Directions: Copy the list of vocabulary words

|Essential Question |

|Describe the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the early civilizations of Mesopotamia. |

|Reflection: _________________________________________________ |

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| Standards |

|History/Social Science |

|HSS 6.2 – Analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the early civilizations of Mesopotamia. |

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|6.2.1 – Locate and describe major river systems and discuss the physical settings that supported permanent settlement and early civilizations. |

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|6.2.2 – Trace the development of agricultural techniques that permitted the production of economic surplus and the emergence of cities as centers of culture and|

|power. |

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|6.2.3 – Understand the relationship between religion and the social and political order in Mesopotamia. |

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|6.2.9 – Trace the evolution of language and its written forms. |

|Instructions: Respond to each statement twice: once before reading and again after reading. Write “A” if you agree with the statement. Write|

|“D” if you disagree with the statement. |

|Response Before Reading |Topic: |Response After Reading |

| |Early Humans | |

| |Mesopotamia means “between the rivers.” | |

| | | |

| |Most people in Mesopotamia made a living by trading. | |

| |The first Empire in Mesopotamia was created by the Babylonians. | |

| |The religions of Sumeria were Polytheistic. | |

| | | |

| |Skilled craftspeople were just below the priests in the social hierarchy. | |

| |The Sumerians created the world’s first written language called Stylus. | |

| |Sumerian rulers lived in palaces called ziggurats. | |

| | | |

| |The first written law in history was Hammurabi’s Code. It dealt entirely with | |

| |crime and punishment. | |

| |The Assyrians of Mesopotamia conquered parts of Asia Minor and Egypt to create | |

| |their empire. | |

| |The world’s first alphabet was created by the Phoenicians. | |

| |Phoenician traders sailed all the way to the Atlantic Ocean to set up trading | |

| |posts. | |

Visual Reading Guide

Directions: Use chapter 3 to complete the following guide.

|Step 1: |Step 2: |

|Identification |Analysis of the Graphic |

|Graphic |What is this graphic showing me? |Why is this graphic important to our topic? |

|Pg. 58-59 | | |

|Irrigation and Civilization | | |

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|Pg. 63 | | |

|Sargon’s Empire, c. 2330 BC | | |

|Pg. 64-65 | | |

|The City-State of Ur | | |

|Pg. 70-71 | | |

|Sumerian Achievement | | |

|Pg. 78-79 | | |

|Phoenicia, c. 800 BC | | |

Based on the graphics I studied, I think that the main idea of this section will be …




Directions: Use page 57 in the text to label the following: Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, Tigris River, Euphrates River, Syrian Desert and Nile River. Using page 63 place a dot on the map for the city-states of Babylon, Akkad and Byblos and label them. Go back to page 57 and lightly shade the Fertile Crescent using a green colored pencil. Add and label the dot and the color green to the Key.

|TOPIC/OBJECTIVE: ________________________________ |NAME: ____________________________ |

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Output: From farming to civilization

Directions: illustrate the process of creating a civilization in color.

Connections: ________________________________________________________________________





Output: Provide neat work (1) ___ Use your creativity to demonstrate what you have learned in the notes: use colorful illustrations with captions, charts, short paragraphs (2) ____ Include connections to self, world, text…., point of view (2) ____.

|TOPIC/OBJECTIVE: ________________________________ |NAME: ____________________________ |

|________________________________________________ |Block: ______ DATE:________________ |

|ESSENTIAL QUESTION: ____________________________________________________________________ |


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|TOPIC/OBJECTIVE: _The Rise of Sumer_____________ |NAME: ____________________________ |

|________________________________________________ |Block: ______ DATE:________________ |

|ESSENTIAL QUESTION: ____________________________________________________________________ |

|QUESTIONS: |An Advanced Society:____________________________________ |

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|__________________________ |The City-State of Sumer |

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|__________________________ |Rise of the Akkadian Empire |

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|TOPIC/OBJECTIVE: _Achievements__________________ |NAME: ____________________________ |

|________________________________________________ |Block: ______ DATE:________________ |

|ESSENTIAL QUESTION: ____________________________________________________________________ |

|QUESTIONS: |1. The invention of writing |

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Directions: Use note pages 11 and 13 to create a graphic showing the achievements of the Sumerians. Include writing, technical advances, math and science, architecture, and art.

Output: Provide neat work (1) ___ Use your creativity to demonstrate what you have learned in the notes: use colorful illustrations with captions, charts, short paragraphs (2) ____ Include connections to self, world, text…., point of view (2) ____.

|TOPIC/OBJECTIVE: _The Art of Sumer_____________ |NAME: ____________________________ |

|________________________________________________ |Block: ______ DATE:________________ |

|ESSENTIAL QUESTION: ____________________________________________________________________ |

|QUESTIONS: |The Art of Sumer:____________________________________ |

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|__________________________ |Architecture |

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|TOPIC/OBJECTIVE: _The Babylonians_________________ |NAME: ____________________________ |

|________________________________________________ |Block: ______ DATE:________________ |

|ESSENTIAL QUESTION: ____________________________________________________________________ |

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1. List the jobs that people had in Mesopotamia.

2. What did the people in Mesopotamia produce, grow or make?

3. Why was trade important for Mesopotamia?

4. How did traders transport their goods?

5. What are three places outside of Mesopotamia that were goods from Mesopotamia were sent to?


Directions: Read “Sumerian Social Order” and “Men and Women in Sumer” and then fill out the following social hierarchy diagram. Draw a color picture representing the group in each segment of the pyramid and write a description in its’ corresponding box.

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Gender roles in Sumeria


Religion in Mesopotamia

The Sumerians believed that the forces of nature (rain, wind, floods) were alive. The people couldn't control these forces of nature, so they worshipped them as gods. The people also believed that they were living on Earth only to please the gods. The universe was divided into three levels, the top level where the gods lived, earth below it, and the underworld where you went when you died.

The gods stuck people together in their social groups and were believed to have provided what they needed to survive. The Sumerians developed stories and festivals to explain and harness help for their physical environment. New year was extremely important for Sumerians because on that day they believed the gods decided what would happen to mankind for the coming year.

The Sumerians had hundreds, perhaps thousands of gods, both male and female. The most important gods included Anu, the ruler of the gods; Enki, the god of earth; and Enlil, the god of the air, who separated heaven and earth. Enlil it was also who gave the Sumerians their knowledge of farming.

Each Sumerian city also had its own god. The focus of the city was the ziggurat, a large temple that was the home of that city's god. The priests who worked in the ziggurats were the only ones who knew the will of the gods, so they were very powerful. For example, the city's god owned the land, but the priests made decisions of how to run that land. Each profession was also connected to different gods who looked after those workers. The Mesopotamians worshipped images of their gods, which it was believed actually held the essence or personality of the god that they represented.

The ancient Mesopotamians believed in an afterlife that was a land below our world. This land was known by a Sumerian word that meant "Great Below". It was believed everyone went to the “Great Below” after death no matter where they were in Mesopotamian social structure or the actions performed during life.

In parts of Mesopotamian religion, magic was believed in and actively practiced. At the city of Uruk, archaeologists have excavated houses dating from the 5th and 4th centuries BCE in which cuneiform clay tablets have been unearthed containing magical incantations.[23]

Sources: , , ,

Religion in Mesopotamia

Directions: Use the Religion in Mesopotamia sheet to complete the following items:

1. Type of religion (circle one)

a. Monotheism b. Polytheism

2. What did the god/gods do? How did they relate with people?

3. What holiday/s were most important to the Sumerians?

4. Who were the leaders of the religion and what was their role in the religion?

5. Where and how did the people worship or practice their religion?

6. What was the afterlife?

7. Describe the following:

a. Anu:

b. Enki:

c. Enlil:

Self Evaluation

Directions: Read each item. Evaluate your effort on each of the elements below using a scale of 1-5, 1 being almost no effort and 5 being all the effort that was required to do excellent work. To get your total score, add all of the individual scores.

|Pg. |Item |My Effort (1-5) |Teacher’s score |

|1 |Cover Page: & Self Evaluation (5 pts) | | |

|2 |Essential Question and Standards (10 pts) | | |

|3 |Anticipation Guide (5 pts) | | |

|4 |Visual Reading Guide (5pts) | | |

|5 |Map (5 pts) | | |

|6 |Notes 1 (5 pts) | | |

|7 |Output 1 (5 pts) | | |

|8 |Notes 2 (5 pts) | | |

|9 |Notes 3 (5 pts) | | |

|10 |Notes 4 (5 pts) | | |

|11 |Output 2 (5 pts) | | |

|12 |Notes 5 (5 pts) | | |

|13 |Notes 6 (5 pts) | | |

|14 |Economy (5pts) | | |

|15 |Social Structure (10 pts) | | |

|16-17 |Religion Annotation and Questions (15pts) | | / |

| |Total: | | / |


SWBAT: Analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the early civilizations of Mesopotamia.




During the Neolithic Revolution people in Mesopotamia learned to domesticate plant and animals creating agriculture and allowing people to live in permanent settlements.

Early settlements had to be near rivers so that there was enough water and good soil for farming. Flooding and droughts were major problems.

People dug canals, basins and built up the river banks to control the rivers and bring water to their crops. This was the world’s first system of irrigation

Irrigation allowed farmers to grow more food than ever before. This is known as a food surplus.

Food surpluses allowed some people to stop farming and concentrate on other jobs

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