English Grammar Diagnostic Test

WRT 365 Diagnostic Pre-test Directions: Choose the group of words that would make each sentence a compound sentence. 1. My sister hid her diary (a) ,but our little brother found it. (b) although our little brother found it. 2. We were ten minutes late for the play (a) and missed the important first scene. (b) ;as a result, we missed the first scene. 3. I really dread paying bills (a) because it is so time consuming. (b) ;therefore, I put it off as long as I can. 4. We had a very mild winter (a) , so we will have a lot of mosquitoes this summer. (b) because the temperature only dropped below freezing twice. 5. Many people mistake John and George for brothers (a) , but they are not related. (b) since they look so much alike. 6. I washed the clothes, (a) dried them, and put them away. (b) but I did not have time to dry them. 7. My sister graduated from college last spring (a) ;however, she still has not found a job. (b) and is looking for a job. 8. Many young children are fearful of people whom they do not know (a) and cry when they are approached by strangers. (b) ,yet some greet strangers with adoring smiles. 9. We are planning a trip to Spain next year (a) and want to watch the running of the bulls. (b) ,for we want to watch the running of the bulls. 10. After watching a scary movie, I turned off the television, (a) locked the doors, and got ready for bed. (b) ;however, I was too afraid to sleep. Directions: Correctly identify the following as: a) complete sentence b) fragment c) run-on (may be a comma splice or fused sentence) _____11. The storm that frightened my dog and cat late yesterday afternoon. _____12. Our family rescued the abandoned puppy from the animal shelter. _____13. The student became stressed her daily schedule was hectic. _____14. Dr. Scott is my dentist; he is a very pleasant person. _____15. Just as I closed and locked the back door. _____16. The pitcher threw the ball to home plate, however, the runner was safe. _____17. Phil's new stereo which is second hand. _____18. Because John had sprained his ankle going up the ladder. _____19. If John and Alan would stop talking, I could get some work done. _____20. I thought I was wrong , I was obviously mistaken. 1. In the following sentence, which words are nouns? Greg needed more computer memory to handle his many programs. (Parts of Speech) a. Greg, computer, memory, his, programs b. Greg, memory, programs c. computer, memory, programs 2. In the following sentence, which words are verbs? Melissa was worried about her job interview. (Parts of Speech) a. was, worried b. worried c. was, worried, about 3. In the following sentence, which words are adjectives? For important interviews you should wear conservative clothes. (Parts of Speech) a. important b. important, conservative c. important, wear, conservative 4. In the following sentence, which words are adverbs? Because she arrived early, she easily found a parking place. (Parts of Speech) a. Because, early, easily, parking b. arrived, early, easily c. early, easily 5. In the following sentence, which words are prepositions? Just between you and me, only one of the managers is going to the meeting. (Parts of Speech) a. between, of, to b. between, and, of, to c. of, to 6. Identify the following: While sitting in the outer office waiting to be called for the interview and looking through magazines. (Sentence Structure) a. correct and complete sentence b. fragment c. run-on sentence d. comma splice sentence 7. Identify the following: You should take deep breaths then you can control your nervousness. (Sentence Structure) a. correct and complete sentence b. fragment c. run-on sentence d. comma splice sentence 8. Identify the following: Don't focus on yourself and your nervousness, concern yourself with the employer's needs and questions. (Sentence Structure) a. correct and complete sentence b. fragment c. run-on sentence d. comma splice sentence 9. Identify the underscored expression: As you wait for your interview, select appropriate reading material. (Sentence Structure) a. complete sentence b. dependent clause c. independent clause d. phrase 10. Identify the underscored expression: When you meet the interviewer, you should smile and offer a handshake. (Sentence Structure) a. fragment b. dependent clause c. independent clause d. phrase 11. Many _______ are hiring new employees. (Plural Nouns) a. companys b. companies c. company's 12. We had two _______ working on the case. (Plural Nouns) a. attorneys b. attornies c. attorney's 13. Only the Johnsons and the ________ are unable to attend. (Plural Nouns) a. Bushs b. Bushes c. Bush's 14. This job requires you to work two _______ every month. (Plural Nouns) a. Sundaies b. Sundays c. Sunday's 15. Jeffrey knew all the _______ of the accounting software. (Plural Nouns) a. ins and outs b. in's and out's c. in and outs 16. The manager sent _______ résumé to the Accounting Department. (Possessive Nouns) a. Lisas b. Lisa's c. Lisas' 17. In three _______ time, the car loan will be paid. (Possessive Nouns) a. years b. year's c. years' 18. The prices of all other _______ are lower than our prices. (Possessive Nouns) a. vendors b. vendor's c. vendors' 19. All _______ e-mail messages must be answered immediately. (Possessive Nouns) a. customers b. customer's c. customers' 20. Each _______ vote will be counted in the election. (Possessive Nouns) a. stockholder b. stockholder's c. stockholders' 21. Do you know who will replace Erica and _______ next week? (Pronouns) a. I b. me c. myself 22. His friend and _______ will both apply for the job. (Pronouns) a. he b. him c. himself 23. Although _______ motor was damaged, the car started. (Pronouns) a. it's b. its c. its' 24. No one has keys except you and _______. (Pronouns) a. I b. me c. myself 25. Are you sure that _______ report is finished? (Pronouns) a. their b. there c. they're 26. A list of the names and addresses of our customers _______ now being prepared. (Verb Agreement) a. is b. are 27. Education and employee training _______ often omitted from the budget. (Verb Agreement) a. is b. are 28. Some e-mail writers think that grammar and punctuation _______ count. (Verb Agreement) a. don't b. doesn't 29. A description of the property, along with other legal documents, _______ sent to you. (Verb Agreement) a. was b. were 30. Neither the management nor the staff _______ how to solve the problem. (Verb Agreement) a. know b. knows 31. If I _______ able to hire you, I certainly would do so. (Verb Mood and Tense) a. was b. were 32. Lisa said she last _______ the key about a week ago. (Verb Mood and Tense) a. saw b. seen 33. If you had _______ a different color, we could have filled your order. (Verb Mood and Tense) a. chose b. choosen c. chosen 34. Timothy wished that he had _______ about the job opening earlier. (Verb Mood and Tense) a. knowed b. knew c. known 35. Many of the reports were _______ over a year ago. (Verb Mood and Tense) a. wrote b. written 36. For the past two weeks, the printer has worked _______. (Adjectives and Adverbs) a. beautiful b. beautifully 37. When we have a _______ picture of the incident, we will respond. (Adjectives and Adverbs) a. clearer b. more clearer 38. Tracy thought she had done _______ on the employment test. (Adjectives and Adverbs) a. good b. well 39. Don't take the manager's criticism _______. (Adjectives and Adverbs) a. personally b. personal 40. Which of the following is punctuated correctly? (Commas) a. For example, you should bring to an interview your social security number, a list of references and extra copies of your résumé. b. For example you should bring to an interview, your social security number, a list of references, and extra copies of your résumé. c. For example, you should bring to an interview your social security number, a list of references, and extra copies of your résumé. 41. Which of the following is punctuated correctly? (Commas) a. When I sent the package I expected you to receive it in two days, Ms. Avila. b. When I sent the package, I expected you to receive it in two days Ms. Avila. c. When I sent the package, I expected you to receive it in two days, Ms. Avila. 42. Which of the following is punctuated correctly? (Commas) a. Stacy Love, who is a manager for MegaData, asked us to meet Thursday, February 5. b. Stacy Love who is a manager for MegaData, asked us to meet Thursday, February 5. c. Stacy Love, who is a manager for MegaData, asked us to meet Thursday February 5. 43. Which of the following is punctuated correctly? (Commas) a. Job candidates should learn about a company and its business and they should prepare answers to possible interview questions. b. Job candidates should learn about a company and its business, and they should prepare answers to possible interview questions. c. Job candidates should learn about a company, and its business, and they should prepare answers to possible interview questions. d. If you are applying to a large company, your first interview may be by telephone which is an effort to save time and money. 44. Which of the following is punctuated correctly? (Commas and Semicolons) a. All job candidates at this time, can expect tests that measure honesty, intelligence, mental health, and blood toxicity. b. All job candidates, at this time, can expect tests that measure honesty, intelligence, mental health, and blood toxicity. c. All job candidates at this time can expect tests that measure honesty, intelligence, mental health, and blood toxicity. 45. Which of the following is punctuated correctly? (Commas and Semicolons) a. What constantly astounds personnel people about college students going for their first jobs, is how unprepared they are. b. Many first-time job applicants try to "wing it" and end up tongue-tied over the simplest and most common interview questions. c. To prepare for the interview process you should practice answering commonly asked questions, such as "How would you describe yourself?" 46. What words should be capitalized in the following sentence? we expected vice president luna to ask all candidates whether they were fluent in english. (Capitalization) a. We Vice President Luna English b. We Vice Luna c. We Luna English 47. What words should be capitalized in the following sentence? when interviewing on the west coast, our managers like to stay at marriott hotels. (Capitalization) a. When Marriott b. When West Coast Managers Marriott Hotels c. When West Coast Marriott 48. What words should be capitalized in the following sentence? lisa told interviewers that she had taken classes in economics, spanish, and psychology. (Capitalization) a. Lisa Spanish b. Lisa Economics Spanish Psychology c. Lisa Economics Spanish 49. What words should be capitalized in the following sentence? the operations manager and the president each received a new dell computer. (Capitalization) a. The Operations Manager President Dell Computer b. The Dell c. The Dell Computer 50. What words should be capitalized in the following sentence? last spring i read an article called "everything you need to know about interviewing." (Capitalization) a. Last Spring I Everything You Need Know About Interviewing b. Last I Everything You Need Know About Interviewing c. Last I Everything Interviewing Module 3 Subject-Verb Agreement (pp.274-278) Directions: In each of the following sentences, choose the verb form which agrees with the subject. 21. Both John and his twin (is, are) planning to attend the reunion. 22. My sister, along with my mother, (plans, plan) to tour England. 23. Inside the secret panel of the closet (was, were) several old documents. 24. Either the newspaper or the magazines (has, have) the information you will need. 25. My daughter's favorite food (is, are) peanut butter sandwiches. 26. Everyone in Mrs. Brown's biology classes (visits, visit) the Learning Lab twice each week. 27. Until recently, mumps (was, were) a dreaded childhood disease. 28. Seventy-five dollars (is, are) too much to spend on that dress. 29. (Do, Does) John's parents realize that his job is in jeopardy? 30. Visits from my old college roommate (is, are) few and far between. Module 4- Pronoun Reference (pp.278-280;304-307) Directions: In each of the following sentences, choose the proper form of the pronoun for a correct sentence. 31. Everybody must pay (his, their) own entrance fee. 32. I became annoyed at (his, him) snoring during the meeting. 33. Either the editor or the reporters will correct (her, their) mistake. 34. Lisa, (who, whom) dialed the wrong number, called Susie instead of Brad. 35. Jason wanted to do the assignment (hisself, himself). 36. A wife and mother has to juggle many duties in (her, their) daily schedule. 37. Neither of the students had (his, their) project ready by the deadline. 38. Just between you and (I, me), I think most celebrities are unhappy. 39. The mayor asked Alice and (she, her) to plan the annual craft show. 40. (We, us) bargain shoppers look for coupons and store advertisements to get the most for our money. ANSWER KEYA 11. B 21. are 31. hisB 12. A 22. plans 32. hisB 13. C 23. were 33. theirA 14. A 24. have 34. who A 15. B 25. is 35. himselfB 16. C 26. visits 36. herA 17. B 27. was 37. hisB 18. B 28. is 38. meB 19. A 29. do 39. her B 20. C 30. are 40. we ................

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