
|What is factor analysis? |A statistical procedure that identifies clusters of related items on a test. Charles Spearman |

| |found that if you score well in one area you tend to score well in other areas. |

|What is g factor? |Spearman’s idea of general intelligence. |

|Multiple intelligences? |Howard Gardner’s theory that there’s no ‘g’ factor. There’s Visual/Spatial, verbal/Linguistic, |

| |Logical/Mathematical, Bodily/Kinesthetic, Musical/Rhythmic, Interpersonal (knowing others) |

| |Intrapersonal (knowing yourself) |

|Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence? |There’s practical intelligence (common sense), analytical intelligence (Einstein), and creative |

| |intelligence (Black Eyed Peas) |

|What is emotional intelligence (EQ)? |The ability to perceive, express, understand, and regulate emotions. |

|What is Stanford-Binet intelligence test? |The IQ test measures linguistic and mathematical intelligence. It’s mental age/chronological age|

| |* 100. |

|What’s WAIS? |The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale is more respected for adults. |

|What’s aptitude vs achievement test? |Aptitude tests are designed to predict future success (SAT). Achievement tests measure current |

| |knowledge (AP test). |

|What’s standardized test? |A test that’s pre-tested on sample population – resulted in a normal distribution of scores |

| |(bell curve). |

| |[pic] |

|What is test validity? |A valid test measures what it is supposed to. An intelligence test measures intelligence, not |

| |reading ability. |

|What is test reliability? |Test results are the same again and again. |

|What is the Flynn effect? |Tendency for scores to rise over time. IQ, TAKS scores rise over time. |

|What is an autistic savant? |People who are extremely intelligent in one way, but not in others. (Steven Wiltshire can draw |

| |a city perfectly) |

|What’s fluid intelligence? |Flexible, creative intelligence that young people have. |

|What is crystallized intelligence? |Ability to learn from past experiences. Older people have this. Wisdom |

|Gender differences in intelligence? |Females tend to be better spellers, more fluent in language, remember placement of objects |

| |Guys tend to be better at special skills like mentally turning things upside down and |

| |counter-clockwise to predict what something looks like. (nurture can correct all of this) |

|Genetic influences of intelligence? |Monozygotic (identical) twins score more similarly on intelligence tests than dizygotic |

| |(fraternal) |

Intelligence notes


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