righttopLEVEL OF DIFFICULTYEasy Medium Difficult ALWAYS COMPLETE ONE ACTIVITY BEFORE STARTING ANOTHER. PRESENTATION MUST BE NEAT AND THOUGHTFUL.ALL WORK MUST BE KEPT IN WORLD EXPLORATION FOLDER.BE ORGANISED AND USE YOUR TIME WISELY. FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS.ASK FOR HELP IF NEEDED.ALL WORK WILL BE MARKED BY YOUR TEACHER.1.Do one only.3976371-3810Colouring pages2. MAPPING THE EAST COAST OF AUSTRALIATrace the coast in blue.Trace Captain Cook’s route in red.Glue images next to description.3. REDCLIFFE’S FIRST SETTLEMENTRead the description of Redcliffe’s First Settlement.Look at the image provided.Draw a picture in your art block of what it would look like.Label and write a title.4.REPORT ON EARLY EXPLORER ABEL TASMAN48634653175Pose questions using 5W + HUse information booklet and note take using these questionsTo gather extra information use the webType up your report or make a power point.Make sure you include a map and illustrationsPrint5.REPORT ON EARLY EXPLORER WILLEM JANSZPose questions using 5W + HUse information booklet and note take using these questionsTo gather extra information use the webType up your report or make a power point.Make sure you include a map and illustrationsPrint6. WHY NEW SOUTH WALES?With a partner or group of 3 read the speaking parts like a play.Write the title and list 6 reasons for the settlement in New South Wales.Use lined paper.Draw a picture.7. SHOULD OUR CONVICTS BE SENT TO NEW SOUTH WALES?Read the informationUse A3Write the titleFor and Against argument. Divide page in half. Use the information to list one side the ‘For Argument’ and the other side ‘ The Against Argument’.My Opinion – write a paragraph about your opinion and give reasons for this opinion.Illustrate.8.5339715-1270CONVICT KIDSRead the information. Answer the questions.9.REWARDS AND PUNISHMENTSRead information.Name three offences and three punishments.What crime did Thomas Barrett commit and why was it so serious?Write your answers on lined paper. 10.CONVICTS OF THE FIRST FLEET Go to Life> content cell > Convicts of the First Fleet. Follow the linkYou are Governor of New South Wales and you are able to pardon three convicts. Who will you pardon and why?Task 1 – Worksheet 1 print a copy. Complete.Choose the three jobs you think will be most suitable for pardon. List them on lined paper and describe why.Task 2 – Worksheet 2. Print a copy of Worksheet 2 and follow the instructions.Task 3 – Worksheet 3. Print a copy of Worksheet 3Present your findings to the class.11.BOUND FOR BOTANY BAYRead the information. Answer the questions in full sentences.Who was the King of England in 1785?How many ships were in the First Fleet?Besides the convicts what other people were on the First Fleet?12.THE MENU FOR THE FIRST FLEETList in order 1-10 the provisions that you think are the most important and give your reasons why.List 3 things you would have left behind and why.Why did they take so much with them?Draw some of the provisions taken and labelUse lined paper.13..PECKING ORDERCut and glue the images provided on A4.Arrange in order from the most important to the least important.Label – Captain Arthur Phillip, officers, officer and wife, convicts, convict children, Aboriginal people.From the images what clues tell you about their importance? Describe in detail. Use lined paper14.SANTA MARIA MODEL1. Colour pages.2. Cut and glue together to make the model.15. SANTA MARIA COLOURING IN PAGE1. Colour.MAPPING THE EAST COAST OF AUSTRALIA CAPTAIN COOK Point HicksA dromedary Daniel SolanderSir GeorgePoint Dangercamel.Jackson Cape Capricorn Pentecost Cape Upstart Duke of Grafton Cape Tribulation Captain Cook (Whitsunday) ................

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