World War II Foldable

World War II Foldable

100 pt individual grade

Create a foldable to portray the information you gained on your World War II unit. Follow these steps to help you create your group foldable:

|(FRONT) | |

|Causes of WWII | |

| |D |

|M |A |

|I |N |

|N |C |

|T |E |



Explain each part, do not just list them.

| |(inside) | |


| | | |

|Not only list the countries |-Major events |Not only list the countries but |

|but also leader and |- Timeline |also leader and information about |

|information about each |-visuals |each country. |

|country. | | |

|(back) |

|End of WWII: |

|(soviets, D-Day, atomic bomb) |

| |

|Significance of WWII: |

| |

| |

|Cold War |


a. Plan where information will go to make the most sense for viewers

b. How will you convey the information both visually and textually?

c. Make the most of your space!

d. Pictures: Needs to find visual representations of textual material (maps, weapons, conditions, etc). Must have at least 2 visuals per topic, must be visible but not oversized.

e. Graphic Organizer: Can be used within to organize your information (textbook has great examples!)

f. Physical Creation of Foldable: Foldable should be neatly folded, clean, easy to read.


a. Your individual effort towards the final product will reflect on your grade!!! Carry your own weight!

| |

|Making A Poster : World War II Foldable |

|[pic] |

|Teacher Name: Mrs. Herman  |

| |

| |

|Student Name:     ________________________________________ |

| |

|CATEGORY |20 |15 |10 |5 |

|Labels |All items of importance on the |Almost all items of importance |Several items of importance on |Labels are too small to view OR no|

| |poster are clearly labeled with|on the poster are clearly |the poster are clearly labeled |important items were labeled. |

| |labels that can be read from at|labeled with labels that can be|with labels that can be read | |

| |least 3 ft. away. |read from at least 3 ft. away. |from at least 3 ft. away. | |

|Attractiveness |The poster is exceptionally |The poster is attractive in |The poster is acceptably |The poster is distractingly messy |

| |attractive in terms of design, |terms of design, layout and |attractive though it may be a |or very poorly designed. It is not|

| |layout, and neatness. |neatness. |bit messy. |attractive. |

|Graphics - Originality |Several of the graphics used on|One or two of the graphics used|The graphics are made by the |No graphics made by the student |

| |the poster reflect a |on the poster reflect student |student, but are based on the |are included. |

| |exceptional degree of student |creativity in their creation |designs or ideas of others. | |

| |creativity in their creation |and/or display. | | |

| |and/or display. | | | |

|Use of Class Time |Used time well during each |Used time well during each |Used some of the time well |Did not use class time to focus on|

| |class period. Focused on |class period. Usually focused |during each class period. There|the project OR often distracted |

| |getting the project done. Never|on getting the project done and|was some focus on getting the |others. |

| |distracted others. |never distracted others. |project done but occasionally | |

| | | |distracted others. | |


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