Letter of Understanding - California State Polytechnic ...

Memorandum of Understanding

The Master’s of Public Administration course MPA 550 Policy Process and Evaluation in collaboration with the Director of the Office of Projects and Undergraduate Education (OPUE) for the College of Engineering (COE) at California State Polytechnic University at:

3801 W. Temple Avenue, Building 9-231B

Pomona, CA 91768

A team of MPA 550 students shall conduct a study for the Director of OPUE, Dr. W. Dong, the Dean of the College of Engineering, Dr. Don Coduto, and the Associate Dean of the College, Dr. Cordelia Ontiveros.  The objective of the study will be to conduct a needs assessment in support of enhancing the Engineering College’s goals to:

• Develop the college’s capacity to attract funding opportunities with industry, through grants and/or donations for undergraduate senior projects

• Coordinate across the college student projects and provide a focal point of communications about how efforts meet the university commitment to promote student achievement, satisfaction and success through leadership, responsibility and community involvement. [CPP Catalog 2009-11, 14]

The Objective of the Study:

The College of Engineering began in 1938 as part of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and today has eleven undergraduate majors, four engineering minors and seven departments. Undergraduates are required to complete198 units to earn the Bachelor of Science degree. In addition the college offers five masters’ degrees; however, the graduate program is not part of this assessment. For the purposes of this study senior projects are defined as the following required department classes:

|Department |Courses |Units |Total |

|Aerospace Engineering |ARO 461 and 462 (also includes EGR 481 and |2 units each |4 |

| |482) | | |

|Chemical and Materials Engineering |EGR 481, 482 and CHE 463 |2 units each |6 |

|Civil Engineering |CE 491, 492 and 493 |1, 2 and 1 unit |4 |

|Electrical and Computer Engineering |EGR 481, 482 and ECE 467 |2, 2 and 1 unit |5 |

|Engineering Technology |ETT 460, 461 and 462 |3, 2, and 2 units |7 |

|Mechanical Engineering |EGR 481 and 482 |2 units each |4 |

|Industrial and Manufacturing |IME 460, 461, and 462 and/or IME 471 and 472 |1, 2 and 3 units |6 |

|Engineering | | | |

Senior projects are required of majors and not engineering minors, although, minors may enroll in senior project courses if they want.

Regardless of the area of specialization a senior project is defined as an effort

• of 2 or more students under the direction of engineering faculty

• to solve a problem identified by industry, a grant, or faculty award

• that requires research, experimentation and data analysis

• that produces an analytical report, prototype and/or synthesizes data

COE has approximately 5,000 undergraduates. It is estimated that 700 undergraduates complete the degree each academic year. In academic year 2009-10 the distribution of sections and students was as follows:

|Department |Courses | Sections |

|Aerospace Engineering |ARO 461 |06 |

| |ARO 462 |06 |

| |EGR 481 |04 |

| |EGR 482 |05 |

|Chemical Engineering |EGR 481 |09 |

| |EGR 482 |13 |

| |CHE 463 |09 |

|Civil Engineering |CE 491 |35 |

| |CE 492 |23 |

| |CE 493 |23 |

|Electrical Engineering |EGR 481 |51 |

| |EGR 482 |39 |

| |ECE 467 |39 |

|Engineering Technology |ETT 460 |05 |

| |ETT 461 |16 |

| |ETT 462 |16 |

|Mechanical Engineering |EGR 481 |47 |

| |EGR 482 |40 |

|Industrial Engineering |IME 460 |03 |

| |IME 461 |11 |

| |IME 462 |13 |

| |IME 471 |11 |

| |IME 472 |10 |

|7 departments |23 courses |434 |

It is assumed that future opportunities for projects in engineering will be built on the successes of the past. Therefore the needs assessment seeks to address the following questions:

1. What current efforts meet business and industry participants’ expectations about projects with undergraduate students and faculty?

2. How are the constituents of these efforts identifying and measuring success?

3. What projects/experiences do constituent groups want to see developed?

4. Over the next 3 to 5 years, what should be the emphasis of the OPUR and what department efforts will best prepare students for careers in engineering?

5. How have alumni experiences in COE shaped their interest and willingness to support future COE efforts?

6. Over the past 3 to 5 years what has been the colleges and/or department primary area/s of success? How will COE efforts be sustained and leveraged to expand opportunities for engineering students?

The Final Report

I. Executive Summary

II. Purpose of Research Project

A. Project Description – definition and objectives of senior projects

B. Preliminary Statement of Understanding of College Need

1. Successes

2. Challenges

3. Target constituents population

4. Field Observations

III. Procedure and Methodology

A. Research Design for Needs Assessment Case Study

1. Focus Group (e.g. department faculty teaching senior project courses)

2. Elite Interviews (

3. Survey of Alumni

IV. Evaluation Findings

A. Integration of data analysis from interviews, focus groups and surveys

B. Summary of study analysis

V. Conclusions and Implications

A. Implications

B. Recommendations

VII. Appendices

A. Focus Group Meeting Minutes and Criteria Notes

B. Elite Interviews Meeting Minutes and Notes

C. Letter of Understanding

D. Survey/Questionnaire

E. Data Analysis

The Study Plan

The MPA 550 study will be comprised of the following sections: field observations, alumni surveys, interviews and focus groups. Existing record data of COE will be utilized as needed to define terms and indicate the College’s current level of effort. The specifics of the design, methods and anticipated data are noted below.

Methodology: Preliminary Efforts

Records analysis

The following records have been provided by the COE. Basic Senior Project Data that identifies for the past three academic years the senior projects courses by department, course, section number, faculty member and number of enrolled students. Based on this three year period of data the following department effort has been identified.

College of Engineering Summary for 2007-2010 academic year

|Department |Faculty |Enrollments |Est. students |Sections |1 Person sections |

|Chemical/ Materials |05 |536 | 179 |101 |8 or 8% |

|Aerospace |05 |362 | 120 |64 |8 or 12% |

|Civil |33 |1681 | 560 |201 |4 or 2% |

|Electronic Technology |15 |710 | 237 |201 |21 or 10% |

|Industrial |07 |372 | 93 |130 |40 or 31% |

|Electrical |21 |1476 | 492 |202 |79 or 39% |

|Mechanical |22 |680 | 340 |233 |97 or 42% |

|COE Total |112 |5817 |2021 |1132 |13% |

The data will enable the researchers to estimate the total level of academic effort undertaken to meet this degree requirement. The data will also serve as a basis for discussion with COE faculty on projects and the need for support.

Field Observations

This research seeks to understand and develop means for sustaining and improving the senior project effort As part of this inquiry it is useful for the researchers to observe the current senior project program in operation in spring 2011. These observations will enable the researchers to view how ‘senior project’ is being experienced in the college and how students are relating to these efforts. The needs assessment work of this research will seek to identify net new opportunities for COE.

Methodology Employed in Study for Needs and Sustainability


There are 5,972 alumni (for whom we have email addresses) who have completed a degree in the College of Engineering over the past 50 years. A universal sample will be taken the winter quarter for analysis by the MPA 550 class in spring quarter. The surveys will be collected, entered into a data set by COE and analyzed by the MPA 550 students. The primary objective is to describe alumni expectations and experiences in the current program and expectations about future projects and the alumni’s interest in sustaining and enhancing learning activities for current and future engineering students.

Elite Interviews

The MPA 550 students will conduct elite interviews with members of the College Industrial Advisory Council (IAC). The students will endeavor to interview as many members as possible from as broad a spectrum as possible. It is estimated that there are 26 persons who serve on the College IAC. The purpose of the elite interview is to assess the following:

• Success and challenges of the undergraduate program with an emphasis on the senior project experience in the past.

• How IAC members value projects as an educational exercise and how projects benefits are valued and measured in business and industry

• What opportunities and challenges for CPP’s COE in sustaining and enhancing student/industry collaboration and cooperation

• How the COE and departments might meet future challenges in the disciplines.

The elite interview guide to be asked of IAC members will be developed by the MPA class which will conduct the interviews and analyze the data.

In support of this effort the COE has provided a list of all current members of the IAC along with contact information (location, email, and phone). The list of IAC members and solicitation letters to encourage participation will be developed in winter of 2011 to assure that the maximum number of interviews may be completed and analyzed in the spring quarter.

Focus group

The other core component of the senior project experience is the COE faculty members who prepare and provide courses annually for graduating seniors that enable students to get practical experience in their chosen field. While the requirement is standard throughout the college the demands of the fields vary and it is suggested that the MPA 550 class conduct 2 to 3 focus group sessions with interested faculty on the challenges and opportunities they see for senior projects for undergraduate instruction. Specifically the focus groups would seek to:

• Identify current efforts and success

• Identify gaps in resources

• Identify information needs of administrators and faculty seeking to work with business and industry representatives

This data along with that of the alumni surveys and elite interviews will serve as a basis for the MPA 550 analysis and report on the success, challenges and resources available for senior projects for undergraduate engineers.


In order to assure that the study meets the expressed needs of the College of Engineering and OPUR and that resources are used effectively, the MPA class and administrators will be in contact during the course of the study. Copies of elite interviews, meetings, drafts surveys will be shared with the Director for her review, comment and correction as needed. The Director will have an opportunity to add, change and/or delete questions. For specifics on what materials will be shared at what times during this study, see Research Schedule discussion below.

Tentative Research Schedule

|TASK |Week of: |DESCRIPTION/PRODUCT |Location / Persons Involved |

|Week | | | |

|1 | March 31 |Cesar Chavez holiday | Students prepare readings |

|2 | April 7 |Letter of Understanding and Meeting with COE |Draft of elite interview to Dr. W. Dong. Class|

| | |client. Discussion of elite interviews and focus |meets with Deans of COE and Project Director. |

| | |group guide. Letters of introduction to IAC. | |

|3 |April 14 | Finalize focus group protocol and elite interview|Draft of focus group outline and agenda to Dr. |

| | |instruments to be sent to COE. |W. Dong |

|4 |April 21 |Focus group sessions with COE faculty. | . |

|5 |April 28 |Focus group sessions with COE faculty and students|Posting of elite interviews |

| | |in the field conducting IAC elite interviews | |

|6 |May 5 | Alumni Survey. Process discussion with Roger |Posting of data from focus group sessions |

| | |Humes | |

|7 |May 12 |Teams will develop analysis of information derived| |

| | |alumni surveys. Draft reports of all | |

| | |methodologies employed, findings and preliminary | |

| | |recommendations will be discussed and drafted | |

|8 |May 19 |Preliminary full draft of findings and |Preliminary findings forwarded to COE |

| | |recommendations. | |

|9 |May 26 |Draft Report and Presentation rehearsal; draft of |Copy of preliminary report forwarded to Dr. W. |

| | |power point. |Dong |

|10 |June 2 | Presentation Rehearsal | |

|Finals |June 9 | Presentation |CPP; Director, MPA students and faculty, |

| | | |Engineering Dean and Associate Dean, faculty, |

| | | |administrators and industry representatives as |

| | | |available. |

| |** |The social science lab will be open and available | |

| | |to MPA 500 students for data analysis on Saturdays| |

| | |and/or as needed. | |

MPA550 Team

Dr. Sandra M. Emerson on behalf of the students of MPA 550 agrees to provide expertise, guidance and direction to the student team. Dr. Winny Dong will be the lead contact for College of Engineering and in that capacity will provide, or assist in providing, information about the program to be studied, access to staff, reports and related information to be used as part of the study effort.

Standards of Professional Ethics

The team will adhere to the following standards of behavior when conducting this study:

• The researchers will obtain informed consent of all subjects interviewed.

• All research participants will be informed of the purpose of the study.

• All study participants will be told why they were selected to participate in the study.

• The researchers will ensure that responses are kept confidential. Data will be coded to assure that participant’s responses cannot be linked back to a specific person.

• The research team will not disclose records and/or surveys data that reveals the identity of a participant.

• The questions developed and employed by the research team, including demographic data, will be program specific and criteria driven as defined by COE administrators.

• All necessary data will be solicited from voluntary participants in a professional manner and researchers will maintain a professional demeanor at all times with respondents.

• All research team members will identify themselves as researchers when speaking with any participant.

• All administrative records will be used by the research team for data collection and analysis only. All original materials will be returned in a timely manner as directed by COE administrators.

Signatures of Team: [see attached list]

1. __Sandra M. Emerson ________________________ __________

name signature date

College of Engineering: Office of Programs and Undergraduate Research (OPUR):

Dr. Winny Dong ________________________ __________

name signature date


agency name phone: email

Dr. Don Coduto ________________________ __________

name signature date


agency name phone: email

Dr. Cordelia Ontiveros ________________________ __________

name signature date

_____ COE _______________________________________________________

agency name phone: email

Appendix A

COE Alumni Survey

The objective of this survey is to identify and develop resources for undergraduate projects that will enhance the learning experiences of students and provide critical analytical insights to business and industry problems and issues. Senior project is part of the core mission of the university which is “learning by doing”.

|Questions |Response options |

|In what year did you graduate from the College of Engineering? | |

|In what department did were you a major? |__ ___ ___ ___ year |

|a. Aerospace | |

|b. Chemical | |

|c. Civil |______ |

|d. Electrical |Other if not specified: |

|e. Engineering Technology | |

|f. Mechanical |__________________ |

|g. Industrial Engineering | |

|h. Other (specify________________) | |

| | |

|2a. If you majored in more than one department, indicate the second department in which | |

|you were a major | |

| |____Yes, |

| |____NO, ** |

|Did you complete an undergraduate project as part of your program? |____Don’t know ** |

| |**skip to question 5 |

| | |

| | |

|3a.Did you complete more than one project, and if so how many? |______projects |

|3b. In your project course OR your best project experience, how many students (including | |

|yourself) were part of the project team? |___team members in all |

|3c. Was the team interdisciplinary (e.g. had students on the team majoring in different | |

|departments)? | |

| |____Yes, |

| |____NO, |

| |____Don’t know |

|For the single project OR the most rewarding project experience what was the primary | |

|benefits of the project courses? | |

|Indicate the top three that apply: | |

|a __technical competence |Select 3 |

|b__ problem solving skills | |

|c __ team building skills | |

|d.__ data analysis skill building | |

|e.__ research skills | |

|f.__ report writing | |

|g. __ building prototypes | |

|h.__ managerial skills | |

|i. __ other (specify_____________) | |

|4a. For the project/s completed as an undergraduate which of the competency areas were | |

|not addressed adequately? | |

|Indicate all that apply: |Indicate all that apply: |

|a __technical competence |___ ____ ____ |

|b__ problem solving skills |___ ____ ____ |

|c __ team building skills | |

|d.__ data analysis skill building | |

|e.__ research skills | |

|f.__ report writing | |

|g. __ building prototypes | |

|h.__ managerial skills | |

|i. __ other (specify_____________) | |

|5. Are you currently employed in an engineering area? |__Yes |

|5. a. What discipline area would be the closest for your organization’s mission: |__ No (skip to question 7) |

|a. Aerospace | |

|b. Chemical | |

|c. Civil |5.a. __closest |

|d. Electrical |(select 1 from a through h) |

|e. Engineering Technology |5.b. __also might include (select one from a |

|f. Mechanical |through h) |

|g. Industrial Engineering | |

|h. Other (specify________________) | |

|What are your primary responsibilities: |Select an option a-e. |

|Technical | |

|Professional |____ |

|Managerial | |

|Consultant | |

|Other (specify:___________) | |

|Are you currently working with College of Engineering faculty and/or administrators in |__Yes |

|designing, developing and implementing undergraduate projects? |__No |

| |__Don’t know |

|Would you be interested in developing, designing, and/or implementing an undergraduate |__Yes |

|project? |__No (skip to question_) |

| |__Don’t know |

|In what capacity would you be interested in working with undergraduate engineering |Indicate all that apply: |

|projects: | |

|__ providing expertise |__ |

|__ providing project/s for study |__ |

|__providing research resources (data, lab equipment, etc.) |__ |

|__providing funding |__ |

|__developing an endowment |__ |

|__providing other |___ |

| |If f (specify__________) |

|To adequately address a year-long undergraduate project in your area of employment and/or| |

|expertise, how much financial resources are needed? |$___________ (estimate rounded to nearest |

| |dollar) |

|How is the decision to provide personnel and/or financial resources determined in your | |

|organization? | |

|__ by me | |

|__by persons other than myself e.g. CEO, CFO, partners, etc. | |

|__by a committee | |

|__by a research/development group in organization | |

|__by other administrative department (e.g. human resources, finance, sales, etc.) | |

|__ other (_____________) | |

|How well did your education in the college of Engineering prepare your career? |Select one option |

|Exceptionally well | |

|Well |_____ |

|Adequately | |

|Not well | |

|Poorly | |

|For each of the items listed below indicate with a √ a|No Very Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very |

|response |Opinion Satisfied |

|Quality of academic program |Dissatisfied |

|Variety of courses | |

|Preparation for further academic study | |

|Quality of instruction |__ __ __ __ __ __ |

|Intellectual atmosphere |__ __ __ __ __ __ |

|Class size |__ __ __ __ __ __ |

|Faculty availability | |

|Course availability |__ __ __ __ __ __ |

|Academic advising |__ __ __ __ __ __ |

|Library services |__ __ __ __ __ __ |

|Career planning |__ __ __ __ __ __ |

|Collaboration with peers |__ __ __ __ __ __ |

|Student clubs and social activities |__ __ __ __ __ __ |

|Other (specify ________________ |__ __ __ __ __ __ |

| |__ __ __ __ __ __ |

| |__ __ __ __ __ __ |

| | |

| |__ __ __ __ __ __ |

| | |

| | |

| |__ __ __ __ __ __ |

| | |

|Would you recommend the COE at CPP to young scholars |__Definitively Yes |

|interested in engineering? |__Probably Yes |

| |__Uncertain |

| |__Probably No |

| |__Definitively No |

|What about your CPP COE education was ideal for you |Open ended question: need space for 100 characters. |

|and should be retained for future students? | |

|What about your CPP COE education was not useful for |Open ended question: need space for 100 characters. |

|you and should be changed for future students? | |

|What is your gender? |__ Male |

| |__Female |

| |__ No response |

|What is your ethnicity /race group? |__African American |

| |__Hispanic/Latino |

| |__Asian/Pacific Islander |

| |__White/Anglo |

| |__Native American |

| |__Other |

| |__No response |

|Income group is: |___$15,000 or less |

| |___$15,001 to $25,000 |

| |___$25,001 to $40,000 |

| |___$40,001 to $55,000 |

| |___$55,001 to $70,000 |

| |__$70,001 to $100,000 |

| |___$100,001 and higher |

| | |

| |___No response |

|Highest degree obtained |__Bachelor degree |

| |__Masters degree |

| |__ Doctoral degree |

| |__Other (Specify____) |

|Were you the first person in your family to receive a |__Yes |

|college education? |__No |

| |__Don’t know |

|How many miles are you from the Cal Poly Pomona |______miles from home |

|campus? |______miles from business |

|Do you currently contribute to a charity, |____yes |

|civic/religious, or other group or association? |____no |

| |___ no response |

Thank you for completing this form. Your support is greatly appreciated.

If we may contact you to participate in working with the College of Engineering on undergraduate projects, complete questions below.

|My Name: |____________________________ |

|Contact information: |____________________________ |

|Postal Address: |____________________________ |

| |____________________________ |

| |_________ZIP |

|Email: | |

| | |

|Phone: |(______)_____________ |

|5. Best day/s to contact me: | |

|a. Monday |__ |

|b. Tuesday |__ |

|c. Wednesday |__ |

|d. Thursday |__ |

|e. Friday |__ |

|f. Saturday/ Sunday |__ |

| | |

|5.a. Best time on best day would be |____ to ___ a.m. and/or |

| |____ to ___ p.m. |

|If prefer to use a business address, indicate the | |

|name of business |___________________ |

| | |

|Contact Address | |

|Including ZIP | |

| | |

| | |

| |_________________________ |

|6.b. Email : |(_____)___________________ |

|6.c. Phone: |__________________________ |

|Other: | |

Your assistance is greatly appreciated. We will be following up with you shortly.

Appendix B

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona



Joel H. Benkie

Group Vice President

Parker Aerospace

14300 Alton Parkway MS/303

Irvine, CA 92618-1898



Stephen Bedolla

Vice President Project Director

Fluor Enterprises, Inc.

3 Polaris Way

Aliso Viejo, CA 92698



Elizabeth Benning-Moore

Senior Program Director


605 E. Huntington Drive, Suite 100

Monrovia, CA 91016-3636



Christopher Celtruda

Vice President & General Manager

CIRCOR Aerospace Products

2301 Wardlow Road

Corona, CA 92880-2894



Suad Cisic

Vice President, SW Sector Manager


100 W. Walnut Street

Pasadena, CA 91124



Thomas Cossio

Director, Quality Integration

The Boeing Company

2401 E. Wardlow Rd., MC C054-0069

Long Beach, CA 90807-5309



Graham Dodson

Vice President

Jacobs Engineering

Los Angeles Operations

5757 Plaza Dr., Ste. 100

Cypress, CA 90630



Frank Flores

VP Engineering, Logistics

Northrop Grumman Corporation

One Hornet Way, M/S 1E00/W7

El Segundo, CA 90245-2804



Gregory S. Gabel, P.E.

Refinery Business Manager

Chevron El Segundo Refinery

324 W. El Segundo Blvd., Room MO-270

El Segundo, CA 90245



Frank Garcia

766 Trotter Court

Walnut, CA 91789



Tom Forgette

Director of Engineering

Navigation Systems

L-3 Communications, Inc.

P.O. Box 3117

Anaheim, CA 92803



Gordon L. Johnson

Engineering Manager

Metropolitan Water District

700 North Alameda Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012



Ken Johnson

Design Engineering Manager

Edison International

P.O. Box 128 G48B

San Clemente, CA 92674



Brian H. Jones

Executive Vice President

BAE Systems

Composite Structures

1195 Columbus Street

Brea, CA 92821-2992



Kevin S. Kayse


Gekko Engineering

1210 East 223rd Street, Suite 301

Carson, CA 90745-4215



Gregory Lee

Cooper Associates






Jacob Lipa



555 S. Flower Street, Suite 4400

Los Angeles, CA 90071



William Luebke

Technical Director


P.O. Box 5000

Corona, CA 92878-5000



David L. Mead

Vice President

Edison Engineering & Technical Services

1 Innovation Way

Pomona, CA 91768



David W. Merrill

Manager, Engineering

Hamilton Sundstrand

2771 North Garey Avenue

Pomona, CA 91767

909.593.3581 x4080


Thomas S. Nichols

Regional Chief Technologist


Network Centric Systems

1801 Hughes Drive, 676/D245

Fullerton, CA 92833-2249

714.446.2894 office

714.446.3233 fax


Joe M. Rivera

Director Engineering/Tech Serv.

The Gas Company

555 W. Fifth Street, GT23E2

Los Angeles, CA 90013-1011



Michael P. Smith

Director of Engineering

CBS Inc. – KCBS Radio

865 Battery Street

San Francisco, CA 94111-4141



Tom Spanos

Director, Systems Engineering

Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Corporation

1011 Lockheed Way

Palmdale, CA 93599-0001



Richard Weeks

Executive Vice President

Symvionics Inc.

488 Santa Clara Street, Suite 201

Arcadia, CA 91006-7230



William M. Whitney

University Affairs Officer/Deputy Manager

Jet Propulsion Laboratories

4800 Oak Grove Drive, M/S 180-109

Pasadena, CA 91109-8099




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