Acting Assignment for Hamlet

Acting Assignment for Julius Caesar

Directions: Choose one of the three “lettered options” below, the check off each directive after it is completed under the appropriate letter.

A) Recite a famous speech from Julius Caesar by yourself (the whole speech, or a minimum of 40 lines from the speech, i.e., an excerpt, but the 40 lines must be approved by me)

I) Cassius’ Explanation to Brutus of his Saving of Caesar at the Tiber River (1.2.97-137)

II) Cassius’ Speech of Brutus and Caesar’s Equality (1.2.142-170)

III) Portia’s Bedroom Pleas (Part I or Part II); (2.1.281-299; 2.1.3013-311 & 314-325)

IV) Brutus’ Explanation for the Assassination of Julius Caesar (3.2.13-36)

V) Marc Antony’s Funeral Speech (82-117)

B) Dramatize a scene or part of a scene with your peers from Julius Caesar (if the scene is short: act out the whole scene; if the scene is long: act out a main portion of the scene so that each peer gets 40 lines of dialog). The amount of people will be based on the amount of personas in the scene

I) 1.1 Caesar’s Entrance to Rome

II) 1.2 The Prophecy of the “Ides of March” OR Brutus and Caesar’s Equality Speech

III) 2.1 The Orchard Scene (first half of 2.1) OR Portia’s Bedroom Pleas

IV) 3.1 The Assassination of Caesar (first half of 3.1) OR Brutus’ Explanation of the Assassination and Marc Antony’s Funeral Speech

1. Sign up for a “letter” to act out in front of the class for a test grade (project= 100 pts).

2. Scene Mark-Up day: do the following to be turned in for a grade (Mark-ups= 15pts).

• paraphrase so that you understand every word in the scene. Your notes can be on the script or on a separate sheet of paper, but they are a part of your grade.

• Define all the words you don’t know.

• Check all pronunciation of words with which you are unfamiliar, and write down phonetic spellings (spelling a difficult word out how it sounds).

• Make sure you read over the acting notes and interpretations in the margins.

3. Director’s Notes Day: Together with the other actors in your scene, select a director (directors get 5 bonus pts). The director will tell people in the scene specifically, where they need to stand, walk, move, etc. He will tell them all how to say their lines. The actors will make notes as to what they are supposed to be doing, where they should be, what they should do, and how they should say their lines. These notes are to be turned in for a grade. Every time you are off-task (Director’s Notes= 15 pts). Everyone turns in a copy of the Director’s Stage Notes for 15 pts. Symbolizing the other actors have signed off on the director’s decisions.

4. Select props. Determine what props are needed in the scene, and bring those for the day you act.

5. Rehearsal Day: After doing all these things, you will rehearse. (Rehearse Day= 20 pts).

• First, you will sit with your group, and simply read the parts, with the director giving instructions and guidance.

• Then, after the readings are to the director’s satisfaction, you will practice acting the scene. During rehearsals, if you are not on-task, I will take 5 points off your final grade each time I have to tell you to get back to work.

6. Acting Day: On the designated day, you will act out the scene before the class, props included. You must act out the scene. Simply reading your lines will be an automatic deduction of 20 pts. You may refer to your script, but may not simply read it. However, memorization of parts are worth 10 bonus points for all. (Acting Day= 50 pts.)


Both prompt “A” and “B” will go through the same 4 major steps of this project:

1. Mark-up Day (15 pts)

• A- marking up your respective speech individually

• B- multiple actors will mark up their parts to turn in as a group

2. Director’s Note Day (15 pts)

• A- annotate his own scene with movements and tone, i.e., explaining in the margins how the scene will be staged

• B- a designated director will mark up the scene and the other actors will make copies of these annotations and everyone will turn in the “annotated script” for 15 pts.

3. Rehearsal Day (20 pts)

• A- rehearse on your own in front of Mr. Hauser

• B- the group rehearses in front of Mr. Hauser

4. Acting Day (50 pts)

• A- recite your famous speech from Julius Caesar in front of Mr. Hauser!

• B- recite your famous speech from Julius Caesar in front of Mr. Hauser!

= 100 pts; Test grade

Due Dates

Mar 6- Choosing “A” or “B”

Mar 20- Mark Ups due

Mar 25- Director’s Notes due

Apr 8- Rehearsal Day

Apr 10- Acting Day


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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