Instructions for C.3.n. Reporting Table

Instructions for C.3.n. Reporting Tables 1 and 2

(Summary of Group 1 and 2 Projects)

Project Name, Number, Location, and Street Address – Include the following information:

Name of the project;

Number of the project (if applicable);

Location of the project with cross streets; and

Street address of the project (if available).

Name of Developer, Project Phase Number, Project Type, and Project Description – Include the following information:

Name of the developer;

Project phase name and/or number (only if the project is being developed in phases);

Type of development (i.e., new and/or redevelopment);

Type of units to be constructed (e.g., 5-story office building, retail and residential development (apartments), industrial warehouse, single-family homes and condominiums);

Number of units (e.g., 160 single-family homes with five 4-story buildings to contain 200 condominiums, 100 unit 2-story shopping mall)

Project Watershed – State the name of the watershed that runoff from the project will flow to and include water bodies that the initial watershed is tributary to.

Site Acreage – State the total site area or square footage of land disturbance, in acres or square feet.

New or Replaced Impervious Surface – State the area of new or replaced impervious surface created, in acres or square feet.

Status of Project - State the stage of development of the project (e.g., conceptual only, development review, plan review) and include the following dates:

Project application submittal date. If a project is still in the development review stage, we recommend that it be included in the table with an estimate of when the application will be submitted (month and year);

Project application “deemed complete” date is the date that the Discharger/municipality’s Planning Department has enough information in sufficient detail to adequately review the project’s specifications, calculations, source control measures, site design measures, and sizing criteria used for the proposed post-construction treatment BMPs.

Project application approval (by Planning Department) date. If project is in plan review stage, estimate when application will be approved (month and year); and

Scheduled or actual completion date (month and year).

Source Control Measures BMPs – List all source control measures that have been or will be included in the project.

Site Design Measures BMPs – List all site design measures that have been or will be included in the project.

Post-Construction Treatment BMPs Onsite - List all the post-construction treatment BMPs (treatment control measures) designed for installation or installed at the site.

Operation and Maintenance Responsibility Mechanism – List the legal mechanism(s) that have been or will be used to assign responsibility for the maintenance of the post-construction treatment BMPs.

Hydraulic Sizing Criteria Used – List the hydraulic sizing criteria used for the project.

Alternative Compliance

Basis of Impracticability – If onsite post-construction treatment BMPs are found to be impracticable, state the basis of impracticability.

Alternative Compliance Measures – Alternative Compliance Measures are provisions to treat offsite an equivalent surface area, pollutant loading or quantity of stormwater runoff, or to provide other equivalent water quality benefit, such as stream restoration or other activities that limit or mitigate impacts from excessive erosion or sedimentation. The offsite location of this equivalent stormwater treatment or water quality benefit shall be within the same stormwater runoff drainage basin and treating runoff discharging to the same receiving water, where feasible. The discussion under this column will vary depending upon the type of alternative compliance provided:

Alternative Compliance Offsite: Name and location of project where offsite alternative compliance will be provided. On a separate page, give a narrative description of the alternative compliance project that will be funded by the project proponent in lieu of installing treatment BMPs onsite. Include the location of the alternative site, the post-construction treatment BMPs installed at the alternative site, and the project’s dollar amount contribution to the alternative site.

Alternative Compliance with Regional Project: If the project proponent participates in a Regional Project, on a separate page, give a narrative discussion of the Regional Project, including its goals, duration, total estimated Regional Project cost, and the dollar amount of contribution from the project and how it was calculated.

No Alternative Compliance: State the reason(s) why alternative compliance measures were not required. If the reason is because onsite treatment BMPs will be installed, put n/a (not applicable) for the entry.

HMP – Give a brief description of any Hydromodification Plan controls included in project. [HMP discussion not mandatory for Table 2.]

Pesticide Reduction Measures Included in Project – List the measures included in the project design/construction to reduce the need to use pesticides.


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