Self Esteem Activities for Adults

Self Esteem Activities for AdultsSelf Esteem Activities for Adults No. 1Basically, when you are appreciated for what you do, you feel your self esteem increase, right? Well, one will only get appreciation for their work, when they are good at it. More so, to be good at something, you need to enjoy it. QED, when you are enjoying what you do, your self esteem will be on a high. So, enjoy your work. Even if it is a boring monotonous job, spice it up by improving self esteem. Set unrealistic, adrenaline boosting targets for yourself, and achieve them. It works, I do it. More so, socialize (only to a certain extent) with your colleagues. This will give you the belongingness feeling when you enter office. Trust me, when you feel welcome in office, your self esteem reaches amazing levels.Self Esteem Activities for Adults No. 2Did you know that the appearance plays a very major impact on one's self esteem? You did, didn't you? Still many people choose to avoid that tiny detail. Well, don't do that. I am not asking every woman to doll up like Barbie and every man to walk around dressed like Hugh Jackman in "Kate and Leopold". I am simply saying that make sure you do justice to the features that you have been blessed with. Men can make sure that their hair and face are always groomed, clothes well ironed and color co-ordinated. Women, need to make sure that they have the basic make-up on, hair maintained and in place and clothes as per style and comfort. Trust me, when you feel a few heads turn in your direction, the self esteem gets an instant boost. It took my friends and family about a year to get me to understand this, I hope I succeed at a faster rate, with you!Self Esteem Activities for Adults No. 3Work out! I am serious. Regular work out helps the body release the toxins faster. The skin shines and one is fitter and in better shape. If you are fit, you know that you can get out of a sticky situation faster than otherwise. This itself helps boost your confidence. More so, a fit person, has a healthy and attractive vibe around them. This attracts people to them. When everyone around you, wants to be with you, don't you think your self esteem will pick up? It will most definitely increase. So, work out on a regular (not necessarily daily) basis, and keep yourself fit. It will really bring up your self esteem, as well as self confidence.Self Esteem Activities for Adults No. 4Take time out for yourself. It is very important to give yourself first priority. People often lose themselves in the rut and forget about their own needs and thoughts. Remove time out for yourself on a daily basis and do something that you really want to do. This really helps in overcoming low self esteem. In fact, tests and research also prove that having sex at least 3 times in a week helps encourage self esteem and productivity and keeps them at optimum levels. So, sex with your partner could be one of the things that you make sure you perform. Other than that, make sure that you spend at least half an hour, by yourself, reflecting on the day's events. This helps understanding things better, and preparing yourself for the next day better.Self Esteem Activities for Adults No. 5Last but not the least, one of the biggest tools to high self esteem is choosing it. Many people give in to the slight depressions of life. The important tool here is to accept the downs and expect the ups. Once you come to terms with the fact that life will come with its set of failures, you will not get thrown off guard by them. You will be more prepared, which will make their impact on your life less. This in turn will help your self esteem increase. Victory over defeat gives strength, you just have to see it.Check out more Self Esteem ActivitiesActivities for Self EsteemSelf Esteem AffirmationsI know what it is like to be absolutely hopeless and not know what the next minute will bring. But I also know the immense satisfaction and internal strength that you get when you figure out a way to fight this feeling. Just have faith in yourself, and you will be able to fight everything. This is where I sign off!! All the best! By Rashida KhilawalaTo put it simply, self esteem is to feel good about yourself. How difficult is that? Hardly any! Then why do some people suffer from a low self esteem? We shall reach to that answer in a while. Many confuse self esteem with confidence. Brilliant people have terrific confidence, which helps them to achieve marvelous results. Yet they have poor self esteem. There are both, positive as well as negative self esteem affirmations. Let's first understand, what self esteem means.What is Self-Esteem?Literally and once again, self-esteem is feeling good about oneself. It means, to have a high worth of self. The perfect example of perfect self-esteem, is a child. As children we are naive and don't have any judgments about ourselves. As a result of which, we hardly suffer from low or poor self-esteem. As we grow older we are bombarded with negativeness about ourselves, like 'you are not good enough', 'you are not worth of it' and so on and so forth. This is what makes the value of 'the self', less. The other person's opinion about us becomes so strongly rooted within us, that it leaves no scope for believing with oneself or having any positive self esteem affirmations. Thus this answers the question, 'why do some people suffer from low self-esteem?'How to Build Positive Self Esteem Affirmations?According to psychologists, it takes 7 positive instructions to 1 negative damaging attribute. So imagine the number of positive self esteem affirmations that's required to build a powerful self esteem! But the fact that you have reached this place, shows that you are realizing the importance of positive thinking. Here are some positive self esteem affirmations that you can begin with to make your fortifying self-esteem into a positive one. I love myself, unconditionally and seamlessly.I accept myself, the way I am and for who I am.I am capable of earning the love and respect of my peers, guardians and family members.I will take the decisions for leading my life and be responsible for them.I will always abide by the rules and regulations I make to myself, because for me that is discipline.I am extremely unique in thought and sentiments, than the others around me.I deserve all that is good in this world, because I radiate love and kindness.I have the ability to accept my flaws and improve upon them with sheer determination.The universe is abundant and full of surprises, which is why it will guide me to walk, undeterred, towards my goals.I have the beautiful conscience to assess my past for a better present and for the best future.My mind is mine, so I shall fill it with positive and healthy thoughts, which will transcend into great experiences in life.I have a high self esteem and I shall always strive for higher standards.Everyday and every minute, I am getting better and better.Every morning, begins with love, which becomes laughter and ends with serenity within me.I believe I was born with a purpose, and my every effort shall be to find it.I am valuable and important to the people around me, and most importantly to myself.I am the owner of my universe and by that virtue the center itself.I have one life to live and only one life to live, so I will make the most out of it.Stand in front of the mirror and recite these self affirmations. Look into your own eyes while reading out these affirmations for self esteem and self confidence. There is no text book formula for building a self esteem. These positive self affirmations will surely guide you towards a successful and complete life. Positive self esteem is an intrinsic quality that lies beneath the negative attributes, in a chest. This article has just given you the key! Open it! By Mukta GaikwadPositive AffirmationsPositive affirmations are life's own way of telling you to never give up. As if to say, 'Go on.. you can do it'. They are no less than inspirational quotes and they help in the process of motivation and in inspiring one to be better, to challenge oneself and bring out the best in one. When life gets us down and we feel like there's nothing left for us to do, these list of positive affirmations will help in reaffirming your faith in yourself and help you start from where you left off for a successful future. These daily positive affirmations should be used everyday! Do not wait for something bad to happen to start using these affirmations. In fact, positive thinking will get you results like nothing else. You might find them childish at first but the connection between our conscious and subconscious can be bridged with these. If you keep telling yourself positive things, the brain gets a message and begins to behave that way. Try feeding yourselves with these positive self affirmations and see the change.Positive Affirmations for Success I will always be a success if I believe in myself.Success isn't everything, it's the only thing.Prosperity and success is my natural state of mind.I am a success because I never stop trying.The positive advantage is always mine.I AM the example of success and triumph.Prosperity and success is my natural state of mind.Every positive effort I put out there, I will be equally rewarded.I enjoy success everydayEverything I do turns into success.With positive thoughts and feelings in my mind I have created success.Success and good fortune flow toward me in a river of abundance.I attract success and prosperity with all of my ideasCommitment to my goals will bring success.Success and achievement are natural outcomes for me.All of my thoughts, plans and ideas lead me straight to success.Opportunities and advantages come with each door that I open.I ascend to the top of the corporate ladder and my salary has topped the charts.My management skills open the doors of opportunity.Success and achievement are natural outcomes for me.Positive Affirmations for Women Because I am a woman I am strong.Being a woman makes me precious.I celebrate my beautiful soul.My outer frame is what it is but my soul is gorgeous.Being healthy is more important than being a toothpick.I have power to change.I have wisdom to know what to change.My years make me wise.I have power to love and be loved.I have unique attributes and abilities because I am a Woman.I’m ready to get out of my own way.I can conquer my fears and procrastination.I am getting stronger and wiser each day.I am willing to learn to let myself breathe, relax and create success in my life.Stuff happens! I am resilient. I cope with change with faith, peace and courage.Life isn’t always fair, but I always do the right thing anyway.My words and actions have power and return to me multiplied.Depression and addictions are a set up for me to give up. I will stay in the light.I am too blessed to be stressed.I accept all my feelings as part of myself.Positive Affirmations for Children I am beautiful.I am a loving boy/girl.I am very creative.I am a good influence on others.I am unique and valuable.I am always doing the best I can at the moment, and so are you.I am a good reader.I am a fast learner.I am smart.I am full of good ideas.I focus on the positive and attract only good things to myself.I ask good questions.I can do anything I set my mind to.I can do it.I believe in me.My dreams are coming true.I create a beautiful, joyful day for myself.I deserve good things.I am thankful.I accept good in my life.Every problem has an answer.Good things happen to me all the time.I am beautiful, inside and outside.I choose how I feel by the way I think and talk.I feel happy.I am a good listener.I am friendly.I make friends easily.I have lots of friends who love me.I enjoy exercising.I take good care of my body.I can do whatever I focus my mind on.I have many gifts and talents.I like being punctual.I am a winner!Use these positive affirmations for success to build your confidence and approach life with a 'never say die' attitude. All the best! By Rujuta BorkarWWW. ................

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