Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence -- well-developed

|Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence -- well-developed |Lectio Divina |

|verbal skills and sensitivity to the sounds, |praying with the Scriptures |

|meanings and rhythms of words |journaling |

| |spiritual reading |

| |poetry |

| |Lectionary Based prayer |

|Mathematical-Logical Intelligence -- ability to |Bible study |

|think conceptually and abstractly, and capacity to |labyrinth walking |

|discern logical or numerical patterns |Rosary |

| |Ecclesiology Studies about Church History |

|Musical Intelligence -- ability to produce and |Chant (Gregorian, Taize) |

|appreciate rhythm, pitch and timber |singing hymns |

| |playing an instrument |

| |listening to music |

| |Using recorded music |

| |Memorization -using Music rythmn |

|Visual-Spatial Intelligence -- capacity to think in |meditating on icons |

|images and pictures, to visualize accurately and |drawing or painting; handcrafts |

|abstractly |praying with pictures or photographs |

| |photography |

| |Murals |

| |Symbols |

|Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence -- ability to |body prayer; liturgical movement |

|control one's body movements and to handle |labyrinth; walking prayer- stations of the cross |

|objects skillfully |handcrafts |

| |Body postures (kneel, stand, sit) |

| |Sign of the cross- Hand movement |

| |Rosary |

|Interpersonal Intelligence -- capacity to detect |group prayer |

|and respond appropriately to the moods, |Communal worship |

|motivations and desires of others. |spiritual direction |

| |intercessory prayer |

| |Daily Prayer (“Daily Office” – morning and |

| |evening prayer) |

| |Examen prayer (Review of the Day) |

|Intrapersonal Intelligence -- capacity to be self aware |Contemplation |

|and in tune with inner feelings, values, |Meditation |

|beliefs and thinking processes |journaling |

| |Examen prayer (Review of the Day) |

| |Guided Meditation |

|Naturalist Intelligence -- ability to recognize and |hiking |

|categorize plants, animals and other objects in |being in nature |

|nature |gardening |

| |Looks at pictures of nature-- Powerpoint |

| |Natural sounds |

Multiple Intelligence and Religious Education and Prayer



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