational modeling handbook, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998. |

|ZER11D1 |Computer and Robot Vision | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Slobodan Ribarić, Nikola Pavešić |

Robot vision model. Image sampling and formation. Imaging geometry. Perspective transformations. Camera model. Camera calibration. Binary images. Topological properties of binary images. Image segmentation: detection of discontinuities, edge linking and boundary detection, region-oriented. Use motion in segmentation. Texture and texture edge detection. Selection of invariant characteristics in robot vision system. Stereo vision. Analyzing dynamical scenes. Optical flow. Active vision. Knowledge-based robot vision systems.


|1. |R. Jain et al., Machine Vision, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1995. |

|2. |O. Faugeras, Three-dimensional Computer Vision, The MIT Press, Cambridge, 1993. |

|3. |A. Mitchie, Computational analysis of Visual Motion, Plenum Press, New York, 1994. |

|ZOM01C2 |Computer Aided Analysis in Electromagnetic Theory | |Spring - F |

|Teaching staff: | Zijad Haznadar, Sead Berberović |

Mathematical models with systems of differential and integral equations in electromagnetic theory. Examples of analysis of linear and nonlinear, continuous and discrete, static, quasistatic and dynamic systems. Algorithms and methods for analysis of deterministic problems. Numerical procedures, finite element method, method of moments. Methods for programming of complex software packages for analysis of multidimensional problems. Software for computer aided design.


|1. |Haznadar, Štih: Elektromagnetizam I i II, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1997. |

|2. |Haznadar: Elektromagnetska teorija i polja, Liber, Zagreb, 1972. |

|ZOM13D2 |Computer Aided Design | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Sead Berberović, Željko Štih |

General concept of design: design process, elements of design theory, computer aided design (CAD). Concept of design database. Methods of analysis, numerical methods and systems for field computation as kernels of CAD systems. Numrical solution of potential equations. Finite element method and boundary element method. Examples of application in electromagnetic field computations: dynamic, quasistatic and static electric and magnetic fields in electrical machines, apparatus, power devices and systems.


|1. |Z. HAZNADAR, Ž. ŠTIH: Elektromagnetizam I i II, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1997. |

|2. |HAWKES: The CADCAM Process, Pitman Publishing, London, 1988. |

|3. |Z. HAZNADAR, Ž. ŠTIH: Elektromagnetic Fields, Waves and Numerical Methods, IOS Press, 2000. |

|ZMS12D2 |Computer Applications in Medicine | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Stanko Tonković, Milan Majetić |

Health care technology assessment. Medical and health care/systems informatics. Essential features of medical data, signals and images. Its acquisition and processing basics. Electronic Patient Records. Characteristics of computer use in biomedical instrumentation. LabVIEW basics. Virtual instrumentation. Examples of design and use of virtual instrumentation in medicine. Risks and safety of electro-medical equipment use. Standardization in health care systems. Networking and communication protocols. DICOM, PACS, HL7. Telemedicine, applications and perspectives. Virtual reality in medicine. Intelligent home care and rehabilitation.


|1. |J. H. VAN BEMMEL, M. A. MUSEN: Handbook of Medical Informatics, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 1997. |

|2. |J. B. OLANSEN, E. ROSOW: Virtual Bio-Instrumentation - Biomedical, Clinical, and Health-Care Applications in LabVIEW,|

| |Prentice Hall, NJ, USA, 2002. |

|3. |B.B. LONGEST, J.S. RAKICH, K. DARR: Managing Health Services Organizations and Systems, 4.Ed., Health Professions |

| |Press, Baltimore, USA, 2001. |

|ZER12D1 |Computer Graphics | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Nikola Guid, Željka Mihajlović |

Computer graphics systems. Computational geometry. Hermite, Beziér, B-splines and NURBS curves and surfaces. Some special properties of curves and surfaces. Illumination models: empirical, transition and analytic. Ray tracing. Radiosity. Physically based modeling. Sampling and reconstruction in computer graphics. Alias artifacts. Direct and indirect B-spline transform. Multidimensional B-splines. Visualization of the multidimensional data sets.


|1. |P. Burger, D. Gilles, Interactive Computer Graphics Functional, Procedural and Device-Level Methods, Addison-Wesley, |

| |Workingham, 1994. |

|2. |G. Farin, Curves and Surfaces for Computer Aided Geometric Design: A Practical Guide, Mogran Kaufmann, 2001. |

|3. |Foley, van Dam, Feiner, Hughes, Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice in C, Second Edition, Addison Wesley |

| |Professional, Workingham, 1995. |

|ZER13D2 |Computer Systems Evaluation | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Nikola Hadjina |

Performance and security definitions and measures. Layerd models of the computer and communication system. Operting system performance. Concurrency and paralelism. Mean value analysis. Priority scheduling. Local area network performance analysis. The basis of information security and application of cryptografy. Struggling between protection measures and attacks. Foundations of computational complexity and number theory. Basic cryptographic techniques and autentification. Formal approaches to strong and provable security establishment. Formal methods for authentification protocol analysis. Security criteria and standards. Desiging trusted operating systems. Legal and ethical issues in computer security.


|1. |B. W. Stuck, E. Arthurs: A Computer and Communications Network Performance Analysis Primer, Prentice-Hall, Inc, |

| |Engelwood Clifs, New jersey, 1985 |

|2. |C.P. Pfleeger: Security in Computing, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1997. |

|3. |Wenbo Mao, Modern Cryptography Theory and Practice, Prentice-Hall, Inc, 2004 |

|ZTE12D1 |Concurrent Systems | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Ignac Lovrek, Željka Car, Gordan Ježić |

Introduction to general net theory. Formal model of dynamic system: condition, event, case, constellation, concession, separation principle. Distribution, concurrency, parallelism. Processes in concurrent systems, synchronous and asynchronous interprocess communication, process collaboration. Composition and decomposition rules. Specification, verification and validation of concurrent processes, methods of analysis and synthesis. Process algebras for mobile processes: pi-calculus, ambient calculus. Concurrency in multi-agent systems, mobile agents, agents in Grid environment. Concurrency in software processes, rapid application development.


|1. |C. A. R. HOARE: Developments in Concurrency and Communications, Addison-Wesley, 1990. |

|2. |I. LOVREK: Modeli telekomunikacijskih procesa - Teorija i primjena Petrijeve mreže, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1997. |

|3. |D. SANGIORGI, D. WALKER: The pi-calculus - A Theory of Mobile Processes, Cambridge University Press, 2001. |

|ZRS17D1 |Control of Autonomous Systems | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Ivan Petrović |

Basic concepts of autonomous systems. Environment modeling and acquiring. Sensors and algorithms for position deduction of the autonomous systems. Route planning and route guidance. Algorithms for collision detection and obstacle avoidance. Remote monitoring and navigation of the autonomous systems. Use of the intelligent methods in control of autonomous systems. Coordination of several autonomous systems. Examples of autonomous systems.


|1. |Z. Yilin: Vehicle Location and Navigation Systems, Artech House, Inc., Boston 1997. |

|2. |S.J. Russell, P. Norvig: Artifical Intelligence: a modern approach, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ, |

| |1995. |

|3. |D. Kortenkamp, R.P. Bonasso, R. Murphy (EDS): Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Robots: Case Studies of Successful |

| |Sytems, AAAI Press/The MIT Press, Menlo Park, CA, 1998. |

|ZRS09D1 |Control of Robotized Plants | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Zdenko Kovačić |

Dynamic models of robots. Trajectory planning for PTP and CP motion. Collision avoidance. Approaches to real-time robot control. Robust, adaptive and intelligent methods for control of robot servo systems. Modeling and simulation of robotized plants by using Petri nets and matrix algebra. Virtual models of robotized plants. Control of flexible manufacturing systems via Internet. Supervisory control of hybrid systems.


|1. |Z. Kovačić, S. Bogdan, V.Krajči: Osnove robotike, Graphis, Zagreb, 2002. |

|2. |Z. Qu, D.M. Dawson: Robust Tracking Control of Robot Manipulators, IEEE Press, 1996. |

|3. |M.C. Zhou, F. Di Cesare: Petri net sysnthesis for discrete event control of manufacturing systems, Kluwer Academic |

| |Publishers, Boston, 1993. |

|ZES10D2 |Control Systems of Electrical Drives | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Gorislav Erceg |

Dynamic models of the induction and synchronous motors. Scalar and vector control of induction motors. Variable estimation. Vector control of an induction motor without mechanical sensor. Control of a synchronous motor with permanent magnets, electronically commuted motor, reluctance and a stepping motor. More recent approaches to the control of AC electrical motor drives. Special applications of controlled electrical motor drives. Servosystems in mechatronic systems.


|1. |W. Leonhard: Control of Electrical Drives, Springer-Verlag, 1996. |

|2. |B.K. Bose: Power Electronics and Variable Frequency Drives, IEEE Press, 1996. |

|3. |T.J. Miller: Brushless Parmanent Magnet and Reluctance Motor Drives, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1989. |

|ZEN06D1 |Control Techniques in Electrical Engineering | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Sejid Tešnjak, Igor Kuzle |

Power process control characteristics in the systems for electric power generation and transmission. Regulation of the frequency and voltages in the electric power system. Sensitivity analysis of algorithms (classic, adaptive, genetic, fuzzy, neural networks) in automatic control of the frequency and voltages of the electric power system. Control system design in primary and secondary AGC and VAR Control of electric power system. Underfrequency and undervoltage load shedding of electric power system.


|1. |S. Tešnjak: (f-P) i (U-Q) regulacije u ees-u (eng. Power-Frequency and VAR Control in Electric Power Systems), |

| |Zavodska skripta, ETF-ZVNE, Zagreb, 2002. |

|2. |P.M. Anderson, A.A. Fouad: Power System Control and Stability (Revised printing), IEEE Press, New York, 1994. |

|3. |C.W. Taylor: Power System Voltage Stability, McGraw Hill, Inc., New York, 1994. |

|ZTE16D2 |Data Processing | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Zoran Skočir |

Data processing in telecommunications. Database: definition and basic terms. Data model. Entity-Relationship model. Relational data model. Object-relational data model. Object model. Comparing the object and relational model. The database design process - the basic steps. Conceptual data modeling. Semi-structured data. Storage of XML documents. Data warehousing. Application in the field of telecommunications. Performances of Database Management Systems.


|1. |David Maier, The Theory of Relational Databases, Computer Science Press, 1983. |

|2. |T. Connolly, C. Begg, A. Strachan: Database Systems - A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management,|

| |Second Edition, Addison-Wesley, 1998. |

|3. |Robert J.Muller, Databases design for Smarties - Using UML for Data modeling, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Academic |

| |Press, 1999. |

|ZPM18D2 |Data Structures and Algorithms | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Vedran Mornar |

Algorithms and complexity of algorithms. Generic programming. Standard template library. Elementary data structures as containers. Binary trees: deletion, balancing, B-trees. Radix sorting and searching. Searching in external memory. String algorithms: substring searching, pattern matching. Data compression basics: run-length encoding, Huffman encoding. Fundamentals of cryptography. Geometric algorithms: finding the convex hull, range searching, geometric intersection, closest point. Graph algorithms: depth-first search, breadth-first search, connectivity, minimum spanning tree, shortest path, maximum flow.


|1. |ROBERT SEDGEWICK: Algorithms in C++, Addison-Wesley, 1992. |

|2. |MARK ALLEN WEISS: Data structures and algorithm analysis in C, Addison-Wesley, 1997. |

|ZTE22D1 |Data Warehouse Design | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Zoran Skočir, Boris Vrdoljak |

Data warehouse: definition and basic terms. Data warehouse characteristics. The process of building a data warehouse. Conceptual multidimensional data model. Conceptual design of data warehouses. Logical multidimensional data model. Logical design of data warehouses. The process of extraction of data from sources, data transformation and its loading into the warehouse. Data warehouse design from XML sources.


|1. |W.H. Inmon. Building the Data Warehouse (Second Edition). John Wiley & Sons, 1996. |

|2. |R. Kimball, Margy Ross. The Data Warehouse Toolkit: The Complete Guide to Dimensional Modeling (Second Edition). John|

| |Wiley & Sons, 2002. |

|3. |S. Abiteboul, P. Buneman, and D. Suciu. Data on the Web: From Relations to Semistructured Data and XML. Morgan |

| |Kaufman Publishers, 1999. |

|ZPM21D1 |Databases | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Mirta Baranović |

Relatonal databases - selected topics: synthesis algorithm, multivalued and project-join dependencies, fourth and project-join normal forms. Object-relational databases. Fundamentals of object databeses. Active databases. Deductive databases. Data warehousing. Multimedia databases. Mobile databases.



|2. |C. J. DATE: An Introduction to Database Systems, Addison-Wesley, 2000. |

|3. |H. GARCIA-MOLINA, J. D. ULLMAN, J. WIDOM: Database System Implementation, Prentice-Hall, 2000. |

|ZRS04D2 |Design of Multivariable Control Systems | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Zoran Vukić |

Mathematical description of multivariable systems. Stability of multivariable systems. Frequency tability criterion. Performances and robustness of multivariable control systems. Frequency design methods (QFT). State estimators. State variable regulators. Design in time domain (LQG regulator, Hinf regulator). Algebraic methods of design. Simultaneous stabilizable regulator.


|1. |J.M. Maciejowski (1994): Multivariable Feedback Design. Addison-Wesley, Wokingham. |

|2. |C-F. Lin (1994): Advanced Control System Design. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs. |

|3. |C.T. Chen (1984): Linear System Theory and Design. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, New York. |

|ZMS14D2 |Digital Image Analysis | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Sven Lončarić |

Analysis of two-dimensional and three-dimensional images. Image feature extraction. Texture features. Principal component analysis. Edge detection. Boundary extraction. Image segmentation. Hough transform. Clustering algorithms. Texture description and analysis. Mathematical morphology. Shape description and analysis. Boundary and region representation. Image registration. Neural networks. Expert systems. Motion detection and estimation. Image classification. Decision theory. Optical flow. Applications in biomedicine, communications, robotics, and industrial vision.


|1. |M. Sonka, V. Hlavac, R. Boyle: Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision, 2nd Ed., Brooks/Cole, 1999 |

|2. |R. M. Haralick, L.G.Shapiro: Computer and Robot Vision, vol. 1, 2, Addison-Wesley, 1992 |

|3. |E. R. Davies: Machine Vision, 2nd Ed., Academic Press, 1996 |

|ZOM15D1 |Digital Measuring Instruments and Measuring Systems | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Damir Ilić, Roman Malarić |

Use of the digital multimeters at the highest possible level. Signals digitalisation with high resolution, and very accurate measurements of dc and ac voltages. Application of the digital multimeters and other digital measuring instruments into the computer-controlled measuring systems. Standardized interfaces and buses for data acquisition systems. IEEE 488 systems and their programming. Computer-based instruments. Textual and graphical programming languages as measurement-oriented software. Virtual instruments and virtual laboratory.


|1. |J.M. Pieper: Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments, SCPI Consortium, ACEA, Wierden, The Netherlands, 1998. |

|2. |K. James: PC Interfacing and Data Acquisition: Techinques for Measurements, Instrumentation and Control, Woburn, MA: |

| |Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000. |

|3. |V. Bego: Mjerenja u elektrotehnici, Graphis, Zagreb, 2003. |

|ZES17D1 |Digital Real Time Simulations | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Krešimir Ćosić, Miroslav Slamić, Ivan Ilić |

Real time simulation specifications, requirements and system design. Introduction and overview of real time numerical integration methods. Parallelization of complex real time simulation problems. Model decomposition and partitioning. Hardware-in-the-loop testing applications. Verification and validation of embedded real-time computer control systems. Training simulators. Man-in-the-loop simulation and human computer interactions and interfaces. Distributed interactive real time simulations. Virtual reality and training in virtual environment. Application examples: Aircraft flight simulators; Missile training and testing simulators; Driving simulators, etc.


|1. |R.M. Howe: Dynamics of digital real time simulation, lecture notes University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1990. |

|2. |Proc. of the Simulators Conferences, The Society for Computer Simulation, San Diego, CA. |

|3. |Proc. of the Summer Computer Simulation Conferences, The Society for Computers Simulation, San Diego, CA. |

|ZRS05D1 |Digital Servo Systems | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Nedjeljko Perić, Zdenko Kovačić |

Structural and equivalent scheme of digital control system. Methods for analysis and synthesis of digital servo systems. Methods of direct synthesis. Methods for synthesis of time optimal control. Influence of control output limits on servosystem behavior. State estimation and parameter identification. Application of observers and state controllers in servosystems. Fuzzy and neural net-based control of servosystems. Microcomputer hardware and software for control of servosystems.


|1. |W. Leonhard: Control of Electrical Drives, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1985. |

|2. |N. Perić, J. Deur, I. Petrović, D. Pavković: Slijedni sustavi s izraženom elastičnošću, zračnošću i trenjem, Zavod za|

| |APR, FER, Zagreb, 2000. |

|3. |B. Kosko: Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1992. |

|ZMS05D2 |Digital Signal Processing and Applications | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Hrvoje Babić, Branko Jeren, Davor Petrinović |

Various topics of the digital signal processing (DSP). Application of DSP in vibration and spectrum analysis, digital speech processing, audio synthesis, perceptual audio coding (MP3), echo, and noise suppression, and signal dispersion compensation in communications will be covered. Realization of optimal digital filters (Wiener filter) for measurement, sonar and radar. Multirate DSP will include the polyphase decomposition and perfect signal reconstruction ,subband coding, rate conversion, oversampled AD and DA conversion. Speech and data encryption.


|1. |P. P. Vaidynathan: Multirate Systems and Filter Banks, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1993. |

|2. |A.V. Oppenheim, R.W.Schafer: Discrete-Time Signal Procesing, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1989 |

|3. |Sanjit K. Mitra: Digital Signal Processing: A Computer-Based Approach, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1998. |

|ZMS03D2 |Digital Signal Processor Architectures | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Branko Jeren |

Processor requirements for typical DSP applications: IIR, FIR, FFT. MAC, ALU, Shift. Memory organization, bus architecture, off chip bus, arbitration. Conventional and modulo addressing. FFT addressing. Control path architecture, control flow, looping, branch, pipeline, interrupt. Instruction set. Fundamental comparison of custom and current single chip DSP processor architectures. Applications.


|1. |Phil Lapsley, Jeff Bier, Amit Shoham, Edward A. Lee: DSP Processor Fundamentals, Architectures and Features ISBN: |

| |0-7803-3405-1; January 1997, Wiley-IEEE Press |

|2. |Peter Pirsch : Architectures for Digital Signal Processing ISBN: 0-471-97145-6, June 1998, John Wiley & Sons |

|3. |Mayer-Lindenberg, Friedrich: Dedicated Digital Processors, Methods in Hardware/Software System Design; 1. Edition - |

| |January 2004, ISBN 0-470-84444-2 - John Wiley & Sons |

|ZRS21D2 |Discrete Event Control Systems | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Stjepan Bogdan |

Definitions and differences between time driven and event driven systems. Mathematical tools for discrete event systems (DES) modeling: graphs, max-plus algebra, Petri nets, system matrices. DES analysis and modeling: selected examples from transport, warehouse and manufacturing systems. Stability analysis in the sense of bounded buffers, deadlock and livelock. Resource utilization and work-in-process analysis. DES control algorithms design and implementation for conflict resolution, deadlock allocation and prevention.


|1. |Zdenko Kovačić, Stjepan Bogdan, Vesna Laci; Osnove robotike, Graphis, Zagreb, 2002. |

|2. |Kevin M. Passino, Kevin L. Burgess; Stability Analysis of Discrete Event Systems, John Wiley & Sons Inc, New York, |

| |1998 |

|3. |Jerry Banks, John S. Carson, Barry L. Nelson, David M. Nicol; Discrete-Event System Simulation, Prentice Hall, New |

| |York, 2000 |

|ZPM25C2 |Discrete Mathematical Models | |Spring - F |

|Teaching staff: | Mario-Osvin Pavčević, Andrea Aglić-Aljinović |

Elements of graph theory. Applications: representation of equivalence relations; tournaments; representation of discrete Markov chains; transport network flows. Elements of number theory. Applications: cryptography - public key encription scheme; pseudo-random number generators. Finite fields and vector spaces over them. Applications: linear codes.


|1. |R. J. WILSON: Introduction to Graph Theory, Pearson Education Ltd., Harlow, 1999. |

|2. |M. R. SCHROEDER: Number Theory in Science and Communication, With Applications in Cryptography, Physics, Biology, |

| |Digital Information and Computing, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1984. |

|3. |J. H. VAN LINT: Introduction to Coding Theory, Springer, Berlin, 1999. |

|ZER23D1 |Distributed Computing Systems | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Siniša Srbljić, Dalibor Vrsalović |

Fundamentals of network infrastructure, communication protocols, distributed operating systems, middleware, and applications. Types of distributed computing systems: cluster, Web, peer-to-peer, grid, autonomic, utility, and pervasive systems. Distributed architectures: cluster, intranet, and internet. Large and worldwide scalability. Adaptability and quality-of-service policies. Processes of virtualization and composition. Open-ended systems (XML distributed system design) and service-oriented architecture (WS-* specifications). Middleware: application integration and run-time support. Middleware intra-cell and inter-cell architecture. Virtual distributed environment and application domain mediators. Virtual distributed environment: virtual network, resource, job, and security management. Distribution and coopetition (cooperation+competition) mechanisms. Mediator: run-time container, common services and interoperability handlers. Typical application domains: business, science, administration, and edutainment (education+entertainment). B2B and B2C mediators. Case studies: the NUMAchine cluster system, the GeoPlex IP open platform system, the MidArc system, and the SoftLab distance learning system.


|1. |A. Tanenbaum and M. van Steen: Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms, Prentice Hall, 2002 Edition |

|2. |M. Lerner, G. Vanecek, N. Vidovic, and D. Vrsalovic: Middleware Networks: Concept, Design and Deployment of Internet |

| |Infrastructure, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000 |

|3. |Grid Computing: Making the Global Infrastructure a Reality, edited by F. Berman, G. Fox, and T. Hey, John Wiley & |

| |Sons Ltd, 2003 |

|ZTE08D1 |Distributed Information Systems | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Petar Knežević |

Concepts, structure and elements of distributed information systems. Network infrastructure and communication organization. Client/server model. Distributed objects and invocation. Object oriented distributed systems and CORBA architecture. CORBA services. Comparison of CORBA with other architectures. Software for distributed environment. Distributed information systems for business applications and network management.


|1. |G. Coulouris et al.: Distributed systems: Concepts and design. Addison Wesley, 2001. |

|2. |A. Tanenbaum: Distributed systems: Principles and paradigms, Prentice- Hall, 2002. |

|3. |R. Orfali, D. Harkey, J. Edwards: The Essential Distributed Object Survival Guide, John Wiley, 1996. |

|ZES04D2 |Disturbances and Protection of Synchronous Machines | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Zlatko Maljković, Ante Marušić |

Operational problems (faults and disturbances) in synchronous generator operation. Internal faults. Asymmetrical loadings and asynchronous operation. Development trends in the relay protection of generators. Local man - relay interfaces. Communication at the block and power plant levels. Sources of disturbances and protective measures. Selecting instrument transformers. Selection of a generator's relay protection and step-up transformers. System for automatic disconnection of power systems. Subfrequency load rejection. The maintenance and testing of protective devices. Consequences of faulty operation in a generator.


|1. |M. S. SARMA: Electric Machines: Steady-State Theory and Dinamics Performance, PWS Press, New York, 1996. |

|2. |J. L. BLACKBURN: Protective Relaying; Principles and Applications, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, 1998. |

|3. |R. R. CICHOWSKI: Netzschutztechnik, VDE Verlag GMBH, VWEW Energieverlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2001. |

|ZPM24C2 |Dynamical Systems | |Spring - F |

|Teaching staff: | Vesna Županović |

Autonomous systems of time depending differential equations. Two-dimensional systems. Classification of critical points, phase portraits. Stability of critical points. Linearisation. Conservative Systems, potential method. Ljapunov functions, stability theorem. Hamiltonian systems. Bifurcations.


|1. |Verhulst, F.: Nonlinear Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Springer, 1996. |

|2. |Wiggins, S.: Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos, Springer, 2003. |

|3. |R.K.Nagle, E.B.Saff: Funadementals of Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, Addison-Wesley, 1996. |

|ZES08D2 |Dynamics of Alternating Current Machines | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Zlatko Maljković |

An overview of the basic laws of electromechanical energy conversion. Energy balance of an electromechanical converter. Generalized coordinates and degrees of freedom. General expression for air-gap torque. General equations of rotor rotation. Coordinate transformation. Selecting the most suitable transformational matrix for an analysis of transient phenomena. The fundamentals of a numeric solution to the linear and non-linear cases. Examples of transient phenomena in the induction and synchronous machine. Mechatronic system with electric machines.


|1. |M. Jadrić, B. Frančić: Dinamika električnih strojeva, Graphis, Zagreb 1997. |

|2. |P. Vas: Artificial-Intelligence-Based Electrical Machines and Drives, Oxford Univesity Press, 1999. |

|3. |P. Vas: Electrical Machines and Drives - A space-vector theory approach, Clarendon Press-Oxford, 1996. |

|ZEN29D2 |Dynamics of Power Plants Operation | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Sejid Tešnjak, Tomislav Tomiša, Igor Kuzle |

Selection of the power plants (HPP, TPP, GPP, CCPP, NPP) main equipment parameters compared to the electric power system demands (GRID CODE). Hydroelectric power plants transient operations. Power plants monitoring. Island operation of the power plants. Possibility and capacity electric power plants in (f-P) and (U-Q) control. Thermoelectric power plants operation mode with power delivering to the plant inside consumption. Selection of the DC supplies system in the electric power plants based on DC system dynamics. Torsion dynamics and vibration of the turbine and turbo generator. Practice experiences (exploitation and accident mode of operation).


|1. |S. Tešnjak: Osnove regulacije u termoelektranama (eng. Fundamentals of thermoelectric power plant control), ETF-ZVNE,|

| |Zavodska skripta, Zagreb, 2004. |

|2. |D. Lindsley: Power-Plant Control and Instrumentation - The Control of Boilers and HRSG Systems, The Institution of |

| |Electrical Engineers, London, 2000 |

|3. |D. Flynn: Thermal Power Plant Simulation and Control, IEE Power & Energy Series 43, London, 2003. |

|ZEN27D1 |Electric Railway | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Ivo Uglešić |

The power supply of electric traction with AC systems: 1x25 kV and 2x25 kV, 50 Hz and DC systems. Construction of contact line system and electric traction substations. Calculations and measurement of impedances and resistances of contact line system. Simulation of train motion - determination of power demand for traction. Calculation of voltage drops, currents and power losses in the electric traction system. Connection of traction substations on the transmission highvoltage network. Distortion of currents and voltages provoked by rectifier circuits of electrical vehicles.


|1. |I. Uglešić, I. Pavić: Algorithm for Electric Transit Power Distribution System, Morrison Knudsen Corporation, San |

| |Francisco 1993. |

|2. | |

|3. | |

|ZMS06D2 |Electrical Filters - Selected Chapters | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Neven Mijat |

Classification of filters and equalizers. Application of filters and equalizers in acoustic, speech and music processing, measuring systems, biomedical instrumentation, transmission systems. Realizability conditions. Realization methods. Frequency transformations. Design and optimization tables. Passive filters. Active filters. Properties of various structures. Sensitivity analysis. Typical problems in active filter realizations. Discrete and hybrid filter circuits. Application of the computer programs: MATHEMATICA, WORKBENCH, FILTERCAD, P-SPICE in the filter analysis and design


|1. |R. Schaumann, M.E.Van Valkenburg: Design of Analog Filters, Oxford Univ. Press, 2001. |

|2. |T.Delyannis, Y. Sun, J.K.Fidler: Continuous-Time Active Filter Design, CRC Press 1998. |

|3. |Michael G. Ellis: Electronic Filter Analysis and Synthesis, Artech House Publishers, 1994 |

|ZES09D2 |Electrical Machines Design Methods | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Drago Ban |

The design and technological specifics of the magnetic circuits of electrical machines. Basic concepts in the development of insulating materials and application criteria. An overview of new materials for electrical machines. Determining the main dimensions of electrical machines, laws of similarity. Modern electrical machine design. Coolant media. Indirect and direct cooling of electrical machines. Pressurized cooling. Thermal schema and thermal design. Specifics of the design and construction of machines for controlled motor drives.


|1. |T.A. LIPO: Introduction to AC Machine Design, WisPERC, University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA, 1996. |

|2. |M. RAMAMOORTY: Computer - Aided Design of Electrical Equipment, Ellis Horwood Limited, England, 1998. |

|3. |E. WIEDEMANN, W. KELLENBERGER: Konstruktion elektrischer Machinen, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1967.|

|ZOM04D2 |Electrical Measurement of Nonelectric Quantities | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Josip Butorac, Roman Malarić |

Natural phenomena, matter and physical laws. Classification and principles of operation of different transducers. Electrical measurement of mechanical, hydraulic, hydrodinamical, thermical, chemical, light, radiation and other quantities: examples of application. Photo-colorimetry, electrical gass-analysis, determination of oxygen contents in water, humidity and moisture of gasses, liquids and solids. Precise electrical and electronic balances. Electrical procedures of calibration of nonelectric meters and transducers.


|1. |V. Muljević: Električno mjerenje neelektričnih veličina, Tehnička enciklopedija Jugoslavenskog leksikografskog |

| |zavoda, Volume 3, pp. 638-670, Zagreb. |

|2. |O. Fiedler: Stromungs und Durchflussmesstechnik, R. Oldenbourg Verlag, München und Wien 1992. |

|3. |J. Butorac i drugi: Objavljeni i interni radovi FER-OEM. |

|ZEA07D1 |Electroacoustical measurements | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Siniša Fajt |

Electroacoustical measuring systems and transducers. Acoustical measuring spaces, conditions and methods. Electroacoustical measuring and test signals. Acoustical measurements in civil engineering: sound isolation and noise. Objective and subjective parameters of acoustical quality of rooms, their optimal values and their correlation. Acoustical measurements of rooms and evaluation of measured values depending upon the purpose of the room. Measurements of sound quality in rooms and electroacoustical systems. Subjective testing of acoustical quality of rooms. Measurements and testing of speech and hearing. Electroacoustical norms, standards and recommendations.


|1. |L. L. BERANEK: Acoustical Measurements, Acoustical Society of America, 1988. |

|2. |L. I. MAKRINENKO, Acoustics of Auditoriums in Public Bildings, Acoustical Society of America, 1994. |

|3. |M. J. CROCKER: Encyclopedia of Acoustics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997. |

|ZEA01D2 |Electroacoustical Transducers | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Branko Somek, Siniša Fajt |

Electroacoustical division of microphones. Dynamic microphone: gradient and moving coil, special microphones, differential microphones and laringophones, tubular microphones with high directivity, semiconductor microphones, digital microphones. Microphone measurements. Sound emission: spherical source, line source, stabile source. Source directivity. Acoustical impedance of sound sources. Loudspeaker emission theory. Electroacoustical division of loudspeakers. Headphones. Loudspeaker measurements.


|1. |T. JELAKOVIĆ, M. VUJNOVIĆ: Mikrofoni, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1996. |

|2. |E. ZWICKER, M. ZOLLNER: Elektroakustik, Springer Verlag, 1987. |

|3. |J. BORWICK, Loudspeaker and Headphone Handbook, Butterworths, London, 1994. |

|ZPM22D2 |Electronic Business | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Vedran Batoš |

Basics of e-business. Payment systems, payment transactions. Electronic funds ransfer (EFT). Automated clearing house. E-commerce. Models B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B. Protection and security of transactions. Digital signature. Public and private keys. Certificates. Electronic payments and electronic checks. Transaction protocols and authentication procedures. E-wallet. E-cash model. NetCash system. Micropayment systems. Milicent model. Microcurrencies. Scrip data. Card processing business. ATM systems. POS systems. Internet business. Mobile business. Application of e-business in banking and finance industries, health and other service industries. Application of e-business in profit, non-profit and government institutions. Software support for the complex e-business system. Standards and validation criteria for quality and functionality of e-business system.


|1. |H. BIDGOLI: Electronic Commerce Principles and Practice, Academic Press Inc., San Diego, USA, 2002. |

|2. |D. O'MAHONEY, M. PEIRCE, H. TEWARI: Electronic Payment Systems for E-Commerce, Second Edition, Artech House Inc., |

| |Norwood, USA, 2001. |

|3. |W. E. Rajput: E-Commerce Syistems Architecture and Applications, Artech House Inc., Norwood, USA, 2000. |

|ZVF24D1 |Electronic tracking systems | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Davor Bonefačić |

Principles of target detection and tracking. Tracking radar antenna systems, electronic beam scanning, switching and beamforming. Angle and speed tracking. Monopulse tracking radar. Countermeasures, repeaters and transponders, gate stealing. Counter-counter measures, tracking in jamming conditions. Adaptive antenna arrays as countermeasure. Air traffic surveillance and target tracking, application in civil aviation and air traffic control. Target report, track initiation, target report-track association, track update.


|1. |Skolnik, M.I., Introduction to Radar Sytems, 3rd ed., MC Graw-Hill, 2001. |

|2. |Stimson, G.W., Introduction to Airborne Radar, 2nd ed., Scitech, New Jersey, 1998. |

|3. |Sullivan, R.J., Microwave Radar, Artech House, 2000. |

|ZOM14D2 |Elektromagnetic Pollution | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Armin Pavić |

The concept of nonionizing radiation. Electromagnetic (EM) fields in the spectrum of EM radiation. Basic characteristics and main sources of environmental EM fields. Environmental effects of EM fields and the concept of EM pollution. Electrical facilities and devices as sources of EM pollution. International and national legislation in the area of protection against the EM fields. Influence of safety legislation on design and exploitation of sources of EM pollution. Methods and instruments for EM fields measurement and estimation. Protective measures and methods for EM fields suppression.


|1. |Z. Haznadar, Ž. Štih, Elektromagnetizam 1 i 2, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1997. |

|2. |ICNIRP, Guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic, and electro-magnetic fields, Health |

| |Phys. 75(4):442, 1998. |

|3. |CENELEC, Human exposure to electromagnetic fields, European Prestandard ENV 50166, 1995. |

|ZEN01D1 |Environmental Impact of Electric Power System | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Danilo Feretić, Željko Tomšić |

Energy sources and their utilization potentials. Mathematical models for atmospheric dispersion of pollutants. Environmental impact of power plants and impact to chemical process in atmosphere. Global warming. Advanced electricity generation technologies. Technical and economic characteristics of emission abatement technologies. Energy chains. Methodologies for comparative assessment of system expansion strategies. Sustainability criteria in electric power system development. UNFCCC cooperative implementation mechanisms: bubbles, emissions trading, joint implementation and the clean development mechanism. Emissions trading. Relations between electricity and emissions market.


|1. |D. Feretić, Ž. Tomšić, D. Škanata, N. Čavlina, D. Subašić: Elektrane i okoliš, Element, Zagreb, 2000. |

|2. |ExternE - Externalities of Energy vol I-VIII; European Comission EUR 16523 EN, DG XII, Brussels, 1995.-2000. |

|3. |T. Tietenberg, M. Grubb, A. Michaelowa, B.n Swift and Z. X. Zhang: International Rules for Greenhouse Gas Emissions |

| |TradingUNCTAD/GDS/GFSB/ Misc.6, United Nations, Geneva, May 1999. |

|ZPM12C1 |Finite Mathematics | |Autumn - F |

|Teaching staff: | Vladimir Ćepulić |

Mathematical logic. Sets. Equivalence and order relations. Algebraic structures. Finite groups. Permutation groups. Group homomorphisms. Combinatorial structures. Automorphism groups of combinatorial structures. Finding automorphism groups by means of strong generators. Combinatorial methods. Polya-Redfield theory.


|1. |J. R. DURBIN: Modern Algebra, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1992. |

|2. |R. GRIMALDI: Discrete and combinatorial matehmatics, Addison-Wesley, New York, 1996. |

|3. |D. VELJAN: Kombinatorika s teorijom grafova, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1989. |

|ZER14D2 |Flight Objects Guidance and Control | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Todor Kostić |

Aircraft longitudinal stability (short period and phugoid modes). Lateral stability. Transfer functions related to longitudinal and lateral motion. Synthesis of the pitch, yaw and roll aircraft and missile autopilots in state space (pole placement, linear model following,..). Coordinated turn systems. Height control. Speed control. Direction control system. VOR automatic tracking system. ILS control system. Examples of jet fighter aircraft MiG-21. Basis of the missile guidance system. Kinematics trajectories and guidance law. Analysis, design and simulation of the Command-Line-of-Sight guidance system. Example of anti tank missile system. The homing guidance loop. Inertial guidance system (giro and strapdown platforms).


|1. |D. McLean: ""Automatic Flight Control Systems""; The Prentice Hall International, 1990. |

|2. |B.L. Stevens, F.L. Lewis: ""Aircraft Control and Simulation""; John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1992. |

|3. |C.F. Lin: ""Modern Navigation, Guidance, and Control Processing""; Prentice Hall, Inc., 1991. |

|ZTE02D2 |Formalisms in Telecommunications | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Marijan Kunštić, Miljenko Mikuc |

Fundamental features of telecommunication system. Formalisms and complex systems. Formal specifications and descriptions of telecommunication processes and services. Verification and validation of formal models. Formal methods classification regarding applications. Advantages and disadvantages of formal methods and techniques. Review of some particular tools. Modules of intelligent telecommunication development environment implemented by formal methods.


|1. |K. J. TURNER: Using formal description techniques, J. Wiley & Sons, 1993. |

|2. |J. ELLSBERGER, D. HOGRETE and A. SARMA: SDL Formal Object Oriented Language for Communication Systems , Prentice Hall|

| |, 1997. |

|3. |R. SARACHO, J. R. SMITH, R. REED: Telecommunications System Engineering Using SDL, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1989. |

|ZEN24D2 |Geoinformation Systems | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Davor Škrlec |

GIS concepts. Spatial modeling, topology, coordinate systems and projections. Data modeling, GIS databases, conceptual modeling. Interoperability, OpenGIS standards, GML/XML. GIS and Internet, WebGIS. Distributed GIS and mobile GIS. GIS project organization and implementation.


|1. |T. Bernhardsen: Geographic Information Systems 2nd, VIAK IT, 1999. |

|2. |M. Birkin, G. Clarke, M. P. Clarke, A. Wilson: Intelligent GIS-Location decisions and strategic planning, |

| |GeoInformation International, 1996. |

|3. |Z.R. Peng, M.H. Tsou: Internet GIS: Distributed Geographic Information Services for the Internet and Wireless |

| |Network, John Wiley & Sons, 2003. |

|ZMS03C1 |Graphs and Networks | |Autumn - F |

|Teaching staff: | Vladimir Naglić |

Basic significance of graphs theory; concepts and definitions. Graphs classification. Tree, trees generating and basic properties of tree. Minimal-tree synthesis. Graphs matrix representation. Graphs ponderability. Paths problem analysis. Planar graphs. Connection graphs concept. Cut sets and loops. Graphs matching. Mathematical methods in graphs analysis. Graphs theory application in analysis and synthesis of electric networks and systems.


|1. |D. Veljan, Kombinatorika s teorijom grafova, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1989. |

|2. |B. Carre, Graphs and networks, Claredon Press, Oxford, 1979. |

|3. |S.Seshu & M.B.Reed, Linear Graphs and Electrical Networks, Addison-Wesley |

|4. |P.C. London, 1961. |

|ZEA02D2 |Hearing Acoustics | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Bojan Ivančević |

Relevant characteristics of sound. Structure and acoustical characteristics of the hearing mechanism. Stimulus and sense. Loudness and parameters that influence it. Analyzing properties of the ear, critical bands, HRTF. Analyzing time. Masking effect. Perception of pitch, timbre, tonal color, time relations. Monaural and binaural approach. Spatial resolution of hearing. Inhibition processes, special effects (Cocktail-Party, Franssen, etc.). Subjective field diffusion. Space perception by hearing. Adaptation, fatigue and hearing damage. Artificial hearing.


|1. |B. C. J. MOORE: An Introduction to the Psychology of Hearing, Academic Press, 1982. |

|2. |J. Blauert: Spatial Hearing, MIT Press, Cambridge |

|3. |E. Zwicker, R. Feldtkeller: Das Ohr als Nachrichtenempfaenger, S. Hirzel Verlag, Stuttgart |

|ZER17D1 |High Speed Integrated Circuits | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Adrijan Barić, Branimir Pejčinović |

Properties and models of silicon (Si) CMOS and gallium-arsenide (GaAs) MESFET transistors. Passive components in Si and GaAs, their influence on the speed of operation. Bias circuits, active loads, constant current and voltage sources, feedback amplifiers. High speed amplifiers, high frequency and dynamic range amplifiers. LC and ring oscillators, phase noise, frequency dividers. Measurement of frequency and dynamic characteristics. Layout design rules, design verification (DRC, LVS). Design of a simple analogue/digital integrated circuit from electrical schematic to layout masks.


|1. |B. Razavi, RF Microelectronics, Prentice Hall, 1998, ISBN 0-13-887571-5. |

|2. |T. H. Lee, The Design of CMOS Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuits, Cambridge University Press, 1998, ISBN |

| |0-521-63922-0. |

|3. |R. J. Baker, H. W. Li, D. E. Boyce, CMOS: Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation, IEEE Press, 1998, ISBN |

| |0-7803-3416-7. |

|ZEN03D1 |High-voltage Networks Analysis | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Ivica Pavić |

Load flow problem. Numerical methods for solving load flows (Gauss-Seidel, Newton-Raphson). Decoupled and fast-decoupled load flow algorithms. Methods for optimal power flow. Security analyses for transmission network control. Three-phase load flow methods. Analysis of symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults. IEC and ANSI standard for short-circuit calculation. Methods for static, transient and voltage stability analysis.


|1. |J. C. DAS: Power System Analysiss, Marcel Dekker, 2002. |

|2. |J. J. GRAINGER, W. D. STEVENSON: Power system analysis, McGraw-Hill Co., New York, 1994. |

|3. |J. ARRILLAGA, C. P. ARNOLD: Computer analysis of power systems, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1995. |

|ZRS01C1 |History of Electrical Engineering | |Autumn - F |

|Teaching staff: | Vladimir Muljević, Damir Ilić |

Beginnings of the science of electricity. Development of the telegraphy and electrical machinery. Power energy transmission. Electrical lightening. Franjo Hanaman's contribution to the electric bulb development. Electric power industry, transportation, electronics. Radio technology and television (N. Tesla, J. Slišković, J. Lončar). Telecommunications, informatics, automation and computers.


|1. |V. Muljević: Bilješke o razvoju elektrotehnike u Hrvatskoj, Elektrotehnika, Zagreb, 24 (1981.), br. 4 |

|2. |V. Muljević: O stotoj obljetnici električne žarulje, Elektrotehnika, Zagreb, 23 (1980.), br. 2 |

|3. |V. Muljević i grupa autora: Josip Lončar - život i djelo, HAZU i ETF Zagreb, 1993. |

|IET14D1 |Industrial Plants | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Borivoje Rajković, Ivan Ilić |

Technological process-based demands for primary and secondary technological accessories in an industrial plant. Process identification. Plant classification by functional groups, creation of a hierarchy. Material, energy and information flows. Elaboration of technological demands, especially with the view to defining an information flow concept. Complex process control, the use of computers. Synthesis of drive controls by simulating mathematical models and building physical models and prototypes of the drives. Examples of complex plants. Plant maintenance. An approach to the development, construction, modernization and reconstruction of industrial plants.


|1. |F. KUMMEL: Elektrische Antriebstechnik (Teil 1: Maschinen, Teil 2: Leistungsstellglleder), VDE-VERLAG GmbH Berlin und|

| |Offenbach, 1986. |

|2. |B.K.BOSE: Microcomputer Control of Power Electronics and Drives, IEEE Press, 1987. |

|3. |IEEE Transaction on Industry Applications, A Publication of The IEEE Industry Applications Society, New York, NY |

|ZTE01D1 |Information and Communications | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Vjekoslav Sinković, Igor Sunday Pandžić |

Information network and environment. Testing hypotheses. Information theory, learning and knowledge. Artificial intelligence. Uncertainty observation. Symbol, semantics, lexeme. Acquisition, presentation and evaluation of knowledge. Fuzzy systems and neural networks. Information criteria for learning algorithms design. Agent systems. Information and media. Information content of multimedia communication and optimal coding. Multimedia information flow adjustment to available capacity. Quality of service and cost.


|1. |V. MATKOVIĆ, V. SINKOVIĆ: Teorija informacije, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1984. |

|2. |V. SINKOVIĆ: Informacija, simbolika i semantika, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1997. |

|3. |R. E. BLAHUT: Principles and Practice of Information Theory, Addison-Wesley, 1987. |

|ZPM23D2 |Information Systems Management | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Krešimir Fertalj |

Fundamentals of information systems. Software engineering and information engineering. Systems development life cycle. Information systems planning. Project feasibility assessment and risk analysis. Requirements engineering. Business process reengineering. Analysis and design methods and techniques. Software standards. Software development techniques and tools. Software configuration management. Software reengineering. Project documentation. Project management. Change management. Project management techniques and tools. Systems development procurement. System quality evaluation. Enterprise resource planning software. Software package evaluation and acquisition. Systems development versus systems acquisition.


|1. |D.E. AVISON, G. FITZGERALD: Information Systems Development: Methodologies, Techniques, and Tools, McGraw Hill |

| |College Div, 1998. |

|2. |R.S. PRESSMAN: Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, McGraw-Hill, 2001. |

|3. |R. MURCH: Project Management: Best Practices for IT Professionals, Prentice Hall, 2000. |

|ZEN18D2 |Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems for Sustainable Development | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Danilo Feretić, Nikola Čavlina |

World power production from nuclear power plant (NPP). Nuclear option in Croatia. NPP and environment, CO2 reduction. Innovative Nuclear Reactors. Overview of reactor types for generation 3 and 4: economy, safety and nuclear fuel cycle improvements and radioactive waste reduction. Non-proliferation. Nuclear power plant for cogeneration, desalination and hydrogen production.


|1. |Innovative Nuclear Reactor Development, IAEA, Vienna, Austria, 2002 |

|2. |D. Feretić, Ž. Tomšić, D. Škanata, N. Čavlina, D. Subašić, Elektrane i okoliš, Element, Zagreb, 2000 |

|3. |Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier and its Production by Nuclear Power, IAEA-TECDOC-1085, 1999 |

|ZMS21D2 |Instrumentation for Biomedical Imaging | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Ante Šantić, Vedran Bilas |

The principles of the Computed Tomography (CT). Systems and machines. Iterative (algebraic reconstruction) imaging and back projection method for image reconstruction. Digital subtractive angiography. Principles and instrumentation of nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Methods for the image reconstruction and spacial localization. Equipment for Single Photon Emission Tomography (SPECT) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET). Radioisotope imaging techniques and instrumentation. Emission topography. Scintigraphy scanners and gamma camera. Infrared thermography with Charge Coupled Device (CCD) sensors. Electrical impedance tomography. Body and brain mapping. Magnetocardiography (MCG) and magnetoencephalograhy (MEG). Measurement of weak biological magnetic fields. SQUID sensors. Ultrasonic B-mode imaging devices.


|1. |S. WEBB: The Physics of Medical Imaging, Institut of Physics Publishing. Bristol, Philadephia. Medical Science |

| |Series. 1993. |

|2. |A. ŠANTIĆ: Biomedicinska elektronika, Školska knjiga. Zagreb. 1995. |

|3. |E. KRESTEL: Imaging Systems for Medical Diagnostics, Siemens A. G: Berlin , Muenchen. 1990. |

|ZMS09D2 |Instrumentation in Environmental Control | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Ratko Magjarević, Stanko Tonković |

Environmental control and regulatory requirements. Monitoring of constant pollutants. Pollution and hazards. Metrology: air, water, soil. Measurement parameters: the content of gasses and particles in the air, concentration of solvents in water, non-specific parameters, content and characteristics of the soil, microbiological substances, noise, ionising and non-ionising radiation. Sensors and transducers. Instrumentation: field, monitoring, laboratory. Electrochemical, analytical, optical, microbiological methods.


|1. |J. Bartram, R. Ballance (Eds.): Water Quality Monitoring, E & FN Spon, London, 1996. |

|2. |T. Theodore, J. Bounicore (Eds.): Air Polution Control Equipment, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 1994. |

|3. |E. W. Finucane: Concise Guide to Envirnmental Definitions, Conversions and Formulae, Lewis Publishers, 1999. |

|ZES19D1 |Integration of Intelligent Components in Highly Automated Mechatronic Syste | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Fetah Kolonić, Zoran Šimunić |

Definition of intelligent components in automated mechatronic system. Modern ultrasonic and laser sensors in material and products transport systems. Application of CCD and PSD cameras, image processing, microcontroller interface. Example of completely automated container terminal. Dynamical interaction of automatic controlled units. Modeling. Complex friction models, model parameters identification. Time optimal positioning, anti-collision and anti-swaying control algorithms. Synergistic component integration with predetermined task function. Connection to local control network (LAN, CAN). Electromechanical system control via Internet. Network delay impact and its compensation. Individual project design as an example of mechatronic component integration.


|1. |O. Kaynak, S. Tosunoglu, M.Ang: Recent advances in Mechatronics, Springer- Verlag, 1999. |

|2. |J. Johnson, P.Picton: Mechatronics: Designing Intelligent Machines, Concepts in Articifial Intelligence, Volume 1, |

| |Buterworth-Heinemann, 1995. |

|3. |A. A. Hopgood: Intelligent Systems for Engineers and Scientists, CRC Press, 2001. |

|ZTE04D2 |Inteligent Control and Automata Games | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Mladen Tkalić, Šandor Dembitz |

Intelligent communication network with integrated services. Systematisation of learning automata control algorithms. Voice communication with learning automata network. Voice communications as a network service. Applications of game theory. N persona games theory. Von Neumann approach. Nash models. Automata and games. Information traffic control and economical parameters. Intelligence and artificial intelligence. Information society and telecommunications - some theoretical presumptions for harmonic development.


|1. |M. L. TSETLIN: Automaton Theory and Modeling of Biological Systems, Academic Press, New York, 1973. |

|2. |K. S. NARENDRA, M. A. L. THATHACHAR: Learning Automata - An Introduction, Prentice Hall, 1989. |

|3. |C. MANNING, H. SCHÜTZE: Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing, MIT Press, 1999. |

|ZRS05B1 |Intelligent Control Systems | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Nedjeljko Perić, Zdenko Kovačić |

General characteristics of intelligent control systems. Fundamentals of fuzzy set theory. Application of fuzzy logic in control. Basic and complex structures of fuzzy logic controllers. Automated design and self-organization of fuzzy controllers. Basic structures of neural nets. Static and dynamic neural nets. Learning algorithms.Application of neural nets in modeling, Identification and control of systems. Optimization by using genetic algorithms. Expert systems in control. Examples of intelligent control systems in industry.


|1. |C. T. Lin, C. S. G. Lee: Neural Fuzzy Systems - A Neuro-Fuzzy Synergism to Intelligent Systems, Prentice Hall, 1996. |

|2. |M. Sugeno: Industrial Applications of Fuzzy Control, North-Holland, 1985. |

|3. |P. D. Wasserman: Neural Computing - Theory and Practice, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1989. |

|ZRS12D2 |Intelligent Measuring Systems in Process Automation | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Dali Đonlagić, Ivan Petrović |

The role of the measuring systems in process automation. Basic, integrated and intelligent sensors. Smart transmitters. Multi-sensor systems. Data fusion in multi-sensor systems. Creation of the abstract sensor. Sensors as the nodes of a communication network. Influence of the communication delay on the measuring accuracy. Application of the computer vision in process automation. Examples of the intelligent measuring systems in various application areas.


|1. |J. Fraden: Handbook of modern sensors: physics, design, and applications, AIP Press, Woodbury, NY, 1997. |

|2. |R. R. Brooks, S. S. Iyengar: Multi-Sensor Fusion: Fundamentals and Applications with Software, Prentice-Hall, Inc., |

| |Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1998. |

|3. |S. S. Iyengar, L. Prasad, H. Mim: Advances in distributed sensor integration, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle |

| |River, NJ, 1995. |

|ZRS16D1 |Intelligent Processes | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Franjo Jović, Stjepan Bogdan |

Process expert knowledge. Process models. Decision making and dispatching based on the rocess model. Model based artificial intelligence. Examples of explicit and implicit knowledge models. Models accuracy and robustness. Intelligent agents in manufacturing process. Cooperation. Examples related to energy conversion, food production and quality control.


|1. |B. Kuipers: Qualitative Reasoning (Modeling and Simulation with Incomplete Knowledge), MIT Press, Cambridge, London, |

| |1994. |

|2. |G. Korffner: Konektionismus, Teubner Verlag, Stuttgart, 1991. |

|3. |F. Jović: Expert Systems in Process Control, Chapman and Hall, London, 1992. |

|ZES03D1 |Intelligent Systems in Industrial Plants | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Gorislav Erceg, Alojz Slutej |

Automation systems for industrial plants and the flows of material, energy and information. The structure of automation systems in industrial plants. Formulation and elaboration of demands. Vertical and horizontal distribution. Industrial norms. Intelligent systems of automatic control. Fuzzy control, neuronal networks and expert systems. Characteristics and examples of fuzzy-controlled systems. The structure and application of neuronal networks devised for control systems. The application specifics in industrial plants.


|1. |M. M. Gupta, N. K. Sinha: Intelligent Control Systems -Concept and Applications, IEEE Press, 1995. |

|2. |J. Yen, R. Langari, L. A. Zadek: Industrial Applications of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems, IEEE Press, 1995. |

|3. |G. J. Klir, B. Yuan: Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic - Theory and Applications, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1996. |

|ZOM02C2 |International Measuring Traceability | |Spring - F |

|Teaching staff: | Josip Butorac |

Mutual relations of quantities and measuring units. International system of units SI and its realizations through the standards and definitions. European and international measurement and testing organization; accreditation and certification systems. Procedures of international traceability assurance and appropriate measuring uncertainties. Maintenance of units by means of the standards and their interlaboratory comparisons.


|1. |M. Brezinšćak: Mjerenje i računanje u tehnici i znanosti, Tehnička knjiga, Zagreb 1971. |

|2. |J. Butorac i drugi: Objavljeni i interni radovi FER-OEM. |

|3. |Publikacije CIPM, BIPM, OIML, NIST, PTB i časopisi IEEE-IM, Metrologia, MV i sl. |

|ZER17D1 |Knowledge Discovery in Data Sets | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Nikola Bogunović, Bojana Dalbelo Bašić |

Numeric and symbolic methods of discovering structural patterns in data sets. Fundamentals of statistical data handling and graphical representation. Survey of statistical exploratory data analysis methods. Prediction, grouping and classification using linear and non-linear regression, cluster analysis and neural networks. Symbolic knowledge discovery: concepts, examples and attributes. Preparing the input data sets. Output knowledge representation (decision tables and trees, classification and association rules, clusters). Knowledge discovery algorithms. Evaluation of results. Application of knowledge discovery techniques in business, financing, medicine and engineering.


|1. |Tom M. Mitchell: Machine Learning, McGraw-Hill, 1997. |

|2. |Subhash Sharma: Applied multivariate techniques, John Wiley & Sons, 1996. |

|3. |Ian W. Witten: Data Mining, Morgan Kaufmann, 2000. |

|ZER14D1 |Knowledge Representation in Information Systems | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Nikola Bogunović |

The notion and structure of a rational agent. Knowledge-based agents and problem solving paradigms. Physical symbol system hypothesis. Knowledge representation and reasoning mechanisms in first-order predicate logic. Reduction to logic programs. Natural reasoning through rule-based knowledge representation and chaining inference. Current approaches to representing imperfect information. Frames and semantic networks. Ontologies and knowledge on the Web. Probabilistic logic. Probabilistic networks (Bayesian and decision). Representing symbolic and non-symbolic knowledge in machine learning tasks.


|1. |R.J. Brachman and H.J.Levesque Readings in Knowledge Representation, Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, 1985. |

|2. |S.J.Russell and P.Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 2nd. Ed. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2003. |

|3. |J. Davies, D. Fensel, F. van Harmelen, (Eds.), Towards the Semantic Web: Ontology-Driven Knowledge Management, |

| |J.Wiley, 2003. |

|ZFI04C1 |Laser Physics and Electrooptics | |Autumn - F |

|Teaching staff: | Lahorija Bistričić, Goran Pichler, Hans-Joachim Kunze |

Physical basics: quantum theory of electromagnetic field and relaxation. Stimulated emission. Population inversion. Optical resonators, modes, frequency spectrum. Laser characteristics: coherence, laser beam and modes, oscillators, and amplifiers, outout oiwer. Types of lasers. Monochromatic radiation, tuneable lasers. Electro-optic and acousto-optic effects. Detection of radiation. Applications. Experiments in student-laboratory.


|1. |C. C. DAVIS: Lasers and Electro-Optics, Cambridge University Press, 1996. |

|2. |W. DEMTRAEDER: Laser Spectroscopy, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2000. |

|3. |V. HENČ- BARTOLIĆ, L. BISTRIČIĆ: Lectures and Exercises in Laser Physics, Element, Zagreb 2001. |

|ZPM06C1 |Linear Algebra | |Autumn - F |

|Teaching staff: | Darko Žubrinić |

Groups and fields, vector spaces, pre-Hilbert and normed spaces. Matrices and determinants. Complexity of Gauss - Jordan's method. Linear operators. Spectrum. Nilpotent matrices and Jordan's form of a matrix. Fredholm alternative. Matrix norms and convergence of matrices. Matrix functions and the spectral mapping theorem. Spectral radius, Neumann's series, stable matrices. Gershgorin's and Bauer's theorem about localization of spectrum. Iterative methods for solving linear systems. Matrix analysis of linear differential equations. Variational characterization of eigenvalues of symmetric matrices.


|1. |S.Kurepa: Konačno dimenzionalni prostori i primjene, Tehnička knjiga, Zagreb, 1971. |

|ZPM01C1 |Linear Differential Equations | |Autumn - F |

|Teaching staff: | Mervan Pašić |

Methods for explicit solving of differential equations and systems of the first and higher order. Structure of solutions of differential equations. Particular solutions and orthogonal systems of functions: Legendre, Chebyshev, Hermite and Laguer polynomials. Qualitative analysis of regular and singular properties of solutions. Models and applications in physics and engineering.


|1. |A. C. King, J. Billingham, S.R. Otto: Differential Equations, Cambridge, 2003. |

|2. |M. Pašić: Minkowski-Bouligand dimension of solutions of the one dimensional p- Laplacian, Journal of Differential |

| |Equations 190, pp. 268-305, 2003. |

|3. |T. L. Saaty: Modern nonlinear equations, Dover, New York, 1981. |

|ZPM07C1 |Linear Integral and Discrete Tansforms | |Autumn - F |

|Teaching staff: | Mervan Pašić, Vesna Županović |

Classical Fourier analysis of functions: the series, transform and integral. Applications: signal analysis and communication theory, differential equations. The Laplace transform and applications. The discrete transforms: DFT, FFT and z-transform. The delta, regular and singular distributions. Wavelet transforms: construction and multiresolution analysis (MRA).


|1. |G. Bachman, L. Narici, E. Beckenstein: Fourier and Wavelet Analysis, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2000. |

|2. |J. F. James: A Student's Guide to Fourier Transform. With Applications in Physics and Engineering. Second Edition, |

| |Cambridge, 2002. |

|3. |M. Pašić: Integralne i diskretne transformacije, Skripta FER, Zagreb, 2004. |

|ZEN25D2 |Long-Term Electricity Planning under Uncertainty | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Željko Tomšić |

B. Murray: Electricity Markets. Investment Performance and Analysis, J. Wiley, 1998. A. T. de Almeida, A. H. Rosenfeld, J. Roturier, J. Norgard: Integrated Electricity Resource Planning, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994 A. Eydeland; K. Wolyniec: Energy and Power Risk Management: New Developments in Modeling, Pricing and Hedging, Wiley/Finance, 2003, ISBN 0-471-10400-0


|1. |B. Murray: Electricity Markets. Investment Performance and Analysis, J. Wiley, 1998. |

|2. |A. T. de Almeida, A. H. Rosenfeld, J. Roturier, J. Norgard: Integrated Electricity Resource Planning, Kluwer Academic|

| |Publishers, 1994 |

|3. |A. Eydeland; K. Wolyniec: Energy and Power Risk Management: New Developments in Modeling, Pricing and Hedging, |

| |Wiley/Finance, 2003, ISBN 0-471-10400-0 |

|ZPM08C1 |Mathematical Methods in Systems Analyses | |Autumn - F |

|Teaching staff: | Davor Butković |

Systems of Linear Differential Equations. Transition Functions, Spaces of Random Variables and Random Vectors. The Hilbert Space. Discreteness. Systems of Difference Equations. Recursive Systems with Discrete Noise Prediction. The Kalman Filter. Systems of Equations with Guidance. Operators with Finite ranks. Estimators.


|1. |W.A. PORTER: Modern Foundations of Systems Engineering McMilan, N.Y., 1968. |

|2. |R. DEUTSCH: System analysis techniques, Prentice-Hall, N.J. 1959. |

|3. |S. KUREPA: Funkcionalna analiza, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1981. |

|ZRS15D1 |Mathematical Modeling of Electric Power Systems | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Muharem Mehmedović |

Mathematical foundation of the system model. State-space model design of the single-machine electric power system (EPS). Linearized state-space model of the EPS in the vicinity of its operating point. Stabilizer of the electromechanical oscillations. Controllability, observability and identifiability of the linearized EPS model. Models of the two-machines and multi-machines EPS. EPS parameters identification using evolutionary and genetic algorithms.


|1. |P. Kundur: Power System Stability and Control, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1994. |

|2. |L. Ljung: System Identification - Theory For The User, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1987. |

|3. |D.B. Fogel: Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Press, New York, 1995. |

|VTS07D1 |Measurement and Analysis of Random Processes | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Branko Bajić |

Signal classification. Functions used to describe signals. Review of stationary random process theory. Linear and non-linear transformations of random processes. Input-output relations for linear systems. Systematic and random errors in random process analysis. Systematic approach to the acquisition and analysis of data on random processes. Analysis optimisation. Analog analysis procedures. Digital analysis procedures. Applications.


|1. |J.S. Bendat, A.G. Piersol: Random Data: Analysis and measurement procedure, John Wiley and Sons, 1986. |

|EBS12D1 |Measurements in the Electric-power Networks | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Stanko Milun, Armin Pavić |

The switching and nonlinear elements in electric-power networks. The consequences: flicker, harmonics, transients. Resonances and overvoltages. The problems of acquisition on the high voltage in a broad frequency range. The devices for signal acquisition and the methods for signal analysis in the time - and frequency-domain. The methods of least squares in special measurements. Analysis in frequency-domain; the spectrum, transfer function, coherency and reliability area. The harmonics, wave, network, spectral and multi-channel dynamic analysators.


|1. |Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Harmonic in Power Systems, Nashville, Indiana, 1988. |

|2. |S.Milun, LJ. Boljković: Kompenzacija i viši harmonici - mjerenja i računanja, Monografija Elektrotehničkog društva |

| |Zagreb, Zagreb 1988. |

|3. |V. Bego: Mjerni transformatori, Školska knjiga, Zagreb 1977. |

|ZMS15D2 |Measuring Amplifiers | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Zoran Stare |

Practical operational amplifiers limitations. Design considerations: precision, extremely low current and voltage Dc, low frequency, and high speed amplifiers. Voltage and current feedback. Input and output voltage range, rail to rail and over the top integrated circuits. Capacitive loading, cable drivers. Programmable, instrumentation, and isolation amplifiers. Design trends.


|1. |Sergio Franco: Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits, Mc. Grow Hill 1998 |

|2. |Design Techniques, Analog devices 1995 |

|3. |Prof.dr. Ante Šantić: Elektronička instrumentacija. III. Izdanje, Školska knjiga Zagreb 1993 |

|ZTE03D1 |Methods and Models in Automata Theory | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Mladen Tkalić, Ivana Podnar |

Introduction and systematization. Models of logical processes. Fuzzy logic, fuzzy sets and switching automata. Environment of self-organising systems. Adaptation, learning, self-repair and self-organisation. Fuzzy switching automata. Associative memories. Hierarchies of automata. Distributed algorithms. Model of synchronous and asynchronous automata network. Consensus and coordination with and without failures. Time synchronisation. Routing problem. Case studies: publish/subscribe systems, information commerce.


|1. |M. TKALIĆ: Digitalni automati, Liber, Zagreb, 1991. |

|2. |G. ASH: Dynamic Routing in Telecommunication Network, McGraw-Hill, 1988. |

|3. |N. LYNCH: Distributed Algorithms, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., 1996. |

|ZER09D2 |Methods for Object-Oriented System Design | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Vlado Glavinić, Slavomir Stankov |

Motivation for the introduction of object-oriented (OO) paradigm: program components reuse. Object concepts: object life, object types. Concurrency and actor model. Classes, types, data abstraction, inheritance. Prototype and delegation. Polymorphism i dynamic binding. OO languages. Distributed OO computing. OO development methodology. Data modeling, multimedia documents. OO paradigm applications: user interfaces, operating systems, special purpose hardware architectures.


|1. |M.Abadi, L.Cardelli: A Theory of Objects, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1996. |

|2. |G. Booch: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications, 2nd Ed., Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Redwood |

| |City, CA, 1994. |

|3. |D. Collins: Designing Object-Oriented User Interfaces, Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Redwood City, CA, 1995. |

|ZOM16D2 |Metrology and Precise Measurements | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Damir Ilić |

International coordination of the fundamental physical constants, and the formation of the SI system of units. Realization and maintenance of standards of the electromagnetic quantities. Use of the quantum standards of voltage and resistance in the methods of measurement at the highest level of accuracy. Modern methods for precise measurement of dc and ac quantities, as well as their ratios. Precise analog and digital measuring instruments, and their calibration. Estimation of influence quantities, and the statistical analysis of measurement data. Calculation of the uncertainty of measurement, and the expression of the results of measurement. Transfer of the traceability to the lower level of accuracy.


|1. |M. Brezinšćak: Mjerenje i računanje u tehnici i znanosti, Tehnička knjiga, Zagreb, 1970. |

|2. |M. Boršić: Iskazivanje mjernih rezultata (poglavlje 11.2) te Elektrotehnička mjerenja (poglavlje 11.3), Inženjerski |

| |priručnik, str. 963-986, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1996. |

|3. |Calibration: Philosophy in Practice, Second Edition, Fluke Corporation, 1994. |

|ZRS10D2 |Microcomputers | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Mario Žagar |

Microcomputers, microcontrollers. Dedicated microcomputers. Embedded microcomputers. Modelling and simulation of specific microcomputer architectures. ATLAS programming package as a help in special purpose microcomputer architectures selection. CISC, RISC and stack oriented architectures comparison. picoJava architecture. Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Smart cards. JavaCard - concept, development, applications. Microcomputer hardware - software integration. JINI concept. Microcomputer as a black box. ObjectBox - dynamic connection, recognition and module integration into the sophisticated equipment. Totally distributed microcomputer systems.


|1. |J. Meyer, T. Downing, Java Virtual Machine, O'Reilly, Cambridge, 1997. |

|2. |D. Basch, M. Žagar: ATLAS - simulacija arhitekture mikroračunala, Antonić, Zagreb, 1995. |

|3. |M. Žagar, D. Basch, Microprocessor Architecture Design with ATLAS, IEEE Design&Test, July-September, 1997. |

|ZER20D2 |Microelectronics Circuit Design | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Željko Butković |

Sub-micron MOS transistor characteristics and modelling. Analysis and design of CMOS microelectronic circuits, emphasizing the speed operation and low power dissipation. Evaluation of circuit performance by means of hand analysis and circuit simulations. Electric design of digital, analog, and mixed signal circuits. Layout design, design rule checking, parameters extraction and electric verification. Design of silicon on chip (SoC) circuit blocks: voltage references, voltage regulators, comparators, operational amplifiers, phase-locked loops (PLL), analog-digital (A/D) and digital-analog (D/A) converters, low power digital cells.


|1. |R. J. Baker, H. W. Li, D.E. Boyce: CMOS Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation, IEEE Press, 1998. |

|2. |P. R. Gray, P.J. Hurst, S.H. Lewis, R.G. Meyer: Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, 4th ed., John |

| |Wiley & Sons, New York, 2001. |

|3. |J. M. Rabaey, A. Chandrakasan, B. Nikolić: Digital Integrated Circuits - A Design Perspective, 2nd Edition, Prentice |

| |Hall, New Jersey, 2003. |

|ZER01D2 |Microelectronics of Computing, Communicating and Electronic | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Petar Biljanović, Tomislav Suligoj |

Technology of VLSI/ULSI circuits. Overview of the devices and their applications. Methods of integration. Scaling methods of microelectronic circuit. Power, voltage and current limitations. The operating frequency of circuits. Quantum effects. Characteristics of the methods of integration in VLSI and ULSI chips. Logic and memory cells characteristics at the reduced dimensions. Transition toward nanoelectronics.


|1. |Y. Taur, T. Ning, Fundamentals of Modern VLSI Devices, Cambridge University Press, 1998. |

|2. |J.D. Plummer, M.D. Deal, P.B. Griffin, Silicon VLSI Technology: Fundamentals, Practice and Modeling, Prentice Hall, |

| |1999. |

|3. |S. Wolf, Silicon Processing for the VLSI Era: Deep Submicron Process Technology, Lattice Press, 2002. |

|ZVF13D2 |Microwave Instrumentation and Measuring Methods | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Silvio Hrabar |

Signal parameters and EM field parameters at microwave and millimeter frequencies: power, frequency, spectrum, scattering parameters, field intensity, polarization, relative phase, power density. Laboratory generators, sweepers, synthesizers. Frequency counters, power meters, noise figure meters. Automatic network analyzers, spectrum analyzers, signal analyzers, modulation analyzers. Methods of EM field measurements, spectrum surveillance and interference measurements, measuring probes, antennas and measuring receivers. Automatic measuring systems controlled by computer, calibration, real time error correction and accuracy enhancement.


|1. |S.R. Pennock, P.R. Shepherd: Microwave Engineering with Wireless Applications, Macmillan Press, 1998, London, UK |

|2. |A. E. Bailey : Microwave measurement, 2nd ed, Peter Peregrinus, 1985, London, UK |

|3. |Vector Measuremetns of High Frequency Networks, Hewlett-Packard, 1989, USA |

|ZVF02D1 |Microwave Semiconductor Electronics | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Juraj Bartolić |

Microwave diodes: Schottky, PIN, varactor, IMPATT and Gunn. Microwave transistors: BJT, HBJT, MESFET and HEMT. Nonlinear circuit analysis. Schottky diode detectors and mixers. Varactor frequency multipliers, parametric amplifiers and frequency tuning. Electronically controlled PIN diode switches, attenuators and phase shifters. Transistor amplifiers and oscillators. IMPATT and Gunn diode oscillators. Frequency stabilization of microwave oscillators. Voltage and current controlled oscillators. Monolithic integrated circuits.


|1. |Chang, K.: Microwave Solid-state Circuits and Applications, Wiley, NY, 1994. |

|2. |Vendelin, G. D., Pavio, A. M., Rohde, U. L.: Microwave Circuit Design, Wiley, NY, 1990. |

|3. |Collin, R. E.: Foundations for Microwave Engineering, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, N.Y., 1992. |

|ZRS20D2 |Model reference adaptive control | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Željko Ban |

An overview of the adaptive control methods. Model reference adaptive control characteristics. Design of the model reference adaptive controller structure by stability criteria. Algorithms of the signal and parameter adaptation. Application of the reduced order reference model in the adaptive control systems. A simplified adaptive control algorithm with reduced number of the state variables. Determination of the adaptive algorithm coefficients. Adaptive control algorithm normalization.


|1. |Kaufman H., Bar-Kana i., Sobel K.: Direct Adaptive control Algorithms: Theory and applications, Springer-Verlag, New |

| |York, 1994. |

|2. |Ioannou P. A., Sun J.: robust Adaptive Control, Prentice-Hall, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 1996. |

|3. |Landau Y. D.: Adaptive cnotrol - The model reference Approach, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York and Basel, 1979. |

|ZRS18D1 |Modeling and Simulation Using Computers | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Gabro Smiljanić, Danko Basch |

Queuing theory in modeling and simulation: Kendall's notation, Little's law, single queue systems and simple queuing networks, operational laws. Experimental design: 2k factorial designs, 2kr factorial designs, 2k-p factorial designs. Output data analysis: confidence interval, terminating simulation, nonterminating simulation, multiple measures of performance. Comparing alternative systems configurations: comparison of two systems, comparison of multiple systems.


|1. |Averil Law, David Kelton: Simulation Modeling and Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 2000. (3. izdanje) |

|2. |Raj Jain: The Art of Computer Performance Analysis - Techniques for Experimental Design, Measurement, Simulation and |

| |Modeling, John Wiley & Sons, 1991. |

|3. |Vlatko Čerić: Simulacijsko modeliranje, Školska knjiga, 1993. |

|ZEN23D1 |Modeling of Electricity Market | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Slavko Krajcar |

Modeling of hydro and thermal generation, optimal using of hydro reservoir and fuel purchase agreement, optimal planning of maintenance and unforeseen outages. Modeling of ancillary services and emissions: optimization of generation and rotating reserve, integrated modeling of emissions, modeling of emission constraints, evaluated of emission prices. Financial modeling: modeling of strategic policy, short and long term generation sufficiency, optimization of trading strategy for defined portfolio generation and transmission capacity, evaluation of ecology constraints and security of supply. Power market simulators. Managing energy price risk in power markets.


|1. |Derek W. Bunn: Modeling Prices in Competitive Electricity Markets, John Wiley & Sons, 2004. |

|2. |S. Stoft: Power System Economics: Designing Markets for Electricity, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2002. |

|3. |A, Eydeland, K, Wolyniek: Energy and Power Risk Management: New Developments in Modeling, Pricing and Hedging, John |

| |Wiley & Sons, 2002. |

|ZVF09D1 |Modulation Methods | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Borivoj Modlic |

Baseband modulation signals, line codes. Intersymbol interference (ISI). Modulation methods with ISI. Integration of coding and modulation, coded modulation, code trellis, convolutional and block codes. Euclidean distance between symbols. Modulation methods for orthogonal frequency division multiplex signals (OFDM). Optimal modulation pattern. Modulated signal characteristics in channels with interference and noise, symbol and bit error rate.


|1. |B. MODLIC, I. MODLIC: Modulacije i modulatori, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1995. |

|2. |F. XIONG: Digital Modulation Techniques, Artech House Inc. Noorwod, MA, 2000. |

|3. |R. VAN NEE, R. PRASAD: OFDM for Wireless Multimedia Communications, Artech House Inc., 2000. |

|ZRS11D2 |Multimedia Computer Systems | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Mario Kovač |

Overview of problems and solutions associated with multimedia applications is presented followed by storage and computing power requirements analysis. Detailed discussion of basic and advanced data compression algorithms is then given. The algorithms are divided into two main groups lossless and lossy, and most important algorithms from each group are explained in details. Brief description of characteristics of human perception is given (eye, ear), needed to understand complex video and audio algorithms. Overview of most important standards: JPEG, MPEG-2 (video, Layer III audio-MP3, AAC), MPEG-4, MPEG-7. Example algorithm implementations are shown and performance is compared. Multimedia systems are designed based on the target applications and therefore processing unit (CPU, DSP,..) selection is described. Main categories of multimedia system processing unit are described: special purpose chips (ASIC), MM coprocessors, MM processors and finaly MM extensions for general purpose CPUs. For each category, detailed explanation of example chip, system architecture and how it operates is given.


|1. |L. Mitchell: MPEG Video Compression Standard, Chapman & Hall, 1996. |

|2. |M. Kahrs (Ed): Applications of Digital Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998. |

|3. |B. Pennbaker, J.L. Mitchel: JPEG, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1992. |

|ZER07D2 |Multiprocessors and Parallel Computer Systems | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Slobodan Ribarić |

Parallel computer system - a definition. Classification of parallel computer architecture: MISD, SIMD and MIMD. Levels of parallelism (bit-level, instruction-level process- and thread- level) - possibilities and limitations. Effects of parallelism on the computer performance: ideal and real speed-up. A case study of parallel system for the FFT. Pipeline model and formal description of the model. Scalar and superscalar RISC. Out-of-order-issue and out-of-order-completion. VLIW processors and vector supercomputers. Systolic fields. Multiprocessor systems - physical and logical interconnection of resources. Large-scale multiprocessor system based on the Omega switching network and on the combination of the control and data flow- a case study. Data-flow computer architecture. Demanded-driven computer architecture (reduction computer architecture). Hierarchy of processor models: from von Neumann processor to the computational demons. Neural networks and neurocomputers.


|1. |D. E. Culler, J. Pal Singh, A. Gupta, Parallel Computer Architecture, A Hardware/Software Approach, Morgan Kaufmann |

| |Publishers, Inc. San Francisco, 1999. |

|2. |J. L. Hennessy, D. A. Patterson, Computer Architecture, A Quantitative Approach, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc. San|

| |Francisco, 1997. |

|3. |S. Ribarić, Arhitektura računala RISC i CISC, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1996. |

|ZMS15D1 |Multisensor Biomonitoring Systems | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Mario Cifrek, Vedran Bilas |

Sensorization in biomedical applications. New approach in healthcare delivery. Continuous physiological monitoring: early detection and prevention, care for disabled and elderly people, rehabilitation, home care, potentially hazardous working places. Technological, medical, economical and psychosocial impacts. "In vivo" monitoring, biosensors, biocompatibility. Intelligent implantable transducers. Noninvasive measurement methods. Biotelemetry, data acquisition from mobile and distant persons, telemedicine. Distributed sensor networks, multi-sensor data fusion. Applications. Standards.


|1. |D. M. FRASER: Biosensors in the body - Continuous in vivo monitoring, John Wiley & Sons, 1997. |

|2. |R.B. NORTHROP (ED): Noninvasive instrumentation and measurement in medical diagnosis, CRC Press, 2002. |

|3. |3. S. IYENGAR, L. PRASAD, H. MIN: Advances in distributed sensor integration, Prentice Hall, 1995. |

|ZVF25D2 |Navigation Systems | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Tomislav Kos |

Overview of navigation systems. Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS): GPS, GLONASS, Galileo. Fundamentals of satellite positioning. Architecture of satellite navigation systems. GPS positioning services, performances and limitations. GPS signals reception and processing, algorithms for determination of satellite and user position. Architecture of GPS receiver. Positioning errors, ionospheric and tropospheric delay corrections, multipath reception problem. Augmentation of GNSS systems, differential GPS, WAAS, EGNOS. Integration of satellite and other navigation systems. Integration of navigation and communication systems. Expected future development and modernisation of navigation systems.


|1. |E. D. Kaplan, Understanding GPS Principles and Applications, Artech House Publishers 1996 |

|2. |B. W. Parkinson, J. J. Spilker, Global Positioning System: Theory and Practice, AIAA, 1996 |

|3. |M. S. Grewal, L. R. Weill, A. P. Andrews, Global Positioning Systems, Inertial Navigation and Integration, John Wiley|

| |& Sons, Inc. 2001 |

|ZTE23D1 |Network availability | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Branko Mikac, Robert Inkret |

General definitions on network availability. Availability of telecommunication network. Probabilistic, topological and time measures. Structural and Markov availability models. Modeling of dependent failures. Availability evaluation of complex structures: analytical and simulation procedures. Availability sensitivity evaluation. Availability optimization. Protection and restoration structures and scenarios: 1+1, 1:1, n:m, path protection, link protection and p-cycles. Availability data on failure and repair rates. Case studies on modeling and availability evaluation of optical networks with circuit and packet switching.


|1. |Hussein T. Mouftah, Pin-Han Ho, Optical Networks: Architecture and Survivability, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. |

|2. |Ramesh Bhandari, Survivable Networks: Algorithms for Diverse Routing, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999. |

|3. |Peter Stavroulakis (ed.), Reliability, Survivability and Quality of Large Scale Telecommunication Systems, John Wiley|

| |& Sons, 2003. |

|ZER06D1 |Network Computer Systems | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Vlado Glavinić |

Architecture of open computer networks. Reference communication models, services and protocols, functionality of layers. Interoperability, functional profiles, international standardization. Computer network protocols: basic functions, classification. Protocol modeling: specification and verification, formal methods. Protocol evaluation: monitoring, conformance testing. Special purpose computer networks. Internetworking and network management. Analysis of typical services.


|1. |A. S. Tanenbaum: Computer Networks, 3rd Ed., Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1996. |

|2. |K. J. Turner: Using Formal Description Techniques, J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1993. |

|3. |R. J. Linn, M. Ü. Uyar, Eds.: Conformance Testing Methodologies and Architectures for OSI Protocols, IEEE Computer |

| |Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1994 |

|ZFI08D1 |New Energy Sources | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Vladimir Knapp, Mile Baće |

Wind energy. Electricity generation. Solar radiation and solar energy. Solar thermal energy production. Solar photovoltaic energy conversion. Electrical energy storage. Biomass. Geothermal energy. Hydrogen economy. Advanced fission reactors. Nuclear fusion. Magnetic Fusion. Laser Fusion. Fusions-Fission hybrids as fissile isotopes factories. Techno-economical characteristics. Accelerator production of fissile isotopes. Environmental impacts of new energy sources.


|1. |V. KNAPP: Novi izvori energije, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1993. |

|2. |J. F. MANWELL: Winding Energy Explained, John Wiley and Sons, NY 2002. |

|3. |G. BOYLE, (ED.): Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004. |

|ZEA06D1 |Noise and Vibration Measurements | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Mladen Maletić |

Sound intensity and units measurements. Noise levels. Time and spectral characteristics of noise. Units for defining and evaluating the influence of noise on people. Methods for noise measurements. Sound level meter. Spectral analyser. Statistical analyser. Computer systems. Methods for noise evaluation. Standards and regulations. Vibration measurement units. Methods for vibration measurements. Methods of evaluating the influence of vibrations on people. Standards and regulations for allowed levels of vibration.


|1. |J. R. HASSALL, K. ZAVERI: Acoustic Noise Measurements, Bruel & Kjaer, 1979. |

|2. |J. T. BROCH: Mechanical Vibration and Chock Measurements, Bruel & Kjaer, 1979. |

|ZVF06D2 |Noise in Radiocommunication | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Branka Zovko-Cihlar, Tomislav Kos, Mislav Grgić |

Statistical characteristic of noise. Principles and applications of random noise theory. Spectrum analysis and autocorrelation functions. Thermal noise, shot noise, 1/f noise. Noise in diodes and photodiodes, field-effect transistor noise. Noise in electron-beam tube. Noise in television, signal to noise ratio, noise reduction techniques in TV cameras. Noise generators, technologies and applications. Interference noise in mobile systems. Noise measurements: signal to noise ratio, noise figure, intermodulation noise, phase noise. Noise measurements in television and mobile radiocommunications.


|1. |B. ZOVKO-CIHLAR: Šum u radiokomunikacijama, Školska knjiga, 1987. |

|2. |M. S. GUPTA: Electrical Noise: Fundamentals and Sources, IEEE Press, New York, 1987. |

|3. |A. VAN DER ZIEL: Noise: Sources, Characterization, Measurement, Prentice Hall, 1980. |

|ZRS03D1 |Nonlinear Control Systems | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Ljubomir Kuljača |

Structure and mathematical models of nonlinear control systems. Stability of nonlinear systems. Feedback linearization. Output feedback control. Design of the variable structure regulator. Nonlinear adaptive control. Nonlinear stochastic control. Unconvcentional methods of control. Structure and dynamics of digital nonlinear control systems.


|1. |Z. Vukić, Lj. Kuljača, D. Đonlagić, and S. Tešnjak: Nonlinear Control Systems, Marcel Dekker, 2003. |

|2. |J.J. Slotine and W. Li: Applied Nonlinear Control. Prentice Hall, 1991. |

|3. |M. Vidyasagar: Nonlinear Systems Analysis. Prentice Hall, 1993. |

|ZMS01C2 |Nonlinear Systems | |Spring - F |

|Teaching staff: | Neven Mijat, Mladen Vučić |

Definitions and elements of nonlinear electrical systems. Resistive and dynamic nonlinear networks. Partial linearization. Approximation and synthesis of characteristic curves. Transformers. Mutators. Graphical analysis. Numarical procedures. Newton-Raphson algorithm. Iterative analysis. Euler methods. Formulation of nonlinear state equations. Systems with tunnel diode and Josephson effect. Equillibrium and pseudoequillibrium states. Nonlinear oscilations. Van der Pole oscilator. Chaos.


|1. |L. Chua, C. Desoer, E. Kuh: Linear and Nonlinear Circuits, 1987. |

|2. |W. Cunningham: Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis, 1958. |

|3. |M. Haasler, J. Neirynck: Nonlinear Circuits, 1987. |

|ZFI08D2 |Nuclear Reactor Theory | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Dubravko Pevec |

Neutron transport equation. Multigroup diffusion theory. Calculation of fast spectrum and fast group constants. Calculation of thermal spectrum and thermal group constants. Unit cell calculation of heterogeneous reactor. Global calculations of reactor core. Analysis of nuclear fuel depletion. In-core fuel management methods. Modeling of control rods and burnable absorbers. Design of loading pattern for reload core. Nuclear reactor kinetics and reactor dynamics.


|1. |J. J. DUDERSTADT, L. J. HAMILTON: Nuclear Reactor Analysis, Wiley, New York, 1976. |

|2. |W. M. STACEY: Nuclear Reactor Physics, Wiley, New York, 2001. |

|3. |CRC Handbook of Nuclear Reactor Calculations, Ed.Y. Ronen, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FI. 1986. |

|ZPM11C2 |Numerical Methods | |Spring - F |

|Teaching staff: | Ivan Ivanšić |

Approximations of solutions of linear systems. Matrix operations. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Optimization. Linear, convex and quadratic optimization. Some methods of nonlinear optimization.


|1. |B.P. Demidović i I.A. Maron: Osnovi isčisliteljnoj matematiki, Nauka, Moskva 1966. |

|2. |G. Hadley: Nonlinear and dynamic programming, Addison-Wesley C. Reading 1972. |

|3. |N. Limić, H. Pašagić, Č. Rujak: Linearno i nelinearno programiranje, Informator, Zagreb 1978. |

|ZTE19D1 |Open Network Architectures | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Antun Carić, Darko Huljenić |

Vertical and horizontal communication network architectures. Concepts and standards in open network architecture. Network architecture layers: access, transport, control, application and service. Software network architecture, access and core functionality, middleware roles. Telecommunication systems diversity and creation of framework for unified application. Transformation from architecture to implementation. Component based systems and their application in network architectures. Technology and business criteria for network architecture analysis.


|1. |L. BASS, P. CLEMENTS, R. KAZMAN: Software Architecture in Practice, Addison Wesley, 1998. |

|2. |M. NORRIS, R. DAVIS, A. PENGELLY: Component-based Network System Engineering, Artech House, 2000. |

|3. |H.R. WESTERMAN: Systems Engineering Principles and Practice, Artech House, 2001. |

|ZPM14D2 |Operational Research | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Damir Kalpić |

Development and evaluation of mathematical models. Development of the process-based manufacturing model. Investments decision making. General linear program. Revised simplex method. Sparse matrices. Inverse basis representation and reinversion procedures. Data scaling, numerical tolerances and errors. Sensitivity analysis. Linear programming extensions. Multi-criteria programming. Cutting-stock problem. Network planning with limited resources. Decision making procedures.


|1. |Kendrich, Stoudjesdijk: The planning of industrial investment programs, John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, |

| |1978 |

|2. |Murtagh: Advanced Linear Programming, McGraw-Hill, 1981 |

|3. |Kalpić, Mornar: Operacijska istraživanja, DRIP, Zagreb, 1996 |

|ZVF04D2 |Optical Communications | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Boris Kviz |

Dielectric waveguides, analysis. Nonlinear fiber optics. Second order dispersion. Solitons, interactions. Coherent communications. Dispersion compensating methods, high-speed and large distance systems. Single mode, DFB and DBR semiconductor lasers, with edge and surface emitters. Erbium doped and semiconductor optical amplifiers. Semiconductor detectors. Digital and analog transmission systems, restauration of digital signals. Optical fiber networks. Optical switching, integrated optical circuits.


|1. |G.P.Agrawal: Nonlinear Fiber Optics, Academic Press, 1995. |

|2. |J.R.Taylor: Optical Solitons, Theory and Experiment, Cambridge University Press, 1992. |

|3. |S.Ryu: Coherent Lightwave Communication Systems, Artech House, 1995. |

|ZVF12D1 |Optical Sensors and Components | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Zvonimir Šipuš, Denis Đonlagić |

Optical components used in communication and sensor systems. Optical sensors based on modulation of light intensity (micro- and macro-bend fiber optical sensors), interferometers, polarimetric sensors, optical gyroscope, Bragg grating optical sensors, other optical sensors. distributed sensor systems. Optical components used in WDM systems, arrayed waveguide gratings, fiber Bragg gratings, diffraction gratings, Mach-Zehnder interferometers, wavelength converters, single-mode semiconductor lasers, tunable semiconductor lasers.


|1. |D. Đonlagić, M. Završnik, D. Đonlagić, Fotonika - uvodna poglavja, Fakulteta za elektrotehni-ko računalnišvo in |

| |informatiko, Maribor, 1997. |

|2. |E. Udd (Editor): Fiber Optic Sensors, John Wiley & Sons, N.Y., 1991.. |

|3. |J.-P. Laude DWDM - fundamentals, components and applications, Artech House, 2002 |

|ZTE11D2 |Optical Transmission Network | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Branko Mikac, Michael J. O Mahony |

All-optical transmission network: topology, transmission and cross-connect functions. High speed optical transmission. Transmission limitation caused by linear and non-linear effects. Optical network with wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). Optical network components: sources, modulators, fiber cables, amplifiers, detectors, switches, multiplexers, filters, wavelength converters. Transmission node structures: optical cross-connects and optical add and drop multiplexers (OADM). Optimal wavelength channel routing and assignment. Networks with optical time division multiplexing (OTDM). Optical networks with circuit, packet and burst switching.


|1. |R. Inkret, A. Kuchar, and B. Mikac (eds.): Advanced Infrastructure for Photonic Networks: Extended Final Report of |

| |COST Action 266, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 2003. |

|2. |R. Ramasvami, K. N. Sivarajan: Optical Networks, a Practical Perspective, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Academic Press,|

| |2nd edition, 2002. |

|3. |D. M. Spirit, M. J. O'Mahony: High Capacity Optical Transmission Explained, John Wiley, 1995. |

|ZTE05D1 |Optimisation Methods for Telecommunications | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Mladen Kos, Luka Neralić |

Taxonomy of optimisation methods. Main applications in telecommunications. Linear programming and network flows. Linear and non-linear multycommodity flows. Special algorithms and extension. Optimal routing in networks. Capacity expansion. Combinatorial programming. Local search. Heuristics. Network topology design. Software tools for telecommunication network planning and optimisation.


|1. |D. G. Luenberger: Linear and Nonlinear Programming, 2nd Ed., Addison-Wesley, 1989. |

|2. |D. Bertsekas, R. Gallager: Data Networks, 2nd Ed., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1992. |

|3. |R. K. Ahuja, T. L. Magnanti, J. B. Orlin: Network Flows, Prentice-Hall, 1993. |

|ZEN28D2 |Optimization of Electrical Power Networks | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Davor Škrlec |

Basic concept of the optimization of electrical power networks. Overview of exact, combinatorial and heuristic methods. Optimal planning of network development, reinforcement and management. Using MATLAB in solving optimization problems. Supporting information systems in the optimization. Examples of real network optimization.


|1. |K. Warwick, A. Ekwue, R. Aggarwal: Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Power Systems, IEE Power Engineering Series |

| |22, 1997. |

|2. |Loi Lei Lai: Intelligent System Applications in Power Engineering, John Wiley&Sons Ltd., 1998. |

|3. |M.O. Ball,T.L.Magnanti,C.L.Monma,G.L.Nemhauser: Handbook in Operations Research and Management Science: Network |

| |Models, Elsevier, 1995. |

|ZEN09D2 |Overhead and Cable Lines | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Zdravko Hebel, Ivica Pavić |

Technical standards of overhead lines. New concepts in mechanical lines design. Compact overhead lines. Radio and TV interference. The impact of power lines to communication networks. Effects of untransposed lines on current and voltage unbalance in power grids. Power cable parameters. Electrical fields in power cables. Materials for conductors and insulators. Power cables shields. Oil cables. Cable networks. Cable dimensioning.


|1. |E. B. KURTZ, T. M. SHOEMAKER, J. E. MACK: The Lineman's and Cableman's Handbook, McGraw-Hill, 2004. |

|2. |J. ARRILLAGA, C. P. ARNOLD: Computer Analysis of Power Systems, John Wiles & Sons, 1995. |

|3. |M. I K. OŽEGOVIĆ: Električne energetske mreže I, II, FESB Split, 1996, 1997. |

|ZEN04D2 |Overvoltages in Power System | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Ivo Uglešić |

Temporary overvoltages due to earth-faults, load shedding and ferroresonance. Slow front overvoltages due to switching of transmission lines, due to fault initiation and fault clearing. Switching off small capacitive and inductive currents. Energization of unloaded transformers and reactors - inrush currents. The initiation, propagation and consequences of lightning overvoltages. Very fast overvoltages in gas insulated substations. Calculation of overvoltages. Models of elements: overhead line, cable, power and measuring transformers, surge arresters, high voltage switching substations. An overview of modern methods of overvoltages protection.


|1. |P. Chowdhuri: Electromagnetic Transients in Power Systems, Research Studies Press, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, New York, |

| |1996. |

|2. |L. van der Slus: Transients in Power Systems, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, New York, 2002. |

|3. |N. Watson, J. Arrilaga: Power Systems Electromagnetic Transients Simulation, IEE, 2003. |

|ZTE17D2 |Petri Nets and Distributed Systems | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Dragan Jevtić, Kimon P. Valavanis |

Petri nets and modelling and evaluation of complex dynamic systems. Modelling approaches for hierarchical multi-level systems, modelling of decision makers, a formal system Petri nets and modelling and evaluation of complex dynamic systems. Modelling approaches for hierarchical multi-level systems, modelling of decision makers, a formal system decomposition method. Models, techniques and methods related to performance evaluation of complex dynamic systems. Classes of enhanced Petri Nets (parameterised, hierarchical, time extended, stochastic, coloured). Petri Net approach to modelling, simulation, synthesis and performance evaluation. Case studies: computers, communications, and networks.


|1. |J. L. PETERSON: Petri Net Theory and the Modeling of the Systems, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1982. |

|2. |W. REISIG: Elements of Distributed Algorithms - Modeling and Analysis with Petri Nets, Springer, 1998. |

|3. |K. JENSEN: Coloured Petri Nets, Vol. 1, 2 and 3, Springer-Verlag, 1996, 1997. |

|ZVF11D2 |Picture Quality in Digital Video Communications | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Sonja Grgić |

Digital video communication systems. The impact of compression technique, compression ratio and frequency content on picture quality. Picture quality in discrete cosine transform and discrete wavelet transform systems. Trade-off between bit rate and picture quality in MPEG-2 video coding. Error detection and correction. Delay and loss of synchronization. Methods for the subjective assessment of picture quality. Objective measurements of picture impairments. Correlation between objective picture quality measurement and subjective picture quality assessment.


|1. |P. HODGES: An Introduction to Video and Audio Measurement, Focal Press, Oxford, 2004. |

|2. |Y. WANG, J. OSTERMANN, Y. ZHANG: Video Processing and Communications, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2002. |

|3. |J. ALLNATT: Transmitted-Picture Assessment, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1983. |

|ZEN24D2 |Power Distribution System | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Slavko Krajcar |

Fundamentals of Power Distribution System. Load models, forecasting methodologies, load classification and characterization, energy and peak demand forecasting. Distribution System Planning and Design. Routing network (optimizing number of feeders; network topology and paths). Present-worth and cost-benefit principles. Embedded generation. Distribution System Protection. Operation of Power Distribution System. Power Factor Management. Distribution System Protection. Distribution System Control. Substation Automation. System Grounding. Power Quality Issues. Deregulations, EU Directive 54/2003.


|1. |H. Lee Willis: Power Distribution Planning Reference Book, Marcel Dekker, New York 1997. |

|2. |L. Philipson et al: Understanding Electric Utilities and Deregulation, Marcel Dekker, New York 1998. |

|3. |H. Lee Willis, V.N.S. Mutrhy: Spatial Electric Load Forecasting 2nd rev, Marcel Dekker, New York 2002. |

|ZES14D2 |Power Electronic Systems | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Zvonko Benčić, Željko Jakopović |

Overview of power electronic systems (e.g. ASD, UPS, HVDC). Systems with alternative energy sources. Power quality. Interaction with supply network and loads. Supply network voltage and current harmonics, power factor. Reactive power, compensation of supply network reactive power, active and passive filters. Load harmonics, filters. EMC. Advanced power converter topologies, matrix converters, control laws (PWM). Dynamic models (averaged models, state - space models) and control. Emerging power semiconductor devices (MOSFET, IGBT, IGCT).


|1. |J. G. KASSAKIAN, M. F. SCHLECHT I G. C. VERGHESE: Osnove energetske elektronike, Graphis, 2000. (prijevod I dijela |

| |izvornika J. G. KASSAKIAN, M. F. SCHLECHT I G. C. VERGHESE: Principles of Power Electronics, Addison-Wesley, 1991.) |

|2. |N. MOHAN, T. M. UNDERLAND I W. P. ROBBINS: Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and Design, John Wiley, 2003. |

|3. |M. KAZMIERKOWSKI, R. KRISHNAN I F. BLAABERG: Control in Power Electronics, Academic Press, 2002. |

|ZEN08D1 |Power System Protection | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Ante Marušić, Srđan Skok |

Concepts of modern coordinated protection and control systems. Communications within the substation. Carrier-aided distance schemes for HV lines. Current and voltage transformers for relaying. Numerical distance protection and fault locators. Algorithms for digital protection. Adaptive protection systems. Fault recording and analysis. The application of expert systems in power system protection. Recent advances and futuristic view of power system protection.


|1. |G. Ziegler: Numerical Distance Protection, Siemens AG, Publicis MCD, Erlangen, 1999. |

|2. |W. A. Elmore: Pilot Protective Relaying, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2000. |

|3. |P.M. Anderson: Power System Protection, IEEE Press, New York, 1999. |

|ZEN15D2 |Power Systems Operation | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Tomislav Tomiša |

Monitoring, analyzing and control procedures for on-line power system control. SCADA systems. System state and topology estimation based on measurements and data acquisition. Control centers and subsystems with distributed intelligence. Control algorithms for optimal power distribution. On-line system safety and reliability calculation, on-line short circuit an system stability calculations. Expert systems for large disturbances analyze and power system control.


|1. |R.H. Miller, J.H.Malinowsky: Power system operation, McGraw Hill Inc., New York, 1994 |

|2. |E.G. Tietze: Netzleittechnik - Teil 1, 2, VDE Verlag, Frankfurt, 1995. |

|3. |E. Mariani, S.S. Murthy: Advanced load dispatch for power systems, Springer- Verlag, London, 1997. |

|ZEN22D2 |Probabilistic Assessment of Technological Risk | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Vladimir Mikuličić, Zdenko Šimić |

Probabilistic modeling and simulation of technological systems reliability and risk. Methods: failure modes and effects analysis, fault trees, event trees, Markov models and Petri nets. Human factor analysis and modeling. Data, model and results of uncertainty assessment. Link between deterministic and probabilistic analysis. Statistics, data analysis and extreme events. Environmental impact assessment. Safety and risk perception. Basis for risk management.


|1. |Y.Y. Haimes: Risk Modeling Assessment, and Management, Wiley, 1998 |

|2. |M. Modarres, M. Kaminskiy, and V. Krivtsov: Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis: A Practical Guide Marcel |

| |Dekker, New York, N.Y., 1998. |

|3. |B. V. Gnedenko, I. A. Ushakov: Probabilistic Reliability Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1995. |

|ZPM04C2 |Probability and Statistics | |Spring - F |

|Teaching staff: | Davor Butković |

Probability Space. Random Variables. The Riemann - Stieltjes Integral. Random Vectors. Functions of Random Variables and Random Vectors. Stochastic Processes. Brownian Motion. Normal Processes. Sampling Theory. Internal Estimations.


|1. |Ž. Pauše: Vjerojatnost, informacije, stohastički procesi, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1989. |

|2. |N. Sarapa: Teorija vjerojatnosti, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1987. |

|3. |A. Papoulis: Probability random variables and stochastic processes, McGraw-Hill, N.Y., 1965. |

|ZRS02D1 |Process Automation - Selected Topics | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Nedjeljko Perić |

Goals of the automatic control of complex systems. Flow of matter, energy and information in processes. Control systems structure in complex systems automation. Distributed control systems. Mathematical process modeling. Optimal and adaptive control. Auto-tuning and self-tuning controllers. Predictive control. Smith's predictor and its modifications. IMC. Application of neural networks and fuzzy logic in the control of complex systems. Illustrative examples from industry, power and transport engineering.


|1. |D.E. Seborg, T.F. Edgar, D.A. Mellichamp: Process Dynamics and Control, Wiley & Sons, 1989. |

|2. |E.F. Camacho, C. Bordons: Model Predictive Control, Springer-Verlag, London, 1999. |

|3. |M. Morari, E.Zafiriou: Robust Process Control, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1989. |

|ZER05D1 |Processes in Computer Systems | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Leo Budin |

Programs, programming tasks, processes and threads in computing systems. Partial order of task system. Determinstic system of tasks. Time constraints, real-time systems. Global clock and mutual exclusion in distributed systems. The deadlock problem. Deadlock detection, avoidance, and prevention. Interprocess communication in distributed systems. Message passing, remote procedure call, remote method call, and distributed shared memory systems. Consistency in the shared memory space.


|1. |P. K. Sinha, Distributed Operating Systems, Concepts and Design, IEEE Computer Society Press, New York, 1997. |

|2. |J. Lemieux, Programming in the OSEK/VDX Environment, CMP Books, Lawrence, Ka., 2001 |

|3. |P. van Roy, S. Haridi, Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming, MIT Press, Cambridge, Ma., 2004 |

|ZER15D2 |Programmable Logic Systems | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Željko Butković, Karolj Skala |

Electronic system integration on the chip. Realisation and characteristics of the PLD and FPGA technologies. Structural analyses of the programmable logic systems. Programmable celular logic and logic functions. Definition of the primitives and macrocells. Multiple array matrics and Logic array blocks. Generic PLD structure and biblioteque development. Time transients, timing simulations and emulations and the clock signals in programmable logic devices. Personalisation methods with logic user functions. CAE tools for programming integrated circuits. Reliability and testing programmable logic systems. Dynamic adaptability of the hardware and creation reprogrammable ASIC as a virtual hardware. Practical applications in various fields.


|1. |Nigel P. Cook, Digital Electronics with PLD Integration, Prentice Hall, 2000. |

|2. |Vayne Wolf, FPGA Based System Design, Prentice Hall, 2004. |

|3. |Patrick Kane, Xilinx Laboratory Manual to Acompany Cook's Digital Electronics with PLD Integration, Xilinx, 2001. |

|ZER22D2 |Programming Language Translation in Distributed Computing Systems | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Siniša Srbljić, Dalibor Vrsalović |

Distributed programming models: shared-state, message-passing, remote procedure call (remote method invocation), code on demand, remote evaluation, mobile agents, mobility attributes, peer-to-peer, service-oriented, speculative execution, and hybrid models. Distributed programming issues: portability, interoperability, uncertainty, and adaptability. Interface and resource languages definition, parsing, syntheses, and generation. Language translation processes in distributed systems. Autoparallelization. Runtime compilation. Data and task parallelization. Language translation in service-oriented systems. Service parallelization. Language translation in grid systems. Distributed program optimization. Latency tolerance. Load and traffic balancing. Data management. Distributed caches. Cache coherence protocols and consistency models. Analytical performance prediction and performance analysis assistant models for cache coherence protocols. Case study: language translation in MidArc system.


|1. |D. Grune, H. E. Bal, C. J. H. Jacobs, K. G. Langendoen: Modern Compiler Design, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2000 |

|2. |S.S. Muchnick.: Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco, 1997. |

|3. |P. Van Roy and S. Haridi: Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming, MIT Press, 2004 |

|ZOM17D1 |Quality Management and Metrology | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Mladen Boršić, Nikica Hlupić |

International and regional standardisation, measurement and testing organizations (ISO, IEC, CEN, CENELEC, OIML, BIPM, EA, ILAC, WELEMC, NCSL, IMEKO). The requirements for quality management of the series of standards ISO 9000. The requirements on testing and calibration laboratories: management requirements, quality system, document control, contracting and subcontracting of tests and calibrations, complaints, corrective actions, preventive actions, control of records, internal audits, environmental conditions, traceability, sampling, assurance of quality of test and calibration results, reporting the results. Accreditation and certification. The estimation of uncertainty in measurement and the expression of measuring results. CE mark.


|1. |Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement; ISO, 1993 |

|2. |General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories; EN 17025: 2000 |

|3. |Calibration: Philosophy and Practice, FLUKE, Second Edition, 1994 |

|ZPM21D2 |Quantitative Methods in Risk Management | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Zoran Bohaček, Damir Kalpić |

Quantitative risk evaluation in credit granting and account management. Using credit scoring concepts in other fields, e.g. insurance or Internet, analysing and predicting visitors' interactions. Neural networks applied for detecting fraud in card transactions. Technical analysis of data in equity and commodity markets and its usage in making future trading decisions.


|1. |EDWARD M. LEWIS: An Introduction to Credit Scoring, Fair, Isaac & Co., 1994. |

|2. |ROBERT J. SCHALKOFF: Artificial Neural Networks, McGraw-Hill, 1997. |

|3. |STEVEN B. ACHELIS: Technical Analysis from A to Z, Irwin, 1995. |

|ZFI03C1 |Quantum mechanics - selected topics | |Autumn - F |

|Teaching staff: | Dubravko Horvat |

Historical overview. Quantum mechanical postulates. Quantization of translational and rotational degrees of freedom. Satationary states. Harmonic oscillator in Dirac representation. Phonons and coherent states. Mathematical formalism: operators, observables, Hilbert space. Symmetries and transformations. The Clebsch-Gordan coefficients. Approximative methods: perturbation theory, varionational methods, WKB approximation. Second quantization. Special topics from electromagnetic and thermal properties of quantum systems.


|1. |N. ZETILLI: Quantum Mechanics - Concepts and Applications, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2001. |

|2. |J. SINGH: Quantum Mechanics - Fundamentals and Applications to Technology, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1997. |

|3. |B. H. BRANSDEN I C. J. JOACHAIN: Quantum Mechanics (2. ed) and Physics of Atoms and Molecules, Pearson Education, |

| |Harlow, 2003. |

|GFS09C1 |Queueing Theory | |Autumn - F |

|Teaching staff: | Ilko Brnetić |

Main definitions and models in queueing theory. Main mathematical models: Markov chains, Markov processes, processes of birth and death. Stationarity. Ergodicity. Main quantities and parameters: interarrival time, servicing time, tail lenght, waiting time; theirs expectations and dispersions. Stationary distributions. Klasification of queues and services. Systems of type M/M/n. Erlang systems and theirs properties. Some nonmarkovian systems.


|1. |Ž. Pauše: Vjerojatnost, informacija, stohastički procesi, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2003. |

|ZFI09D2 |Radiation Detectors and Electronic Instrumentation for Particle and Nucle | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Tomislav Petković |

Radiation interactions with materials of the detectors. Detectors based on the electromagnetic interactions (particles passing through the detectors), and on the visual effects (tracks of the particles, photographic emulsions). Types of the detectors according to the energy scale: gaseous counters, scintillation detectors, semiconductors and solid-state detectors, TOF-detectors, multiwire proportional chambers, time-projection chambers, Eerenkov counters, electromagnetic and hadronic shower calorimeters. Pulse generation and shaping in the detectors; resolution in time, position, and energy. Logic and electronics diagrams in the physics experiments. Methods for the analog pulse processing and conversion into digital data (TDC, ADC, FADC). Instrumentation standards and electronic components for the physics experiments (NIM, CAMAC, FASTBUS). Counting statistics and statistical methods for the data analysis. Numerical simulations of responses of the detectors. The great experiments of modern physics. Laboratory test measurements based on the simple detectors and spectrometers.


|1. |W. R. LEO: Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments: A How-to Approach, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, |

| |1994. |

|2. |G. F. KNOLL: Radiation Detection and Measurement, 3rd edition, J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 2000. |

|3. |T. PETKOVIĆ: Eksperimentalna fizika i spoznajna teorija, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2004. |

|ZVF05D2 |Radiocommunication Systems | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Ervin Zentner, Robert Nađ |

Time-frequency representation of modulated signals. The impulse response, amplitude and phase characteristics of the radio channel. Characteristics of radio channel with multipath propagation, the model with two and three rays. Principles of adaptive equalization. Rake receiver. Channel coding. Convolutional coding, coding gain, trellis coded modulation, Viterbi algorithm for decoding, hard and soft decoding. Effect of noise and interference between neighboring radio channels with the same and different type of modulation. Diversity technique and processing of signals. Frequency, space and time efficiency of radiocommunication systems. Digital modulation techniques suitable for mobile communications. Power and bandwidth constrains.


|1. |Haykin, S., Communication Systems, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1994. |

|2. |Zentner, E., Radiokomunikacije, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1989. |

|3. |Rappaport, T.S., Wireless Communications Principles and Practice, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1996. |

|ZEA03D2 |Receiving Tehnique in Digital Transmission | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Ivan Jelenčić, Hrvoje Domitrović |

Characteristics of receivers used for digital transmission. Aerial systems and receiver circuits (LNC, amplifiers, frequency converters, filters, demodulators, and decoders: demultiplexing, error correction, descrambling, and D/A conversion). DSR, DAB and DRM digital broadcasting systems. Perceptual audio coding (MPEG Layer I, II and III). Systems for mobile receiving. Multimedia contents of digital radio-broadcasting systems. Linking of DAB and DRM receivers with computer equipment. Measurements on digital receivers.


|1. |P. DAMBACHER: Digital Bradcasting, R.v. Decker, 1994. |

|2. |J. BENTNER: Digitaler Satellitenrundfunk (DSR) Radio-Fernsehen Elektronik 41, (1992) 6, 7. |

|3. |G. PLENGE: ADB -A new sound broadcasting system , Reprint from EBU, Review, Geneva, 1991. |

|ZER08D2 |Reliability and Fault-tolerance of Computer Systems | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Uroš Peruško, Vlado Sruk |

Origin and characteristics of faults. Fault, error and failure. Fault modelling. System reliability. Fault distributions. Repairable systems and availability. Safety. Testability. Principles of reliable systems design. Dependable computer systems. Hardware, software, time and information redundancy. Techniques for high availability, fault tolerance, monitoring, detection, diagnosis, recovery and graceful service degradation. Software fault tolerance and reliability. Design for testability. Reliability evaluation. Hardware and software fault tolerance architectures.


|1. |D. Siewiorek, R. Swarz, The Theory and Practice of Reliable System Design, Digital Press, Bedford, 1992. |

|2. |J.C. Geffroy, G. Motet: Design of Dependable Computing Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2002. |

|3. |J. Voas, J. Bechta, M. Vouk: Developing Fault Tolerant Software, IEEE Press, 2002. |

|ZEN21D1 |Risk Analysis | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Nenad Debrecin, Dejan Škanata |

Definitions and Terminology. Structure of Risk Analysis. Risk Assessment. Hazard Identification. Probability Assessment. Exposure Assessment. Consequence Assessment. Risk Characterization. Sensitivity Analysis. Uncertainty Analysis. Risk Management. Cost-effectiveness and Risk-Benefit Analysis. Decision Making Process. Risk Communication. Risk Acceptance Criteria. Risk Perception. Risk and Safety. Environmental Risk Assessment. Technological Risks.


|1. |D. M. Byrd, C. R. Cothern: Introduction to Risk Analysis, Government Institutes, 2000. |

|2. |R. Wilson, E. A. C. Crouch: Risk-Benefit Analysis, Harvard University Press, 2001. |

|3. |L. A. Cox: Risk Analysis, Fundations, Models and Methods, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. |

|ZEN20D1 |Safety Analyses of Nuclear Power Plants | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Nikola Čavlina, Davor Grgić |

Postulated initiating events (internal, external), Probabilistic analyses (fault tree, event tree, Level 1-3), Deterministic analyses, Analyses of transients and accidents using system code (RELAP5), Subchannel core calculation (COBRA), Core safety limits, Thermal and mechanical calculation of fuel rod (FRAPCON), Analyses of reactivity initiated accidents (PARCS), Containment calculation (GOTHIC), Consequences calculation for radioactive effluents release and risk to the environment (MACCS, COSYMA)


|1. |Applications of Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) for Nuclear Power Plants, IAEA TECDOC Series No. 1200, 2001 |

|2. |Accident Analysis for Nuclear Power Plants, Safety Reports Series No. 23, IAEA, 2002 |

|3. |D Feretić, N. Čavlina, N. Debrecin, Nuklearne elektrane, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1995 |

|ZVF13D1 |Satellite Communications | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Krešimir Malarić |

Sending satellite into space and orbit preservation. Satellite orbits; low (LEO); medium (MEO) and geo-stationary (GEO). Frequencies, components, antennas, power supply. Signal transmission, propagation time. Atmospheric influence. Polarisation. Spectrum. Modulations. Specific problems in multiple access. Noise temperature. Application of satellite communication systems. Broadcasting and meteorological satellites. Inter satellite communications. Power flux density, G/T. Satellite link budget. Problem of non-linear satellite transponders. Coverage area. Earth station. VSAT. Satellite mobile phones.


|1. |Jules E. Kadish, Thomas W. R. East, Satellite Communications Fundamentals, Artech House, 2000. |

|2. |Gérard Maral, Michel Bousquet, Satellite Communication Systems, 3rd edition, Wiley 1998. |

|3. |Galić, R.: Telekomunikacije satelitima, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1993 |

|ZFI01C1 |Selected Topics in Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Engineering | |Autumn - F |

|Teaching staff: | Dubravko Pevec, Mile Baće |

Nuclear forces. Nuclear models. Nuclear scattering and nuclear reactions. Fission. Theoretical model of fission. Nuclear characteristics of nuclides important for fission power technology. Possibilities of utilization of energy from U238 and Th232. Accelerator production of fissile material. Fusion. Energy losses in plasma and criterion for selfsustainable fusion reaction. Fusion reactions at high temperatures. Nuclear magnetic resonance. Radiation protection. Biological effects of radiation and doses. Transport and Monte Carlo calculational methods.


|1. |J. LILLEY: Nuclear Physics - Principles and Applications, Wiley, New York, 2001. |

|2. |J. LAMARSH, A. BARATTA: Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, Prentice Hall, London, 2001. |

|3. |R. MURRAY: Nuclear Energy - An Introduction to the Concepts, Systems, and Applications of Nuclear Processes, |

| |Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston, 2001. |

|IRB05C2 |Selected Topics in Semiconductor Physics | |Spring - F |

|Teaching staff: | Vesna Borjanović, Branko Pivac |

Electronic, optical and mechanical properties of semiconductor materials. Elemental and compound semiconductors. Optical phenomena in semiconductors. Methods of characterizing semiconductor materials. Physics of transport electronics. Physics of opto-electronics. Physics of quantum electronics. Defects in semiconductors. Influence of defects on electrical, optical and mechanical properties of semiconductors. Role of defects on electronic device performance. Defects and process technology. Microelectronic technology and chalenges of 21st century. Strategy beyond the limit of CMOS scaling. The future of SOI MOSFET technology. Limits of silicon and future after silicon. The mechanism of DNA conductivity. The future of photovoltaics.


|1. |S. M. Sze: Physics of Semiconductors, J. Wiley, New York, 1981/H. Ibach, H. Luth: Solid-State Physics, Springer |

| |Verlag, Heidelberg, 1996 |

|2. |P. M. Yu, M. Cordona:Fundamentals of Semiconductors, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 1996 |

|3. |Semiconductors Materials and Process Technology Handbook for VLSI and ULSI, Edited by G. E. McGuire, 1988, Noyes |

| |Publication, Park Ridge, New Jersey, USA. |

|ZMS04D1 |Selected Topics on Digital Image Processing | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Sven Lončarić, Davor Petrinović |

Human visual system. 2-D linear systems and signals. Random fields. Image representation. Image sampling and quantization. 2-D discrete transforms. Image enhancement. Point operations. Histogram modeling. Spatial operations. Median filter. Image restoration. Inverse and pseudoinverse filter. Wiener filter. Geometric transformations. Affine transformations. Non-linear transformations. Image processing software. Applications in biomedicine, communications, robotics, and industrial vision.


|1. |M. Sonka, V. Hlavac, R. Boyle: Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision, 2nd Ed., Brooks/Cole, 1999 |

|2. |A. K. Jain: Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1989 |

|3. |W. K. Pratt: Digital Image Processing. 2nd Ed., John Wiley, London, 1991 |

|ZMS02C1 |Signal Theory | |Autumn - F |

|Teaching staff: | Hrvoje Babić, Damir Seršić |

Models of continuous and discrete signals. Classifications. Linear operators. Mapping. Duration, bandwidth and dimensionality of signals. Random signals and their spectra. White and colored noise. Spectrum analysis. Optimum filtering. Parameter estimation. Signal detection. Bit error ratio. Time-frequency signal processing. Wavelet transform and wavelet filter banks. Applications in de-noising, feature extraction and compression.


|1. |F. DE COULON: Signal Theory and Processing, Artech House, Dedham, 1986. |

|2. |A. PAPOULIS: Signal Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1977. |

|3. |Strang G. and Nguyen T.: Wavelets and Filter Banks, Wellesley-Cambridge Press 1996, ISBN 0-9614088-7-1 |

|ZTE24D2 |Software Life Cycle Processes | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Željka Car |

Software process definition, software life cycle. Models of software processes. Measurement and metrics. Requirements engineering process. Requirements verification and management. Requirements engineering methods and tools. Agile methods for software development, comparison with traditional development models. Software testing process. Software maintenance process. Simulation and analysis of software process. Software process quality. Process documentation. Case studies on practical implementation of software processes in R&D organizations.


|1. |D. GARMUS, D. HARRON: Measuring the Software Process. Prentice-Hall, 1996. |

|2. |R. R. YOUNG: Effective Requirements Practices. Addison-Wesley, 2001. |

|3. |I. LOVREK: Modeli telekomunikacijskih procesa - Teorija i primjena Petrijeve mreže, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1997. |

|ZEA08D1 |Sound in Multimedia Systems | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Hrvoje Domitrović |

Digitalization of sound. Compression and reduction of audio data and systems based on perceptual coding. Formats used in audio transmission and recording. Digital audio interfaces. Demands on hardware used for receiving, processing and recording digital audio information. Sound cards for professional purposes. Standards and measurements on digital audio devices for multimedia applications. Sound in multimedia presentations. Sound synthesis and virtual sound fields. Multichannel digital audio systems used for sound recording, processing and reproduction. Required acoustical properties of spaces used for multichannel reproduction.


|1. |K. C. POHLMANN: Principles of Digital Audio, McGraw-Hill Professional; 2000. |

|2. |P. R. COOK: Real Sound Synthesis for Interactive Applications, A K Peters Ltd; 2002. |

|3. |M. BOSI, R. E. GOLDBERG: Introduction to Digital Audio Coding and Standards, Kluwer Academic Publishers; 2002. |

|ZES05D2 |Special Electrical Drives | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Drago Ban, Ivan Gašparac |

The structure of electrical drives. Characteristics of electromechanical and electrical power converters in an electrical drive. Characteristics of working mechanisms. Energy and signal flows in a plant. The dynamics of electrical motor drives. Mathematical models. Applications of the similarity law to the parts of a electrical motor. Criteria for selecting a motor and the parts of electrical drives. The fundamentals of protecting heavy electrical motor drives. The electrical drives for the explosive atmosphere. Electrical drives diagnosis.


|1. |B.Jurković: Elektromotorni pogoni, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1987. |

|2. |W. Leonhard: Control of Electrical Drives, Springer-Verlag, 1996. |

|3. |V.I.Ključev: Teorija elektroprivoda (na ruskom), Energoatomizdat, Moskva, 1985. |

|ZVF11D1 |Spread Spectrum Systems | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Robert Nađ |

Transmission spectrum widening, spread-spectrum characteristics, interference and jamming margin. Processing gain, direct-sequence spread-spectrum systems (DSSS). Characteristics and generation of PN sequences. Frequency hopping, slow and fast hopping systems. Chirp FM systems. Hybrid spread-spectrum, FH/DS modulation. Coding, autocorrelation and crosscorrelation of codes, high-rate code generation. CDMA. RAKE receiver. Initial synchronization and acquisition, sliding correlator. Signal tracking. Tau-Dither and Delay-Lock tracking. Frequency hop synchronization. Global positioning system fundamentals.


|1. |R. C. Dixon: Spread Spectrum Systems with Commercial Applications,3rd. Ed., John Wiley&Sons,1994. |

|2. |R. E.Ziemer, R. L.Peterson, D. E. Borth : Introduction to Spread Spectrum Communications, Prentice Hall Engineering, |

| |1995. |

|3. |M. K. Simon, J. K.Omura, R. A. Scholtz, B. K. Levitt: Spread Spectrum Communications Handbook, Revised Edition, |

| |McGraw-Hill, 1994. |

|ZER28D2 |Statistical Learning | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Bojana Dalbelo Bašić |

Statistical inference and learning methods with high dimensional data applied to prediction, classification and clustering problems. Multivariate regression. Logistic regression. Discriminant analysis. Data visualisation and dimensionality reduction. Clustering and principal component analysis with neural networks. Kernel methods and support vector machines. Model assessment, selection and complexity. Case studies: satistical learning models in bioinformatics (DNA microarrays gene expression data), financial prediction, web and text mining.


|1. |Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman, The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and |

| |Prediction, Springer Series in Statistics, 2001. |

|2. |Michael W. Berry, Survey of Text Mining: Clustering, Classification, and Retrieval, Springer Verlag, 2003. |

|ZER21D1 |Storage Systems | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Uroš Peruško, Vlado Sruk |

Memory as the element of the architecture of computer systems. Memory hierarchy, different memory policies tradeoffs. Cache memory. Managing data coherence. Modern high-performance semiconductor memories. Memory modules organization. Fault-tolerant memories. Memory reliability and testing. Direct access memories. Disk array organization. Virtual memory systems. Coding methods in storage devices. Network storage systems. Mass memories. File systems. Crash recovery and integrity maintenance. Back-up management and disaster recovery. Storage security. Advanced memory systems.


|1. |A. K. Sharma: Semiconductor Memories, Two-Volume Set, Wiley-IEEE Press, New Jersey, 2003. |

|2. |T. W.McDaniel, R. Victora: Handbook of Magneto-Optical Data Recording, William Andrew Publishing, New York, 1997. |

|3. |R. H. Thornburgh, B. J. Schoenborn: Storage Area Networks: Designing and Implementing a Mass Storage System, Prentice|

| |Hall PTR, New York, 2000. |

|ZPM19D2 |Structured Programming Techniques | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Marijan Đurek, Krešimir Fertalj |

Structured programming and structured programs, modular programming. Diagramming techniques. Functional decomposition. Structured analysis and design techniques. Automated techniques, HOS methodology. Database planning, logical database design and automated data modeling. Software verification, validation and testing. Automated test tools. Improving design of existing code. Reverse engineering. Reusable software. UML.


|1. |J.MARTIN, C.MCCLURE: Structured Techniques, The Basis for Case, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1988. |

|2. |S. MCCONNELL: Code Complete, MS Press, 2004. |

|3. |M.FOWLER: Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code, Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series, 1999 |

|PMF01C2 |Superconductivity - physics and Applications | |Spring - F |

|Teaching staff: | Amir Hamzić |

Basic properties (ideal conductivity, the Meissner effect). Characteristics of low- and high- temperature superconductors. Type I and type II superconducting materials; critical magnetic fields and currents. The London model. Thermodynamical properties. Phenomenological Ginzburg-Landau theory; mixed state. Basic principles of the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer model. Large and small scale applications of the classical and high-Tc superconductivity (research, industry, medicine, power-lines, transport).


|1. |C. KITTEL: Introduction to Solid State Physics, Wiley, New York, 1986. |

|2. |M. CYROT, D. PAVUNA: Introduction To Superconductivity and High Tc Materials, World Scientific Publishing Co., |

| |Singapore, 1992. |

|3. |V. KNAPP, P. COLIĆ: Uvod u električna i magnetska svojstva materijala, Šk.knjiga, Zagreb, 1990. |

|ZER29D1 |System-on-a-Chip Design | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Joško Radej, Žarko Nožica |

A methodology for transforming system specification into a silicon device. Hardware software co-design. Timing driven block design. Semiconductor Intellectual property block based designs. Integration platform design. Platform based system design Derivative design methodology. Integration platform examples for different applications.


|1. |Farzad Nekoogar, Faranak Nekoogar: From ASICs to SOCs: A Practical Approach, Prentice Hall, 2003 |

|2. |W. Mueller, W. Rosenstiel and J. Ruf: SystemC Methodologies and Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers,Boston, 2003|

|3. |Dirk Jansen et al. The Electronic Design Automation Handbook, Kluwer Academic Publishing, Boston, 2003. |

|ZMS11D1 |Systems for Measurement Nonelectrical Values | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Ante Šantić, Zoran Stare |

Measurement channel. Interface between sensors and signal conditioning and processing elements. Passive and active sensors for measurement of mechanical, thermal and light quantities. Light measurement with charge coupled devices (CCD). Bridge circuits. Measurement amplifiers. Linearization of input-output characteristic. A/D conversion and computer interface. Distant and multichannel measurements. Spectrophotometers based upon absorption of ultraviolet, visible and infrared radiation. Atomic spectrophotometers based upon emission and absorption of radiation. Spectrometers based upon nuclear magnetic resonance. Mass spectrometry. Gas liquid chromatographs.


|1. |W.Bolton: Measurement and Instrumentation Systems, Butterworth -Heinemann. Oxford, Boston, Johannesburg, Melborne. |

| |1996. |

|2. |A. ŠANTIĆ: Elektronička instrumentacija, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 3. izdanje 1993. |

|3. |M. J. USHER, D. A.KEATING: Sensors and Transducers, MacMillan Press Ltd., London, 1996. |

|ZTE07D1 |Telecommunication Network Management | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Marijan Kunštić, Mirko Randić |

Elements of multi-level hierarchical systems theory. Problem space of the manageable processes in telecommunication network. Telecommunications network and service management system architectures. Unifying the infrastructure of management system by TMN concept. Open distributed processing (ODP). TINA platform. Global model of distributed management system. CORBA-based telecommunication network management system. Policy-based management. Intelligent and mobile agents as management problem solvers. Formal models of cooperation and coordination between agents.


|1. |L. G. RAMAN: Fundamentals of Telecommunication Network Management, IEEE Press 1999. |

|2. |D. K. UDUPA: TMN - Telecommunication Management Network, McGraw-Hill, 1999. |

|3. |G. WEISS (ED.): Multiagent Systems, The MIT Press, 1999. |

|ZTE10D2 |Telecommunication System Design | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Ignac Lovrek, Gabor Nemeth |

Telecommunication system architecture, programming systems and languages, distributed and parallel processing. Control, demand, data and information driven processing. Methodology for large system development: abstract models, from informal problem statement to formal proof of correct solution. New generation network architecture, domains and layers. Mobile networks based on all-IP and pure IP approach. Mobility management: strategies and knowledge-based concepts. Case studies: mobile Internet, personal mobility, security of networks, services and applications.


|1. |YI-BING. LINI. CHLAMATAC: Wireless and Mobile Network Architectures, Wiley Computer Publishing, 2001. |

|2. |D. MINOLI, A. SCHMIDT: Internet Architectures, Wiley Computer Publishing, 1999. |

|3. |I. JACOBSON, M. CHRISTERSON, P. JONSSON, G. OVERGAARD: Object Oriented Software Engineering- A Use Case Driven |

| |Approach, Addison-Wesley, 1995. |

|ZPM17D1 |The Fundamentals of Game Theory | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Ljubo Marangunić |

Definition of n.person game. Games in extensive form. Decomposition of a game. Strategies and the normal form. One-person and two-person games. Zero-sum games. Mixed strategies. Games with complete information. The minimax theorem. Computation of optimal strategies.


|1. |G. OWEN: Game theory, Saunders Company, London, 1968. |

|2. |S. KARLIN: Mathematical methods and theory in games, programming and economics, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co, New |

| |York, 1959. |

|IET06D1 |Theory of Power Circuit Breakers | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Ante Miliša, Nikola Švigir |

Selected chapters of the electric contact theory. Applications of the electric arc theory to the specific problems of switching devices. Characteristics and design of switching devices. Device-network interaction. Transient phenomena caused by the action of circuit breakers. Measures for limiting the switching voltages. Testing of switching devices. Direct and synthetic testing methods for the breaking capacity of circuit breakers. Diagnostic and monitoring methods. Standardization.


|1. |B.Belin: Uvod u teoriju električnih sklopnih aparata, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1978. |

|2. |C. H. Flurscheim: Power Circuit Breakers - Theory and Design, Peter Peregrinus Ltd., London, 1975. |

|3. |K. Ragaller: Current Interuption in HV Networks, Plenum Press, New York, 1980. |

|ZVF20D1 |Theory of Wireless Communication Systems | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Dina Šimunić |

General communication theory. Random processes, probability distribution. Signal and noise characteristics, channel characteristics and response. Spectral efficiency of different systems. Components of wireless communications system. Detection of signal in noise, optimization. Transmission of digital signals in the presence of Gaussian noise. Coding processes in transmission and recording of digital data.


|1. |I. Stojmenovic: Handbook of Wireless Networks, John Wiley & Sons, 2002. |

|2. |W. R. STONE: Review of Radio Science, 1993-1996, Oxford University Press, 1996. |

|3. |M. B. ALLEN, J. HERRERA, G. F. PINDER: Numerical Modeling in Science and Engineering, J. Wiley, 1998. |

|IET01D1 |Transformers | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Tomislav Kelemen, Zvonimir Valković |

Power two-windings and three-windings transformers and autotransformers. Stabilizing winding and the tertiary. Problems of a parallel auto-transformer's winding in a three-winding operation and protective measures. Selection of the tertiary insulation level and accessories on a tertiary, protective measures and priorities. Transformer-network interaction.


|1. |Members of the Staff of M.I.T.: Magnetic Circuits and Transformers. The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, |

| |(XIV.) 1962., (XV.) 1965. |

|2. |L. F. Blum: Transformer Engineering. J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1971. |

|3. |A. J. & P. Franklin: Transformer Handbook. Butterworths, London, 1988. |

|ZEA05D1 |Ultrasonic Transducers and Systems | |Autumn - S |

|Teaching staff: | Branko Somek, Bojan Ivančević |

Transmission and reception of sound waves. Transmission and reception impedance characteristics. Theorem of reciprocity. Efficiency coefficient. Directive systems, sound beamwidth, directivity index. Types of transducers. Substitute schemes. Simulation of certain features in transducer planning. Measuring hydrophones. Transducers in medical diagnostics, therapy and surgery. Visualization in medical processes. High power transducers. Passive and active systems. Choosing the optimal frequency. Measurements on transducers. Hydroacoustical detection and communication.


|1. |J.R. Urick: Principles of Underwater Sound, McGraw - Hill |

|2. |J.R. Frederick: Ultrasonic Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, New York |

|3. |H. Kuttruff: Physik und Technik des Ultraschalls, S. Hirzel Verlag, Stuttgart |

|ZOM18D2 |Validation of Software in Testing and Calibration Laboratories | |Spring - S |

|Teaching staff: | Mladen Boršić |

A model of a measurement system. Validation procedure. Standards and legal regulations. Risk assessment - analysis of a measurement system to make an objective assessment of the likely risks associated with software errors. Risk factors: criticality of usage, legal requirements, impact of complexity of control, complexity of processing of data, risk versus reliability. Software integrity requirements. Types of software in measurement systems. Software validation techniques - independent audit, review of the informal specification, software inspection, mathematical and formal specification, static analysis, code review, numerical stability, component testing, back-to-back testing. Configuration and change management.


|1. |General Principles of Software Validation; Final Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff; U.S. Department of Health and |

| |Human Services, Food and Drug Administration; January 11, 2002 |

|2. |Software Requirements on the Basis of the Measuring Instruments Directive; WELMEC 7.1 (Issue 1), European cooperation|

| |in legal metrology; October 1999 |

|3. |NT Techn report 535 - Method of Software Validation; Nordtest; July 2003 |

Financial aspects and administrative procedures

1 Tuition

The tuition for MSc degree is 4,300.00 EUR.

The additional tuition for PhD study after MSc degree is 2,160.00 EUR.

The costs of study for the MSc degree are to be covered before enrolment into the 1st, 2nd and 3rd semester, one third of the overall costs at a time, or entirely before the enrolment into the 1st semester.

Differential costs for doctoral study are to be covered before enrolment into the 4th and 5th semester, a half at a time, or entirely before the enrolment into the 4th semester.

A candidate who breaks the study, has to cover the rest of costs accordingly to the price valid for the current generation when the study is continued.

The candidate covers additional costs for issuing of the degree certificates.

2 Workplace costs

A postgraduate student may wish to assure working facilities within the Faculty. This comprises exclusive use of a workplace within one of the Faculty laboratories, supplied with a network-connected PC and access to a network printer.

The additional costs for such a workplace are 1,440.00 EUR per semester.

3 Board & Lodging

Board & lodging costs in Zagreb can be estimated at 800 EUR/month. About 200 Euro is a modest flat of about 35 m2, while the rest is for food and other expenses, tuition excluded.

The Faculty does not provide any service regarding board & lodging. Advertisements about board & lodging facilities can be found in local press and the student is supposed to make his or her own arrangements.

4 Insurance

Health insurance is highly recommended. The basic health insurance can be covered after a payment of 540 HRK (75 EUR) per month.

5 Visa regulations

For citizens of some countries a valid Croatian visa is required. It can be obtained in a Croatian consular service after a certificate is issued from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing stating that the application for Postgraduate study has been received.

For that purpose an applicant should send to the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing following:

1. Filled-in Application form (Form PS-1/2001, see Chapter 8),

2. Photocopy of passport pages containing the photograph and personal data,

3. Authorised copy of the Graduation certificate,

4. Curriculum description of the study completed.

The Faculty will send the acknowledgement of the received application back to the applicant.

If required for the applicant's country of origin, the applicant may ask for a visa at a Croatian consular service. The applicant may obtain a Visitor's visa or a Visa with Residence permit. If no Residence permit was issued, the applicant has to report personally within 24 hours upon arrival to Croatia to the Police office for foreign citizens in Zagreb, Petrinjska 30 to obtain the Residence permit. To obtain the Residence permit, the Faculty certificate of Postgraduate study application or enrolment is required. Furthermore, a proof of financial credibility is required. It can be a certificate of scholarship from a company, parents' guaranty authorised in the country of origin, bank account certificate from the country of origin or from a local bank. The maximum single validity of a Residence permit is one year.

The Residence permit can be prolonged by the Ministry of labour and social welfare in Zagreb, Radnička cesta 1, after a certificate of enrolment in Postgraduate study at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing is issued.

The above regulations are presented to our best current knowledge and may be subject to change without notice. Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing will try to offer reasonable support in solving possible problems, which our postgraduate student may face during his or her stay in Croatia.

6 Miscellanies

More information about Croatia and Zagreb can be found on .

Current information about the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing can be found on .

Currently, the contact person in charge of the Postgraduate study is Professor Željko Štih, vice-dean (

7 Presentation of the administrative procedures


Forms & Instructions




To include the PhD and MSc theses of students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing into public databases and enable their retrieval and browsing over Internet, the material has to be delivered also in a computer-readable form. The thesis in paper form should be accompanied by a CD consisting of following files:

1. title, abstract, keywords in Croatian and in one of foreign languages (English, German or French) in ASCII format;

2. candidate's curriculum vitae in ASCII format;

3. entire text of the thesis together with all appendices (completely corresponding to the paper version) in PDF format.

If necessary, the Faculty can provide Acrobat software to produce the PDF format.

The basic version of the PDF formatted file is built from Postscript by Acrobat Distiller, or by selecting the PDF writer as printer from the applied text processor. After that, chapter titles should be added to bookmarks by Acrobat Exchanger. It should be set that the PDF document is opened with visible bookmarks and the text.

The CD should be labelled with candidate's name and surname and the date of the thesis defence.

Duty of the candidate's mentor is to check the correctness and completeness of the delivered thesis.

Form PS-1/2002-1



Unska 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Contact information:

Phone: _____________________________________________

E-mail: __________________________________________________

To the Faculty Secretary

Application for enrolment in the Postgraduate study to achieve the MSc or PhD degree

I apply for enrolment in Postgraduate study in 1st or 5th semester (underline appropriate).

Scientific field:


Workplace required (Yes / No)______________________________________



Name of father (mother):

Place, community and state of birth:


Permanent address in country of origin:_______________________________


Year of birth _________________ Year of graduation

University and Faculty name and the achieved academic degree

Average success on examinations in undergraduate and postgraduate study

Final success in the undergraduate study

Employed in

Scholarship provided by (if any) :

Brief argumentation for the choice of field and branch

Form PS-1/2002-2

Specific interest within the postgraduate study:

Proposed mentor:

Proposed enrolment in courses:

|Serial No |Course code |Semester (1,2,3,5) |Lecturer |Course |Mentor's signature |

|1. | | | | | |

|2. | | | | | |

|3. | | | | | |

|4. | | | | | |

|5. | | | | | |

|6. | | | | | |

|7. | | | | | |

|8. | | | | | |

|9. | | | | | |

|10. | | | | | |

Zagreb, _____________________


Candidate's signature

Filled-in by the Board:

The Board nominates as mentor:

Mentor's signature:

Form PS-2/2002



Name and surname: _____________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________

Phone: _____________________________________________

E-mail: __________________________________________________

To the Faculty Secretariat

Application for acceptance of MSc thesis

I am submitting for evaluation my MSc thesis titled:

I declare that I have passed all the prescribed examinations and that I have individually completed the proposed MSc thesis.

The propose thesis has been prepared according to the prescribed requirements of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb.

Zagreb,_________________ Candidate's signature________________________

1. It is confirmed that the candidate's enrolment in all the semesters has been approved, that the enrolled courses are in concordance with the application and with the Council's decision, that the candidate has passed all the examinations and has submitted the necessary publications. All the documentation is archived in the Student Administration Office.

MSc thesis title

has been approved on the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Council session dated _____________________, and the thesis has been prepared according to the Faculty requirements.

Zagreb, _______________ Chief Student Administrator_________________________________

2. Tuition has been completely paid.

Zagreb, _______________ Chief Accountant_________________________________________

3. There is no evident obstacle to proceed with the thesis evaluation.

Form PS-3/2002



Name and surname: _____________________________________________

Registration number: _____________________________________________

To the Postgraduate Scientific Study Board

Application for PhD study without completing the MSc thesis

According to the Faculty Postgraduate study regulations I inform the Board of my intention to continue with the Postgraduate doctoral study without completion of the MSc thesis. In the 4th and the 5th semester I wish to enrol in following courses:

|Serial No |Course code |Semester (4,5) |Lecturer |Course |Mentor's signature |

|1. | | | | | |

|2. | | | | | |

|3. | | | | | |

|4. | | | | | |

|5. | | | | | |

|6. | | | | | |

|7. | | | | | |

|8. | | | | | |

Argumentation for the request (if necessary, use additional paper):

Zagreb,_____________________ Candidate's signature________________________

I support the request and the choice of courses.


Mentor's signature

Form PS-4/2002



To the Postgraduate Scientific Study Board

Application for the doctoral qualification examination

Name and surname: _____________________________________________

Registration number: _____________________________________________

Enrolled in ______ semester of Postgraduate study in academic year 20___/20___.


According to the Faculty Postgraduate study regulations I apply for the doctoral qualification examination.

Foreseeable area of my doctoral thesis:

Zagreb,_____________________ Candidate's signature_____________________

*To be filled-in in two copies

Form PS-5/2002



Name and surname: _____________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________

Phone: _____________________________________________

E-mail: __________________________________________________

To the Faculty Secretariat

Application for acceptance of PhD thesis

I am submitting for evaluation my PhD thesis titled:

I declare that I have fulfilled all the prerequisites prescribed by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing and that I have individually completed the proposed PhD thesis.

The propose thesis has been prepared according to the prescribed requirements of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb.

Zagreb,_________________ Candidate's signature________________________

1. It is confirmed that the candidate has completed all the prerequisites prescribed by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. All the documentation is archived in the Student Administration Office.

PhD thesis title

has been approved on the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Council session dated _____________________, and the thesis has been prepared according to the Faculty requirements.

Zagreb, _______________ Chief Student Administrator_________________________________

2. Tuition has been completely paid.

Zagreb, _______________ Chief Accountant_________________________________________

3. There is no evident obstacle to proceed with the thesis evaluation.

Form PS-6/2002

Left margin 3.5 cm Upper margin 3.0 cm





(Arial, 14)

Candidate's name and surname

(Arial, 14)



(Arial, 20, Bold)



(Arial, 14)

(Arial, 14)

Zagreb, year

Lower margin 3.0 cm Right margin 3.0 cm

Form PS-7/2002

Left margin 3.5 cm Upper margin 3.0 cm





(Arial, 14)

Candidate's name and surname

(Arial, 14)



(Arial, 20, Bold)



(Arial, 14)

(Arial, 14)

Zagreb, year

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