Terms – Reconstruction and the Racial Divide

Name: Period:

Terms – Reconstruction and the Racial Divide

1. (F) Matthew Brady

2. (B) Sectionalism

3. (B) Secession

4. (B) Reconstruction

5. (F) 13th Amendment

6. (F) 14th Amendment

7. (F) 15th Amendment

8. (K) Lincoln’s 10% Plan

9. (F) Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction

10. (F) Black Codes

11. (B) Condone

12. (F) Scalawags

13. (F) Carpetbaggers

14. (F) Sharecroppers

15. (B) Bondage

16. (F) Freedman’s Bureau

17. (K) Military District

18. (F) Jim Crow

19. (F) Mississippi Pig Law - 1876

20. (F) Plessy v. Ferguson

21. (F) Lynching

22. (B) Fabricate

23. (F) Poll Tax

24. (F) Literacy Test

25. (F) Impeachment

26. (B) Vindicate

27. (B) Amnesty

28. (F) Thomas Nast

Historical Actors

29. (B) Frederick Douglass

30. (F) Pres. Andrew Johnson

31. (F) Radical Republicans

32. (F) Ku Klux Klan

33. (F) Booker T. Washington

34. (F) W.E.B. Du Bois

35. (F) NAACP

36. (F) Ida B. Wells

37. (B) Alain Locke

38. (B) Marcus Garvey

Concepts / Themes

39. (F) “Equal protection under the law”

40. (F) Separate but equal

41. (F) “Worse than slavery”

42. (F) “40 Acres and A Mule”

Essential Unit Questions:

1. What was Lincoln’s vision of Reconstruction in the South?

2. What were the most important changes in the lives of African Americans in the years immediately following the war?

3. How did white southerners attempt to limit the freedom of former slaves? How did these efforts succeed or, and how did they fail?

4. Why were white southerners threatened by emancipation and citizenship?

5. Evaluate the achievements and failures of Reconstruction governments in the Southern states.

6. How did the racial divide / “Negro Question” carry over into contemporary history?

“Fate Worse Than Slavery”

Thomas Nast


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