
Helderberg Radio Flyers

Club Meeting 4th June 2011


1. Signing of the Attendance Register

o Derek du Toit, Michael Basson, Kas Hamman, David Hancock, Robert Cox, Louise Cox, Richard Greef, Mario van Dyk, Ken Smith, Clive Duffell, Kurt Bester, Horst Glanninger, Paul Fouche, Christo Wepener, Rabie van der Merwe, Andre Wathen, Johan Wagner, Danie Barnardo, Charl Cilliers, James Deck, Damion Nobel, Charlie Rietief, Roger Maunder, Trevor Kehl, Nic van der Walt, Sven Harmsen, Christo Rust, Ludwig Steyn, Schalk van der Merwe, Jonathan St Clair, Graham Hall, Clinton Basson

2. Apologies received

o Louw Bester, Nazeem Harris, Greg Moss, Dirk du Toit, Ashley Senior, Wammy Ellenberger, Stuart Nix, Graham Jackson, Mike Tollner, Graham Baker, Craig Sass

3. Welcome by the Chairman

The Chairman opened the meeting at 11:07 by welcoming the members present.

4. Member statistics

• Fully paid up 65

• 10 Yr 14

• Honorary 3

• Unpaid 28

• Total members 110

5. New members

The following list shows the members who have joined in 2011

• Louise Cox (from a social to a full member)

• Mervyn van Boomen

• Daniel Barnardo

• Damion Nobel

• Rabie van der Merwe

6. In memory of Leighton Lee

A minute of silence was held in memory of Leighton Lee who died on 25th April 2011. Leighton was a very active flyer and always the first at the flying field. He also experimented with converting glow engines to petrol. Six club members who flew with him attended his wake.

7. Presentation to Boys Town

The Chairman made a presentation to Girl’s and Boy’s Town of a personal computer. This was done to thank the management of the organisation for allowing the club to use their ground. The managers, Jacqueline and Edgar expressed their thanks. Derek du Toit sourced all the components and software and then built and configured the computer.

8. Visitors/Landing fees

This topic was raised at the last AGM and the committee was charged with making a decision about charging landing fees for visitors. The following outlines the decision made:

Whilst the observance of the club rules is vital to the future of HRF, it is also important to be seen as a friendly and welcoming club. The collection of landing fees from a visitor only presents problems. For a member to request a landing fee can be embarrassing, is the pilot a member are not, there is no way of issuing a receipt, what does the member do with money, how can the payment be handed over to the treasurer and it will cost money to bank. The original reason for charging a fee was meant to act as a deterrent to that the facilities are not abused and, as far as is known, the incidents of abuse are few and far between. Given the difficulties with this approach, it was decided that landing fees will not be charged in future. However, each member will be requested to report any abuser who uses the facilities more than three times to a committee member. The abuser will be requested to join the club or stop using the facilities.

Clive Duffel put a proposal forward that members should wear name badges. This would help identify members and non members as well as encourage members to talk to each other. The committee agreed to look into a viable solution to this proposal.

9. Safety officers

This topic was raised at the last AGM and the committee was charged with making a decision about appointing safety officers. The following outlines the decision made:

• It is not practical to appoint Safety Officers such that there is always a presence whenever someone is flying. By being a member of the club, each member is a safety officer. Each member will be to act as such or, if the matter cannot be resolved, to report the matter to Louw Bester (Safety Officer)

10. Changes to club rules

The following rules have been added to the existing club rules and the web site will be updated accordingly:

• No engines are to be started on the club house side of the pit wall or under the braai area patio

• No engines are to be started whilst the aircraft is standing on one of the tables

• No aircraft is to be stored in the clubhouse over weekends

• No 3D flying is permitted whilst any other aircraft is flying and vice versa

• No 3D flying such that the aircraft is over the pit side of the runway

It was agreed that the Secretary will send out an e-mail reminding all members to reread the club rules thereby minimising future safety problems.

11. Electricity supply update

The club now has its own Eskom power supply and some R12,000.00 has been spent to get to this desirable position. However, from the savings that will be realised by not being dependent on a supply from the instant lawn company will recover this cost within a year.

12. Parking area appearance

New poles are to be installed down the length of the new pit area as well across the end next to the road to both improve the aesthetics of the area and prevent the instant lawn trucks from driving on the grass and runway. In addition, shrubs will be planted next to the access road to also improve the look of the area.

13. Painting of the clubhouse

The whole exterior of the clubhouse will be plastered and painted once summer arrives and the rains stop.

14. MAASA National Aerobatic Championships

Through Stuart Nix, the club has submitted a bid for the MAASA National Aerobatic Championships which takes place on 15/16 October 2011. The club only has to host the event whilst all the planning and organisation is handled by the MAASA members. The profits from sale of food and cold drinks are for the club benefit. No objection from any member to this bid was raised.

15. Members questions

Kurt Bester raised a question regarding sponsored days as follows:

1. What does it entail exactly when a hobby shop/company sponsors a day at the club for their benefit? The hobby shop/company advertises that it is sponsoring the day and pushes its products etc. Does this mean that the hobby shop/company carries the cost of the landing fees that would normally be required and pay these to the club? If there is no financial benefit to the club and it requires that regular fliers give up the day then surely HRF is sponsoring the day and not the hobby shop/company.

The general consensus from the members was to charge the hobby shop/company for each event. The actual charge will be agreed on a event by event basis. The committee was charged with implementing a workable solution.

Greg Moss raised a question re painting the inside of the clubhouse

2. Can the inside of the clubhouse can get a coat of white primer at least to make the place a bit brighter and more welcoming for visitors instead of the dark grey dungeon that we have at present! I would propose that we have a “paint the clubhouse” afternoon bring and paint and braai and fly event – social event and spread the cost.

In response the Chairman explained that only once the external painting of the clubhouse (point 13) is completed could the inside be addressed. This is because the walls are very damp due to the state of the external plaster.

16. Club spirit

Judging by the turnout at the meeting, the club spirit seems to be very good. However, this does not mean that there is nothing further to be done. A couple of ideas were briefly raised but require further work. The committee will discuss these points and decide how to proceed with each or not.

• Scheduled fun flys

• Family day with activities for spouses and children

• Flying from the dam near the old club. Michael will contact the owner to see if this is viable

• Install a kettle in the kitchen together with some mugs, coffee and powdered milk. Clinton is investigating the practicality of acquiring a vending machine

• Wearing of name badges and/or HRF caps with the member’s name

• Rugby days at the club

17. Members questions

A concern was raised about the increased use of chargers charging Lipo batteries in the clubhouse and the lack of a fire extinguisher. It was explained that an extinguisher will not put out a Lipo fire and that the person responsible for the battery must use a Lipo bag. It was suggested that an external power plug be set up so that charging can be done outdoors. The committee agreed to look into this whilst recognising that the plug may be used by non members for other purposes when no member is at the club.

A request was made for a bar key to be made available to mid week flyers. Whilst this need is recognised, experience has shown that the club invariably suffers a loss of money as a result of uncontrolled access to the bar.

The meeting ended at 12:03.


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