Autumn Kleinert IRIS English Languade Learners Assessment ? Compare and contrast BICS and CALP. Name one point that you think teachers should know about second language acquisition. BICS is more social language for the student where as CALP is the academic language learned. What I believe teachers should know about second language acquisition is that most of what your students are going to be exposed to is in fact social language. They are constantly surrounded by their peers and they are most influenced by this language day in and day out. What I would suggest is that a teacher embraces this type of language and compares and contrasts the two within the classroom. ? Think about a lesson that you might teach. Briefly describe it and at least four types of sheltered instructional supports you might provide for your ELL students. In a specific lesson I would teach my students about the importance of nutrition and what that looks like in our day to day lives. It would be an informative lesson where I would educate them on a balanced lifestyle and healthy eating habits. In this lesson I would hold up specific items and say the vocabulary words in both English and Spanish (or whichever language is predominate in my classroom). If there are students struggling with the vocabulary I could pair them with other students who maybe are stronger in the language, allowing the students to see instructional videos in other languages, and lastly, I would label items around the classroom for the unit in English for them to recognize the vocabulary words with the item. ? Watch the video below to see a second-grade teacher introduce the properties of matter Identify four contextual supports that the teachers used to help her ELL students better understand the lesson.?She used props to teach the students which vocabulary words corresponded to the items she was holding, she had the students repeat her when she held up items, she was theatrical when describing items to her students, and lastly she brought out a variety of items that the students may have never seen before. Identify four contextual supports the teacher can change or add to improve her lesson.?In terms of improving this lesson I believe she should not simply talk to the students but also allow them to interact with her, the students could get up out of their seats and hold up items while repeating to her what they were. The students could work in pairs of groups to share ideas and work to increase their vocabulary. A project could also help them to work independently while asking for assistance by the teacher, and lastly more visuals by comparing the languages would really help with confusion for the students. ? List at least three things teachers can do when assessing ELL students to allow them to more fully demonstrate their knowledge.By allowing the students to demonstrate their knowledge by not using verbal assessments such as drawing opposed to solely speaking. Giving a ruler to a student then a yard stick on the test will help them to make connections when they are faced with a problem. Lastly, asking the students to show a specific action using physical actions such as “What is leaping?” Then the students would need to physically jump in response. ................

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