The Great Depression Web Quest (1930s)

The Great Depression Web Quest (1930s)


You will need to conduct thorough Internet research in order to answer the following questions. Your responses need to answer all parts of the question, use complete sentences with proper grammar and spelling where needed, and be well thought out and detailed. This assignment is worth 23 points.

Example response in the correct format:

Q: When did the Great Depression begin?

A: The Great Depression began in 1929.

Incorrectly formatted response: 1929.

See what I mean? Your answer should resemble these responses.

STEP 1: Download this file from the website. Save a copy to your computer.

STEP 2: Upload the document into a GoogleDoc. Save it as (Your Name)1930sWebQuest. Share the document with me (msolsonmta@).

STEP 3: Make sure you save your work frequently. There is no excuse for missing or empty documents.

STEP 4: Complete the web quest.

1. Your Name:

2. When did the Great Depression begin?

3. Answer the following parts:

a. Who was President during the beginning of the Great Depression?

b. What years was he in office?

c. Please include a picture.

4. In what year was the Great Depression at it’s worse?

5. During that year, how many people were unemployed? What percentage of the population was that?

6. Answer the following parts:

a. Who was the President in office during the majority of the Great Depression?

b. What years was he in office?

c. How many terms was that?

d. Please include a picture.

7. During the Great Depression the farmers in the Mid-West suffered from another problem.

a. What was this problem called?

b. What led it to occur?

c. Please include a map that details the area affected by this problem.

8. Both Presidents during the Great Depression tried to respond to the economic problems, but they went about it in different ways.

a. Find one way that each man attempted to solve the economic crisis.

b. Describe why they choose that method.

c. Explain whether or not it was successful.

9. Find a photograph from the 1930s by Dorothea Lange, including the title.

a. Who was Dorothea Lange?

b. Why did she take these photographs?

c. Explain in your own words what the image is trying to convey to its audience.

10. For many people out of work, and especially for those who lost their homes, there was a place in the United States that was supposed to be “the promised land”

a. What state was it?

b. Many people from Oklahoma and Arkansas went here, what were the slang names for these people?

c. What kind of opportunities did people expect of find?

d. What was the reality?

e. How did people travel to this so-called “Promise Land”?

f. Include a picture of a family traveling in this fashion.

11. What did it mean to “ride the rails?”

a. What were these individuals looking for?

b. What were these individuals frequently called?

12. Please define “escapism”.

a. In terms of the 1930s, why would this be important?

b. List 3 ways in which families in the 1930s “escaped” from their harsh realities.

13. Why were movies so popular during the 1930s?

a. Name one major Hollywood studio company in the 1930s.

b. Name one movie released in the 1930s and include a picture.

c. Name one major actors/actresses from the 1930s and include a picture.

14. Gangsters and Bank Robbers reached the height of their popularity in the 1930s. Research some of the famous gangsters of the era (NOT Al Capone).

a. List one/a set of famous gangsters.

b. What were they famous for?

c. What happened to them?

d. Include an image.

15. FDR set up a number of organizations during the 1930s in order to combat the Depression – frequently referred to as the alphabet organizations.

a. Find 1 of these organizations.

b. List when the organization was created.

c. What was the major purpose of the organization?

d. Include a picture representing this organization.

16. What were “Fireside Chats”? What was their purpose?

17. Look at the following image.

a. What are the people at the bottom of the image doing?

b. What does the message on the billboard imply about life in America?

c. Explain the irony depicted within this image.

18. What is believed to be the reason that the Great Depression ended? Why?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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