University of Massachusetts Boston

|Goal 1: Advance student success and development |

|Objective 1: Increase the graduation rates of freshmen and transfer students… |

|By building a system of on-track indicators and pathways; expanding learning community programs; and providing developmental advising for all students, better orientation, assessment, and placement processes, more academic support, a richer campus life, and |

|teaching and learning that promotes engagement and success. Target graduation rates for fall 2015 entering cohorts: |

|60% for first-time and transfer freshmen (assumes residence halls open in fall 2014) |

|62% for transfers with sophomore status |

|73% for transfers with 60 or more credits |

|Tasks Spring 2012 |Outcome Measure |Person(s) Responsible |Status |Comments |

|Improve graduation rates by accepting and beginning implementation of |Increase the percentage of students who enter in |Provost Langley |( |The retention rate for freshmen who entered in Fall 11 increased to 78.8% up 3.8 points |

|the Graduation Rates Work Group plan. (C/SP) |fall 2011 who return for year 2 by 3 points above |Vice Provost Becker | |above the baseline of 75% for students who entered in Fall 09. The retention rate for |

|Agree to advising model, including identifying appropriate short and |fall 2009 (for freshmen and transfers); and |Deans | |transfers went down to 76.2% from 78%. |

|long-term space; hire; and deploy new advisers accordingly |increase the percentage who start year 2 on track | | |Substantial progress made on implementation and expansion of college-based learning |

|Finalize on track indicators |(at least a 2.5 GPA and 24 credits) by 5 points. | | |communities, improved course availability, strengthened advising, implementation of |

|Develop degree pathways |(C) | | |Map-Works (a technology-based retention solution), support for lagging students, |

|Develop and implement a model for ensuring short-term on-track course | | | |orientation for new students, leadership and service learning, and co-curricular |

|availability; review best practices for long-term planning | | | |experiences. |

|models/systems (see Goal 4; objective 1) | | | | |

|Implement Map Works Spring 2012 pilot | | | | |

|Develop learning community assessment and expansion plan. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Objective 2: Increase the overall percentage of tenure-stream (tenured and tenure-track) faculty to make us comparable to the best of our peers and aspirational peers |

|Raise tenure-stream faculty to 45 percent of total headcount by 2015 and to 50 percent by 2025. |

|Tasks Spring 2012 |Outcome Measure |Person(s) Responsible |Status |Comments |

|Appoint a Faculty Resource work group to analyze, project, and oversee |Plan to align new and replacement faculty TT lines|Provost Langley |( |Committee appointed. Gathering data that will inform the initial work of the committee. |

|the faculty growth, by faculty type, numbers and colleges, including |and full-time NTS lines with growth, new programs,|Faculty Resource Work | | |

|tenure-track and non-tenure track. (SP) |graduate program development developed and |Group | | |

| |approved by December 2012. | | | |

|Objective 3: Open the first residence hall by fall 2014 |

|Tasks Spring 2012 |Outcome Measure |Person(s) Responsible |Status |Comments |

|Complete a due diligence financial review by December 2011; determine |Agreement with a private developer for the use of |VC Day; |( |We conducted such a review, and initially concluded that we should proceed with plans to |

|the feasibility of negotiating an agreement in January 2012; if |existing structures as residence halls or a plan |VC O’Connor | |construct new residence halls. In early June, the private developer approached us with |

|negotiations are not begun or cannot be completed by June 2012, move |to construct new residence halls in place by July |AVC Ciccarelli | |additional information. However, we were not able to come to an agreement with the |

|forward with planning and programming for the construction of new |1, 2012. (C) | | |developer. Subsequently, we have learned that the property is currently in the process of |

|residence halls. A decision regarding our approach to campus housing | | | |being sold to the developer’s partner/investment company. Discussions will continue with |

|will be made by spring 2012. (C/SP) | | | |the buyer once the sale is completed. We have also taken a number of steps to strengthen |

| | | | |support for expanded student life on campus. |

| | | | |The Capital Plan has been revised to project the beginning of programming activity for |

| | | | |Residence Hall #1 in FY13. |

|Objective 4: Establish an Honors College |

|That enrolls five percent of the undergraduate population, signaling the university‘s ability to cater to the needs of motivated, academically talented, and educationally ambitious students. |

|Tasks Spring 2012 |Outcome Measure |Person(s) Responsible |Status |Comments |

|Accept the Honors College Committee report, work with the provost to |The honors college proposal is developed and |Provost Langley |( |Proposal developed and being refined for submission to Faculty Council in fall 2012 and |

|develop a proposal to establish an honors college, and submit the proposal|accepted by December 2012. (C) | | |then to the Board of Trustees. Preview presentation made to Faculty Council in May 2012, |

|to campus governance and then to the system office for Board of Trustee | | | |to alert members to the arrival of a full proposal in Fall 2012. Held an open forum |

|approval. (C/SP) | | | |discussion on the proposed Honors College in May 2012. See attached report on the Honors |

| | | | |College Task Force activities of this past semester. |

|Objective 5: Increase the quality of and participation in athletic and recreating programming |

|Tasks Spring 2012 |Outcome Measure |Person(s) Responsible |Status |Comments |

|Implement approved components of the Athletics Strategic Plan’s goals to |Spring 2012 priorities implemented and goals |VC Titus | | |

|provide student-athletes with a quality experience that emphasizes |achieved. | | | |

|academic and competitive excellence and to enhance campus life through | | | | |

|improved intramurals and recreational programming. Spring 2012 priorities:| | | | |

|Develop and implement an orientation program for freshmen athletes | | |( |Orientation held Sept. 12, 2012, 5:30 p.m.-6:30 pm for all first-year and transfer |

| | | | |students. Focused on the expectations for student athletes; athletic, academic and |

| | | | |community commitment; continuous enrollment; guidelines and resources for successful |

| | | | |student life and academic support. 100% attendance of all first year students. |

|Implement an annual satisfaction survey for student athletes | | |( |Draft survey completed—will collect data on all areas of the university not just |

| | | | |athletics. Finalize by December 2012 and send out to athletes in April 2013 via Survey |

| | | | |Monkey. |

|Develop a recognition program for successful student-athlete alumni | | |( |Protocols and criteria for this program are in development; reviewing and researching |

| | | | |what has been established and successful at like-institutions. |

|Implement activities aimed at increasing the visibility and value of | | |( |Beacons Tailgate parties initiated; increased the use of social media sites (Twitter, |

|intercollegiate athletics | | | |Facebook, YouTube) and overhaul of the athletics website completed. Successfully |

| | | | |broadcast all home volleyball, basketball, and ice hockey games. |

| | | | |Attendance at both basketball and ice hockey games set season-high marks, with all games|

| | | | |reaching upwards of 600 spectators per game when we hosted the tailgates. |

|Develop and obtain approval for competitive compensation packages for | | |( |Survey conducted of all LEC schools and top 25 Division III universities. Some coach’s |

|coaches | | | |salaries adjusted accordingly |

|Build and maintain high quality staff and coaches | | |( |Although full time coaches in men’s and women’s tennis, volleyball, lacrosse, or men’s |

| | | | |basketball were not hired, full time staff were hired for the following positions: Men’s|

| | | | |Head Soccer Coach, Compliance Coordinator/Assistance Academic Advisor, Community |

| | | | |Outreach and Engagement Coordinator, Director of External Development and Marketing.  We|

| | | | |anticipate hiring full time head coaches for Volleyball and Men’s Basketball in FY’14. |

|Implement a comprehensive campus recreation and health promotion | | |( |Completed CAS Self-Assessment in fall 2011; identified strategies for communication and |

|communications plan that allows for ongoing customer feedback and | | | |fostering feedback |

|assessment. | | | |comprehensive campus recreation and health promotion communications plan implemented, |

|Goal 2: Enrich and expand academic programs and research |

|Objective 1: Ensure that we offer our undergraduate students the full range of academic programs offered by all major urban research universities, |

|Doing so in stages as the faculty, staff, and operational resources are available to ensure that each new program is excellent in quality. This means implementing the new undergraduate programs currently in the pipeline such as computer and electrical engineering, |

|communications, and international relations, and continuing to develop new undergraduate programs that meet student need and demand. |

|Tasks Spring 2012 |Outcome Measure |Person(s) Responsible |Status |Comments |

|Broaden our degree programs by implementing in fall 2012 the undergraduate |New degree programs implemented. |Provost Langley |( |The Board of Trustees has approved all of these programs, which have begun recruiting |

|programs approved on campus and by the BOT during AY10-11 and 11-12. (C/SP)| | | |students for fall 2012 and spring 2013. |

|These include: | | | | |

|BS in Computer Engineering and BS in Electrical Engineering | | | | |

|BA in Communications | | | | |

|Present new programs for approval to campus governance during FY 12; |Approval process managed and completed |Provost Langley |( |Three new programs presented to the BoT during Ay 11-12 were approved. They include the |

|forward the proposals to the BOT by the end of the academic year. (C/SP) |Faculty hired | | |Graduate Certificate in Survey Research, the BS in Information Technology: Computer |

|Possibilities include: |Two new undergraduate programs are fully | | |Forensics track, and the MS and PhD in Exercise and Health Sciences. In addition Stage I|

|BS Information Technology: Computer Forensics Track |implemented during the AY 12-13. (C) | | |proposals have been approved for the first four programs listed , as well as PhDs in |

|BS International Relations | | | |Leadership in Urban Schools; Higher Education; Global Inclusion and Human Development; |

|Others as developed, propose and approved | | | |and Transnational, Cultural, and Community Studies; and an MS in Urban Planning and |

| | | | |Community Development. |

|Establish a university-wide undergraduate research program (C) |A plan for a university-wide undergraduate research|Provost Langley |( |Committee for Undergraduate Research (CURe) is developing a plan for university-wide |

| |program is developed by spring 2012. (C) | | |undergraduate research program that will be presented to the provost by 12/31/12. Pilot |

| | | | |initiative which supports faculty in the humanities, arts and social sciences to engage |

| | | | |and mentor students in research. |

|Objective 2: Develop new graduate programs in keeping with our strategic vision to improve the overall quality and competitiveness of UMass Boston’s research profile and advance the institution to national prominence |

|In a number of strategic areas, doing so in stages as the faculty, staff, and operational resources are available to ensure that each new program is excellent in quality. PhD programs are especially critical to this mission. |

|Tasks Spring 2012 |Outcome Measure |Person(s) Responsible |Status |Comments |

|Broaden our degree programs by implementing in fall 2012 the graduate |Approval process managed and completed |Provost Langley |( |The Board of Trustees has approved all of these programs, which have begun recruiting |

|programs approved on campus and by the BOT during AY10-11. (C/SP) These |Faculty hired | | |students for fall 2012 and spring 2013. |

|include: |Six new graduate programs are fully implemented | | | |

|PhD Developmental & Brain Sciences |during the AY 11-12. (C) | | | |

|PhD Counseling & School Psychology | | | | |

|PhD Global Governance & Human Security* | | | | |

|PhD Business Administration* | | | | |

|MS in Applied Economics | | | | |

|Professional MS in Computer Science | | | | |

|*needs BHE approval | | | | |

|Present new programs for approval to campus governance during FY 12; |A minimum of three new programs are presented to |Provost Langley |( |Stage I proposals have been approved for the first four programs listed: |

|forward the proposals to the BOT by the end of the academic year. (C/SP) |the Board of Trustees for approval in AY 11-12. (C)| | |PhD Applied Linguistics |

|Possibilities include: | | | |PhD Applied Physics |

|PhD Applied Linguistics | | | |Graduate Certificate Survey Research |

|PhD Applied Physics | | | |PhD Sociology |

|Graduate Certificate Survey Research | | | |Proposals also submitted for PhDs in Leadership in Urban Schools; Higher Education; |

|PhD Sociology | | | |Global Inclusion and Human Development; and Transnational, Cultural, and Community |

|PhD Comparative Public Administration | | | |Studies; and an MS in Urban Planning and Community Development. |

|Other programs/schools as developed, proposed and approved | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Objective 3: Expand the on-line offerings of the university and improve the infrastructure support for faculty teaching online courses and the academic support for students’ taking such course |

|Tasks Spring 2012 |Outcome Measure |Person(s) Responsible |Status |Comments |

|Develop a plan to expand on-line offerings, including online general |Plan to developed and approved by June 30, 2012 |Provost Langley |( |A development plan for online program offerings is |

|education courses and courses and programs in other areas | |Dean DiSalvio | |reflected in a five-year budget plan approved by A&F |

|Develop an infrastructure support plan, including a plan for incentive |Plan developed and approved by fall 2012 | |( |A draft plan for Online Faculty Support and Student Support has been prepared and will |

|arrangements that incentivizes teaching online course, a plan for an RFP | | | |be submitted for approval during the fall 2012 semester * - A financial impact plan for |

|process for the development of specific high demand online learning | | | |incentive arrangements for faculty is in the process of being prepared. An RFP process |

|offerings, a plan for Online Faculty Support, and a plan for Student | | | |for the development of specific high demand online learning offerings is currently being|

|Support. | | | |field tested. |

|Improve accessibility of on-line offerings by using Universal Design for |Implement data-driven adaptive technologies in | |( |Data-driven adaptive technologies in online courses have been initiated in fall 2012 |

|Learning principles in online courses, developing data-driven adaptive |online courses beginning fall 2012 | | | |

|technologies (i.e., hardware or software that is used to help individuals | | | | |

|with disabilities use computers) for use in online courses | | | | |

|Continue to communicate the newly adopted Incentive Revenue Sharing |Effectiveness of responses and issues ascertained | |( |Communication about the Incentive Revenue Sharing Arrangement for Intercollegiate |

|Arrangement for Intercollegiate Collaboration of Online Programs |by fall 2012 | | |Collaboration of Online Programs campus-wide continues ongoing with deans, chairs and |

|campus-wide with chairs and faculty | | | |faculty. A presentation to the Graduate Program Directors is planned for their monthly |

| | | | |meeting. |

| | | | |* Attached |

| | | | | |

|Objective 4: Expand University College |

|Tasks Spring 2012 |Outcome Measure |Person(s) Responsible |Status |Comments |

|Develop proposals for new online partnered programs to be submitted for |Proposals developed for four new partnered programs|Provost Langley |( |Online MA Global Public Administration (MGS) proposal for Stage 2 approval to be submitted |

|approval to campus governance during AY 12-13 |by 8/31/2012 |Dean DiSalvio | |by Nov 1, 2012 |

| | | | |Blended PhD Global Public Administration (MGS) proposal for Stage 1 approval now underway |

| | | | |Online MA Institutional Research Stage 1 proposal in development (CEHS) |

| | | | |Online Health Informatics graduate certificate Stage 1 proposal initiated and to be refined|

| | | | |for submission (COM) |

|Develop proposals for new online UC degree and certificate programs to be |Proposals developed for three new exclusive UC | |( |Online Global Affairs 2+2) Stage 1 proposal approved and Stage 2 proposal currently being |

|submitted for approval to campus governance during AY 12-13 |programs by 8/31/12 | | |prepared. |

| | | | |Online MA Urban Student Affairs Stage 1 proposal currently being prepared. |

| | | | |Online International Development graduate certificate proposal currently being prepared for|

| | | | |Stage 1 approval |

| | | | |Online Global Affairs graduate certificate proposal currently being prepared for Stage 1 |

| | | | |approval |

|Develop proposals to transfer graduate programs to UC to be submitted for |Proposals developed to transfer graduate programs | |( |Three new programs approved for transfer (Critical and Creative Thinking M.A. , Applied |

|approval to campus governance during AY 12-13 |by 8/31/12 | | |Behavior Analysis for Special Populations Certificate and Critical and Creative Thinking |

| | | | |Certificate) |

|Develop a Staffing Plan for new faculty and staffing needs for planned |Staffing plan developed and approved by August 31, | |( |A draft Staffing Plan is being refined and is scheduled to be completed by December 1, 2012|

|growth in programs and enrollment - plans for expansion and realignment of |2012 | | | |

|tasks within UC, joint faculty appointments with college partners, faculty | | | | |

|lines in partnering colleges & UC, new full-time faculty categories with | | | | |

|multi-year contracts | | | | |

|Develop a plan for a learning center approach at off-site locations |Plan developed and approved by 8/31/12 | |( |Plan for a learning center approach to Cordage Park approved and operational activities are|

| | | | |underway. |

|Create a development, fund raising, & advancement plan for University |Plan developed and approved by 8/31/12 | |( |An RFP to engage a fundraising consultant is now being prepared In collaboration with |

|College | | | |University Advancement |

|Objective 5: Expand the research enterprise, increasing our extramural funding by 5 to15% annually, putting our extramural funding at between $200 and $300 million dollars by 2025 |

|Tasks Spring 2012 |Outcome Measure |Person(s) Responsible |Status |Comments |

|Increase extramural funding by 5% during FY12. |Extramural funding is increased by 5%. © |Provost Langley |( |Extramural funding increased by 5.1% or $2,733,238 from $53,637,187 to $56,370,425 |

|(C/SP) | |Vice Provost Xia | | |

|Goal 3: Improve the learning, teaching and working environment |

|Objective 1: Construct new academic and other buildings and facilities with state-of-the-art teaching and learning spaces |

|Tasks Spring 2012 |Outcome Measure |Person(s) Responsible |Status |Comments |

|Maintain our construction schedule on all campus construction projects, |Design and program plan for the Academic Building |Vice Chancellor O’Connor |( |Programming on Academic Building No. 1 is complete. Design work will be completed in |

|including the anticipated groundbreaking for Academic Building No. 1 in the|No.1 is completed by spring 2012. (C) |Provost Langley | |fall 2012, taking into account a physically challenging site and our need to design the |

|spring of 2012. (C/SP) | | | |most effective building possible. |

|Incorporate planning for the development of the Bayside property and the |Bayside charrette process completed by December |VC O’Connor |( |Charrette process completed. Chan Krieger/NBBJ hired in spring 2012 to assist the campus|

|current timeline for residence halls into the university’s Master Plan. (C)|2011 and results are integrated with the Master |Associate Vice Chancellor | |in beginning to think about land use concepts for the Bayside property. Three |

| |Plan by June 2012; residence halls incorporated |Ciccarelli | |preliminary concepts have been developed and are currently being shared with campus |

| |into Master Plan by June 2012. (C) |Chancellor’s Cabinet | |stakeholders including the Vice Chancellors, the Strategic Planning Implementation |

| | | | |Group, and the Master Plan Steering Committee for input and feedback that will inform |

| | | | |the next phase of more detailed planning for the Bayside site and possible modifications|

| | | | |to the Master Plan for the main campus. |

| | | | |Planning strategy recommended to the Chancellor and cabinet for moving forward with the |

| | | | |development of residence halls on campus property. If strategy is accepted, best case |

| | | | |scenario for opening residence halls is fall 2015. |

|Rethink the Master Plan in light of the new Strategic Plan and the increase|Report recommending amendments to Master Plan |VC O’Connor |( |Provided report to Senior Leadership and Academic Council indicating that there is not |

|in student body growth. (SP) |submitted by June 2012, including alternative |Provost Langley | |utility capacity to support the continued operation of the Science Center past the |

|Re-think destruction of the Science Center |frameworks for the integration of Bayside/Pump | | |opening of the ISC and the GAB1. At that juncture, additional utility capacity will need|

|What is the need for interim/temporary space as new buildings are |House and an order-of-magnitude site capacity | | |to be directed to other new facilities, including GAB2 and residence halls. |

|constructed? |analysis of the campus’s ability to physically | | |As noted in the prior task, preliminary land use concepts have been developed for the |

|What are the cash reserve and debt service assumptions and can they be |accommodate the projected enrollment of 25,000 by | | |Bayside site and the main campus based on a student enrollment goal of 25,000 by2025. |

|reconsidered? |2025. | | |The need for interim/temporary space prior to the construction of new buildings has not |

| | | | |been definitively resolved. During FY13, A&F and Academic Affairs will need to |

| | | | |collaborate to establish the types and quantities of spaces that are needed and if there|

| | | | |is unused and underutilized existing space that can be repurposed for new needs. Once |

| | | | |this is understood the need for interim space can be determined. |

|Improve athletic and recreational facilities by providing sports teams with|Maintenance and renewal projects are completed on |VC Titus |( |The removal of the existing Clark Gymnasium wood floor, the removal of the |

|facilities that maximize training, competitive, and recruiting advantages |schedule and within budget. |VC O’Connor | |mercury-containing original floor has been completed. The installation of the new wood |

|and are competitive with other rival programs. | | | |gym floor, new bleachers and other upgrades is underway with a scheduled completion by |

|Create an internal maintenance plan with annual funding for all |Design, plans, and construction of facilities | | |mid-November. |

|athletic/recreation facilities. |projects are consistent with industry standards and| | |Phase 1 of repairs and upgrades to the ice rink HVAC system has been substantially |

|Install new bleachers for the basketball gym. All new bleachers to come |facilities at peer institutions. | | |completed. Design for Phase 2 of this work has been completed. |

|with safety railings and handicap seating areas. | | | |Work with BCHS continues to identify exact property lines to be included in the property|

|Complete MOA with BC High for construction of a baseball complex | | | |lease and how site utilities for the field, especially storm water, will impact UMass |

|partnership with BC High. | | | |Boston utility planning. |

| | | | | |

|Objective 2: Put in place programs to nurture and retain the best faculty and staff |

|Tasks Spring 2012 |Outcome Measure |Person(s) Responsible |Status |Comments |

|Establish and sustain mentoring programs in the areas of publishing and |Mentoring program in place; program of professional|Provost Langley |( |Faculty Development Coordinator hired. Provided a comprehensive array of faculty |

|grant writing, and in teaching. Offer professional development workshops |development workshops developed and in place by |Associate Provost Srikanth | |development activities in the areas of teaching, research, and service. The |

|that introduce all faculty, tenure-stream and non-tenure stream, to a range|June 30, 2012 | | |constituencies served include tenure system (assistant, associate, and full professors) |

|of pedagogical approaches. Facilitate the growing emphasis on attending to | | | |and Non-Tenure Track Faculty, retired faculty, emeriti faculty, and department chairs. |

|student learning outcomes and embracing best practices for fostering | | | |See 2011-12 Annual report of the OFD for a full description of OFD activities. |

|student success. (SP) | | | | |

|Establish a training program for staff. |Staff training program, developed and new |VC O’Connor |( |The UMass Boston Supervisory and Staff Professional Development Programs were |

| |programming offered by June 30, 2012 |AVC McCue | |implemented in AY11/12. 41 supervisors and 27 staff were awarded certificates upon |

| | | | |completion of a rigorous training program aimed at enhancing overall skill levels, |

| | | | |reinforcing accountability, fostering enhanced collegiality and improving communication |

| | | | |at all levels in the workforce. |

|Objective 3: Lower the teaching load for tenure-stream faculty with research and teaching responsibilities to 2:2, consistent with most other research universities |

|Tasks Spring 2012 |Outcome Measure |Person(s) Responsible |Status |Comments |

|Include the development of a plan to transition to the 2:2 teaching load in|Plan to transition to the 2:2 teaching load align |Provost Langley |( |Committee appointed. Gathering data that will inform the initial work of the committee. |

|the charge to the Faculty Resource work group that will analyze, project, |is included in the Faculty Resource Plan. |Faculty Resource Work Group| | |

|and oversee faculty growth, by faculty type, numbers and colleges, | | | | |

|including tenure-track and non-tenure track. (SP) | | | | |

|Objective 4: Raise the proportion of full-time non-tenure-stream (NTS) faculty |

|Tasks Spring 2012 |Outcome Measure |Person(s) Responsible |Status |Comments |

|Consider the areas in which numbers of part-time appointments should be |Plan to align new and replacement faculty TT lines |Provost Langley |( |Committee appointed. Gathering data that will inform the initial work of the committee. |

|replaced by full-time NTS appointments, in order to assure better attention|and full-time NT lines with growth and new programs|Faculty Resource Work Group| | |

|to our students and better working conditions for the NTS faculty. (SP) |developed/approved by December 2012. | | | |

|Objective 5: Maintain a balance of large and small classes while providing students with the full range of class formats and pedagogies necessary to address diverse student learning styles and needs |

|Tasks Spring 2012 |Outcome Measure |Person(s) Responsible |Status |Comments |

|Faculty Resource work group charge to include a plan for maintaining an |Plan developed and approved by December 2012. |Provost Langley |( |Committee appointed. Gathering data that will inform the initial work of the committee. |

|appropriate balance of large and small classes with the full range of class| |Faculty Resource Work Group| | |

|formats and pedagogies. (SP) | | | | |

|Objective 6: Ensure state-of-the-art library and information technology facilities and services that support the university’s teaching and research goals |

|Tasks Spring 2012 |Outcome Measure |Person(s) Responsible |Status |Comments |

|Develop a plan for library and information technology enhancement that |Plan developed and approved by December 2012 |Provost Langley |( |The Library and IT have completed both a faculty interview project and a survey of |

|includes recommendations regarding facilities, staffing, services, and | |Library Director Ortiz; | |faculty and students to gather information about current and future services and service|

|service delivery. | |Vice Provost Agee | |delivery. A Library/IT Task Forces has been created and held an initial meeting to |

| | | | |review these materials. |

|Objective 7: Determine need for additional classrooms, range of classroom sizes, availability/capacity during transition to new building |

|Tasks Spring 2012 |Outcome Measure |Person(s) Responsible |Status |Comments |

|Appoint work group to analyze classroom capacity, need for transitional space. (SP)|Analysis completed and needs identified by |VC O’Connor |( |The workgroup worked to identify additional on campus space to allow rooming of “state” |

| |June 30, 2012 |Associate Provost Langer | |classes and expanded ESL and Navitas classes. Additional space in Healey Library and the |

| | | | |Campus Center was made available for these uses. |

| | | | |A house doctor has provided an initial proposal to work on converting other spaces in the |

| | | | |Healey Library and the Quinn Administration building into classroom space in advance of the|

| | | | |opening of the GAB1. |

| | | | |In addition, the revised SPACE Policy and updates to the Space Inventory are helping to |

| | | | |identify space bottlenecks and internal solutions. Space needs for FY13 should be |

| | | | |accommodated but we will continue to evaluate the need for selective off site rentals, |

| | | | |temporary on campus space and swing space to meet the needs for the FY14 and FY15 period. |

|Goal 4: Establish a financial resources model consistent with university’s vision statement |

|Objective 1: Increase enrollment to 18,000 students by 2015, 20,000 by 2020, and 25,000 by 2025 |

|Maintain or increase the current racial/ethnic diversity; maintain the current 25:75 ratio of graduate students to undergraduates with a view to increasing it over time; and increase: |

|The ratio of incoming undergraduate freshmen to transfers to 50/50 percent by 2020. |

|The number of PhD students while maintaining our current undergraduate-to- graduate ratio in the short term. |

|Out-of-state students to five percent by 2015 and ten percent by 2020 |

|International students to ten percent by 2015 and 15 percent by 2020 |

|Tasks Spring 2012 |Outcome Measure |Person(s) Responsible |Status |Comments |

|Review and finalize enrollment projections by college |Increase enrollment to 16,276 for fall 2012, while |VC Teehan |( |Fall 2012 applications for new freshmen were up 22%, admits up 9.5%, but final new |

|Continue current, develop and implement new recruitment and yield |maintaining or increasing the current racial/ethnic|Deans | |freshman enrollments were down 2.3%. Target for new freshmen was 1,390; we enrolled |

|strategies to reach targets |diversity, increasing the percentage of |Vice Provost/ | |1,267. Applications for new transfers were up 18.1%, admits up 4%, and enrolled |

|Establish Enrollment Work Group |out-of-state and international students, and |Dean Grad Studies | |transfer students up 2.3%. Target for new transfers was 1,825; enrolled 1,828. Based |

|Analyze course demand, classroom availability to establish |maintaining the current ratio of graduate student | | |on anecdotal information, housing appeared to be a major obstacle to achieving the |

|appropriate schedules, offerings, classrooms and deliver what is |to undergraduates of 25:75. | | |goal for new undergraduate enrollment. |

|needed to accommodate new students and support all to graduation (See| | | |Target for new masters and CAGS was 900; enrolled 805 new masters students. The |

|Goal 1; Objective 1) | | | |target for new PhD students was 100; we enrolled 114. |

|Analyze need for additional faculty to accommodate growth and new | | | |The total fall 2012 enrollment was 15874, shy of the 16285 headcount target by 411: |

|programs | | | |179 undergraduate and 232 graduate students. |

|Project the annual allocation for financial aid. | | | |Maintaining the planned racial/ethnic diversity, increasing out of state and |

| | | | |international students, and holding close to the intended undergraduate/graduate mix.|

| | | | |New undergraduate students of color are 53% of the freshman population and 42% of the|

| | | | |transfers. International student population is 17.6% of freshmen and 3.5% of |

| | | | |transfers. Overall, our students of color are 42% of the total and our international |

| | | | |students are 7.6%. The undergraduate/ graduate mix is 76%/24%. |

|Objective 2: Establish annual university advancement fundraising goals and develop longer term goals for a capital campaign |

|Tasks Spring 2012 |Outcome Measure |Person(s) Responsible |Status |Comments |

|Identify and interview prospects to prepare for the launch of a |Discovery interviews w/65% of the identified |Vice Chancellor Cappello |( |Feasibility study was completed on December 1, 2011. We identified and were able to|

|capital campaign. |prospects are completed. | | |connect with a total of 51 prospects, of which we interviewed 34 (67%). |

|Fill frontline vacant positions in advancement, in particular the |75% of vacant positions are filled by 6/30/2012. | |( |Two key leadership positions will be filled in October 2012--AVC for Corporate and |

|vacant position of Assistant Vice Chancellor for Corporate and | | | |Foundation Relations, and AVC for University Advancement. Two Directors of |

|Foundation Relations to serve in a leadership role to build a robust | | | |Development positions open (one recently posted, the other in the final stage of |

|Corporate and Foundation giving program. | | | |interviews). AVC for Alumni Relations posted 8/12 with 1/13 hire date. |

|Begin recruitment of volunteer leadership among the alumni base and |Campaign Fundraising committee is established by | |( |University Advancement is actively recruiting volunteer leadership to co-chair the |

|larger Boston business and civic community to draw attention and |6/30/2012, comprised of volunteer leadership. | | |Executive Campaign Committee and the Student Success committee. Our goal is to |

|visibility to the campaign | | | |secure co-chairs by December 1, 2012 or sooner. |

|Set the campaign goal and begin to engage and involve the Executive |FY12 private philanthropy totals $15 million; | |( |Campaign goal set at $100M and communications plan underway to include a white |

|Leadership team. |campaign conversations have occurred with 75% of | | |paper on student success and naming opportunities for the Integrated Sciences |

| |all Executive Leadership staff. | | |Complex as well as other naming opportunities for the University. Campaign |

| | | | |conversations have taken place with 100% of ELT members. |

|Reorganize the Alumni Relations to imbed Annual Fund and Advancement |Campaign communications plan begins. | |( |Implementation of the full reorganization will be fully met when an AVC is hired. |

|Communications to create efficiencies and streamline communications | | | |Due to Budgetary constraints, the posting of the AVC position was delayed until |

|in appeals, electronic communications, solicitations, invitations, | | | |August 25, 2012 – setting us back 3 months. |

|events and other activities. | | | | |

|Examine and update financial practices in University Advancement and |Distribution of private philanthropy is transferred| |( |University Advancement met its goal of updating financial practices and now |

|WUMB. |to departments on a monthly basis, rather than | | |distributes all money raised to departments on a monthly basis. Conversations are |

| |yearly. | | |taking place with VC Teehan and the Director of WUMB to update its reporting |

| | | | |documents to University Advancement. |

|Objective 3: Engage in thorough consideration of differential fee expansion through close, careful study with respect to implementation |

|Tasks Spring 2012 |Outcome Measure |Person(s) Responsible |Status |Comments |

|Determine if increases in existing differential fees (CM and CNHS) |Recommended increased approved by June 30, 2012 |VC O’Connor |( |Increases to differential fees put forth to the BOT and the University President |

|are warranted and if so, recommend levels. | |Provost Langley | |and approved in June. Increase levels varied from 25%-50%. In addition, a |

| | | | |differential fee in the CN EHS program is now included. |

|Objective 4: Continue to work with the President’s Office and Board of Trustees to secure more state funding for higher education and establish reasonable student fees to support a top quality education in accordance with state funding |

|Tasks Spring 2012 |Outcome Measure |Person(s) Responsible |Status |Comments |

|Determine if increases in student fees are warranted and, if so, |Recommended increased approved by June 30, 2012 |VC O’Connor |( |A 4.9% increase in tuition and mandatory fees was approved in June. In addition, |

|recommend levels. | | | |all other non-mandatory fees received an increase that varied from 3%-5%. |

| | | | | |

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| | | | | |

|Objective 5: Adopt a process for reviewing academic units, centers and institutes, and administrative departments on a regular basis. Create a more rigorous culture of assessment and accountability |

|Tasks Spring 2012 |Outcome Measure |Person(s) Responsible |Status |Comments |

|Review criteria should include criticality of mission in the context of |Review process developed in FY 13. |Strategic Plan |( |Review process to be developed in FY 13 |

|the strategic plan, performance against their own and the university‘s | |Implementation Group. | | |

|annual stated goals, and adherence to accepted university best practices| | | | |

|and metrics. | | | | |

|Goal 5: Develop an infrastructure supportive of the preceding goals |

|Objective 1: Implement a transparent, equitable, and expeditious process for dealing with daily and year-over-year space needs |

|Tasks Spring 2012 |Outcome Measure |Person(s) Responsible |Status |Comments |

|Develop new space allocation process. |New process developed, approved, and implemented |VC O’Connor |( |A new SPACE Policy was implemented on March 1, 2012 and an “all call” for SPACE |

| |by June 30, 2012 | | |requests was issued in May 2012 which yielded over 50 new requests. Many of these |

| | | | |requests required completion prior to the start of the Fall semester, including office |

| | | | |space for new faculty. All requests requiring 9/1 completion dates were successfully |

| | | | |met. Work is now underway on reviewing and enacting on all other requests. Information |

| | | | |on requests and the process is available on the Facilities website. |

|Objective 2: Undertake a thorough review of administrative systems and organizational structures including human resources, finance, procurement, enrollment management, graduate admissions, grants management, and others |

|Tasks Spring 2012 |Outcome Measure |Person(s) Responsible |Status |Comments |

|Prepare RFP for consultant services; review applicants; select |Proposals reviewed and decision regarding next |Associate Chancellor |( |RFP develop and put out to bid. Two proposals received and reviewed. Consulting with |

|consultants to assess critical administrative and student service |steps made by June 30, 2012. |Mortimer | |Provost and Cabinet regarding next steps. |

|functions and recommend areas for improvement. (SP) | | | | |

| | | | | |

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|Objective 3: Undertake a comprehensive review of the mission, staffing, and technical capacity of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. |

|Tasks Spring 2012 |Outcome Measure |Person(s) Responsible |Status |Comments |

|Huron consulting review is done. |Huron report recs reviewed; disseminated to |Provost Langley |( |Report recommendations were reviewed and disseminated to immediate stakeholders. |

|Develop and implement a plan to provide grant development and |stakeholders by 6/30/12 |Vice Provost Xia | | |

|management services commensurate with our goals. (SP) | | | | |

|Objective 4: Strengthen the university’s capacity to make the case for itself. |

|Implement a communications plan for the fall and spring semesters that|Editorial board visits to promote Master Plan |Vice Chancellor for |( |Chancellor Motley has appeared on television in “Urban Update” and “Comcast |

|develops a University of Massachusetts Boston story line about student|implementation and student and faculty |Government Relations and | |Newsmakers”. WE are scheduling the chancellor on the Dan Rea radio show and arranging |

|opportunity and campus reconstruction. (SP) |achievement are completed; at least two |Public Affairs | |an editorial board visit from the Patriot Ledger. We have also enjoyed substantial |

| |television interviews are conducted; and | | |positive coverage in the Boston Globe and the Dorchester Reporter. |

| |appearances are made on at least two radio talk | | | |

| |show programs. (C) | | | |

|Begin planning for the 50th anniversary in 2014 (C) |2014 Committee established and parameters |Chancellor’s Office; |( |Initial planning committee convened and parameters outlined. |

| |outlined with a draft of costs and deadlines for |VCGPRA | | |

| |implementation (C) | | | |

| | | | | |

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|Objective 5: Replace, expand and enhance the existing technology infrastructure on the UMass Boston campus |

|Tasks Spring 2012 |Outcome Measure |Person(s) Responsible |Status |Comments |

|Vantage Consulting recommendations include 114 projects, with approximate |The review meetings take place and there is |Provost Winston Langley and|( |The Vantage recommendations have been reviewed with the Provost and the VCAF|

|costs for the needed replacements, expansions, and enhancements of the |consensus about moving forward. |CIO, Anne Agee | |as well as with the Enterprise Architecture Advisory Committee and with the |

|existing technology infrastructure. Review with Provost and Vice | | | |Academic Computing Advisory Committee. Discussions are ongoing with the |

|Chancellor for A&F, as well as the Enterprise Architecture Advisory | | | |system office regarding the priorities moving forward. |

|Committee. | | | | |

|Review projects in light of existing capital projects to determine what |The capital project list is updated and additional |Provost Langley; CIO Agee; |( |The capital project list has been reviewed and updated. Discussions are |

|additions need to be made and what additional funding is needed in |funding needs are determined |VCAF O’Connor | |ongoing with the system office regarding funding and timing of IT capital |

|outgoing years to move these projects forward. | | | |projects. |

|Submit a request to the UMass System Office for funding authorization for |Appropriate request is submitted | |( |The request to authorize the engineering study for the location of the new |

|the engineering site study of the proposed new data center. | | | |data center has been submitted, but not supported by the System Office. The |

| | | | |Provost and the VPIT are working on additional documentation to demonstrate |

| | | | |the need for this. |

|Prepare a position description for a project manager to work with ITSD, |The position description is written and approved. | |( |The position description has been prepared and evaluated by HR. Recruitment |

|UMass Boston facilities, DCAM, and the UMass Building Authority to |Steps are taken to begin recruiting this position | | |is waiting until final budget authorization has been received. |

|coordinate these IT projects with other building and construction | | | | |

|projects. | | | | |


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