C-SPAN StudentCam

C-SPAN Student Cam

Project Timeline


What is StudentCam?

C-SPAN's StudentCam is an annual national video documentary competition that encourages students to think seriously about issues that affect our communities and our nation. Students are asked to create a short (5-7 minute) video documentary that responds to a topical question chosen each year by the C-SPAN education staff.


1. Since C-SPAN’s philosophy is to show varying sides of an issue, winning StudentCam documentaries will provide the same treatment of their selected topic.

2. Include C-SPAN programming related to your topic

3. 5 to 7 minute time limit

4. Credits at the end of your documentary or a works cited list

This Year's StudentCam Topic:

Students are asked to create a 5-7 minute documentary on:

“Road to the White House”

What’s the issue YOU most want candidates to discuss during the 2016 presidential campaign?

Students should pick a political issue in which to focus their documentary – The issue can be any issue that the student feels should be a major focus during the current political campaign season. Remember to repeatedly state and focus on your theme in your documentary.

Grab a camera and get started on your documentary today!

Students will be working on this project as a school project where they receive 15 hours of community service in second quarter for their efforts. Any hours rolled over from first quarter, in this case, will roll over to 3rd quarter as the second quarter hours are built in with the project. Project submission for competition is optional. If entering the competition, a c-span clip will be required. The clip used in the documentary can be of any length.

Students may work alone, in pairs, or in groups of three. All work must be student work. Students can receive guidance from teachers and parents. But, it must be student led work.

The grade will not be based on how professional the final footage looks. The grade in class will be based on how well the student utilizes the skills needed to successfully complete each task necessary according to the timeline. I’m sure you will all do great! Remember, winning the competition, if you so choose to enter, is doable. But, much time will be needed to edit properly. Good luck!


Go to for more online information on this project.

Check off each item as they are completed.

____ 1. Finalize assigned groups and topics by Monday September 16th/ Tuesday,

September 17th.

____ 2. Present an outline of the story you are going to report complete with a list of people you

are planning to interview by Monday, September 28th/ Tuesday, September 29th.

(Major Project Grade)

____ 3. Present research and a list of questions for the interviewees by Wednesday, October

7th/ Thursday, October 8th.

Your Research need only be a collection of articles and other resources you have

collected in preparation for your interviews and reporting.

You should have a minimum of 3 articles. Please underline or highlight articles to

indicate that you have read them.

Have a list of questions for each interviewee. The questions should be based on the

interviewee’s area of expertise.

(Project Grade)

____ 4. Begin videotaping and interviewing no later than Friday, October 9th.

____ 5. All interviews and videotaping should be completed by Monday, November 9th/

Tuesday, November 10th.

____ 6. Editing should be done by Monday, January 4th/ Tuesday, January 5th.

____ 7. We will begin viewing documentaries Wednesday, January 6th/Thursday,

January 7th

8. Student Cams should be uploaded to before midnight on Wednesday,

January 20th.

9. Prize recipients will be announced on C-SPAN and on in March


Grading Information

1. The Student Cam Project will be worth 15 hours of community service during the 2nd quarter grading period. By taking part in this project, you will be performing a public service. You will be relaying a story to the public that is both educational and informative.

2. Ten points will be deducted each day that the Student Cam project is late. The documentary will not be considered late until after January 20th. This project is a required assignment. Entering your Student Cam into competition; however, is optional. A C-SPAN clip is needed with your video only if your video is being entered into the Student Cam Project competition.

____________________________ _________________

Student Signature Date

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Parent Signature Date


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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