SUBMIT Process - JMU

SUBMIT Process

1. Logon to the Windows computer using your CYAN account name and password.  

2. Create a subdirectory (folder) on the N: drive for the assignment you are working on (all work for each assignment should be in a separate directory/folder). Create the file (or files, if the assignment calls for multiple files to be created) to be submitted in the assignment subdirectory within the N: drive.

1. Telnet to one of the SUNRISE (UNIX) computers using the putty program. The two SUNRISE computers for cs139 use are called and (Years ago when the computers were located in a lab that was available to students 24 hours per day, the students named the computers the SUNRISE computers because they would work on them till sunrise.)

To telnet, choose Start/Programs/Putty. In the window that appears:

▪ Enter or in the "HOST NAME" box.

▪ Click on "Keyboard".

▪ Select "linux" under "The Function Keys and Keypad" in "The sequences sent by".

▪ Click "Open".

You make get a blank putty window for a few seconds while putty sets up the connection the computer you are telneting to. Eventually you should get a login prompt.

4. At the login prompt, enter you account name (your SUNRISE account name is the same as your JMU email account name).

5. At the password prompt, enter your SUNRISE account password. Note that while you are typing your password, what you are typing will not show up on the display. Windows echoes a `*' (asterisk) character to the display for each character of a password you enter. Linux does not echo anything!

It is easy to make a typing mistake while entering your account name or password. The password can be especially troublesome since if you press a key lightly, there is no way to tell if the key press actually registered. So it is wise to type your account name and password very slowly and deliberately. If you do make a typing mistake, there may be no way to correct it. The `Backspace', `Delete' and cursor keys probably will not correct a typing mistake (even if what is displayed on the screen appears correct). So if you make a mistake, all you can do is try to correct the mistake and continue on with entering your account name and password. But expect to get a "password incorrect" message, at which point you will have to try to login again.

6. After logging in successfully, the system's "message of the day" is displayed. You should then get a command prompt. The default command prompt on Linux is different from the default on DOS. It will be a string that ends with '$ ' (as opposed to the DOS prompt that ends with '> ').

7. Enter the Linux command "mount-n". When prompted for a password, enter your CYAN password. This should mount your N: drive to the SUNRISE computer. Verify your N: has been mounted by executing the "ls" (list directory contents) command. You should see the folder n-drive listed.

8. Enter the Linux command "cd n-drive" (change current directory to the n-drive). This should change your current directory so it is your CYAN N: drive. You can verify you are in your N: drive by again executing the ls command. A listing of all the files and folders at the "root" level of your N: should result.

9. Execute the cd command again, this time giving the name of the assignment subdirectory (that you created in step 2) as the argument. (Note this and the previous step can be combined by executing cd once with "n-drive/subdir" as the argument, where subdir is the name of the assignment subdirectory.)

10. Execute the Linux command "submit".

11. When prompted, select the course option for your course.

o cs139h = Ms. Harris CS139 sections 1 - 3

o cs139a = Dr. Aboutabl CS139 section 4 & 5

o cs450 = Dr. Harris CS450 all sections

12. When prompted, indicate which assignment you are submitting.

13. When prompted, enter the file (or files) you are submitting. If you are submitting multiple files, enter all the file names with the names separated by blanks (not commas).  You may also use the wildcard character “*” to submit all files matching that pattern found in your current directory.  For example, *.java will submit all java files from your current directory. If you are typing the file name, you must include the .java extension.

14. When prompted, respond to the honor pledge prompt.

15. If your submitted file or files fail to compile, the submission will fail. If your program compiles, it will be run with a variety of test data. If it fails to produce the correct output, the submission will fail. Otherwise your submission will be considered successful.

If your submission fails to compile, just a TEXT submission report file will be created for you. If your submission compiles, both TEXT and PDF versions of the submission report will be created. The submission report files are created in your current directory, which if you followed these directions, is in a subdirectory on your N: drive. The report files can be viewed in a separate window on your Windows computer by opening the N: drive subdirectory and double clicking on the report file. You can also have the Linux computer output the contents of the TEXT submission report file (but not the PDF file) by executing the Linux less command with the name of the report file as an argument. The output from less will appear in the putty window on your screen, one "screenful" at a time.

16. Generate a printed copy of the submit report by double-clicking on the PDF file in Windows selecting print in the file menu (or by clicking on the print icon). To do this on your computer at home, you must have the free Adobe acrobat reader installed.

17. When you are done using the Linux computer, execute the "cd" command to return to your "home" directory and then execute "umount-n" to umount your N: drive from the Linux computer. Execute the Linux "exit" command to logoff Linux. The putty window on Windows should disappear.

18. Logoff the Windows computer.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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