Overview of Computer System

1. A _____________is defined as combination of components designed to process data and store files.

2. A computer system requires four main aspects of data handling to function properly which are input devices, processor, ___________, and storage devices.

3. The CPU is an example of a___________. It has the same importance as the brain to human beings.

4. Input devices feed ___________ to be processed into useful information.

5. Keyboard and mouse are examples of __________ devices.

6. __________ devices include monitors, printers, plotters, and speakers.

7. Storage consists of primary and __________ storage.

8. CDROM is an example of a ___________ storage device.

9. ____________ refers to the person who uses the computer for any purposes such as for work,business and entertainment.

10. A computer system requires___________, software, and a user to fully function.

11. ___________refers to a set of instruction that tells the hardware what to do.

12. ___________controls, integrates, and manages the individual hardware components of a computer system.

13. There are two types of computer software, ___________and___________.

14. _____________ is an example of system software.

15. Spreadsheet is an example of an_______________.


|1 | | | |

|2 | | | |

|3 | | | |

|4 | | | |

1. A user refers to a person who uses a computer for the purpose of ___________.

I. playing games

II. communication

III. doing homework

IV. business advertisement

A. I, II, and III

B. I, II, and IV

C. II, III, and IV

D. I, II, III, and IV

2. Storage devices include __________.

I. keyboard

II. DVD drives

III. hard drives

IV. floppy disk drives

A. I, II, and III

B. I, II, and IV

C. II, III, and IV

D. I, II, III, and IV

3. Output devices ____________________.

A. are used for data storage

B. act as the brain of the computer

C. shows people the processed data or information

D. accept data or commands in a form that the computer can use

4. Central processing unit (CPU) ____________.

A. executes computer instructions

B. show people the processed data

C. hold data and programme temporarily

D. send the data or commands to the processing unit

5. __________ is a set of programs that lies between applications software and the computer


A. BIOS program

B. Utility program

C. Operating system

D. Operating environment

6. Examples of application software include _______________.

A. word processing, spreadsheets and databases

B. accounting, games and programming language

C. Internet browser, desktop publishing, and BIOS program

D. word processing, accounting and programming languages


Introduction to Computer System

1. Mouse, keyboard, and barcode reader are examples of _____________________devices.

2. Printer, monitor and speaker are examples of __________________ devices.

3. External hardware devices are also known as _________________ equipment.

4. CD Recordable and DVD Recordable are ________________ discs.

5. An example of a magnetic disc is a _________________.

6. State whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE.

The primary storage of a computer holds data temporarily.

7. State whether statement is TRUE or FALSE.

The central processing unit is divided into two components; the CU and the ALU.

8. Which part of the computer system changes input into output?________________

9. Random Access Memory (RAM) is the _______________ storage in the computer system.

10. Texts, graphics and sounds are common form of _______________.

1. Input is the _________ that you enter into the computer.

A. data

B. program

C. software

D. information

2. Text, audio and graphic is entered into the computer using _______.

A. a CPU

B. peripherals

C. input devices

D. output devices

3. Bar code reader and joystick are examples of ___________.

A. a CPU

B. peripherals

C. input devices

D. output devices

4. The _________ is the centre of activity in the computer.


B. processor

C. input device

D. output device

5. The processor is also known as the ____



C. input devices

D. output devices

6. A CPU comprises of CU and _________.


B. processor

C. input devices

D. output devices

7. Which of the following is not a process carried out by the CPU?

A. Displays output

B. Executes command

C. Controls other hardware

D. Processes data to information

8. Memory is also known as ___________.



C. cache

D. hard disk

9. ____________ will loose its content when the power is interrupted or turned off.



C. A Diskette

D. A Hard disk

10. RAM is used as ____________.

A. primary storage

B. backup memory

C. secondary storage

D. permanent memory

11. An example of an output device is the __________.

A. mouse

B. monitor

C. scanner

D. keyboard

12. A processed raw input is also known as _______.

A. text

B. data

C. software

D. information

13. ________ provides additional storage in addition to the primary memory.

A. Primary storage

B. Backup memory

C. Secondary storage

D. Permanent memory

14. CDROM and DVDROM are examples of ___________.



C. optical disks

D. magnetic disks


Information Processing Cycle


|1 |The information processing cycle includes the following processes; input, processing, output, and storage. | | |

|2 |The Central processing unit or the CPU is the brain of the computer. | | |

|3 |The CPU utilises the computer memory to execute instructions from the user such as editing a letter, drawing a picture| | |

| |and sorting numbers. | | |

|4 |The processor must be connected only to input devices and output devices to carry out its functions. | | |

|5 |Data can be entered into the system by typing on a keyboard or pointing some commands with a mouse. | | |

|6 |Executing refers to the instruction or data item gathered from the memory in the information processing cycle. | | |

|7 |Decoding refers the process of translating a program instruction into signals that the computer can execute. | | |

|8 |A storage device is the computer hardware that records or retrieves items to and from the storage media. | | |

|9 |A storage medium is the physical material in the computer that keeps data, instruction and information. | | |

|10 |The examples of storage media are floppy disks, USB flash drives and monitor. | | |


|1 |The processor is also known as the CPU. | | |

|2 |An input is the data that you enter into the computer. | | |

|3 |The CPU utilises the computer memory to execute instructions from the application software and accomplish a | | |

| |task such as editing a letter, drawing a picture and sorting numbers. | | |

|4 |The CPU utilises the computer memory to execute instructions from the application software and accomplish a | | |

| |task such as editing a letter,drawing a picture and sorting numbers. | | |

1. Information can be in the form of ___________.

A. text and audio

B. text and graphic

C. text, graphic and audio

D. text, graphic, audio and video

2. Text consists of characters that are used to create _______ _ and ___________.

A. word, music

B. word, sentence

C. sentence, sound

D. paragraph, image

3. Graphics are digital representations that consist of ________ and __________.

A. chart, word

B. chart, drawing

C. drawing, music

D. photograph, speech

4. Music, speech, or any other sounds are examples of ___________ information.

A. text

B. video

C. audio

D. graphic

5. Which one of the following is the correct information processing cycle for the control unit operations?

A. Fetching( Decoding( Executing (Storing

B. Decoding (Fetching (Executing (Storing

C. Executing (Fetching (Storing (Decoding

D. Storing (Fetching (Decoding (Executing

6. Information processing cycle comprises of _____________.

I. input

II. output

III. storage

IV. process

A. I and II

B. I, II, and III

C. I, III, and IV

D. I, II, III, and IV


Data Representation

1. Most computers can recognise only two discrete states that are ____________.

2. The computer circuit represents the 0 or the 1 electronically by the presence or absence of an


3. A computer does not understand ___________.

4. A computer can process larger chunks of information by treating group of bits as _________.

5. A collection of 8 bits is called a __________.

6. The term ‘bit’ stands for ____________.

7. Number 9 is represented by the binary code as___________.

8. A byte represents a single ____________ in the computer.

9. A bit is the smallest unit of information. True or False? _________

10. The Unicode can recognise ASCII characters. True or False? _________

11. The term ‘ASCII’ is an acronym for ____________.

12. The term ‘EBCDIC’ is an acronym for ____________.

1. What is a bit?

A. A bit is the largest unit of information.

B. A bit is the biggest unit of information.

C. A bit is the longest unit of information.

D. A bit is the smallest unit of information.

2. The capital letter F is represented by the binary code as ____________.

A. 01000111

B. 01100110

C. 01010110

D. 01000110

3. Number 9 is represented by the binary code as ___________ .

A. 01000111

B. 00111001

C. 01010110

D. 01000110

4. There are three character codes to represent characters, which are ___________,______, and _______.





5. The 256character capability of ASCII and EBCDIC is too small to handle the alphabets that are used by other languages such as _______,______, and __________.

A. Arabic, Malay, Chinese

B. Malay, Arabic, Japanese

C. Arabic, Japanese, Chinese

D. Indonesian, Japanese, Chinese

6. ________ uses two bytes (16 bits) to represent one character.




D. Unicode


Introduction to Binary Coding

1. What is the first character code?

A. Morse Code

B. Hollerith Code

C. American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)

2. The original ASCII used a total of ______ to represent characters (letters, numbers, and punctuation mark)

A. 7bits

B. 9bits

C. 128bits

3. Seven bits allow the computer to encode a total of how many characters?

A. 14

B. 128

C. 256

4. In what year was ASCII proposed by ANSI?

A. 1945

B. 1963

C. 1971

5. A teleprinter uses a ______ Bardout codes.

A. 3bit

B. 5bit

C. 7bit

6. What are the codes used by computers to send and receive information?

A. Binary code

B. Baudot code

C. Input and output

7. What is the character code for encoding alphanumeric data on the "punched card”?

A. Morse code

B. Holerith code

C. Baudot code

8. What is the main reason for using ASCII?

A. To process textual data

B. To achieve compatibility between various types of data processing

C. To purchase components those are compatible with their computer configurations.

9. When you press a key on a board, the electronic signal is converted into a binary form that the computer can process and stored in?

A. Memory

B. Character code

C. Computer code

10. Character codes for encoding alphanumeric data on the punched card was created by

A. Morse

B. Hollerith

C. Baudot

11. 16 bits is equivalent to ______bytes.

A. 2

B. 3

C. 8

D. 218

12. ____________ bit allows the computer to encode characters, for the numbers 09,

Uppercase and lowercase letters AZ,and a few punctuation symbols.

A. 7

B. 128

C. 156

D. 218

13. What is the ASCII code for number 1?

A. 00100001

B. 01011000

C. 01010100

D. 01000100

14. The teleprinter was invented by ________.

A. Morse

B. Bardout

C. Marconi

D. Hollerith

15. ____________ is the world’s first binary character codes for processing textual data.

A. Morse Code

B. Bardout Code

C. Hollerith Code

D. ComputerCode


Data Measurement


|1 |Bits are composed of threes and zeros. | | |

|2 |All files in the computer are kept as decimal files and are translated by the software. | | |

|3 |binary digit is the basic and the smallest unit used in computer data storage. | | |

|4 |A megabyte (MB) is equal to 1 million bytes. | | |

|5 |A computer uses a binary system to count as it only recognizes two states that are 0 and 1. | | |

1. 1 Terabyte (TB) equals to _____ bytes.

A. 2 30 bytes

B. 2 10 bytes

C. 2 40 bytes

D. 2 20 bytes

2. Which of these is similar to a byte?

A. 8 bits

B. 1 Megabyte(MB)

C. 1 Terabyte (TB)

D. 1 Gigabyte(GB)

3. A computer uses a ________ system to count as it only recognises two states, which are 0 and 1.

4. If 1KB equals to 2 10 bytes, 1 MB can be said as equal _______ .

5.bit, byte, kilobyte (KB), megabyte (MB), __________, terabyte (TB).


Clock Speed Measurement


|1 |A 1.4 GHz Pentium 4 performs better than a 1.4 GHz Pentium 3. | | |

|2 |A 1.4 GHz Pentium 4 performs better than a 1.4 GHz Power PC G4 | | |

| |Processor. | | |

|3 |1000 MHz equals to 1.0 GHz. | | |

|4 |Microprocessor speeds are determined by their clock speed. | | |

|5 |If 1 GHz = 1,000,000,000 cycles per second, a microprocessor that runs at 200 GHz executes 200 billion cycles | | |

| |per second. | | |

|6 |The system clock is one of the major factors that influence the | | |

| |computer’s speed. | | |

1. If 1 MHz = 1,000,000 cycles per second, a microprocessor that runs at 200 MHz executes

_______________ cycles per second.

2. Through Processing Speed, the 8, __________ and 32 bit designations are the CPU’s word size and can be thought of as the number of lanes on the highway.

3. The clock speed of computers is usually measured in __________.

4. One _______________ represents one billion cycles per second.

5. One hertz equal to ________________.

1. A 1.8 GHz processor has twice the clock speed of a _______ MHz processor.

A. 0.9

B. 900

C. 1900

D. 90,000

2. 1000 MHz is equivalent to __________.

A. 1.0 Hz

B. 0.1 Hz

C. 1.0 GHz

D. 0.1 GHz

3. Giga is a prefix that stands for _______.

A. billion

B. trillion

C. million

D. thousands

4. Below are the features of Megahertz.

I. 1000MHz = 0.1 GHz

II. One MHz represents one million cycles per second.

III. The speed of buses and interfaces are also measured in MHz.

IV. A one megahertz clock (1MHz) means some number of bits (16, 32, 64, etc.) are manipulated one million times per second.

A. I, II and III

B. I, III and IV

C. II, III and IV

D. All of the above


Input Devices

1.______ is any data or instruction you enter into the memory of a computer.

A. Input

B. Output

C. Process

D. Storage

2. A ___________ is a video camera that displays its output on a Web page.

A. camera

B. scanner

C. webcam

D. video camera

3. A mouse, a trackball, a graphic tablet and a touch screen are examples of______

A. pointing device

B. input devices for text

C. input devices for audio

D. input devices for graphics

4.______ enables a home or small business user to capture video and still images.

A. A camera

B. A webcam

C. A CCTV camera

D. A digital video camera


Output Devices

1. A _________produces sound.

I. speaker

II. microphone

III. subwoofer

IV. headphone




D. All of the above

2. Shamala is an IT teacher. She is presenting a lesson using multimedia teaching aids.

List the output devices needed.

I. Mouse

II. Speakers

III. Keyboard

IV. LCD Projector

A. I and II

B. I and III

C. II and III

D. II and IV



1. The interface or point of attachment, to the system unit is called a/an__________

A. port

B. RAM slot

C. connector

D. expansion slot

2. The ______where the computer memory is placed into on the computer motherboard.

A. ports

B. RAM slot

C. motherboard

D. expansion slot

3. Some computer and chip manufacturers use the term _____to refer to a personal computer processor chip.

A. separate chips

B. microprocessor

C. macro processor

D. super computers

4. A port is the point which a device attaches to the system unit so that the device can______

A. be used as a peripheral device

B. be attached to the motherboard

C. send data to or received information from the computer

D. send electricity through the circuits of the port and connectors

5.______is the socket on the motherboard that can hold an adapter card.

A. A ports


C. A RAM slot

D. An expansion slot

6. A ______is used to join a cable to a device.

A. ports

B. RAM slot

C. connector

D. expansion slot

7. External devices such as a keyboard, monitor, printer and mouse, are often attached by a cable to the__________

A. system unit

B. system configuration

C. ports and connectors

D. central processing unit

8. Expansion slot is a place to fit a/an ________ containing the circuitry that provides some specialized capability, such as video acceleration, sound or disk drive control.

A. port


C. expansion card

D. Central Processing Unit

9. The processor is also called the ________

A. RAM slot

B. motherboard

C. expansion card

D. central processing unit

10. The Central Processing Unit (CPU) controls the operation of the computer. It_______.

A. connects the cable to the ports

B. carries out the basic hardware function

C. interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate a computer

D. is the socket, where the circuit boards or the adapter cards can be inserted into the motherboard


Components of a Motherboard

1.There are the sockets, where the circuit boards or the adapter cards can be inserted into the motherboard.


2. The point at which a device attaches to a system unit so that the device can send data to or receive information from the computer.


3. The slot where the computer memory is placed into on the computer motherboard.


4. It is used to join a cable to a device.


5. A circuit board plugged into an expansion slot.


6. It interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate a computer.


1. The processor is also called the .

A. RAM slot

B. motherboard

C. expansion card

D. Central Processing Unit

2.______is the socket on the motherboard that can hold an adapter card.

A. A port


C. A RAM slot

D. An expansion slot

3. The interface or point of attachment, to the system unit is called a/an ______

A. port

B. RAM slot

C. connector

D. expansion slot

4. The _____where the computer memory is placed into on the computer motherboard.

A. ports

B. RAM slot

C. motherboard

D. expansion card

5. A/An ____is used to join a cable to a device.

A. port

B. RAM slot

C. Connector

D. expansion slot

6. The Central Processing Unit (CPU) controls the operation of the computer. It_______.

A. connects the cable to the ports

B. carries out the basic hardware functions

C. interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate a computer

D. is the socket, where the circuit boards or the adapter cards can be inserted into the motherboard

7. Expansion slot is a place to fit a/an _____ containing the circuitry that provides some specialised capability, such as video acceleration, sound or disk drive control.

A. port


C. expansion card

D. Central Processing Unit


Ports and Connectors

a. It is used to connect a device to the system unit by transmitting data one bit at a time.


b. It transmits data via infrared light waves.___________________

c. It is designed to connect the system unit to a musical instrument.__________________

d. It is used to connect devices that are capable of transferring more than one bit at a time.


e. It can transfer data to a speed of 12 megabits per second._______________

f. It is a special high-speed parallel port used to attach peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers._______________

g. A digital video camera is connected to this port. It is used to transfer large amounts of data very quickly.________________

h. It uses radio waves to transmit data between two devices.______________

1. Camcorders and other video equipments use a _____to transmit data onto a computer.

A. USB Port

B. Serial Port

C. Parallel Port

D. FireWire Port

2. A ______is designed to connect the system unit to a musicalinstrument, such as an electronic keyboard.

A. MIDI port

B. IrDA port

C. SCSI port

D. FireWire Port

3. __________is for wireless devices to transmit infrared light wave signals to a computer.

A. A MIDI port

B. A SCSI port

C. An IrDA port

D. A FireWire Port

4. A ____is previously called an IEEE 1394 port.

A. USB Port

B. Serial Port

C. Parallel Port

D. FireWire Port

5. USB ports can transfer data to a speed of ____megabits per second.

A. 12

B. 14

C. 20

D. 22

6. A _____is a special purpose port.

A. USB Port

B. Serial Port

C. Parallel Port

D. Bluetooth Port


Central Processing Unit

1. ‘Execute’ and ‘Store’ are BEST associated with the ________

A. machine cycle

B. execution cycle

C. computer cycle

D. instruction cycle

2.______enables a computer to perform mathematical operations.

A. The System Unit

B. The Control Unit

C. The main memory

D. The Arithmetic Logic Unit

3. What are the two basic operations in the execution cycle?

A. Fetch and store

B. Fetch and decode

C. Execute and store

D. Fetch and execute

4. The most accurate definition for ‘Fetch’ is:

A. It performs only logical operations.

B. It performs all arithmetic and logical operations.

C. It retrieves the next program instruction from memory.

D. It interprets and carries out instructions given by software. It also controls the computer’s components

5. The most accurate definition for central processing unit (CPU) is:

A. It performs only logical operations.

B. It performs all arithmetic and logical operations.

C. It retrieves the next program instruction from memory.

D. It interprets and carries out the instructions given by software. It also controls the computer’s components

6. The Control Unit (CU) extracts instructions from memory and them.

A. fetches and stores

B. decodes and stores

C. fetches and decodes




|1 |One function of storage is to store program and data for later use. | | |

|2 |Storage has two types; primary storage and secondary storage. | | |

|3 |Primary storage is stored externally. | | |

|4 |Storage can also store computer program and information. | | |

|5 |Access time for primary storage is longer than secondary storage. | | |

|6 |A computer cannot operate without secondary storage. | | |

1. One function of storage is to store program and data for later use.



2. Storage has two types; primary storage and secondary storage.



3. Primary storage is stored externally.



4. Storage can also store computer program and information.



5. Access time for primary storage is longer than secondary storage.



6. A computer cannot operate without secondary storage.



7. ROM and Hard disk are examples of secondary storage.



8. Primary storage is a must for every computer.



9. Hard disks, thumb drives, floppy disks are secondary storage.



10. Secondary storage can store a large capacity of data compared to primary storage.



11. RAM is nonvolatile.



12. Data in primary storage has faster access than secondary storage.




Primary Storage

1. The two types of primary storage are hard disk and ROM.



2. ROM is nonvolatile.



3. RAM is an external memory.



4. RAM and ROM are two examples of secondary storage.



5. ROM refers to memory storing permanent data and instructions.



6. ALU is not a type of storage.



7. Random Access Memory holds permanent data that can only be stored by the manufacturer.



8. Flash memory is a type of primary storage.



9. RAM stores information temporarily so that it is instantly available to the microprocessor.



10. Volatile is where all the information will be lost when the computer is powered off.




Primary Storage

1. This type of secondary storage has a fast reading access among the secondary storage.


2. __________________devices use disks that are coated with magnetically sensitive material.

3. This type of storage is very popular to store music, video and computer programs.


4. It can be written only once. The data cannot be erased or written over once it is saved.


1. A _____is an example of optical storage.

A. hard disk

B. floppy disk

C. compact disk

D. flash memory

2. Secondary storage does not need ____to maintain the information stored in it.

A. power

B. medium

C. magnetic reel

D. sufficient energy

3. Flash memory store bits of electronic data in memory cells just like _______





4. Memory cards and memory sticks are examples of ________

A. main memory

B. flash memory

C. optical storage

D. magnetic storage

5. Which of the following are types of secondary storage?

A. Monitor

B. Flash memory

C. Read Only Memory

D. Random access memory

6. All secondary storage are _________

A. large

B. expensive

C. nonvolatile

D. inside the computer

7. Choose the BEST type of secondary storage to store permanent data such as music and movie.

A. Optical media

B. Flash memory

C. Memory sticks

D. Magnetic media

8. The three main types of secondary storage are _____________


B. ROM, RAM and hard drive

C. hard disk, floppy disk and pen drive

D. magnetic medium, optical medium and flash memory

9. Flash memory is________

A. volatile

B. nonvolatile

C. in solid state

D. a fast access memory

10. and memory sticks are examples of flash memory__________

A. USB port

B. Memory cards

C. CDs and DVDs

D. Fast access memory


Types of Software

• Enables the computer to function properly.

• Provides the environment to enable users to accomplish specific tasks.

• Compulsory – Each computer must have a System Software to function.

• Dependent – Application software cannot work without system software.

• Each computer only needs one System Software.

• Each computer can have more than one application software.

• Independent – System software can function without an Application Software.

• Optional – Depends on usage and needs. Without an Application Software, the computer

is still able to function.

• Provides the environment in which the applications run.

• Enables users to work efficiently with documentation such as letters, accounting reports

and presentations.

1. Microsoft Word is an example of System Software.

True False

2. A computer can function properly without Application Software.

True False

3. Each computer has only one application software.

True False

4. We can have more than five application software in one computer.

True False

5. System software provides the environment in which the applications run.

6. System software is a type of software that enables a computer and its peripheral devices to function smoothly.

True False

7. Microsoft Windows is an example of application software.

True False

8. Database programs, spreadsheets and graphics software are examples of utility


True False

9. Software is a program which consists of a set of instructions that tells the computer how

to perform an operation.

True False


System Software


Types of Operating System


Functions of Operating System


|1 |Most operating systems come with drivers for popular input and | | |

| |output devices. | | |

|2 |The computer’s operating system is responsible for managing memory such as allocating data and instruction to | | |

| |an area of memory while being processed. | | |

|3 |One of the main functions of operating systems is to provide a free antivirus program. | | |

|4 |A cold boot means starting a computer that is not already on. It | | |

| |happens when we turn on a computer that has been completely | | |

| |powered off. | | |

|5 |Starting a computer is not one of the main functions of an operating system. | | |

|6 |All operating systems are designed to cross operate on all types of computers. | | |

|7 |When we start a computer, it loads the operating system into the computer’s hard drive. | | |

|8 |A warm boot means restarting a computer that is already on. | | |

|9 |From the user’s perspective, the most important function of an operating system is providing the user | | |

| |interface. | | |

|10 |Today, multitasking operating systems enable users to work with two or more application programs at the same | | |

| |time. | | |

1. An operating system is _____________

A a program designed to assist users with personal task

B a program that allows a user to perform maintenance type task

C a program that control or maintain the operations of a computer and its device

D a set of programs that coordinates all the data transmissions among computer in a network

2. Multitasking is __________

A working on two or more programs at the same time

B working on two or more computers at the same time

C two or more users using a computer at the same time

D two or more processors working on a program at the same time

3. A user is turning on a computer that has been completely powered off. The user is performing a .

A reboot ___________.

B hot boot

C cold boot

D warm boot

4. A user is using the operating system facilities to restart a computer. The user is performing a ________________

A hot boot

B cold boot

C driver boot

D warm boot

5. In the process of installing new software, the installation automatically restarts the computer after prompting the user. This is called __________

A cold boot

B install boot

C warm boot

D software boot

6. Which of the following statements explains how the operating system provides user interface correctly?

A Controlling how users collect data.

B There are two types of user interfaces.

C Controlling how information is displayed.

D Command driven is a type of user interface.

7. Which of the following statements is the correct function of an operating system?

A Managing data.

B Installing devices.

C Configuring user interfaces.

D Booting the application software.

8. A small program that tells the operating system how to communicate with a specific device is called .

A device driver

B operating driver

C system driver

D device system

9. Which of the following statements explains Plug and Play correctly?

A A new printer does not need configuration.

B A printer does not need to be plugged in to print.

C An operating system automatically configures the new printer as it is installed.

D An operating system automatically turns on the printer as the user gives instruction to print.

10. Which kind of software enables a computer and its peripheral devices to function smoothly?

A. System

B. Application

C. Defragmentation

D. File management


Interfaces of Operating Systems


|1 |Users interact with software through the user interface. | | |

|2 |The user interface controls how users gather data. | | |

|3 |The user interface controls how information is displayed. | | |

|4 |In command line user interface, the user speaks out commands to enter data and instructions. | | |

|5 |In command line user interface, the user presses special keys on the keyboard to enter data and instructions.| | |

|6 |The command line user interface is difficult to use because users need to type the exact spelling of | | |

| |commands. | | |

|7 |The menu driven user interface provides menus | | |

|8 |When using menu driven interface, the user interacts with button and icons. | | |

|9 |In graphical user interface, the user interacts by imagining | | |

| |graphical objects to issue commands. | | |

|10 |The graphical user interface is the most commonly used user interface and has become a standard. | | |


Types of Application Software


|1 |Calc, Excel, and Quattro Pro are examples of spreadsheet | | |

| |software. | | |

|2 |AppleWorks, Microsoft Office, and StarOffice are examples of software suites. | | |

|3 |Corel Presentations, Microsoft PowerPoint, Sun StarOffice Impress are examples of presentation software. | | |

|4 |Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, and The Gimp are examples of graphics editing software. | | |

|5 |WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, and StarOffice Writer are examples of word processing software. | | |

|6 |PowerPoint, Corel Draw, and The Gimp are examples of | | |

| |presentation software. | | |

|7 |Quattro Pro, StarOffice Writer, and Microsoft Word are examples of word processing software. | | |

|8 |AppleWorks, Microsoft Excel, and StarOffice Calc are examples of spreadsheet software. | | |

|9 |CorelDraw, Freehand, and Quattro Pro are examples of graphics editing software. | | |


Usages of Application Software


|1 |Word processing software allows users to create slide shows that are displayed on a large monitor or a | | |

| |projection screen. | | |

|2 |A presentation software allows users to insert images, video and audio clips in their presentation. | | |

|3 |Charting is one of the features of a spreadsheet program. | | |

|4 |Word processing software can perform all the complex calculations exactly the same as a spreadsheet software. | | |

|5 |Word processing software has a what if analysis feature. | | |

|6 |PowerPoint, Corel Draw, and The Gimp are examples of presentation software. | | |

|7 |Quattro Pro, StarOffice Writer, and Microsoft Word are examples of word processing software. | | |

|8 |AppleWorks, Microsoft Excel, and StarOffice Calc are examples of | | |

| |spreadsheet software. | | |

|9 |CorelDraw, Freehand, and Quattro Pro are examples of graphics | | |

| |editing software. | | |

|10 |Spreadsheet software is suitable for creating worksheets, such as invoices, income expense reports, balance | | |

| |sheets, and loan payment schedule. | | |

|11 |Spreadsheet software has a very limited functionality in calculation | | |

|12 |Editing a document involves correcting the spelling mistakes, if | | |

| |any, deleting or moving words, sentences or paragraphs. | | |

|13 |Word processing software does not allow the user to mix graphical pictures with text. | | |

|14 |A spreadsheet is simply a table or matrix of rows and columns, Very similar to accounting journal. | | |

|15 |The major difference between an electronic spreadsheet and an | | |

| |accounting journal is the enhanced flexibility, speed and accuracy provided by an electronic spreadsheet. | | |

|16 |Word count can be generated in word processing software. | | |

1. The spreadsheet function that calculates the total of numbers in a range.





2. Users can create and manipulate documents containing mostly text and a few graphics

using software.

A. database

B. spreadsheet

C. word processing

D. presentation graphics

3. In word processing, pasting is the process of

A. locating all occurrences of a certain character, word or phrase

B. moving different portions of a document on the screen into view

C. transferring an item from the clipboard to a specific location in a document

D. removing a portion of a document and storing it in a temporary storage location

4. Which of the following statements explain the usages of spreadsheet software?

I. We can make a query in spreadsheet software to retrieve data.

II. We can use spreadsheet software to prepare financial statements.

III. We can use spreadsheet software to present data in a graphical form.

IV. Spreadsheet software contains formula which can help us to perform calculations.

A. I, II, and III

B. I, II, and IV

C. II, III, and IV

D. I, II, III, and IV

5. The feature of word processing software that allows users to type words in a paragraph

continually without pressing the ENTER key.

A. macro

B. wordwrap

C. thesaurus

D. mail merge


Usages of Application Software


|1 |Word Processing Software supports mail merge. This means you can quickly make copies of the same document to | | |

| |multiple people by merging the document with a mailing list. | | |

|2 |Equation editor allows users to perform complex calculations. | | |

|3 |A mail merge list can contain multiple addresses, but not multiple | | |

| |records. | | |

|4 |We can find mail merge features in Microsoft Word but not in OpenOffice Writer. | | |

|5 |To position these details correctly in a mail merge document, you need to use field placeholders. | | |

|6 |OpenOffice Writer contains almost most of the features in Microsoft Word. | | |

|7 |A mailing list consists of multiple records; each record contains | | |

| |details about an individual, such as their name and addresses. | | |

| |Field placeholders are added to the document to indicate which | | |

| |details in the mailing list to use and where to position them in the document. | | |

|8 |A word processing software does not allow users to create a picture watermark. | | |

|9 |A drop cap is the first letter of a report, chapter or story that appears in a larger and more interesting | | |

| |font than the other characters. | | |

|10 |Mail merge is a general feature of Word Processing software that | | |

| |enables you to generate form letters. | | |

|11 |The Microsoft Equation editor is installed by default in Microsoft | | |

| |Office. | | |

|12 |Word Processing software allows users to apply drop cap for the last letter of a sentence. | | |

|13 |A drop cap is the last letter of a document that appears in a larger and more interesting font than the other | | |

| |characters. | | |

|14 |Microsoft equation allows users to create complex equation in a | | |

| |document. | | |

|15 |The watermark in word processing software allows users to edit a | | |

| |picture. | | |

|16 |Mail merge allows users to link letters or other text documents with names and addresses in a mailing list. | | |

1. Word processing applications support a feature called mail merge. Which of these are merged?

A. A word document and a mailing list

B. An email message and a mailing list

C. An email message and a word document

2. Which of the following is a feature of word processing software?

A. Watermark

B. Rehearse time

C. Photo enhance

3. The figure shows the ___________ feature in word processing software.

A. drop cap

B. protection

C. watermark

4. Mail merge allows users to create personalised

I. letters

II. labels

III. voices

IV. envelopes



C. All the above

5. In a mail merge, what is the main document?

A. The first document in the set that gets created.

B. A document that contains only the information that is identical in each merged copy.

C. The document you start with that contains both information that is identical for each merged copy and placeholders for unique information.

6. Why does the unique information you use in a mail merge have to be stored in data files?

A. Data files are designed to hold a lot of information.

B. Data files are a special type of file you use only to work with mail merge.

C. Data files organise information in a way that lets you match specific pieces of information with specific placeholders in the main document.

7. What is the relationship between your data file and the fields you insert into the main document?

A. There is no relationship.

B. Each field represents one cell in the data file.

C. Fields are equivalent to categories (column headings) in the data file.

8. Why is it important to match fields?

A. If you don't match fields, you won't be able to preview the merged documents.

B. You match fields after you have previewed the merged documents in order to complete the merge.

C. If Word can't match fields in an Address block with column headings in your data file, you'll see errors in your merged documents.

9. We can create the equation using .

A. object

B. symbol

C. formula

D. Microsoft Equation

10. The figure below shows the application of in word processing software.

A. drop cap

B. watermark

C. mail merge


Application Software: Advanced Features of

Spreadsheet Software

1. Microsoft Excel has a protection feature that allows users to protect the worksheet from

A viruses.

B changes.

C illegal copies.

D being corrupts.

2. The spreadsheet feature that blocks users from modifying or erasing information in a worksheet is called

A lock.

B shield.

C blocker.

D protection.

3. What is the function of Macro?

A Returning a value from the same table.

B Solving tasks that contain lengthy lists.

C Making use of shortcut keys.

D Automating complex tasks and reducing the number of steps required to complete tasks that are performed frequently.

4. A complex criterion in pivot table is best referring to

A each piece of information contained in a row.

B each piece of information contained in a column.

C each piece of data that summarizes multiple information.

D each column or field in source data that summarizes multiple rows of information.

5. Which of the following is the correct statement for Macro?

A Macros are created and written using C language.

B Macros are templates for various kinds of worksheet.

C You can record a macro in Excel to perform calculations.

D Once you click recording macro, the macro will record all your movements or voices.

6. Which of the following answer is the correct statement about Pivot Table?

A It allows the user to summarize lengthy lists using complex criteria.

B It allows you to take any value entered into a designated table and return a value from that same table.

C It allows information protected from being lost.

D It allows you to store series of commands and use a single command.

1. ______________is a sequence of keystrokes and instructions that are recorded and


2. Pivot table allowed user to summarise ______________that contain a lengthy list complex criteria.

3. A feature that ensures that nothing on a spreadsheet gets changed accidentally is called


4. Using this feature, you can type a MyCard number to lookup a student name. This feature is called ____________________

5. Macros can automate ___________and frequent tasks.

6. Once a worksheet or workbook is _____________no information can be modified or erased until the spreadsheet has been unprotected.

7. Macro can be set either by using a new button in the toolbar or by using a ________________


Application Software: Advanced Features of

Presentation Software


|1 |On the Photo Album Dialog Box, you can insert the pictures | | |

| |directly from a digital camera. | | |

|2 |An organisation chart can be used to represent the flow of a | | |

| |process. | | |

|3 |Ms PowerPoint has built-in features that allow users to save their files in .swf format. | | |

|4 |The standard file format for PowerPoint show is .ppt | | |

|5 |Tables created on a slide cannot have a coloured fill. | | |

|6 |You can insert text in your photo album. | | |

1. What happens if you save your presentation in .pps format instead of the normal .ppt


A. The presentation will always open as a slideshow.

B. Your presentation will be saved in Windows 3.1 format.

C. There is no difference between them; it's like .htm and .html. They are the same.

D. This saves your presentation in a form ready for publishing on the Internet.

3. To create a photo album, you can browse for your photo from the following source:

I. scanner

II. hard drive

III. floppy disk

IV. digital camera




D. All the above

4. When you rehearse timings, you are .

A. not able to tell how long the whole show will last

B. can adjust animation timings but not slide transition timings

C. able to set the time interval for each transition and animation

D. just viewing the slide show with automatic times for effects. You cannot make


5. Which of the following can be performed over the album and the pictures in the Photo album dialog box?

I. crop the pictures

II. rotate the highlighted picture

III. remove a picture from the album

IV. change the contrast/brightness of the highlighted picture


B. I, II, IV


D. All the above

6. How do you make an inserted sound file play continuously over several slides?

A. Using the Rehearse Timing Tool to check the duration of the sound file.

B. Using the Play CD Audio Track feature, set the CD to play for the desired number of tracks.

C. Using the Record Sound feature, press the Record button and play your music as you click through the whole slide show.

D. In the Custom Animation task pane, open the options for the sound effect and set the sound to play for the desired number of slides.

8. How would you create the following diagram in PowerPoint?

A. On the Insert menu, click chart and choose this chart type.

B. Use the Chart command on the Insert menu to import the diagram.

C. Use AutoShapes and the Drawing toolbar to create the diagram and design it.

D. Open the Diagram Gallery from the Drawing toolbar and choose this diagram type.


Application Software: Advanced Features of

Graphics Software


|1 |A graphics software enables professional designers to create sophisticated documents that contain text, | | |

| |graphics and many colours. | | |

|2 |A graphics software allows users to create simple animations. | | |

|3 |Users can add special effects such as shadows and glows on images using graphics software. | | |

|4 |Some graphics software has a clip gallery that provides images.is .ppt | | |

|5 |Graphics editing software includes special features for touching up photos, such as removing red eye. | | |

|6 |The crop tool is used for removing unwanted objects. | | |

1. _______________an image is the act of cutting off and discarding the unnecessary portions of a picture.

2. Adding effects and changing background would _______________pictures.

3. Adobe Photoshop is proprietary software, while the GIMP is an open__________ software.

4. The cropping tool is used to _____________a selected area of a picture.

5. We can adjust, modify, add, or ______________colours to enhance pictures.

6. We need to buy the _____________for Adobe Photoshop but for the GIMP it is free.


Types of Utility Programs

1. A utility program is a program that assesses and reports information about various computer resources and devices.

True False

2. A disk scanner is a utility that reorganises the files and unused space on a computer’s hard disk so the operating system accesses data more quickly and programs run faster.

True False

3. A diagnostic utility compiles technical information about a computer's hardware and certain system software programs and then prepares a report outlining any identified problems.

True False

4. A disk fragmenter is a utility that reorganises the files and unused space on a

computer's hard disk so data can be accessed more quickly and programs can run


True False

5. File Management is the system that checks the amount of used space or free space on a storage medium.

True False

6. Defragmenting reorganises the files on a disk so they are located in contiguous sectors, which slows access time.

True False

7. Diagnostic utility and screen saver are the examples of utility programs in the Microsoft Windows operating system.

True False

8. Uninstaller is one of the utility programs.

True False

9. File manager performs the tasks of scanning and copying disks, displaying a list of files on a storage medium, checking the amount of used or free space on a storage medium, organising, copying, renaming, deleting, moving and sorting files and also creating shortcuts.

True False

10. File management enhances existing functions or provide services not supplied by other system software programs.

True False


More Types of Utility Programs

1. ____________utility is a utility that removes redundant elements, gaps, and unnecessary data from a computer’s storage space so that less space (fewer bits) is required to store or transmit data.

2. A ___________utility is used to restore data that has been physically damaged or corrupted.

3. Disk scanner and disk cleanup utilities detect and correct certain types of common problems on hard disks, such as removing unnecessary files called ___________files that are created by Windows only for short tasks and system restore after system problems.

4. _________are utilities that detect and correct both physical and logical problems on a hard disk or floppy disk and search for and remove unnecessary files.

5. A __________is a hidden programming instruction that is buried within an application or a system program.

1. Two popular file compression utilities are LKZIP and WindowZip.

True False

2. Backup utility is important because the program allows the user to retrieve data if the hard drive fails or she or he has no more programs or files.

True False

3. Fragmentation is the scattering of portions of files throughout the disk in nonadjacent areas, thus greatly slowing access to the files.

True False

4. Over time, as you delete old files from your hard disk and add new ones, something happens: The files become defragmented.

True False

5. A compressed file must be unzipped or restored to its original form before being used.

True False

6. Backup utility is important because it allows the user to retrieve data if the hard drive fails or she or he has no more programs or files.

True False

7. Disk storage and disk cleanup detect and correct certain types of common problems on hard disks and floppies and search for and remove unnecessary files, such as temporary files, or “temp files”.

True False

8. Viruses spread in our computers and destroy programs and data on the hard disk.

True False

9. A defragmenter is important because it can search for and remove unnecessary files.

True False

10. A virus is a hidden programming instruction that is buried within an application or a system program.

True False


Proprietary and Open Source Software

1. Proprietary software is also called an open source software.

True False

2. Proprietary software offers a stable system with support if the software fails or


True False

3. Open source software is software provided for use, modification and redistribution.

True False

4. Proprietary software is popular because this software is a closed software; any

programmer can make improvements which can result in a better quality software.

True False

5. Users can obtain Linux in a variety of ways. Some download it for free from the web. Others purchase it from vendors.

True False

6. Proprietary software offers a stable system with support if the software fails or


True False

7. Proprietary software is privately owned and controlled by a company or limited to a

specific vendor or computer model.

True False

8. Many application programs, utilities and plug-in have Linux versions including:

, Netscape, Yahoo Messenger, RealPlayer, QuickTime and Acrobat Reader.

True False

9. An open source software is popular because it has an interesting interface.

True False

10. Mac OS X has the best GUI.

True False


Advantages and Disadvantages of

Proprietary Software


|1 |The producer creates proprietary software that must be | | |

| |bought. (Disadvantage for user) | | |

|2 |Security is a major issue in proprietary software. | | |

| | | | |

|3 |Manufacturers are often under massive amounts of pressure to | | |

| |release the proprietary software before it is completely ready | | |

| |and bug free. | | |

|4 |Users can distribute the proprietary software freely. | | |

|5 |Proprietary software requires fees to make improvements. | | |

1. It is difficult to know whether there are security issues within the proprietary software

because .

A. the code is not available

B. the code is too complicated

C. the code is password protected

D. the code needs special program to open

2. Customising the software is nearly impossible because when users buy the proprietary

software they will receive .

A. a code

B. a module

C. a program

D. a binary version

3. The following are advantages of proprietary software:

I. it offers a stable system support if it fails or malfunctions. This is usually available online and offline

II. security is a major issue. Manufacturers will have to invest in an ongoing research against threats from hackers

III. easy to install and use as the production is planned and extensive research is carried out to ensure users purchase only the best

IV. safe and guaranteed to be safe from dubious threats like programming bugs and viruses thus providing ease of mind for the user

A. I, II and II

B. I, III and IV

C. II, III and IV

D. I, II, III and IV

4. Why is proprietary software popular among users?

A. The software can support any problems.

B. It can detect and correct certain types of common problems on hard disks.

C. The software offers a stable system support if the software fails or malfunctions.

D. The software offers an automatic correction if the software fails or malfunctions.

5. Which of the following are the advantages of proprietary software for users?

I. Free to download

II. Easy to install and use

III. Free to make improvements

IV. The software offers a stable system support

A. I and III

B. II, and IV

C. II, III and IV

D. I, II, III and IV

6. Vendors of proprietary software say keeping the source code closed makes their product

A. more stable

B. more secured

C. easy to install

D. easy to make improvements

7. Which of the following proves that proprietary software does not provide high level security?

A. The code is not viewable.

B. Only a binary version is distributed

C. Large number of successful attacks

D. Because no one knows about the bugs


Advantages and Disadvantages of

Open Source Software


|1 |Open source software, created based on industry demands but allows for upgrades to take place freely when | | |

| |the need arises, | | |

| |is one of its disadvantages. | | |

|2 |Open source software usually comes without warranty and support should the software fail or malfunction. | | |

|3 |If bugs in the codes are found, they can be fixed by anyone. | | |

|4 |Fixes and patches to rectify bugs found in open source software are expensive. | | |

| | | | |

|5 |There is no restriction in a unilateral way on how the software could be used. | | |

1. The following are advantages of open source software:

I. Fixers and patches to rectify the bugs are rapidly developed.

II. The codes are too complicated for novice users to understand

III. The software can be used in any way and for any legal purposes.

IV. There is no restriction in a unilateral way on how the software could be used.

A. I, II and III

B. I, II and IV

C. I, III and IV

D. I, II, III and IV

2. Open source software is created according to

A. student demand

B. internet demand

C. industry demand

D. company demand

3. The following are disadvantages of open source software

I. The modified and improved source codes can be freely redistributed.

II. There is no exact knowledge and assurance on when the codes are going to be fixed if there are bugs in it.

III. The software is usually distributed free of charge or sold for very minimal fees thus not providing after sales support.

IV. The codes are too complicated for novice users to understand because anyone is free to use, modify or even distribute the codes.

A. I and II

B. II and III

C. II, III and III

D. I, II, III and IV

4. Why is it too complicated for novice users to understand open source codes?

A. Users must be able to convert the source code.

B. Users must be able to understand the binary code.

C. Users must be able to understand any error problems.

D. Users must be able to understand the programming language.

5. Which of the following are the disadvantages of open source software?

I. It is too complicated for novice users to understand ‘The source code’.

II. It can fail or malfunctions without warranty and support

III. if bugs in the code are found, they can be fixed by anyone

IV. can be view, changed and adapted towards the requirements of the end-user

A. I, and II

B. I and III

C. II, III and IV

D. All the above


PC Preassembling

1. We need to handle the computer components like motherboards, video cards, memory,or even the hard drive by the edges.

True False

2. The diskette is one of the components needed to assemble a PC.

True False

3. Intel is the only computer processor available in the market.

True False

4. A mouse can be connected to a USB port.

True False

5. It is very important to plug in the power cable while you are assembling a PC.

True False

6. An ATX computer casing with at least a 30 000watt power supply is needed when

assembling a PC.

True False

7. RAM (memory) sticks are needed to assemble a complete PC.

True False

8. Certain electrical components can store an electrical charge even after the power has been disconnected.

True False

9. Safety is not a major issue in PC assembling.

True False

10. A power cable can be connected when the assembling is complete.

True False


PC Preassembling

1. When installing the power supply, ensure all connections are firmly attached, and that no wires run near the top of the processor fan.

True False

2. After connecting other peripherals, plug in the video cable from the monitor to the

display card.

True False

3. When installing the hard disk, ensure that the hard disk is set up to be the master drive on its ATX cable.

True False

4. When installing a DVD/CD ROM drive, set the jumper on the CD ROM drive as “slave”.

True False

5. IDE cables are connected to the hard disk and the DVD/CD ROM drive.

True False

6. The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is placed in the ZIF socket.

True False

7. The RAM has to be inserted in its slot at an angle of 90° and pressed downwards.

True False

8. In assembling a PC, you have to attach the motherboard first before attaching the RAM.

True False

9. In assembling a PC, you have to power up the system first before attaching other

peripherals to the PC.

True False

10. The front panel display consists of a speaker port, HDD Indicator LED, Power LED and Restart button.

True False


BIOS Setup

1. BIOS stands for ____________________

2. BIOS will access a set of routines from_______________

3. The most important role of a BIOS is to load the______________

4. Normally the users need to press the___________ key if they want to enter the BIOS setup interface immediately after switching on the PC.

5. BIOS allows us to set the___________ and time.

6. Below is a list of steps which shows how a BIOS works.

(a) Turn _____the PC.

(b) ________read instructions from BIOS.

(c) Instructions in BIOS tell the computer how to access the_________

(d) Instructions in________ tell the computer how to find the operating system.

(e) Load the operating system to __________

7. The BIOS setup programs can normally be entered only during the________process.

8. Assuming that your computer provides the following options in the boot sequence.


Ø Floppy, HDD, CDROM


If you want to boot from a bootable CD then you can set the boot sequence


9. BIOS allows users to set a _________to control the access to the computer.

10. The quick power on self test (POST) in BIOS allows BIOS to boot up faster by ___________ some tests.


Hard Disk Partitioning and Formatting

1. Once a partition is formatted, it is called a___________

A. format

B. partition volume

C. striped partition

D. formatted partition

2. Formatting a disk______________

A. erases all data on the disk

B. divides the hard disk into several partitions

C. makes a backup copy of the data on the disk

D. moves the data around on the disk to save space

3. In hard disk partitioning, we press the C key to_____________

A. copy a partition

B. create a partition

C. delete a partition

D. format a partition

4. In hard disk partitioning, we press the D key to____________

A. copy a partition

B. divide a partition

C. delete a partition

D. format a partition

5. We usually format a hard disk using file systems.





6. Before you can format and use the disk, you need to .

A. scan the disk

B. defrag the disk

C. backup the disk

D. create the partition

7. Partitioning the hard disk is .

I. a logical volume management of disks

II. the act of dividing it into logical pieces

III. managing files in several hard disk partitions

IV. a step that needs to be taken when setting up a new hard disk

A. I, II and III

B. I, II and IV

C. I, III and IV

D. II, III and IV

8. During hard disk partitioning with Microsoft Windows XP CD, we press F8 to_______

A. delete a partition

B. format a partition

C. accept an agreement

D. create 8 partitions

9. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A. NTFS is a file system which is not limited in size.

B. You should partition a hard disk prior to formatting

C. Each partition on a hard disk can be formatted with a different file system

D. FAT is a file system of hard disk which is not accessible from a DOS boot floppy.

10. The operations of formatting a hard disk

I. erases all the data on the hard disk

II. rearranges all the data on the hard disk

III. creates a root directory on the hard disk

IV. checks for physical and magnetic defects

A. I, II and III

B. I, II and IV

C. I, III and IV

D. II, III and IV


Installing the Operating System


Installing an Application Software

1. Check your computer’s system specifications whether it can run the application software.

True False

2. When installing an original Microsoft Office XP, there is only one CD inside the case.

True False

3. Installing Windows XP is a very troublesome process.

True False

4. The CD key has 16 alphanumeric (alphabets and numbers) characters.

True False

5. The EndUser License Agreement (EULA) specifies the conditions under which a purchaser may use the software.

True False

6. Before restarting your computer to complete the installation for Office XP, you need to save any opened files.

True False

1 Which of the following is NOT included in Microsoft Office XP for Windows?

A. Word 2002

B. Access 2002

C. PowerPoint 2002

D. Media Player 2002

2 “On scratch paper, the user write down the X shown on the top of the CD.”

Based on the statement above, what does X referring to

A. pass key

B. secure key

C. product key

D. software key

4 Which of the following software is required before installing Office XP?


B. Windows 98

C. Antivirus program

D. Defragmenting program

5 When you have installed Office XP, you need to activate it. Why is that required?

A. To register your ownership to the software to Microsoft.

B. To get a free antivirus feature installed to the Office XP.

C. To continue to use the features and functionality it provides.

D. To avoid unauthorised person to make copies of your original copy Office XP.

6 Which of the following does NOT fulfill the minimum hardware and system requirements when installing Office XP?

A. Windows XP

B. 24 MB of RAM

C. Pentium 133 MHz

D. 245 MB of available hard disk space.

8 What do you think ‘XP’ might represent?

A. XP stands for eXtra Play

B. XP stands for eXPerience

C. XP stands for eXtra Points

D. XP stands for eXtreme Programming

9 Which is one of the conditions on a software licensing agreement?

A. The user can read only the software.

B. The user can sell the software program to others.

C. The user can install the software program into a PC.

D. The user can do unlimited copy of the software program.

10 Which of the following data files from nonMicrosoft applications can be opened using Office XP?

A. dBase

B. Lotus 123

C. MP3 songs

D. WordPerfect


Installing a Utility Program

1. Which of the following steps are NOT needed when installing a utility program?

A. Before installing utility program, user needs to format the hard disk.

B. It is recommended to close or disable other programs that are still running.

C. Most utilities contain an Auto Play feature that will automatically start the setup screen.

D. Always read the readme file which is usually located in the same directory as the installation program.

2. The readme file contains information about ________

A. installation instructions

B. the user’s activity traces

C. the recorded chat activities

D. the log of the recent files user accessed

3. You can locate the setup file for the utility by looking into these locations EXCEPT______

A. the internet

B. setup manual

C. CD installer folder

D. My Computer folder

4. The AVG Free Edition program will charge the user a minimal fee for supports.

A. True

B. False

5. The AVG Free Edition program can detect viruses in email.

A. True

B. False

6. An antivirus program can detect, clean or quarantine the virus found.

A. True

B. False

7. An antivirus program can detect all types of malicious codes.

A. True

B. False

8. Some examples of malicious codes are the worm and Trojan Horse.

A. True

B. False

9. An email spamming program can also detect any viruses found.

A. True

B. False

10. A utility program is used to increase the memory size in a hard disk.

A. True

B. False


Pervasive Computing

1. Another name for pervasive computing is__________

A. remote computing

B. mobile computing

C. ubiquitous computing

D. distributed computing

2. Pervasive computing is about


A. users having access to ICT virtually

B. users having access to ICT remotely

C. users having access to ICT throughout the environment

D. users having access to ICT throughout cybernetics technology

3. In terms of pervasive computing, which one of the examples below is NOT a gadget that can be wearable?

A. LCD jacket

B. Bullet proof jacket

C. Watch phone and video

D. Wearable glasses monitor

4. Which one of the options below does not belong to pervasive computing technology?

A. Desktop.

B. Robot in use.

C. Wearable computing.

D. Embedded gadgets into devices.

5. Which two of the following answers are examples of gadgets attached in a car which can navigate the driver to a destination?


II. Auto cruise

III. Reverse sensor

IV. Internet access through Bluetooth applications

A. I and II

B. I and III

C. I and IV

D. II and III

6. What is the most challenging aspect in pervasive computing?

A. Mobility

B. Availability

C. Easy to communicate

D. Security requirements

7. Which TWO communication technologies can be used to create a smart device in pervasive computing?

I. Wired

II. Internet

III. Wireless

IV. Stand alone

A. I and II

B. I and IV

C. II and III

D. II and IV

8. Which are the following statements of pervasive computing is FALSE?

A. Fault tolerance

B. Computers everywhere

C. Intelligent environment

D. Wireless communication

9. Which one of the following is NOT the trend in pervasive computing?

A. Wireless

B. Embedded

C. Networked

D. Centralised

10. Other examples of the pervasive computing technologies are:

I. Robots

II. Cybernetics

III. Workstation

IV. PDA Smart home

A. I and II

B. I and IV

C. II and III

D. I, II and IV











C. An IrDA port

D. A FireWire Port















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D. thousands

D. decodes and executes



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