Working with Yocto to Build Linux - Embedded Artists

Working with Yocto to Build Linux

Copyright 2021 ? Embedded Artists AB

Working with Yocto to Build Linux

Working With Yocto to Build Linux

Page 2

Embedded Artists AB

Rundelsgatan 14 SE-211 36 Malm? Sweden

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Copyright 2021 ? Embedded Artists AB

Rev V

Working With Yocto to Build Linux

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Table of Contents

1 Document Revision History ................................. 6

2 Introduction ........................................................... 8

2.1 Conventions.................................................................................... 8

3 Linux Host Setup .................................................. 9

3.1 Introduction .................................................................................... 9 3.2 Required Packages ........................................................................ 9 3.3 Install the repo tool ....................................................................... 9 3.4 Download Yocto recipes.............................................................. 10

4 Building Images .................................................. 11

4.1 Available Images .......................................................................... 11 4.2 Machine Configurations............................................................... 11 4.3 Initialize Build ............................................................................... 12 4.3.1 Distro configurations.................................................................... 12 4.3.2 Restart a Build............................................................................. 12 4.4 Starting the Build ......................................................................... 13 4.5 Bitbake Options............................................................................ 13 4.5.1 Clean Build for a Specific Image/Recipe ..................................... 13 4.5.2 Kernel Configuration.................................................................... 13 4.5.3 Show Yocto Layer Append Dependencies .................................. 13

5 Deploying Images ............................................... 14

5.1 Manufacturing Tool ...................................................................... 14 5.1.1 Download the Tool ...................................................................... 14 5.1.2 Prepare hardware........................................................................ 14 5.1.3 OTG boot mode ? J2 jumper ....................................................... 15 5.1.4 OTG boot mode ? DIP switches .................................................. 15 5.1.5 Configurations ............................................................................. 16 5.1.6 Download Your Own Images....................................................... 17 5.1.7 Run the Tool ................................................................................ 17 5.2 UUU ............................................................................................... 18 5.2.1 Download the Tool ...................................................................... 18 5.2.2 Prepare hardware........................................................................ 18 5.2.3 OTG boot mode ? J2 jumper ....................................................... 18 5.2.4 OTG boot mode ? DIP switches .................................................. 18 5.2.5 Configurations ............................................................................. 18 5.2.6 Download Your Own Images....................................................... 19 5.2.7 Run the Tool in Ubuntu................................................................ 19 5.2.8 Run the Tool in Windows............................................................. 20 5.2.9 Troubleshoot ............................................................................... 20 5.3 From within u-boot ....................................................................... 22 5.3.1 Find the USB Memory Stick ........................................................ 22

Copyright 2021 ? Embedded Artists AB

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Working With Yocto to Build Linux

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5.3.2 Load the Root File System .......................................................... 23 5.4 From within Linux ........................................................................ 23 5.4.1 Kernel image and dtb files ........................................................... 23

6 Extend Image with Additional Functionality..... 25

6.1 Image Features ............................................................................. 25 6.2 Additional Packages .................................................................... 25

7 Lubuntu Virtual Machine Setup ......................... 26

7.1 VMware Workstation Player ........................................................ 26 7.2 Download Installation Media ....................................................... 26 7.3 Creating the VMware Virtual Machine ........................................ 26

8 Yocto Images....................................................... 41

8.1 meta-toolchain.............................................................................. 41

9 Customization ..................................................... 42

9.1 Create a layer................................................................................ 42 9.2 Create a recipe.............................................................................. 43 9.3 Add content or change behavior of existing recipe .................. 45

10 Miscellaneous ................................................... 46

10.1 Root file system on SD card ...................................................... 46 10.2 Build Linux kernel from source code ....................................... 47 10.3 Build u-boot from source code ................................................. 48 10.3.1 Extra steps for iMX8 .................................................................. 49 10.4 Use devtool to build Linux / u-boot........................................... 50 10.5 State and download cache in Yocto ......................................... 51

11 Frequently Asked Questions ........................... 52

11.1 I want to add package XYZ ? how do I do this? ....................... 52 11.2 Which packages are included in my build? ............................. 52 11.3 Which recipe generated a specific package? .......................... 52 11.4 Which recipe generated a specific file on the file system? .... 52 11.5 How do I add my own files to the file system? ........................ 52 11.6 How do I install my own application to the file system?......... 53 11.7 Where are the repositories? ...................................................... 53 11.7.1 meta-ea ..................................................................................... 53 11.7.2 Linux kernel ............................................................................... 54 11.7.3 U-boot bootloader...................................................................... 54 11.8 How do I use my own Linux kernel?......................................... 55 11.9 How do I use my own u-boot?................................................... 55 11.10 Should I use my own repo manifest and Yocto layer?.......... 55 11.11 How can I reduce the build time? ........................................... 55 11.12 Where is the package manager?............................................. 55

Copyright 2021 ? Embedded Artists AB

Rev V

Working With Yocto to Build Linux

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11.13 Which version of Yocto am I using?....................................... 55

Copyright 2021 ? Embedded Artists AB

Rev V


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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