To build your site you need to understand the WordPress

WORDPRESS WEBSITE MADE SIMPLEBEGINNER'S GUIDE FOR WORDPRESS has a good WordPress website development guide.Ultimate Guide: How to Make a Website in 2020 – Step by Step Guide (Free)Last updated on?January 2nd, 2020?by?Editorial StaffI have customized their “Ultimate Guide: How to Make a Website in 2020” into a Step by Step Guide to Make an SIR Website.INTRODUCTIONWordPress, like with a house, is the foundation of your website and provides the structure for you to build upon. Like a house, your website also requires structure upon the foundation. Your theme provides the look or view of the site. It provides the options to customize each area including:? Colors?- Specify all colors used on site - both text and background colors.? Spacing, Widths, Alignment?- Set margins, padding, spacing, heights, widths, and alignment.? Style?- Set borders, shadows, rounded corners, list bullet style, icons.? Typography?- Set font family, font size, bold, italic, default base font information.? Visibility?- Show or hide various elements - usually by device (phone, tablet, desktop).? Layout?- Specify element layout - sidebars, etc.? Images?- Set borders, placement, Featured Images, Header Images, Background Images.There are a lot of options but do not become overwhelmed. For your simple site, most are not of concern.Pages are the rooms of your site that you customize and they include:? Header Area?- the header area is displayed at the top of the site, and includes the site title and tagline, the primary and secondary menus, the site header image, and a header widget area.? Menus?- there are a Primary and Secondary menu available in the Header Area.? Content?- the content area displays page and post content.? Footer Area?- the footer area at the bottom of the site. This includes a widget area and menu.Blocks are the framework that you use to structure each page. Blocks are used to place content in the rooms of your house like where you want the sink, calendar, table or couch. The WordPress editor is called a Block Editor and a link to a tutorial on its use is provided later. Blocks are content elements that you add to the edit screen to create content layouts. Each item you add to your post or page is a block.Widgets are blocks of content you can add to your site’s sidebars, footers, header and content areas. Widgets add features and functions and can add paragraph, images, videos, galleries, audio, lists, and more. You can also add blocks within blocks and within columns. There are blocks for all common content elements and more can be added by?WordPress plugins. Plugins are optional programs designed to perform specific functions or add new features.Media is the library or file of the images, video, or files that you upload and use in your site. These files can be directly uploaded from your source files.GETTING STARTEDHere is an overview from start to finish of all the steps we’ll walk you through in this guide.How to install WordPressInstalling a template to change your site’s designCreating pages in WordPressCustomizing WordPress with addons and extensionsMastering WordPress and the Block EditorResources to learn WordPress and get supportThis is a step by step tutorial on how to make a website. We have divided it into different steps, and we’ll walk you through everything from start to finish. Just follow along the instructions, and you’ll have a very professional looking website in the end.Step 1. will be your website platform. Send an email to admin@ and request a domain for your WordPress branch website.Step 2. Install WordPressThe SIRINC webmaster will create a WordPress site and send you the details including URL, Admin URL, and passwords.You can now head over to the WordPress login page. Your login URL will look like this: can login to your WordPress site using the admin username and password you received from SIRINC.Step 3. Select Your ThemeThe visual appearance of your WordPress site is controlled by a WordPress theme.WordPress themes are professionally designed templates that you can install on your website to change its appearance and there are thousands of?free and paid WordPress themes?that you can install. Selecting a theme is confusing and you can pick any you want but SIR is recommending Weaver Xtreme.You can change your theme from the WordPress admin dashboard on the left side of your screen. Visit?Appearance ? Themes?page, enter Weaver Xtreme in the “Search Themes” box and then click on the ‘Add New’ button.WordPress will show you the theme in search results. You will need to take your mouse over to the theme and then click on the Install button.Once you have installed your theme, you can customize it by clicking on the Customize link under the Appearance menu. This will launch the theme customizer where you will be able to change your theme settings with live preview of your website.You don’t need to finalize all theme settings right away. You will be able to customize it much better once you have some content on your website. To understand Weaver Xtreme go to the Weaver Xtreme Guide.Let’s see how to add content to your WordPress site. Step 4. Add Content to Your SiteFirst you need to understand what you want your Website to do and design a presentation strategy.Do you want to present changing information like normally presented in a News Letter or Blog?Do you want to attract new members? Present what SIR is and what they do.Do you want to provide Members information or processes?Do you want to provide SIR Management Information and Tools?Do you want to do all or some combination of the above?WordPress comes with two default content types called?posts and pages. Posts are part of a blog and appear in reverse-chronological order (newer items displayed first).On the other hand, pages are meant to be static “one-off” type content such as your About page, Contact page, Privacy policy, etc.By default, WordPress shows your blog posts on the front page of your website. You can change that, and make WordPress show any page as the front-page of your website (we’ll show you how to do that later in this guide).You can create a?separate page for your blog?or news section. In fact, you can create a website without any blog section at all.Having said that, let’s add some content to your website.You’ll start by adding a few pages to your WordPress site. Don’t worry if you don’t have enough content for these pages at the moment. You can always edit and update them.Head over to?Pages ? Add New?page in WordPress admin area. This will bring you to the page editor screen, which looks like this:First you need to provide a title for your page, let’s call this page ‘Home’.After that you can add content in the text editor below. You can add text, links, images,?embed videos, audio, etc.After adding content to your page, you can click on the publish button to make it live on your website.You can repeat the process by adding more pages for different sections of your website. For example, an About page, What We Do, Resources and Tools, How to Join, Calendar, Officers, Roster, etc.For more detailed instructions on how to utilize all these options on post and page edit screens, please see our guide on?how to add a new post in WordPress.Step 5. Customizing and Tweaking Your WebsiteNow that you have created some content on your website, you will be able to customize and put it all in a nice presentable shape on your website.Let’s start by setting up a static front Page.Setting up a Static Front PageYou need to visit the?Settings ? Reading?page in your WordPress admin area. Under the ‘Front page displays’ option click on the static front page and then select ‘Pages’ you created earlier for your home and blog pages.Don’t forget to click on the ‘Save Changes’ button at the bottom of the page to store your changes.WordPress will now use the page titled ‘Home’ as your site’s front page and ‘Blog’ page to display your blog posts if you choose to establish. Change Site Title and TaglineDuring the installation you get to choose your site’s title. WordPress automatically adds a tag line to your site title that says ‘Just another WordPress site’.You can change both your site’s title and tagline at any time by visiting?Settings ? General?page.Your site title will be the name of your website like WPBeginner. The tag line is usually a single line that describes your website. You can also leave the tag line field blank if you want.Don’t forget to click on the save changes button to store your settings.Set up Comments Settings (this is only necessary if you establish a Posts page.)WordPress comes with a built-in comment system allowing your users to leave comments on your posts. This is great for user engagement, but it is targeted by spammers as well.To deal with this, you’ll need to enable comment moderation on your website.Visit?Settings ? Discussions?page and scroll down to ‘Before a comment appears’ section. Check the box next to ‘Comment must be manually approved’ option.Don’t forget to click on the save changes button to store your settings.Create Navigation MenusNavigation menus allow your users to browse different pages or sections on your website. WordPress comes with a powerful navigation menu system, and your WordPress theme utilizes this system to display menus.Let’s add a navigation menu to your website.First, you need to visit?Appearance ? Menus?page. Enter a name for your navigation menu and click on the create menu button.WordPress will now create your navigation menu. But it will be empty at the moment.Next, you need to select the pages you want to display in your menu and then click on add to menu button.You will notice your selected pages filling the empty area of your navigation menu. You can move them up and down to rearrange their position in the menu.Now you need to select a display location. These locations are defined by your WordPress theme. Usually, most WordPress themes have a primary menu that appears on top.Finally, click on the save menu button to store your navigation menu.You can now visit your website to see the menu in action.For more detailed instructions see our beginner’s guide on?how to add navigation menu in WordPress.Step 6. Installing PluginsWordPress Plugins?are like apps for your WordPress site. They allow you to add features to your WordPress site. Think contact form, photo galleries, etc.There are currently more than 49,000 free plugins available for WordPress. There are also paid plugins sold by third-party websites and developers.With this many plugins, how do you find which plugins to install? We got you covered there as well, see our guide on how to?choose the best WordPress plugin.Here is our list of essential plugins that you should install on your site right away. All of them are free.FeaturesWPForms Lite?– Allows you to?add a contact form?to your WordPress site.Gallery Custom Links– Add gallery custom links functionality to gallery images in your WordPress siteSecurity HYPERLINK "" \o "Updraft Plus" \t "_blank" Updraft Plus?– Create automatic scheduled backups of your websiteHYPERLINK "" \o "Updraft Plus" \t "_blank"Easy Updates Manager?– Take control of updatesNeed help installing plugins? See our step by step guide on?how to install a WordPress plugin.Step 7. Mastering WordPressTo build your site you need to understand the WordPress Block Editor. After WordPress issue 5.0, WordPress changed from the Classic Editor to a Block Editor. The tutorial “How to use the New WordPress Block Editor” (Gutenberg Tutorial) will prepare you to construct and populate your pages.Step 8. Additional ResourcesWordPress is easy to use yet extremely powerful. From time to time, you may find yourself looking for some quick answers.The good news is that there is plenty of free WordPress help available. See our guide on?how to properly ask for WordPress support?and get it.WPBeginner itself is the largest WordPress resource site on the internet. You will find the following resources on WPBeginner (all of them are completely free). HYPERLINK "" \o "WordPress for Beginners Blog" WPBeginner Blog?– This is where we publish our WordPress tutorials, how tos, and step by step guides.WPBeginner Videos?– These step by step videos will help you learn WordPress FAST.WPBeginner on YouTube?– Need more video instructions? Subscribe to our YouTube channel with more than 52,000 subscribers and 7 Million+ views.WPBeginner Dictionary?– The best place for beginners to start and familiarize themselves with the WordPress lingo.WPBeginner Blueprint?– Check out plugins, tools, and services we use on WPBeginner.WPBeginner Deals?– Exclusive discounts on WordPress products and services for WPBeginner users.Here are few of our guides that you should bookmark right away. It will save you lots of time and money in the future.25 Most common WordPress errors and how to fix themBeginner’s guide to troubleshooting WordPress errorsHow to fix common image issues in WordPressThe ultimate WordPress security guide (step by step)Ultimate WordPress seo guide for beginners (step by step)Many of our users use Google to find answers on WPBeginner. Simply type keywords for what you are looking for and add at the end.Can’t find an answer? Send your question directly using our?contact form?and we will try our best to answer.Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).Do I need to know HTML / CSS to create and customize my website?No, you don’t need to know HTML / CSS to build a website with WordPress. You can use one of the many?drag & drop WordPress page builder plugins?to easily customize your websites.About the Editorial StaffEditorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi. Trusted by over 1.3 million readers worldwide.Customized for SIR website development by Ken Walling, Branch 54 Web Master. ................

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