Media – Lecture Outline

Media & Pop Culture– Lecture Outline

Lecture &Key Group Discussion Points:

Contradictory images of black youth-- in news (negative) vs. in Entertainment (more positive), where lots of black youth culture and music and styles very popular. (Watkins rdg. 11)

2 competing views of media and pop culture and African Americans-- as means for domination containment of African Americans or as cites of Resistance by African Americans. (Watkins rdg. 11)

Very difficult socio-economic / structural conditions of low-income & very poor African Americans –deindustrialization and much hardship, poverty, unemployment, drugs, war on drugs, etc. in many areas. This is broader social context out of which much Black pop culture has emerged & responded to, and then become very popular throughout US, across many different groups. (Watkins rdg. 11, Muhammad rdg. 12)

Portrayal of Black women in rap and hip hop music videos – Again importance of socio-Economic conditions of recent decades (deindustrialization, etc.) as rfmo where the music emerged. Images of beauty portrayed – very sexist… But women also resist and have own raps and videos that talk back, or use sexuality as means to advance and be empowered. Toll of this on black women is high (Muhammad rdg. 12)

Latinas facing two conflicting beauty standards—used to be only one, white standard, that was largely impossible for Latinas to achieve. Now with risse of Latina media celebrities, there is a more Latina standard of beauty that is more achievable. However, both standards are problematic and unrealistic. (Molinary, rdg. 13)

Example of Oscar winner Lupita Nyong’o, on difficulties for Black Women to meet Hollywood (white) beauty standards.

Example—Barbie changing – more shapes and sizes as well as mmore racial and ethnic appearances. Much more diversity… (finally!). How might this affect girls in future?

Problems of Native American sports mascots & stereotypes Vs. how do Native Americans view this issue (Springwood and King, rdg. 14 in H&A)

Problems of racial and ethnic costumes for Halloween –unconscious promotion of stereotypes, etc. (Mueller et al. 15 in H&A)

White Privilege—What it is in general and specific examples of it (McIntosh web rdg.).

In case of this topic, whites do not have to deal with same negatives in pop culture and media that minority groups do…such as those above.

Example – Role reversal – Latino directors telling wjhite actors to act “whiter” …

See also: Group discussion Questions / issues to consider, as it is list of many of key issues in readings—many covered in class, but not all..


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