Name: Civil Rights Gallery Walk Handout Event 1 ...

Name:______________________________________ Civil Rights Gallery Walk Handout Event 1: Montgomery Bus Boycott Photo Questions: ? Where are the African American passengers sitting? Where are the white passengers sitting? ? Why do you think seating on the bus is divided this way? ? What might happen if more white passengers board the bus? ? How might these passengers feel about segregated seating? ? What does this photograph reveal about liberty, equality, and opportunity for African Americans during this time period?

Event 2: School Desegregation ? What is the young black woman in the foreground doing? What might she be thinking and

feeling? ? What are the white people behind her doing? What might they be saying and thinking? ? Why might the crowd be so hostile toward the young woman? ? What might the outcome of this scene be? ? What does this photograph reveal about liberty, equality, and opportunity for African

Americans during this time period?

Event 3: Sit-Ins and Freedom Rides ? Who is sitting at the counter? Why do you think they aren't eating? ? Why do you think these people are holding a sit-in at the lunch counter? ? How are others reacting to the protesters holding the sit-in? ? Do you think a sit-in is an effective protest strategy against segregation? Why or why not? ? What does this photograph reveal about how civil rights activists worked to advance the

ideals of liberty, equality, and opportunity for African Americans?

Event 4: Birmingham, Alabama (1963)


? What has happened to these people? Why do you think they are at a jail? ? What role do you think music played in situations like this one? ? What does the photograph reveal about how civil rights activists worked to advance the

ideals of liberty, equality, and opportunity for African Americans?

Event 5: Achieving Landmark Civil Rights Legislation

? What do you see? ? What are these people asking for? ? Where are these people? ? Why might they have chosen the nation's capital for the site of their demonstration? ? What effect might a demonstration this large have on the federal government? On public

opinion? ? What does the photograph reveal about how civil rights activists worked to advance the

ideals of liberty, equality, and opportunity for African Americans?

Event 6: Regaining Voting Rights

? What do you see? ? Why might so many people be lined up outside? ? Why might so many people be willing to wait to vote? ? What might they be thinking and feeling? ? What does this photograph reveal about the movement to advance the ideals of liberty, equality, and opportunity for African Americans at this time?


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