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Unit 2 RFP: Sustainable CityHow do living organisms endure change in a dynamic world?Name:Background: 3724275190500In the last 50 to 200 years, we have entered a new period of time called the Anthropocene where human activities have affected and continue to reshape our planet in profound ways. Earth’s current population numbers over seven billion people and counting. The majority of those people choose to live in urban areas. Cities are attracting people for economic activity and can offer a higher quality of life: more jobs, availability of services, transport options, trade, knowledge exchange, and connections to other cities and countries. As a result, in 2050, two-thirds of the world population is expected to live in cities (World Bank Group report on sustainable cities).45815251323975Singapore - The “Living City” Singapore - The “Living City” Problem: Due to the growing population in urban areas, cities may be unable to provide the matter and energy required to sustain life for multiple generations. Task: Collaborate to design a sustainable city that will have the matter and energy required for organisms that reside there to live successfully now and in the future.Task 1: Individual Research Choose a known sustainable city and capture what makes that city sustainable by how it addresses five human impacts in a paper, Google Slide Show, PowerPoint, Prezi, or other media choice. Task 2: Group BrainstormReflect and compare your partners’ researched cities to yours. From all this information, collected either on poster paper or a graphic organizer, begin the discussion and brainstorm what you want your group city to look like and what practices will be incorporated for the biggest impact on the carbon, water and nitrogen cycles. Task 3: City DesignDesign/Draw/Build a Model of a city of that is sustainable (it could be anywhere on Earth). Your city should have at least three-five features that will make is sustainable. In the format of your choosing (paper, slideshow, infographic, etc), support the claim that your city’s features will make it sustainable. Task One: (individual research)Choose a known sustainable city and capture what makes that city sustainable by how it addresses five human impacts in a paper, Google slide show, powerpoint, prezi, or other media choice. You and your partners may not chose the same city. Pick a city from the list provided or you can find a list of sustainable cities here: need land, water, food and energy to run and their demands for these items are reshaping the planet. Items you may wish to include in your research:How many people live in this city? What is the primary source of energy for the community? How are people and goods transported?Where does their food come from? What human impacts are they reducing (see Anthropocene Click and Learn Worksheet)?Be sure to use APA citations for all information, websites used, all pictures.Task Two: (Group reflection)Reflect and compare your partners’ researched cities to yours. What is the same or different about the cities?Why did the city pick that impact to examine and find a solution? Could this work in all cities?Are the sustainable practices available to all, could they be incorporated into your city?From all this information, collected either on poster paper or a graphic organizer, begin the discussion and brainstorm on what you want your group city to look like and what practices will be incorporated for the biggest impact for the carbon, water and nitrogen cycles. Task Three: (Group Design)Design/Draw/Build a Model of a city of that is sustainable (it could be anywhere on Earth). Your city should have at least three-five features that will make is sustainable. Items to consider as you design:What makes this city sustainable? What is the primary source of energy for the community? How are people and goods transported?Where does their food come from? What human impacts are they reducing (ex. carbon emissions)?How have these practices impacted the water, carbon, nitrogen cycles and biodiversity? (Find data for the three cycles and show how their solutions have made a change.)What are the future long term goals of this city?Why is sustainability the best way for their future? 2. In the format of your choosing (paper, slideshow, infographic, etc), support the claim that your city’s features will make it sustainable. In your support, be sure to discuss:How did these features impact the cycles of matter (water, carbon, nitrogen)?How does photosynthesis/respiration play a role in your city?How will the practices chosen make life better for all now and in the future? Think about humans and biodiversity as a whole. Are there other components you considered but didn’t incorporate, and why? Explain how the city works as a whole and why someone would consider this a success compared to the cities you researched. Honors: Be sure to use APA citations for all information, websites used, all pictures.Resources: Poster: and Learn: Series: Evidence Reasoning Rubric: Footprint Activity: World Bank Group report on sustainable cities: Sustainable Cities PlanName: Period:According to the Request for Proposal (RFP), what is the problem and/or the need that justifies the project?What evidence supports the claim(s) that there is a problem/need?What are you responsible for producing?Product requestedDescribe what is expected of each productWhat do you already know about this topic and what do you need to know?I know…..I have questions about………... ................

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