Night of the Twisters

Night of the Twisters

Ivy Ruckman

Unit Lesson Plan Incorporating the Multiple Intelligences

Lesson 1: Introduce Book, Chapter 1 (As Told by Dan Hatch)

and Chapter 2 (Five O’Clock)

Class: 5th Grade Reading

Unit: Night of the Twisters- Ivy Ruckman

Teacher: Amanda Nims


Students will:

-Read chapters 1 and 2 of Night of the Twisters (Verbal/Linguistic)

-Identify and Red Letter and Black Letter day in their life (Intrapersonal)

-Draw events from chapters 1 and 2 (Visual/Spatial)




Anticipatory Set

The lesson will begin with the title of the book being revealed to the students. A discussion will following making sure to identify the word Twister as referring to a tornado. The introduction of the novel will be read together. This is taken from a Grand Island newspaper the day following the tornados that went through Grand Island in June 1980. The article will be identified as a primary source as well as a nonfiction piece. The novel will be identified as fiction, although written about an event that really happened. The characters are not real people.

Teaching: Input

The class will read Chapters 1 and 2 together as a class.

Teaching: Modeling/Check for Understanding/Practice

- Students will be asked to use correct facial expressions and body language to represent a Red Letter day (a good day). (Bodily/Kinesthetic)

- Students will be asked to use correct facial expressions and body language to represent a Black Letter day (a bad day). (Bodily/Kinesthetic)

-The teacher will then model the following assignment: Write at least 5 sentences about a Red Letter day you have had. Write at least 5 sentences about a Black Letter Day you have had.

Closure/Independent Practice

-On a piece of 8 1/2 x 11 paper students will split that paper into thirds. (Logical/Mathmatical) Students will then draw 3 important parts of Dan’s Red Letter Day.

Lesson 2: Chapter 3 (Six O’Clock)

Class: 5th Grade Reading

Unit: Night of the Twisters- Ivy Ruckman

Teacher: Amanda Nims


Students will:

-Read Chapter 3- Six O’Clock in Night of the Twisters (Verbal/Linguistic)

-Identify differences between Dan and Arthur (?????????)

-Act out an event from chapter 3 with a partner (Bodily/Kinesthetic)




Anticipatory Set

-Students will begin class by sharing their 3 pictures of Dan’s Red Letter Day with a partner.

Teaching: Modeling/Input

-Students will be given a partner. Together they will list adjectives to describe the differences between them. They must come up with at least 10 adjectives. After listing 5, they may use a thesaurus to help them. (Verbal/Linguistic)?????

-When 10 adjectives have been checked by the teacher, the partners will together read Chapter 3.

Teaching: Modeling/Check for Understanding/Practice

-While reading chapter 3 they must make a list of descriptive characteristics of Arthur and Dan. Based on those list of characteristics one person will draw a sketch of Dan, the other will draw a sketch of Arthur. (Visual/Spatial)

-When finished with the sketches, partners will chose an event from Chapter 3 to act out for the class. The class will have to guess which event this is based on the acting of their peers.

Closure/Independent Practice

-Students will act out their events. Those who are not acting will decide and write down which events each of the partners are acting out. (Bodily Kinesthetic)

The following are a list of events from chapter 3. Each group will draw out of a hat one of these events to act out:

Dan asking his mom about Arthur staying for supper.

Arthur asking his mom if he can stay at Dan’s for supper.

Dan’s father coming home for supper.

The conversation between Dan’s Dad and Arthur about Arthur’s sister’s names.

Supper conversation at the Hatch house BR (Before Ryan).

Dan’s father leaving to go help fix the tractor.

Dan’s father telling Dan to help out his mom.

Lesson 3: Chapter 4 (Seven O’Clock)

Class: 5th Grade Reading

Unit: Night of the Twisters- Ivy Ruckman

Teacher: Amanda Nims


Students will:

-Read Chapter 4- Seven O’Clock of Night of the Twisters (Verbal/Linguistic)

-Draw the scene Danny was describing as Sand Crane Drive. (Visual/Spatial)

-Draw a picture of what they imagine Mrs. Smiley to look like. (Visual/Spatial)




Anticipatory Set

Students will make a list of chores they have at home. Students will answer the following questions about their chores. Do they get paid for them? What happens if they don’t do them?

Teaching: Input

-As a class students will read Chapter 4- Seven O’Clock.

-After reading about the scene at Sand Crane Drive a list of what Dan saw will be made on the board.

Teaching: Modeling/Check for Understanding/Practice

-Students will be given a piece of 8 1/2 x 11 piece of paper. They will draw line splitting the paper in half. As the paper is place vertically they will draw the scene of Sand Crane Drive on the top half of the paper. They will then rotate the paper 90 degrees to the left and draw a sketch of Mrs. Smiley on the other half of the paper. (Visual/Spatial and Logical/Mathematical)

Closure/Independent Practice

Discuss as a class what each of the following people were doing instead of listening to the weather report: Dan’s mom, Karen Darlington, Mrs. Smiley, Dan’s Dad, Dan’s Grandpa, Dan’s Grandma, Aunt Goldie. (Interpersonal)

Lesson 4: Chapter 5 (Eight O’Clock)

Class: 5th Grade Reading

Unit: Night of the Twisters- Ivy Ruckman

Teacher: Amanda Nims


Students will:

-Read Chapter 5- Eight O’Clock of Night of the Twisters (Verbal/Linguistic)

-Identify the direction tornadoes move. (Naturalistic and Bodily/Kinesthetic)

-Identify some emotions of Dan, based on them being in a similar situation. (Intrapersonal)




Anticipatory Set

With the person sitting next to them, students will quickly review what each character was doing by the end of chapter 4. (Interpersonal)

Teaching: Input

-As a class students will read Chapter 5- Eight O’Clock.

Teaching: Modeling/Check for Understanding/Practice

-On the white board the teacher will identify the cardinal directions (N,S,E,W). A sketch will be made of the direction a tornado would move. (Southwest- Northeast)

-Students will go outside to the United States map painted on the playground. Once outside the cardinal directions will be identified. Students will then “act like tornadoes” moving across the United States, while correctly identifying the direction a tornado moves. (Naturalistic and Bodily/Kinesthetic)

Closure/Independent Practice

Students will make a list of the emotions they think Dan might be feeling by the end of Chapter 5- Eight O’Clock. (Intrapersonal)

Lesson 5: Chapter 6 (Nine O’Clock)

Class: 5th Grade Reading

Unit: Night of the Twisters- Ivy Ruckman

Teacher: Amanda Nims


Students will:

-Read Chapter 6- Nine O’Clock of Night of the Twisters (Verbal/Linguistic)

-Identify the sounds of Chapter 6 and present those to the class. (Musical/Rhythmic)




Anticipatory Set

With the person sitting next to them, students will quickly review what each character was doing by the end of chapter 4. (Interpersonal)

Teaching: Input

-As a class read Chapter 6- Nine O’Clock.

Teaching: Modeling/Check for Understanding/Practice

-As a class list the sounds from the end of Chapter 5 (Including- sucking of the drains, sirens going on and off)

-In groups of 3, students will continue this list from beginning to end of chapter 6. They will practice these sounds from beginning to end. (Musical/Rhythmic)

Closure/Independent Practice

-Students will present their sound effects from Chapter 6 to the rest of the class. (Musical/Rhythmic)

Lesson 6: Chapter 7 (The Next Hour or So)

Class: 5th Grade Reading

Unit: Night of the Twisters- Ivy Ruckman

Teacher: Amanda Nims


Students will:

-Read Chapter 7- The Next Hour or So of Night of the Twisters (Verbal/Linguistic)

-Start planning a tornado scene diorama. (Visual/Spatial)




Anticipatory Set

As a class students will come up with a timeline of events from Chapter 6.

Teaching: Input

-With a partner, students will read Chapter 7- The Next Hour or So. (Interpersonal)

-While reading students will answer the following comprehension questions about the chapter: (Verbal/Linguistic)

1. On page 64 what was the low moaning sound that “raised hackles” on the back of Dan’s neck?

2. Who was it that found the boys?

3. What happened to Ronnie Vae?

4. How did Ryan travel the three blocks from Dan’s house to Mrs. Smiley’s?

5. What type of vehicle was transporting people to K-Mart?

6. Why weren’t Dan, Arthur and Stacey getting on the bus with Mrs. Hatch and Ryan?

Teaching: Modeling/Check for Understanding/Practice

-When students are finished reading the chapter and answering the questions they need to begin planning the tornado scene diorama they will create together. (Interpersonal and Visual/Spatial)

Closure/Independent Practice

-Before the end of class each group will give the teacher a list of items they are going to use for their diorama and the person(s) who will be in charge of bringing those items the next day.

Lesson 7: Chapter 8 (Later On)

Class: 5th Grade Reading

Unit: Night of the Twisters- Ivy Ruckman

Teacher: Amanda Nims


Students will:

-Read Chapter 8- Later On of Night of the Twisters (Verbal/Linguistic)

-Compare and Contrast Mrs. Smiley’s house to Dan’s house after the tornado went through by drawing a picture of each. (Visual/Spatial)

-Act out an event from Chapter 8, in groups of three. (Bodily/Kinesthetic)




Anticipatory Set

Students will make a list of things they remember about what Dan’s house looked like when him and Arthur had finally made it out of the basement. A list of adjectives will be made on the board, describing Dan’s house/neighborhood.

Teaching: Input

-With a partner, students will read Chapter 8- Later On. (Interpersonal)

-While reading students will make a list of adjectives to describe Mrs. Smiley’s house when Dan and Arthur arrive. (Verbal/Linguistic)

Teaching: Modeling/Check for Understanding/Practice

-Using the list of adjectives about Dan’s house on the board, and their own list of adjectives about Mrs. Smiley’s house, students will fill in a Venn Diagram to visually show their information.

-After a Venn Diagram has been filled out- students will check their work with the teacher before moving onto the next task. If they have correct information they can begin drawing a picture of each Mrs. Smiley and Dan’s houses, showing the differences between the two houses. (Visual/Spatial)

Closure/Independent Practice

In diorama groups, students will decide how they are going to build both Dan and Mrs. Smiley’s house into their diorama in order to show the tornado had affected each house differently. They will also need to decide who will bring what items they may need to complete their diorama. (Interpersonal)

Lesson 8: Chapter 9 (Eleven O’Clock)

Class: 5th Grade Reading

Unit: Night of the Twisters- Ivy Ruckman

Teacher: Amanda Nims


Students will:

-Read Chapter 9- Eleven O’Clock of Night of the Twisters (Verbal/Linguistic)

-Come up with solutions to problems read in chapters 7, 8, or 9. (Visual/Spatial & Bodily/Kinesthetic)




Anticipatory Set

As a class we will make a web showing all of the problems Dan, Arthur, and others, have encountered so far in the book. (Visual/Spatial & Verbal/Linguistic)

Teaching: Input

-As a class we will read Chapter 9 (Eleven O’Clock). (Verbal/Linguistic)

-While reading Chapter 9, we will add to the problems web we have created. (Verbal/Linguistic)

Teaching: Modeling/Check for Understanding/Practice

-To model, the teacher will choose one problem from the web and discuss how it was solved in the book.

-Students will be split up into 4 groups. Each group will get a piece of large construction paper. On the paper they need to trace and cut out a left food and a right foot. (Bodily/Kinesthetic)

-Each group will copy one of the following problems onto its left shoe cutout:

*Water is rising in the basement. The boys must get out but their way is blocked by debris.

*Ryan must be protected and cared for.

*Dan has to find his mom.

*Mrs. Smiley is trapped in her basement.

-Each group will locate the problem in the seventh, eighth, or ninth chapter and write a summary of the solution on its right shoe cutout.

Closure/Independent Practice

Each group will share their problem and solution. These pairs will be stapled on a bulletin board titled “Steps to Safety.”

Lesson 9: Chapter 10 (Midnight)

Class: 5th Grade Reading

Unit: Night of the Twisters- Ivy Ruckman

Teacher: Amanda Nims


Students will:

-Read Chapter 10- Midnight of Night of the Twisters (Verbal/Linguistic)

-Think and write how it would feel to be Dan in his situation. (Intrapersonal)

-Work on constructing their group diorama. (Interpersonal, Visual/Spatial, Bodily/Kinesthetic)




Anticipatory Set

Review the “Steps to Safety” bulletin board from the previous day’s activities. Discuss the problems and solutions. With a partner, discuss what other problems there are currently, and predict their solutions.

Teaching: Input

Read Chapter 10 (Midnight). (Verbal/linguistic)

Teaching: Modeling/Check for Understanding/Practice

Review together on the board where all of the characters are. Which ones do we know are safe (we’ve read about them after the tornado) and who do we still have questions about? (Verbal/Linguistic, Interpersonal)

Closure/Independent Practice

Write a paragraph, from Dan’s point of view, about how you are feeling at midnight. Who are you the most worried about? What things are making you feel better? How is the jail? Include other comments about what we read in Midnight. (Intrapersonal)

*When students are finished with their paragraph they will need to get into their diorama groups to start constructing their diorama. They should have assigned certain items for each group member to bring. This is the time to being “construction.” More time will be available, therefore these do not need to be finished during this lesson. (Visual/Spatial, Bodily/Kinesthetic, Interpersonal)

Lesson 10: Chapter 11/12

(Early Morning & As Remembered One Year Later)

Class: 5th Grade Reading

Unit: Night of the Twisters- Ivy Ruckman

Teacher: Amanda Nims


Students will:

-Finish Night of the Twisters by reading Chapter 11/12- Early Morning and As Remembered One Year Later. (Verbal/Linguistic)

-Compare and contrast the Grand Island tornadoes to most other tornadoes. (Visual/Spatial, Naturalistic)

-Finish construction on diorama. (Visual/Spatial, Bodily/Kinesthetic, Interpersonal)




Anticipatory Set

-Quick review of black letter/red letter days. This was a _____ letter day for Dan?

Teaching: Input

-Read Chapter 11 & 12- Early Morning and As Remembered One Year Later. (Verbal/Linguistic)

Teaching: Modeling/Check for Understanding/Practice

-List on the board all the things that made the Grand Island storm a “first-class freak.”

Six or seven funnels, five miles wide, spun clockwise, etc.

-Fold a piece of 8 1/2 x 11 paper in half. (Logical/Mathematical)

-On the first half of the paper students will create an illustration of “most tornadoes.”

-On the second half of the paper students will create an illustration of the Grand Island tornadoes. (Visual/Spatial)

Closure/Independent Practice

-Complete tornado illustrations.

-As a caption to their illustrations, students will write a paragraph to compare and contrast the Grand Island tornadoes to most other tornadoes. (Verbal/Linguistic)

*Students will get the rest of the time to complete their dioramas. An additional day to complete this activity may be necessary, depending on the extent of some of the dioramas. When dioramas are finished, each group will get a chance to present and display their diorama.

Additional Information:

*These ten lessons are meant to take two weeks to complete using 45-50 minutes a day during the subject of reading.

*The primary intelligence in this unit is verbal/linguistic. However, I have included each of the eight intelligences in this unit. Some are used more often than others, but they are all used at least once.

*Some days have less activities than others. This is due to the length of some of the chapters being read. If it is a longer chapter, the activities will either be shorter, or there will be less of them.


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