(Lesson Title)

Basic Human Rights in Canada

| | Method: |

|CLB Level: 2 |This lesson focuses on basic human rights in Canada. Begin class by asking students what are |

| |human rights. Listen for responses. Write a simple definition of human rights on the board – |

|Essential Skills Focus: |things I can do in Canada. Emphasize to students that Canada is a very good country for human |

|Continuous Learning |rights. Students should know that some countries are not good for human rights, perhaps a |

|Thinking Skills |country they came from. |

| | |

|Task: Read about and become more familiar |Provide students with a simple/modified list of 12 human rights in Canada (see attached). Read |

|with some of the basic human rights in |the list of human rights together with the class. Take a little time talking about each one. |

|Canada |Also, have students talk about what they think each human right means. |

| | |

|Purpose: Students will |After discussing the 12 human rights, provide students with a matching exercise (see attached). |

|Read a list of the 12 basic human rights in |Students are to write the specific human right beside the image that best represents the human |

|Canada |right. Circulate and assist students as they work. |

|Match the human rights with images | |

|Read various scenarios and match them with a|Correct and review the exercise on the overhead. Have individual students come up and write the |

|human right |human right beside the corresponding image. Review if necessary. |

| | |

|Materials: |Follow Up: |

|List of 12 basic human rights (attached), |As possible homework, provide students with a human rights scenario page (see attached). Tell |

|Matching exercise (attached), Human Rights |students that they are to read the various scenarios and write the correct human right beside |

|scenarios page (attached) |them. |

| | |

|Learning Style: |Debrief/Transfer: |

|Auditory |Ask students what Essential Skills they have learned today. Emphasize the importance of |

|Visual |continuous learning in society. Emphasize to students the importance of human rights in Canada |

| |and how they make Canada a good country to live in, go to school in and work in. Make sure |

|Time: 60 minutes |students understand that human rights must be followed in all aspects of Canadian life – |

| |including the workplace. |

List of 12 Human Rights in Canada

These are 12 things I can do in Canada

1. I have the right to vote

2. I have the right to have a family

3. I have the right to freedom

4. I have the right to health care

5. I have freedom of thought

6. I have the right to shelter

7. I have the right to an education

8. I have the right to get married

9. I have the right to practice my religion

10. I have the freedom to move anywhere I want to

11. I have freedom of speech

12. I have the right to food and water

Human Rights in Canada – Matching Pictures

What is the Human Right?

1. I don’t want to live in Winnipeg anymore. The city is too small. I want to live in a larger city like Toronto.

Human Right:

2. I am Muslim. I want to go to the mosque every Sunday and celebrate holidays like Eid and Ramadan.

Human Right:

3. I want my five-year-old daughter to learn how to read. Reading is very important.

Human Right:

4. I want to take my son to the doctor next week. It is important that he has his annual check-up.

Human Right:

5. I want to decide who will become the next prime minister of Canada. I wasn’t allowed to vote in my country.

Human Right:


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