Page 1 of 63 - Express API Validation

 Page 1 of 63

Table of Contents


What you're going to learn

What you'll need to get the most from this book

Code examples

Get in touch


Spotted a mistake?


Part 1: Doing things the Express way

The middleware pattern

Middleware syntax

The two types of middleware

Plain middleware

Error handling middleware

Using middleware

At the route level

At the router level

At the application level

Middleware in a validation strategy

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Request body parsing

Request validation

Sending an error response


Part 2: Validating requests

The JSON Schema speci cation

Ajv (Another JSON Schema Validator)

Learning JSON Schema

Understanding JSON Schema

JSON Schema Cheat Sheet

JSON Schema speci cations

Why use JSON Schema and not validation library X?

No library, framework or language lock-in

Move between Node.js frameworks, or even languages, and

take your schemas with you

Active and supportive community

JSON Schema is on a path to becoming a standard

Sidenote: JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) vs JavaScript objects

Create a validation pipeline with JSON Schema

Parsing a JSON request body in Express

Body parsing in older versions of Express

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De ning JSON schemas in Node.js

Integrating Ajv into your Express application

Using a JSON schema to validate a response body

Validating other request properties


Part 3: Error responses

Introducing the 'Problem Details for HTTP APIs' speci cation

Problem types and Problem details objects

Example problem details response

More details, clearer problems

Breakdown of a problem details object

Sending validation errors in problem details responses

De ne problem types and map them to JavaScript error


Look up the problem details for an error

Send validation errors in a problem details response


Part 4: Putting it all together

Example Express API application

Example requests and responses

Request body with missing 'last_name' property

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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