Retrofit Reference List - ABB

Retrofit 12/36 KV

ABB Arab Retrofit Reference List

1985 - 2002

Retrofit 12/36 KV – From 1985-2002

| | | | |

|Type of New C.Bs |Type of Old C.Bs |Client |Country |

| | | | |

|SF6 C.Bs Type HA |BBC-SBC Min.Oil C.Bs / Switzerland |Cairo E.D.Co. |Egypt |

| | | | |

|SF6 C.Bs |Oil C.Bs / |Ministry of Irrigation |Egypt |

| |Hungrier | | |

| | | | |

|SF6 C.Bs Type HA |Rada Concar Oil C.B / Yugoslav |Canal E.D.Co. |Egypt |

| | | | |

|SF6 C.Bs Type HA |BBC-SBS Oil C.Bs / Switzerland |Cairo Water General Authority |Egypt |

| | | | |

|SF6 C.Bs Type HA |BBC-SBS Oil C.Bs / Switzerland |Nile co. for soap & Lubricants |Egypt |

| | | | |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 |R-M Oil C.Bs / |Iron & Steel – El Baraka |Egypt |

| |Italian | | |

| | | | |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 |BBC-SBS C.Bs Min.oil/ Switzerland |North Upper Egypt E.D.Co |Egypt |

| | | | |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 |Rada concar C.Bs / Yugoslav |Middle Egypt E.D.Co |Egypt |

| | | | |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 |Energo invest C.Bs / |Middle Egypt E.D.Co |Egypt |

| |Yugoslav | | |

| | | | |

|SF6 C.Bs Type HD4 on Truck |Rada Concar H Break C.Bs / Yugoslav |Canal E.D.Co |Egypt |

| | | | |

|Type of New C.Bs |Type of Old C.Bs |Client |Country |

| | | | |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 |Rada Concar C.Bs / Yugoslav |South Delta E.D.Co |Egypt |

| | | | |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 |Poland |South Delta E.D.Co |Egypt |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 |Energo invest C.Bs / Yugoslav |South Delta E.D.Co |Egypt |

| | | | |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 |Rada Concar C.Bs / Yugoslav |North Delta E.D.Co |Egypt |

| | | | |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 |Poland |North Delta E.D.Co |Egypt |

| | | |Egypt |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 |Energo invest C.Bs / Yugoslav |North Delta E.D.Co | |

| | | |Egypt |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 on Truck |Poland |North Delta E.D.Co | |

| | | | |

|SF6 C.Bs Type HD4 |SBS - BBC C.Bs / Switzerland |Upper Egypt E.D.Co |Egypt |

| | | | |

|SF6 C.Bs Type HD4 |Energo Invest C.Bs / Yugoslav |Upper Egypt E.D.Co |Egypt |

| | | | |

|SF6 C.Bs Type H.B |BBC Air C.Bs / Switzerland |Upper Egypt E.D.Co |Egypt |

| | | | |

|Type of New C.Bs |Type of Old C.Bs |Client |Country |

| | | | |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 |Rada Concar C.Bs / Yugoslav |Upper Egypt E.D.Co |Egypt |

| | | | |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 |Czech Republic |Upper Egypt E.D.Co |Egypt |

| | | | |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 |Energo Invest C.Bs / Yugoslav |Upper Egypt E.D.Co |Egypt |

| | | | |

|SF6 C.Bs Type HD4 |Rada Concar C.Bs / Yugoslav |El Beheira E.D.Co |Egypt |

| | | | |

|SF6 C.Bs Type HD4 |R-M Oil C.Bs / |El Beheira E.D.Co |Egypt |

| |Italy | | |

| | | | |

|SF6 C.Bs Type HD4 |Calor Emag Oil C.Bs / Germany |El Beheira E.D.Co |Egypt |

| | | | |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 |SBS - BBC C.Bs / Switzerland |Ministry of water resources & irrigation – Cairo |Egypt |

| | |(Authority of Mechanics & Electricity) | |

| | | | |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 |Rada Concar C.Bs / Yugoslav |Ministry of water resources & irrigation – Cairo |Egypt |

| | |(Authority of Mechanics & Electricity) | |

| | | | |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 |Poland |Ministry of water resources & irrigation – Cairo |Egypt |

| | |(Authority of Mechanics & Electricity) | |

| | | | |

|Type of New C.Bs |Type of Old C.Bs |Client |Country |

| | | | |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 |Nova Magrini C.Bs / |Ministry of water resources & irrigation – Cairo |Egypt |

| |Italy |(Authority of Mechanics & Electricity) | |

| | | | |

|SF6 C.Bs Type HD4 |Hungarian |Ministry of water resources & irrigation – Cairo |Egypt |

| | |(Authority of Mechanics & Electricity) | |

| | | | |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 |Calor Emag C.Bs / Germany |Ministry of water resources & irrigation – Cairo |Egypt |

| | |(Authority of Mechanics & Electricity) | |

| | | | |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 |Nova Magrini C.Bs / |Pipe Line Co. |Egypt |

| |Italy | | |

| | | | |

|SF6 C.Bs Type HD4 |Russian |ABB Automation |Egypt |

| | | | |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 on Truck |Belgium |ABB Automation |Egypt |

| | | | |

|SF6 36 KV C.Bs Type HB |SBS - BBC C.Bs / Switzerland |Sugar Company |Egypt |

| | |1- Deshna Factory | |

| |Energo Invest C.Bs / Yugoslav |2- Kous Factory | |

| | |3- Nagaa Hamady | |

| | | | |

|SF6 36 KV C.Bs Type HB |Fixed C.Bs |Authority of Mechanics & Electricity |Egypt |

| | |El Bayara Satation | |

| | |Komombo Station | |

| | |El selsela Station | |

| | |Nagaa Hamady Station | |

| | | | |

|SF6 36 KV C.Bs Type HB |Siemens C.Bs/ |Misr Company for Ferocelicon |Egypt |

| |Germany | | |

| | | | |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 on Truck |SBS - BBC C.Bs / Switzerland |ABB Saudi Arabia |Saudi Arabia |

| | | | |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 on Truck |Calor Emag C.Bs / Germany |ABB Saudi Arabia |Saudi Arabia |

| | | | |

|SF6 C.Bs Type HD4 |Nova Magrini C.Bs / |General Authority for Electricity |Yemen |

| |Italy | | |

| | | | |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 |Concord C.Bs / Germany |General Authority for Electricity |Yemen |

| | | | |

|Type of New C.Bs |Type of Old C.Bs |Client |Country |

| | | | |

|SF6 C.Bs Type HB |Nova Magrini C.Bs / |General Authority for Electricity |Yemen |

| |Italy | | |

| | | | |

|SF6 36 KV C.Bs Type HB |SBS-BBC Oil C.Bs / |G. Authority for Electricity |Yemen |

| |Switzerland |1- Shinaz Station | |

| | | | |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 |Calor Emag C.Bs / Germany |Oman Cement Co. |Oman |

| | | | |

|SF6 C.Bs Type HB |Hitachi / |Oman Electricity & Water Authority |Oman |

| |Japan | | |

| | | | |

|SF6 36 KV C.Bs Type HB |SBS-BBC Oil C.Bs / |Oman Electricity & Water Authority |Oman |

| |Switzerland | | |

| | | | |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 |Calor Emag OD3 / Germany |Oman Electricity & Water Authority |Oman |

| | | | |

|SF6 C.Bs Type HB |Fuji C.Bs / |Jordan Cement Co. |Jordan |

| |Japan | | |

| | | | |

|SF6 C.Bs Type HB |Nova Magrini C.Bs / |ABB Finland |Finland |

| |Italy | | |

| | | | |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 on Truck |Calor Emag OD3/ Germany |Gamma Group |Iraq |

| | | | |

|Vacuum C.Bs Type VD4 on Truck |SBS - BBC C.Bs / Switzerland |Gamma Group |Iraq |

Total number of retrofitted C.Bs = 3500 C.Bs


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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