Advanced Spelling/Vocabulary 2

Advanced Spelling/Vocabulary 2

Part A assignments are due _______________________________________.

Part B assignments are due _______________________________________.

The test will be ________________________________________________.

Spelling/Vocabulary Words:

1. syllabication

2. glossary

3. enlighten

4. besiege

5. denounce

6. famished

7. immense

8. arid

9. assailant

10. contemporary

11. depict

12. mimic

13. calligraphy

14. cartography

15. scribe/script

16. aero

17. compress

18. douse

19. expressly

20. forsake

21. ingenious

22. instantaneous

23. irk

24. recede

25. repast


a. a list of terms and their definitions placed at the back of the book

b. a meal, food

c. a person who attacks violently with blows or words

d. beautiful handwriting; fine penmanship

e. belonging to the same period of time as oneself

f. done in an instant; immediate

g. extremely dry; uninteresting and dull

h. plainly, in so many words; for a particular purpose

i. root word meaning: air

j. root word meaning: to write

k. showing remarkable originality, inventiveness, or resourcefulness

l. suffering severely from hunger or lack of something

m. the process of dividing words into units of sound called syllables

n. the technique of making maps or charts

o. to annoy, trouble, make weary

p. to attack by surrounding with military forces; to cause worry or trouble

q. to condemn openly or accuse formally

r. to give up; renounce; to leave abandon

s. to go or move backward, to become more distant

t. to imitate; to make fun of

u. to inform; to provide information or knowledge

v. to plunge in to a liquid; drench; to put out quickly

w. to portray; to represent or show in the form of a picture

x. to press together; to reduce in size or volume

y. very great or large; beyond ordinary means of measurement

Part A Assignments:

These assignments are to be attached to the back of Wednesday’s daily homework sheet.


1. Write the words in alphabetical order by the second letter of each word.

2. Write the words in reverse alphabetical order.


1. Write the words in the order given followed by the correct definition (written out).

Part B Assignments:

These are to be attached to the back Wednesday’s daily homework sheet.


1. Write each word five times each.

2. Have an adult give you a pre-test. Have them correct the pre-test. You are to write each word you miss three times. Have them sign the pre-test. Student signatures will not be accepted.


1. Write a sentence for each vocabulary word. Be sure your understanding of the definition is evident in your sentence.

2. Make a review sheet for the words and their definitions. Review the words and definitions with an adult. Have the adult sign the paper each time you review with them. Student signatures will not be accepted.


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