MEDICAL EMERGENCIES TEST (breathing problems, choking, …


(Breathing Problems, Choking, Allergic Reactions, Heart Attack, Fainting, Diabetes, Stroke, Seizures, Shock)

NAME __________________________________________ Grade Section ________


1. and 2. Breathing problems can be caused by 4 types of situations. For example,

1) infections, or 2) injuries to the head, neck, or chest. What are the

other two situations.

__________________________ _______________________

3. What is the proper term for a severe allergic reaction which can occur within minutes or seconds and can cause death if not treated? (SPELLING COUNTS)


4. 5. 6. and 7. Allergens can enter the body in four different ways. Name each method an allergen can enter the body and an EXAMPLE of each.

Method ______________________ Example ___________________

Method ______________________ Example ___________________

Method ______________________ Example ___________________

Method ______________________ Example ___________________

8. The name of a drug which helps open air passages and make breathing easier is called.


_____ 9. Narrowing or blockage of an artery around the heart is called…

A – Stroke B – Heart Attack C – Epilepsy D – Fainting

_____ 10. If the victim’s heart stops the victim is now in ….

A – Heart Attack B – Ventricular Fibrillation C – Cardiac Arrest

11. 12. 13. 14. and 15. Give FIVE signs or symptoms of a heart attack. (NUMBER THEM)

1 - 2 –

3 - 4 - 5 -

_____ 16. If the victim is showing signs of a heart attack you should have them sit quietly

and… A –start CPR B – get the AED C – call 911 D – check their pulse

_____ 17. When an individual has decreased blood flow to the brain in which the victim

stops responding for less than a minute, they are experiencing a …

A- stroke B – fainting spell C – low blood sugar D – shock

18. What is the definition of diabetes …


19. Give ONE reason that would cause low blood sugar ...


20. and 21. Give TWO signs of an individual who is experiencing low blood sugar.

______________________________ _____________________________

22. Stroke occurs when blood stops flowing to a part of the _______________ .

23. 24. and 25. Give the THREE MAJOR signs or symptoms of a stroke.

1) _______________________ 2) _____________________ 3) _________________

_____ 26. Uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain is called a (an)…

A – convulsion B – seizure C – electrical overload D – hyperactivity

27. What is the name of a medical condition that might cause a seizure? _____________

28. How does shock occur? _________________________________________________

29. 30. and 31. Give at least THREE signs or symptoms of shock. (NUMBER THEM)

32. 33. 34. and 35. List the FOUR things you should do for a victim in shock.

1) Call ____________ .


3) Keep the victim _______________ .

4) Raise the victim’s __________________ about 12 inches.


PAGE 3 NUMBERS 36 through 44 are either TRUE or FALSE

____ 36. If an adult is eating and suddenly coughs and cannot breathe, talk, or make any sounds, you should ask if they are choking. If he/she nods yes, tell he/she you are going to help and give abdominal thrusts.

_____ 37. When giving abdominal thrusts to an adult who is choking, you should put your thumb side of your fist slightly above the navel and well below the breastbone.

Then give inward and upward thrusts.

_____ 38. Signs of a severe allergic reaction include trouble breathing, swelling of the tongue and face, and fainting.

_____ 39. If a victim with low blood sugar is responding and can sit up and swallow, you should give the victim something (orange juice) that contains sugar to eat or drink.

_____ 40. If a victim is having a seizure, you should not put anything in their mouth.

_____ 41. When a victim is having a seizure, you should try to hold them down to protect the victim from injury.

_____ 42. If a victim is in shock, you should call 911, lie them down, keep them warm, and raise their head about 12 inches to increase blood flow to the heart.

_____ 43. Many people with an uncomfortable feeling in the chest will not admit that it may be caused by a heart attack and deny that they could be having a heart attack.

_____ 44. Since a stroke does not affect the heart, CPR may not be needed.

45. The proper term for a type of allergic reaction that may cause itching of the skin, red rash, stuffy nose, sneezing or watery eyes is called… (SPELLING COUNTS)


46. Give ONE example of what to give a victim for low blood sugar. ________________

47. Give ONE example of what to put into a seizure victim’s mouth so they do not bite their tongue. ______________________________________________

48. Name the hormone that helps the glucose get into your cells, which is produced in the pancreas. _______________________________

49. and 50. You are playing with a friend at a local park in the summertime. Your friend is stung by a bee. He/she says “I am allergic to bee stings”. He/she does have a medical kit with them that contains an epi pen but he/she is unable to help them self at all. What IMMEDIATE actions should you take? Describe your ACTIONS. BE SPECIFIC.


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