Rough Draft Peer-Editing Checklist Paper Author ...

Revenge and Justice Essay Rough Draft Peer-Edit Paper Author:____________ Editor____________

|yes |no |Requirements Self-check your final draft |

| | |Paper has a creative title (not “English Essay”) | |

| | |Introduction includes clear definitions of revenge and justice | |

| | |Introduction includes clear thesis statement that answers the question “What is the difference between revenge and justice?” | |

| | |Identify and underline the thesis statement (check with author) | |

| | |Each body paragraph begins with a topic sentence that states the main point in support of the thesis | |

| | |Each body paragraph has supporting arguments and examples from works read in this unit. | |

| | |Essay contains at least two supporting quotations from works read in this unit | |

| | |Each quotation is properly punctuated and cited. (See page 120-121in A Pocket Style Manual) | |

| | |Each quotation is properly introduced (See pages 116-118 in A Pocket Style Manual) | |

| | |Each quotation is thoroughly analyzed and is shown to support the thesis. | |

| | |Each quotation is no more than three lines long. (Quote only the most important part!) | |

| | |The conclusion discusses why it is important to know the difference between revenge and justice or why the difference is | |

| | |significant in some way. | |

| | |The conclusion is interesting and relevant | |

| | |The essay is at least 4 paragraphs long | |

| | |Includes a correct Works Cited entry (See section 32b in A Pocket Style Manual) | |

| | |The essay is written in the literary present | |

| | |The essay is written in a formal tone with no slang or informal phrases such as idioms | |

| | |There are no personal pronouns (I, we, you, us, etc.) | |

| | |There are no contractions (don’t, couldn’t, that’s, he’s, they’re, etc.) | |

| | |Spelling and grammatical errors have been corrected | |

Discuss with your partner any overall comments and suggestions for the essay, as well as any particular issues with the items listed above. Write your main suggestions on the paper.

|Revenge and Justice Essay Rubric |Possible |Points |

| |points |received |

|Introduction: Introduces essay topic. Includes definitions of revenge and justice and clear thesis. |5 | |

|Focus: Thesis clearly presents a well-stated argument that answers the question “What is the difference between revenge and justice?” |10 | |

|All points in the essay work to support the thesis. Stays on topic. Is not too vague or wandering. | | |

|Support and Elaboration: Consists of accurate, specific, developed details and at least two quotations that work to support the main |20 | |

|point. Demonstrates a skillful choice of quotations and relevant details. | | |

|Quotation Sandwiches: The quotations are properly introduced and provide adequate context to orient the reader. The quotations are |20 | |

|followed by an insightful and thorough analysis that explains how the quotation supports the thesis. | | |

|Conclusion: Provides an insightful and interesting conclusion to the essay. Explains significance of the difference between revenge |5 | |

|and justice. | | |

|Organization and Coherence: Organizational structure establishes relationships between and among ideas and/or events. Consists of a |10 | |

|logical progression of ideas and/or events and is unified and complete. Topic sentences state the main point of the paragraph and | | |

|connect to the thesis. | | |

|Style: Demonstrates awareness of audience, purpose and medium. Exhibits skillful use of vocabulary that is precise and purposeful (word|10 | |

|choice). Shows skillful use of sentence fluency. Written in the literary present. | | |

|Conventions: Exhibits reasonable control of grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization. |10 | |

|Uses italics and quotation marks correctly for the titles of works. | | |

|Correct Citations: All quotations are cited accurately and punctuated correctly. The works cited entry is in correct MLA style. |10 | |

|Paper Requirements: At least 4 paragraphs, typed, 12 pt Times New Roman font, double spaced, 1” margins. | | |

|The paper was turned in on time both in class and on (deduction if late--5% per day) | | |

|TOTAL POINTS |100 | |


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