Part 1: Listed below are powers that are delegated or ...

Part 1: Listed below are freedoms, rights, protections, and other various powers. First identify if each is part of the amendments to the Constitution. If they are, then list the correct amendment number.PowerIs it in there?AmendmentExample: Freedom of religion guaranteed YES1, First, or IVoting age lowered to 18Ownership of intoxicating liquors prohibitedFreedom from unreasonable searchesRight to bear armsPowers not given to US reserved to StatesRight to privacyAbolition of slaverySenators elected by the peopleProtection against self-incriminationProhibition repealedWashington, DC given presidential votesPresidents limited to two termsGovernment can’t quarter soldiers in homes in peacetime (w/o consent). Protection against excessive bails or finesVice President isn’t just the first runner-upDefinition of a citizenConfederate Civil War debt invalidatedCongress can tax your incomeWashington, DC given congressional representationVPs can’t be constitutionally ineligible to be the President Part 2: Are the following situations constitutional? Answer yes or no AND give the amendment number that determines if it is constitutional or not.You show up to vote at your polling place and are told that there is a fee that you must now pay before you can vote. Is it constitutional? The US Congress has just passed a bill that gives them a pay raise next September. Is it constitutional?The US Congress passes a bill that says that if war is declared that the army will be housing personnel from Fort Lewis, McChord, and Banger in private homes in Bremerton, Gig Harbor, Tacoma, and Puyallup. Is it constitutional?The President is about to undergo surgery. He sends a letter to the President pro tempore and Speaker of the House transferring power to the Vice President. The Vice President then signs a controversial bill into law. Is it constitutional?You’re charged with a crime and the case goes to trial. You are acquitted by a jury of your peers. The prosecuting attorney then has the police re-arrest and charges you again with the same crime. Is it constitutional?You are charged with a crime. However, you cannot afford an attorney. You are informed that you must then represent yourself. Is it constitutional?You show up to the polling place to vote and are told that you are unable to vote because you are of the incorrect sex. Is it constitutional?You are charged with a crime. The prosecuting attorney feels that a public trial would be a danger to national security. The judge agrees and orders a secret trial take place instead. Is it constitutional?A policeman is walking past your door. He hears screaming for help coming from inside. He announces himself and forcibly enters to investigate. While inside he finds many, many very illegal things lying in plain sight. He arrests you for possession of many, many very illegal things. Is it constitutional?The US Congress decides that the main cause of strife in the world is conflicting religious views and decides to institute a ban on all religions that actively take on new adherents. Is it constitutional?You own guns. The government wants to take them from you. Is it constitutional?You’re a really excellent president. You’ve saved the country from international terrorism, economic collapse, and internal strife. You’ve solved numerous conflicts; between ecologists and big business; Israelis and Palestinians; Star Wars geeks and Star Trek nerds. And all in only two terms. You’re so great that you think you should run for a third term. Is it constitutional?The government decides to put a highway through your back yard. They take your yard and give you the fair market value of the land. Is it constitutional? ................

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