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HomeworkDoing What Works – Training for New Employment SpecialistsVirtual TrainingPre course: This work must be completed before session 1Read the IPS Briefing paperRead the Evidence for IPS paperRead Harry’s case study on page 8 of the course booklet. Using your own paper (or the booklet if you have a printed copy) write down the answers to the questions on page 9. We will use this information for an exercise in the next sessionSession 1: This work must be completed before session 2Fill in action plans/personal development plans on pages 5 & 6 of course bookletRead John’s profile on page 37 and write down John’s barriers. We will use this information for an exercise in the next sessionRead John’s vocational profile on pages 41 – 48Session 2: This work must be completed before session 3Using your own paper (or the booklet if you have a printed copy) complete a Motivational Interviewing table as demonstrated on page 38Read page 50 and complete the exercise listing the advantages and disadvantages for John of disclosing his Mental health Condition. (10-15 minutes). We will use this information for an exercise in the next sessionOn page 51 – using the information given, draft a statement that John could use about his mental health condition when speaking to employers. (10-15 minutes). John does not want the name of his diagnosis revealed. We will use this information for an exercise in the next sessionOn Page 53 – Approaching Employers for the first time – “The elevator Pitch”. Imagine that you meet an employer in a lift or at any opportune time but only have a minute to tell them about you and what you do? Read through the information and draft a statement which you could use. Practice the statement aloud with friends or family (ideally someone that does not know your role) and amend statement where necessary (10-15 minutes). We will use this information for an exercise in the next sessionWatch demonstration of Employer Engagement – Galen at the hairdressers. We will discuss these at the next sessionSession 3: This work must be completed before session 4Self-directed research:Look up Acas Website and read more information on Reasonable Adjustments DWP site and look up Guidance on Access to Work DWP website and look up definition of Disability Confident Employers and find out which ones are in your specific area. Copy and paste a list into an excel spreadsheet in readiness for post-course Employer Engagement. Choose three employers and search them on LinkedIn and on Glassdoor looking for a name to contact and also any adverse information. Share this list/info with your supervisor reasons why an employer might not want to employ someone with a mental health condition. Think about what employers/others may have said to you in the past. Once you have written a list of objections then come up with facts/reasons counter the point. If you are struggling to think of reasons, consider asking others in your own networks what concerns they might have. We will use this information for an exercise in the next session.For example:Objection:People with MH conditions would not fit in in my organisation.Potential Counters/replies:1 in 4 people have a MH condition at anytime so you probably already have people who work with you. You may have family members that do. Many conditions are invisible and no one would know. Session 4:Complete skills checklist on page 60Complete IPS quiz on page on page 68. Answers will be available after the course.Update Personal/Team Development plans and discuss with supervisorReview own wellbeing plans. ................

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